MINNIE CONLEY, daughter of HENRY JACKSON CONLEY and TEMPY GULLETT, was born in January of 1885 in Kentucky. She married DANIEL SCHOFIELD LEMASTER, son of HENRY LEMASTER and ANN YOUNG, about 1914. He was born March 22, 1889 in Lawrence County, Kentucky, died January 22, 1961 in Waterville, Douglas County, Washington, and is buried in Cashmere Cemetery in Waterville, Douglas County, Washington.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 138 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
When Daniel Schofield Lemaster's World War I draft registration card was filled out on June 5, 1917 in Seattle, Washington, he stated that he was a gardener for the University of Washington in Seattle, that he was married, and that he was born March 22, 1889 in Lawrence County, Kentucky. He was found to be tall and slender, and he had blue eyes and brown hair.
According to the memorial program given out at Daniel S. Lemaster's funeral, he was born March 22, 1889 in Winifred [Johnson County], Kentucky, died January 22, 1961 in Waterville, Washington, and was buried in Cashmere Cemetery.
On page 34 of the 1900 census for District 75 (Georges Creek) in Lawrence County, Kentucky (dated June 22, 1900), Henry Lemaster is listed as the head of the household for house #285, he's a farmer, born in February of 1858 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 16 years, and he's 42 years old. Also listed are Anna (wife, born in October of 1865 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 9 children and 7 are still living, age 34), Lydia (daughter, born in May of 1886 in Kentucky, age 14), Daniel (son, born in March of 1889 in Kentucky, age 11), Sarah (daughter, born in August of 1891 in Kentucky, age 8), Robert (son, born in August of 1893 in Kentucky, age 6), Laura (daughter, born in January of 1897 in Kentucky, age 3), and Martha (daughter, born in November of 1899 in Kentucky, age 6 months).
On page 21 of the 1910 census for District 26 (Ashland) in Boyd County, Kentucky (dated April 22, 1910), Minnie Conley is found living as a boarder with a Hatfield family. General Hatfield is listed as the head of the household for house #206, he's a retail grocer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 14 years, and he's 31 years old. Also listed are Martha (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 4 children and all are still living, age 29), Burns (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Sadie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), Denver (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), Stanley (son, born in Kentucky, age 2), and Minnie Conley (boarder, single, sales lady in a retail grocery store, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 25).
On page 3 of the 1920 census for District 15 (Monitor) in Chelan County, Washington (dated January 6, 1920), Minnie and Dan are found living in Washington State with a family also from Kentucky. Clarence Bailey is listed as the head of the household for house #24, he's a laborer in a warehouse, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 25 years old. Also listed are Dora (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 25), Harold (son, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 4 months), Carol C. (son, born in Kentucky, age 10 months), Dan A. LeMaster (boarder, married, laborer on a fruit farm, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 30), and Minnie LeMaster (boarder, married, laborer on a fruit farm, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 35). Clarence Bailey is probably the brother of Boyd Bailey.
On page 2 of the 1930 census for District 4-29 (Monitor) in Chelan County, Washington (dated April 3, 1930), Daniel S. Lemaster is listed as the head of the household for house #23, he's a fruit grower, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 25, and he's 41 years old. Also listed is Minnie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 28, age 44). They are living next to Minnie's brother Ira.
On page 17 of the 1940 census for District 4-30 (Monitor) in Chelan County, Washington (dated April 17, 1940), Daniel S. Le Master is listed as the head of the household for house #207, he's the owner-operator of a fruit ranch, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 2nd grade education, and he's 51 years old. Also listed is Minnie (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 55).
(This information comes from Enid Conley May and other sources)
IRA CONLEY, son of HENRY JACKSON CONLEY and TEMPY GULLETT, was born June 24, 1887 in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and died February 5, 1951 in Washington. He married MARGARET H. STONE about 1926. She was born about 1904 in Washington.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 138 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society. In that book it says that Ira Conley married Mae Stone. The name posted here will be the one from the 1930 & 1940 census reports.
When Ira Conley's World War I draft registration card was filled out on June 5, 1917 in Monitor, Chelan County, Washington, he stated that he was a farmer working for J. C. Jackson in Monitor, Washington, that he was married, that he had been a private in Company D of the 2nd Kentucky Infantry, and that he was born June 24, 1890 in "Mc Laughlin Cty (Salyersville Ky)." He was found to be tall and slender, and he had brown eyes and dark-colored hair.
According to Washington State death record transcripts, Ira Conley was born about 1890, and died February 5, 1951 at the age of 61.
On page 3 of the 1920 census for District 5 (Lewis and Clark) in Chelan County, Washington (dated January 3, 1920), Ira Conley is found living in Washington in the home of his uncle. Joseph W. Gullett is listed as the head of the household for house #25, he's a fruit farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 64 years old. Also listed are Della (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 24), Cora (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), Louise (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 17), Chas. W. (son, born in Washington, age 12), Raymond C. (son, born in Washington, age 10), and Ira Conley (nephew, divorced, not working, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 29).
On page 2 of the 1930 census for District 4-29 (Monitor) in Chelan County, Washington (dated April 3, 1930), Ira Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #24, he's a farm laborer in a fruit orchard, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 36, and he's 40 years old. Also listed is Margaret (wife, born in Washington, father born in New York, mother born in Canada, first married at 22, age 26). They are living next to Ira's sister Minnie.
On page 9 of the 1940 census for District 4-30 (Monitor) in Chelan County, Washington (dated April 10, 1940), Ira Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #95, he's not working, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 50 years old. Also listed is Margaret H. (wife, born in Washinton, 1 year of high school, age 36).
(This information comes from Enid Conley May and other sources)
JOHN R. CONLEY, son of NANCY CONLEY and DAVID H. CONLEY, was born in March of 1863 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died August 24, 1940 in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Oil Springs Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married AMANDA ELLEN BLAIR, daughter of JAMES HAYDEN BLAIR and MARY HORNE, August 21, 1883 in Johnson County, Kentucky. She was born in January of 1862 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died September 2, 1940 in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 539 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, John Conley (age 21) married Amanda Ellen Blair (age 21) on August 21, 1883 in Johnson County.
According to his death certificate, John Conley died August 24, 1940 in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, from arterial sclerosis. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Johnson County, his age as 78, his wife as Ellen Conley, her age as 75, his parents as David Conley (b. Johnson County) and Nancy Conley (b. Johnson County), the informant as Dude Conley of Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, and the burial place as Oil Springs.
According to his obituary, John Conley (age 80), lived in Oil Springs throughout his life, died at home in Oil Springs on August 23, 1940 from the infirmities of old age, and was buried in Oil Springs Cemetery. His widow, age 77, died September 2, 1940. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, John Conley died August 24, 1940 in Johnson County at the age of 78.
According to her death certificate, Ella Blair Conley died September 2, 1940 in Oil Springs from pneumonia. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Johnson County, her age as 78, her marital status as married, her husband as John Conley, her parents as Haden Blair (b. Johnson County) and Mary Horne [hard to read] (b. Johnson County), the informant as Sherman Blair, the doctor as Grant Rice [Ulysses Grant Rice], and the burial place as Oil Springs.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Ella Conley died September 2, 1940 in Johnson County at the age of 78. She was living in Johnson County at the time of her death.
On page 52 of the 1900 census for District 40 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 26, 1900), John R. Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #441, he's a farmer, born in March of 1860 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 12 years, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Amanda E. (wife, born in January of 1862 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 38), James W. Blair (step-son, born in August of 1881 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 18), and William A. Blair (nephew, born in February of 1881 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 19). William is the son of John's sister, Nancy J. Blair.
On page 16 of the 1910 census for District 70 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (not dated), John Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #150, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 25 years, and he's 50 years old. Also listed are Ellen (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 48), and Ellie (daughter [niece - see 1920 census], born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 10).
On page 6 of the 1920 census for District 39 (Oil Springs) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 9 & 10, 1920), John Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #51, he's a laborer, born in Kentucky, father born in Arkansas, mother born in Kentucky, and he's 57 years old. Also listed are Amanda E. (wife, born in Kentucky, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, age 57), Ella Blair (niece, married, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 21), David Blair (nephew, married, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 22), Cecil Blair (nephew, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 2 years 10 months), and Ethel Blair (niece, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 1 year 5 months).
On page 1 of the 1930 census for District 58-8 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 2, 1930), John P. Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #2, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 21, and he's 60 years old. Also listed is Ellen (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 21, age 60).
On page 17 of the 1940 census for District 58-8 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 13, 1940), John Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #144, he's not working, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has no formal education, and he's 78 years old. Also listed are Ellen (wife, born in Kentucky, no formal education, age 78), Cecil Blair (grandson, married, laborer doing road construction, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, 8th grade education, age 23), and Armina Blair (granddaughter, married, born in Kentucky, she was living in rural Johnson County in 1935, 7th grade education, age 15).
The child of AMANDA BLAIR and (unknown) is:
- JAMES W. BLAIR, b. August 1881, Kentucky.
ARIZONA B. "ZONA" CONLEY, daughter of ELECTIOUS HOWES "LECK" CONLEY and ELLENDER "ELLEN" SALYER, was born September 12, 1873 in Kentucky, died April 8, 1932 in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in Tackett Cemetery in Magoffin County, Kentucky. She married (1) JAMES M. STURGEON on February 16, 1896 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. He died before 1900. She married (2) WILLIE MILAM, May 14, 1908 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. She married (3) WILLIAM A. MAY. He was born about 1851 in Kentucky.
Notes: According to "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society (page 518), Zona Conley was born September 12, 1873, died April 8, 1932, and was buried in Tackett Cemetery. She married (1) Willie Milam on May 14, 1908. She married (2) (unknown first name) Sturgill. She married (3) Dr. William May. She had no children.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, James Sturgeon married Arizona "Zoney" Conley on February 16, 1896 in "the house of me own." The witnesses were Cynthia Caudill and Edward R. Caudill, and the minister was L. F. Caudill.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Willie Milam married Zona Conley on May 14, 1908 in Magoffin County at the home of Ben Patrick. The witnesses were M. T. Whitt and Beulah Patrick, and the minister was S. M. Whitt.
According to her death certificate, Arizona Conley May died April 8, 1932 in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from a cerebral hemorrhage due to arteriosclerosis. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as September 1, 1873, her marital status as married, her husband as W. A. May her parents asa E. H. Conley (b. Kentucky) and Ellen Conley (b. Kentucky), and the informant as Terrea Prater of Salyersville.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Arizona May died April 8, 1933 [mistake] in Magoffin County at the age of 58.
On page 17 of the 1900 census for District 53 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 9, 1900, Elexious H. Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #150, he's a farmer, born in April of 1838 in Kentucky, father born in North Carolina, mother in Kentucky, married for 31 years, and he's 62 years old. Also listed are Ellen (wife, born in September of 1853 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 10 children and 9 are still living, age 46), Arizona (daughter, widowed, not working, born in September of 1873 in Kentucky, age 26), Alva S. (son, single, school teacher, born in October of 1875 in Kentucky, age 24), Fred (son, single, farm laborer, born in September of 1877 in Kentucky, age 22), Wiley (son, born in October of 1879 in Kentucky, age 20), George W. (son, born in April of 1833 of Kentucky, age 17), Raleigh (son, born in November of 1885 in Kentucky, age 14), Beullah (daughter, born in January of 1888 in Kentucky, age 12), and Ogden (son, born in March of 1891 in Kentucky, age 9).
On page 18 of the 1920 census for District 68 (Salyersville) Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 20, 1920), William A. May is listed as the head of the household for house #188, he's a medical doctor, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 69 years old. Also listed is Zona (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 47).
On page 19 of the 1930 census for District 77-2 (Magisterial District No. 1) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 22, 1930), William A. May is listed as the head of the household for house #173, he's a physician, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 45, and he's 79 years old. Also listed are Arazona (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 22, age 56), Charles Conley (nephew, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 11), and Raleigh Conley (brother-in-law, divorced, livestock merchant, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 21, age 37).
. He was born May 1, 1897 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, and died June 11, 1965 in Pike County, Ohio.
When Herbert Border's World War I draft registration card was filled out on August 9, 1918 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, he stated that he was living in Falcon, Magoffin County, that he was working for Elkhorn Piney Coal Mining Co. in Weeksbury, Kentucky, that his closest relative was Mary A. Borders, that he was born was born May 1, 1897 in Magoffin County, and that his father was born in Lawrence County, Kentucky. He was found to be short and slender, and he had brown eyes and brown hair. Not being able to read or write, he signed the card with an "X."
According to Kentucky and Social Security death record transcripts, there was a Mary E. Borders who was born July 6, 1889, and died September 10, 1974 in Jefferson County. She received her Social Security card prior to 1973 in Kentucky and her last place of residence was in Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Herbert Borders was born about 1897, and died June 11, 1965 in Pike County Hospital Med Center in Pike County at the age of 68. He was married at the time of his death.
On page 11 of the 1920 census for District 10 (Painter Haire) in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated January 10, 1920), Harbert Borders is listed as the head of the household for house #115, he's a coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in West Virginia, and he's 23 years old. Also listed are Mary (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 29), and Kellie Adams (boarder, single, coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 30). They are living close to Mary's brother Laney.
On page 12 of the 1940 census for District 36-11 (Martin) in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated April 18, 1940), Herbert Borders is listed as the head of the household for house #116, he's a fireman for the railroad, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 7th grade education, and he's 44 years old. Also listed are Mary (wife, born in Kentucky, 7th grade education, age 50), and Opal (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 19).
JAMES ROSCOE CONLEY, son of GEORGE B. CONLEY and CORA B. JACKSON, was born in October of 1899 in Kentucky, died November 3, 1943 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Blanton/Conley Cemetery in Wheelersburg, Magoffin County, Kentucky. He married EMILY SALYER, daughter of JOHN SALYER and MARTHA CASTLE, about 1926. She was born about 1906 in Kentucky.
Notes: According to the book "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society (page 35), Rosco and Emily had no children and were divorced years before Rosco's death.
Emily Salyer's brother, Henderson, married Roscoe's sister, Mary.
Martha Castle's last name was determined by finding John Salyer's death certificate. He died from cancer of the bowels on May 23, 1940 in Bridgeford, Johnson County, Kentucky.
According to his death certificate, Roscoe Conley died November 3, 1943 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, from bronchitis. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as December 28, 1905, his marital status as married, his wife as Emma Salyer, his occupation as truck driver, his parents as George B. Conley (b. Kentucky) and Cora Jackson (b. Kentucky), the informant as Dona Conley of Wheelersburg, Kentucky, and the burial place as Wheelersburg.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Roscoe Conley died November 23, 1943 in Johnson County at the age of 37. He was living in Johnson County at the time of his death.
On page 6 of the 1910 census for District 77 (Little Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 22, 1910), John Salyer is listed as the head of the household for house #44, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 9 years, and he's 29 years old. Also listed are Martha (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 3 children and all are still living, age 26), Henderson (son, born in Kentucky, age 8), Esta L. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6), and Emaly (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4).
On page 4 of the 1920 census for District 29 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 3, 1920), John Salyer is listed as the head of the household for house #44, he's a public laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Martha (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 36), Bee (son, public laborer, born in Kentucky, age 18), Estey (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), and Emily (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15).
On page 6 of the 1930 census for District 58-4 (Magisterial District No. 1) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 4, 1930), Rosco Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #61, he's a shipping clerk in a bakery, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 25, and he's 29 years old. Also listed is Emly (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, age 23).
On page 33 of the 1940 census for District 58-3 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 17, 1940), John Salyer is listed as the head of the household for house #290, he's not working, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has a 4th grade education, and he's 57 years old. Also listed are Martha (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 56), and Emily (daughter, single, waitress in a restaurant, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same place that she was in 1935, 8th grade education, age 33).
NANCY J. CONLEY, daughter of ISAIAH H. CONLEY and SUSANNAH MCCARTY, was born about 1843 in Kentucky. She married ISAIAH SLUSHER, son of WILLIAM SLUSHER and MARY "POLLY" JACKSON, September 15, 1862 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. He was born about 1841 in Harlan County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 155 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society. In that book it says: "NANCY CONLEY b. 1843 m. 15 Sep 1862 Magoffin Co. KY Isaiah Slucher/Slusher son of William Slucher and Polly Jackson b. ca. 1841 Harlan Co. KY. (The bride's name is omitted on license but the clerk listed her parents AND grandparents names. Her name recovered from the 1870 Magoffin Co. census."
In 1880, Nancy and Isaiah can't be found in Kentucky, but in Missouri, which is where Isaiah's brother Simeon has relocated. No luck was found finding them in 1900 but an Isaiah Slusher who is 69 years old and on his 2nd marriage can be found in 1910. He has been married to his 2nd wife for 11 years, which means that if this is the same Isaiah Slusher, Nancy probably died prior to 1899.
According to records from the military home in Kansas that Isaiah Slusher can be found in in the 1920 census, he was born in Clay County, Kentucky, and died May 4, 1920. He was 76 years old, 5 feet 8 inches tall, blue eyes, gray hair, couldn't read or write, was a protestant, and a farmer. He had joined the military on January 30, 1865 in Versailles, Indiana, was assigned to 146th Indiana Infantry, and was discharged August 21, 1865 in Baltimore, Maryland, at the end of the war. The disabilities that he had when he was admitted to the hospital were "Paralysis Agitars; Arterio sclerosis; Cardiac Hypertrophy." He was a widower and his closest relative was Theodore R. Slusher "son" of Joplin, Missouri. His causes of death were "Hypertrophic Cardiac Dilitation. Arterio sclerosis." Isaiah died at 8:10 A.M. on May 4, 1920, and was buried at 9 A.M. on May 6, 1920 in Section 34, Row 8, Grave 6325 by the Reverend James M. Payne, but the cemetery isn't listed.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Isaiah Slusher (b. Harlan County, age 21, resident of Magoffin County), son of William Slusher and Polly Jackson, and grandson of Garran and Nancy Jackson, married Nancy J. Conley, daughter of Isaiah Conley and Susan McCarty, and granddaughter of Edmond Conley, who was born in North Carolina, on September 15, 1862 in Magoffin County at the home of the bride. The minister was Wallis Bailey.
On page 1 of the 1870 census for Precinct 7 (Paint) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 29, 1870), Isah Slucher is listed as the head of the household for house #4, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 26 years old. Also listed is Nancy J. (born in Kentucky, age 24).
On page 12 of the 1880 census for District 4 (White River Township) in Barry County, Missouri (dated June 21, 1880), Isaia Slusher is listed as the head of the household for house #287, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, and he's 33 years old. Also listed is Nancy J. (wife, born in Kentucky, father born in North Carolina, mother born in Virginia, age 30).
On page 7 of the 1910 census for District 49 (Clay Township) in Green County, Missouri (dated April 19, 1910), Isiah Slusher is listed as the head of the household for house #44, he's a millman, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, 2nd marriage, married for 11 years, and he's 69 years old. Also listed are Emma B. (wife, born in Arkansas, father born in the United States, mother born in Tennessee, 2nd marriage, married for 11 years, she's given birth to 6 children and 5 are still living, age 52), and Theodore R. (son, born in Oklahoma, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Arkansas, age 8).
On page 25 of the 1920 census for District 88 (National Military Home For Disabled Veteran Soldiers) in Leavenworth County, Kansas (dated January 9, 1920), Isaiah Slusher is found widowed, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, and he's 76 years old.
CLINTON H. SWIFT, son of CYNTHIA A. CONLEY and WILBUR L. "WEB" SWIFT, was born September 30, 1886 in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and died March 8, 1978 in Wheelersburg, Scioto County, Ohio. He married SEVAH A. WOODS, daughter of JOHN H. WOODS and CAROLINE A. (unknown last name), about 1920. She was born about 1888 in Ohio, and died June 2, 1964 in Scioto County, Ohio.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 159 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
Clint Swift and Sevah Woods had no children.
When Clinton Swift's World War I draft registration card was filled out on June 5, 1917 in Scioto County, Ohio, he state that he was a self-employed mechanic in Wheelersburg, Ohio, that he was single, and that he was born September 3, 1886 [hard to read] in Salyersville, Kentucky. He was found to be of medium height and slender build, and he had light blue eyes and dark brown hair.
Clint Swift was a World War I veteran, having enlisted in the Army on October 6, 1917 in Wheelersburg, Ohio. He was honorably discharged on May 13, 1919.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Clinton Swift was born September 30, 1886, and died in March of 1878. His last place of residence was Wheelersburg, Scioto County, Ohio.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Clint Swift was born about 1887, and died March 8, 1978 at home in Scioto County at the age of 91. He was widowed at the time of his death.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Sevah A. Swift was born about 1890, and died June 2, 1964 at home in Scioto County at the age of 74. She was married at the time of her death.
On page 17 of the 1900 census for District 73 (Perry) in Lawrence County, Ohio (dated June 16, 1900), John H. Woods is listed as the head of the household for house #169, he's a blacksmith, born in September of 1854 in Kentucky, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, married for 17 years, and he's 45 years old. Also listed are Caroline (wife, born in May of 1857 in Ohio, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 5 children and all are still living, age 43), Elmer (son, born in March of 1884 in Ohio, age 16), Garnett (son, born in February of 1887 in Ohio, age 13), Sevah (daughter, born in June of 1889 in Ohio, age 10), Verdell (son, born in June of 1891 in Ohio, age 8), and Irma (daughter, born in November of 1893 in Ohio, age 6).
On page 18 of the 1910 census for District 105 (Ironton) in Lawrence County, Ohio (dated April 21, 1910), John H. Woods is listed as the head of the household for house #181, he's a blacksmith, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 27 years, and he's 55 years old. Also listed are Caroline A. (wife, born in Ohio, parents born in Ohio, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 5 children and all are still living, age 53), Garnet W. (son, single, laborer in a handle factory, born in Ohio, age 23), Sevah (daughter, school teacher, born in Ohio, age 20), Verdall (son, born in Ohio, age 18), and Irma (daughter, born in Ohio, age 16).
On page 20 of the 1920 census for District 149 (Portsmouth) in Scioto County, Ohio (dated January 10, 1920), John H. Woods is listed as the head of the household for house #32, he's a blacksmith, widowed, born in Kentucky, father born in West Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, and he's 64 years old. Also listed are John V. (son, single, worker in a steel plant, born in Ohio, age 27), and Sevah (daughter, single, school teacher, born in Ohio, age 26 [mistake]).
On page 58 of the 1930 census for District 73-15 (Porter Township) in Scioto County, Ohio (dated April 25, 1930), Clinton Swift is listed as the head of the household for house #488, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, first married at age 33, and he's 43 years old. Also listed are Sevah (wife, teacher, born in Ohio, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Ohio, first married at 32, age 42), John H. Woods (father-in-law, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 74), and Milford Bush (boarder, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in U.S., age 58).
On page 52 of the 1940 census for District 73-18 (Porter Township) in Scioto County, Ohio (dated April 24, 1940), Clint Swift is listed as the head of his household [the houses aren't numbered], he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has 3 years of high school, and he's 54 years old. Also listed are Sevah (wife, teaching in a W.P.A. nursery, born in Ohio, 4 years of college, age 52), and Robert Swift (nephew, born in Ohio, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, 1 year of high school, age 15).
CHARLES CLINTON "CLINTON" RICE, son of CELIA CONLEY and ISAAC RICE, was born January 26, 1855 in Jennies Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, died August 10, 1948 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Rockhouse, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married ALICE MANERVA JOHNSON, daughter of WILLIAM H. JOHNSON and ARMINTA SOWARDS, about 1879. She was born September 12, 1861 in Pike County, Kentucky, died November 20, 1951 in Riceville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Rockhouse, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on Clinton Rice can be found on page 315 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
According to his death certificate, Charles Clinton Rice died August 10, 1948 at home in Paintsville from cancer of the lower lip. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Johnson County, his birth date as January 26, 1855, his marital status as married, his wife, as Alice M. Johnson, his father as Dr. Issiac Rice (b. Virginia), his mother's maiden name as unknown, the informant as Crate Rice of Paintsville, and the burial place as Rockhouse, Kentucky.
According to her death certificate, Alice Manerva Rice died November 20, 1951 at home in Riceville from myocardial degeneration and senility due to a fractured left hip. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as September 12, 1861, her marital status as widowed, her parents as William Johnson and Arminta Sowards, the informant as Crate Rice, and the burial place as the family cemetery in Rockhouse.
According to her obituary, Alice Johnson Rice (age 90), daughter of the late William and Arminta Johnson, was a resident of Rock House at the time of her death. She born September 12, 1861 in Pike County, died November 20, 1951 after an illness of several months, and was buried in the family cemetery in Rock House. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clinton Rice, 3 years prior. She was survived by 3 sons, Dr. D. B. Rice (of Center, Texas), Mose Rice (Rosh House), and Crate Rice (Rock House); 4 daughters, Mrs. Maude Colvin (Dayton, Tennessee), Mrs. Emma Vance (Jacksonville, Florida), Mrs. Grace Preston (Hillsboro, Ohio), and Mrs. Erie Nichols (Marion, Ohio); 1 brother, Mason Johnson (Rock House); 1 sister, Mrs. Nora Horn (Rock House); 25 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; and 1 great-great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Alice Rice died November 20, 1951 in Johnson County at the age of 90.
On page 24 of the 1880 census for District 43 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 17, 1880), Charles C. Rice is listed as the head of the household for house #320, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 24 years old. Also listed is Alice M. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 18). They are living next to Alice's parents.
On page 20 of the 1900 census for District 38 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 9, 1900), Clinton Rice is listed as the head of the household for house #180, he's a farmer, born in January of 1856 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 20 years, and he's 44 years old. Also listed are Allice (wife, born in October of 1862 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 20 years, she's given birth to 10 children and 6 are still living, age 37), Dinnis D. [hard to read] (son, born in June of 1883 in Kentucky, age 16), Moses W. (son, born in July of 1886 in Kentucky, age 13), Maud (daughter, born in May of 1888 in Kentucky, age 12), Kinner [hard to read] (daughter, born in May of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7), Racy (daughter, born in January of 1896 in Kentucky, age 4), and Eyra (daughter, born in February of 1898 in Kentucky, age 2).
On page 10 of the 1910 census for District 66 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 23, 1910), Clinton C. Rice is listed as the head of the household for house #61, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 30 years, and he's 55 years old. Also listed are Alice M. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 11 children and 7 are still living, age 48), Emma (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), Gracia (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13), Erie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), and Crate (son, born in Kentucky, age 8).
On page 16 of the 1920 census for District 30 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 20, 1920), C. C. Rice is listed as the head of the household for house #21, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 64 years old. Also listed are Alice M. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 58), Emma (daughter, single, teacher, born in Kentucky, age 25), Grace (daughter, single, teacher, born in Kentucky, age 23), Erie (daughter, single, student, born in Kentucky, age 20), and Crate (son, single, student, born in Kentucky, age 18).
On page 46 of the 1930 census for District 58-4 (Magisterial District No. 1) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 30, 1930), Clint Rice is listed as the head of the household for house #430, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 24, and he's 75 years old. Also listed is Alice (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 68).
On page 6 of the 1940 census for District 58-3 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 4, 1940), C. C. Rice is listed as the head of the household for house #39, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 84 years old. Also listed is Alice (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 77).
The children of CLINTON RICE and ALICE JOHNSON are:
- DENNIS BURNS RICE, b. June 17, 1883, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. November 4, 1964, Rowland Station, Warren County, Tennessee, buried in Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, m. (1) ADDIE BAYES, m. (2) CLARA MARIE LUEDTKE.
- MOSES W. RICE, b. July 1886, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. January 9, 1971, Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. MATTIE WATKINS.
- MAUDE E. RICE, b. May 25, 1887, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. December 17, 1988, Dayton, Rhea County, Tennessee, buried in Bledsoe County, Tennessee, m. WAYNE L. COLVIN.
- EMMA RICE, b. May 20, 1893, Kentucky, d. September 8, 1989, Hillsborough County, Florida, m. JAMES VANCE.
- GRACE RICE, b. January 8, 1897, Kentucky, d. July 4, 1986, Hillsboro, Highland County, Ohio, m. FOREST BUCHANNAN PRESTON.
- ERIE RICE, b. February 1898, Kentucky.
Notes: Erie Rice reportedly married a man by the name of John Nichols.
- CRATE RICE, b. August 28, 1901, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. January 7, 2003, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. JUNE E. MEADE.
OAKLEY JACKSON, son of BERTHA CONLEY and LUNDY JACKSON, was born about 1909 in Kentucky. He married BONNIE B. PATRICK daughter of BEULAH CONLEY and BENJAMIN CLARENCE PATRICK, about 1930. She was born December 6, 1912 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, and died October 27, 1989 in Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on pages 158 & 520 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Bonnie B. Patrick was born December 6, 1912 in Magoffin County to Beulah Conley.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, there was an Oakley Jackson who was born May 25, 1908, and died in January of 1983. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Smiths Grove Warren County, Kentucky.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Bonnie B. Patrick Jackson was born December 6, 1912 in Kentucky, and died October 27, 1989 in Portsmouth, Scioto County, at the age of 76. Her father's surname is listed as Patrick, and he was widowed and living in Mansfield, Richland County,at the time of her death.
On page 10 of the 1920 census for District 68 (Salyersville) Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 3, 1920), Bonnie Patrick is found living in the home of an aunt and uncle. Den B. Patrick is listed as the head of the household for house #105, he's a field man for a coal company, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 59 years old. Also listed are Permilia (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 50), and Bonnie B. Patrick (niece, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 7).
On page 44 of the 1930 census for District 73-15 (Porter Township) in Scioto County, Ohio (dated April 21, 1930), Oakley Jackson is listed as the head of the household for house #440, he's a mason, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 20 years old. Also listed is Bonnie (wife, works for the railroad, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 17), and Brevin Patrick [hard to read] (brother-in-law, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 15). They are living close to Oakley's parents.
On page 6 of the 1940 census for District 73-18 (Porter Township) in Scioto County, Ohio (dated April 4, 1940), Oakley Jackson is listed as the head of the household for house #53, he's a laborer with the W.P.A. road project, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 30 years old. Also listed are Bonnie (wife, born in Kentucky, 7th grade education, age 27), Elwood (son, born in Ohio, age 9), Paul (son, born in Ohio, age 7), Betty (daughter, born in Ohio, age 4), and Burns Patrick (brother-in-law, single, farm hand on a dairy farm, born in Kentucky, he was living in McArthur, Jackson County, Ohio, in 1935, 6 grade education, age 31).
The children of OAKLEY JACKSON and BONNIE PATRICK are:
- BEULAH LOIS JACKSON, b. January 21, 1943, d. April 4, 1952.
CAMPBELL C. CRACE, son of PETER CRACE and ANNIE ADAMS, was born about 1814 in Perry County, Kentucky. He married MAHALA CRAFT March 21, 1834 in Perry County, Kentucky. She was born about 1818 in Perry County, Kentucky, and died about 1889 in Indiana.
Notes: On page 34 of the 1850 census for Pike County, Kentucky (dated August 13, 1850), Campbell Crase is listed as the head of the household for house #258, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 36 years old. Also listed are Mahala (born in Kentucky, age 32), James (born in Kentucky, age 15), Peter (born in Kentucky, age 13), Elizabeth (born in Kentucky, age 11), Nehemiah (born in Kentucky, age 9), Drucilla (born in Kentucky, age 7), Ciney M. (born in Kentucky, age 5), and Noah (born in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 26 of the 1860 census for Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 24, 1860), Campbell Crase is listed as the head of the household for house #174, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 46 years old. Also listed are Mahala (born in Kentucky, age 41), Peter (farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 23), Driciler (born in Kentucky, age 16), Sena M. (born in Kentucky, age 14), Noah (born in Kentucky, age 11), Alfred (born in Kentucky, age 9), Maryan (male, born in Kentucky, age 6), Sarah (born in Kentucky, age 4), and Martha M. (born in Kentucky, age 1).
On pages 5 & 6 of the 1870 census for Precinct 1 in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated August 13, 1870), C. C. Crac is listed as the head of the household for house #37, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 56 years old. Also listed are Mahala (born in Kentucky, age 54), Alfard W. (born in Kentucky, age 18), Sarah (born in Kentucky, age 13), Martha M. (born in Kentucky, age 11), Frankey J. (born in Kentucky, age 9), and Benjiman (born in Kentucky, age 7). They are living next to son Nehemiah and close to members of the Edmond Conley Jr. family, a family that the Crace's will marry into.
The children of CAMPBELL CRACE and MAHALA CRAFT are:
- JAMES M. CRACE, b. 1835, Kentucky.
- PETER C. CRACE, b. March 1837, Kentucky, d. after 1900, m. TEMPERANCE "TEMPY" CONLEY.
- ELIZABETH CRACE, b. 1839, Perry County, Kentucky, d. 1882, m. HENRY JACKSON CONLEY.
- NEHEMIAH CRACE, b. July 1841, Letcher County, Kentucky, d. January 29, 1920, State Road Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Lick Creek, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. MARY "POLLY" FRANKLIN.
- DRUCILLA CRACE, b. January 10, 1843, Kentucky, d. January 13, 1929, Flatfork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. JAMES WAYMEN TACKETT.
- SINA M. CRACE, b. July 1845, Kentucky.
- NOAH CRACE, b. August 1849, Kentucky, m. LETHA ANN HOWARD.
- ALFRED WASHINGTON CRACE, b. January 6, 1852, Letcher County, Kentucky, d. September 29, 1929, Bethel, Anoka County, Minnesota, buried in Bethel, Anoka County, Minnesota, m. NANCY JANE CONLEY.
- MARY ANN CRACE, b. June 18, 1854, Letcher County, Kentucky, m. (1) HENRY S. HOWARD, m. (2) JAMES BROWN, m. (3) LEANDER BURK.
- SARAH CRACE, b. May 1854, Kentucky, m. (1) WILLIAM FIELDEN ADAMS, m. (2) ISAAC M. WHITT.
- MARTHA M. CRACE, b. April 1859, Kentucky, d. 1946, Volusia County, Florida, buried in DeLand, Volusia County, Florida, m. (1) JOHN DIXON CONLEY, m. (2) JOHN HARMON CONLEY.
- FRANCIS J. CRACE, b. May 6, 1861, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Francis J. Crace was born May 6, 1861 in Magoffin County to Campbell Crace (b. Perry County) and Mahala Craft (b. Perry County).
- BENJAMIN H. CRACE, b. 1863, Kentucky.
JOHN HARMON CONLEY, son of EDMOND D. CONLEY III and ELIZABETH MCCARTY, was born November 5, 1856 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died September 18, 1927 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, and is buried in Ferguson Cemetery in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky. He married MARTHA M. CRACE, daughter of CAMPBELL C. CRACE and MAHALA CRAFT, January 6, 1885 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. She was born in April of 1859 in Kentucky, died in 1946 in Volusia County, Florida, and is buried in Oakdale Cemetery in DeLand, Volusia County, Florida. Martha married (1) JOHN DIXON CONLEY.
Notes: There is no concrete proof at this time that this Martha Crace is the daughter of Campbell and Mahala Craft Crace, but all of the information that is available definitely points this way. The Campbell Crace family and the Edmond Conley family lived close to each other and there were several marriages between the two. In addition, the two daughters that Martha had in her first marriage were named Sarah and Frankey - the same names as her next oldest and next youngest sisters.
According to Kentucky birth records, John H. Conly was born November 5, 1856 in Johnson County to Edmund Conly and Elizabeth McCarty.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, John A. Conley married Martha Conley on January 6, 1885 in Magoffin County at the home of D. Borders. The witnesses were Henry Sparks and Bracken Borders, and the minister was D. Borders.
According to his death certificate, Jno. Harmon Conley died September 18, 1927 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, from a sinus infection. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as November 5, 1857, his marital status as married, his wife as Martha M., his occupation as farmer, his parents as Edmond Conley (b. Kentucky) and Elizabeth McCarty (b. unknown), the informant as Mrs. Earl Fergerson of Ashland, Kentucky, and the burial place as Fergerson Cemetery in Ashland.
Information found on findagrave.com and a photo of her headstone shows that Martha M. Conley lived from 1861 to 1946, and was buried in Oakdale Cemetery in DeLand, Volusia County, Florida.
According to Florida death record transcripts, Martha M. Conley died in 1946 in Volusia County, Florida.
On page 7 of the 1900 census for District 54 (Bloomington) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 5, 1900), John H. Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #55, he's a farmer, born in December of 1857 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 15 years, and he's 42 years old. Also listed are Marthy M. (wife, born in April of 1860 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to no children [in this marriage], age 40), and Violey Conley (step-grandaughter, born in August of 1896 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 3).
On page 22 of the 1910 census for District 104 (Flat Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 30, 1910), John H. Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #193, he's a salesman in a department store, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, married for 25 years, and he's 52 years old. Also listed is Matha J. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's on her 2nd marriage, married for 25 years, she's given birth to 2 children and both are still living, age 48).
On page 8 of the 1920 census for District 72 (Flat Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 7, 1920), John H. Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #73, he's a merchant in a store, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 63 years old. Also listed is Martha M. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 58). They are living next to granddaughter Viola.
On page 29 of the 1930 census for District 77-4 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 22, 1930), Martha is found living in the home of her granddaughter. Earl Ferguson is listed as the head of the household for house #216, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 18, and he's 37 years old. Also listed are Viola (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 16, age 34), Hazel (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), Virginia (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), Edna C. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), James B. (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), William R. (son, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 9 months), and Martha M. Conley (grandmother-in-law [hard to read], widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 14, age 68).
On page 8 of the 1940 census for District 64-8 (DeLand) in Volusia County, Florida (dated April 13, 1940), Viola Ferguson is listed as the head of the household for house #91, she's widowed, not working, born in Kentucky, she was living in Wheelersburg, Magoffin County, Kentucky, in 1935, she has 1 year of high school, and she's 44 years old. Also listed are Hazel (daughter, single, beautician in a beauty parlor, born in Kentucky, 4 years of high school, age 25), Virginia (daughter, single, beautician in a beauty parlor, born in Kentucky, 4 years of high school, age 19), Edna Carrol (daughter, born in Kentucky, 4 years of high school, age 18), James Bennett (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), William Ralph (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Vivian Jean (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), Robert Paul (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), Martha Conley (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, she was living in Wheelersburg, Magoffin County, Kentucky, in 1935, 8th grade education, age 79), and Author Ceely (lodger, divorced, new worker, born in Louisiana, he was living in Magoffin County, Kentucky, in 1935, 2 years of college, age 55).
JOSEPH EDMOND CONLEY, son of ISAIAH CONLEY and NANCY JANE CAUDILL, was born July 10, 1862 in Kentucky, died July 22, 1945 in Mashfork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in Mashfork, Magoffin County, Kentucky. He married SARAH JANE WILLIAMS, daughter of SAMUEL WILLIAMS and MINERVA L. ADAMS, January 8, 1885 in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky. She was born October 28, 1866 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, died August 26, 1942 in Conley, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in Mashfork, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 96 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society. In that book it says that Joseph Edmond Conley was born in 1863, and died in 1945. He married Sarah Jane Williams, daughter of Samuel and Minerva Adams Williams. She was born in 1867, and died in 1942. It also says: "There were no children but this couple raised, to some extent, several children and made a home for several elderly people. These included: Harrison B. Conley, Tony Williams, Rev. Buell Kazee, Stella May."
Sarah Jane Williams was the sister of Loudora Williams.
Joseph Conley was reportedly born in Magoffin County, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, J. E. Conley married Sarah J. Williams on January 8, 1885 in Magoffin County at the home of S. Williams. The witnesses were Emily Prater and Charles Helton, and the minister was J. K. Creighton.
According to his death certificate, Joseph Edward Conley [sic] died July 22, 1945 in Mashfork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from a cerebral hemorrhage. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as July 10, 1862, his marital status as widowed, his parents as Isiah Conley (b. Kentucky) and Nancy Caudill (b. Kentucky), the informant as Tone Williams of Salyersville, Kentucky, and the burial place as Mashfork.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Joseph E. Conley died July 22, 1945 in Magoffin County at the age of 82. He was living in Magoffin County at the time of his death.
According to her death certificate, Sara Jane Williams Conley died August 26, 1942 in Conley, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from cancer of the stomach. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Magoffin County, her birth date as October 28, 1866, her marital status as married, her husband as J. E. Conley, her parents as Samuel Williams (b. Kentucky) and Sara Jane Williams (birthplace blank), the informant as Tony Williams of Salyersville, and the burial place as Mashfork.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Sara J. Conley died August 26, 1942 in Magoffin County at the age of 75. She was living in Magoffin County at the time of her death.
On page 4 of the 1870 census for Precinct 1 in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated August 12, 1870), Samuel Williams is listed as the head of the household for house #24, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 31 years old. Also listed are Manervy L. (born in Kentucky, age 34), Sarah E. (born in Kentucky, age 3), Jilson S. (born in Kentucky, age 1), and Mary Reed (domestic servant, born in Kentucky, age 14).
On page 8 of the 1880 census for District 126 (Precinct 8 - State Road Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 17, 1880), Samuel Williams is listed as the head of the household for house #65, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Manerva (wife, born in Kentucky, father born in North Carolina, mother born in Kentucky, age 42), Elizabeth (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 20), John (son, born in Kentucky, age 18), Sarah J. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Jilson S. (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), Ludora (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6), Isaac W. (son, born in Kentucky, age 3), and Ojelean (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2).
On page 31 of the 1900 census for District 53 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 16, 1900), Joseph E. Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #274, he's a farmer, born in July of 1863 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 15 years, and he's 36 years old. Also listed is Sarah (wife, born in October of 1866 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she hasn't had any children, and she's age 33.
On page 16 of the 1910 census for District 102 (Salyersville - Precinct 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 26, 1910), Joseph E. Conley is listed as head of the household for house #137, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 25, and he's 46 years old. Also listed is Jane (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 25, age 45). They are living next to Jane's widowed father.
On page 16 of the 1920 census for District 71 (State Road) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 21 & 22, 1920), Edmond J. Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #126, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 56 years old. Also listed are Sarah J. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 53), and Harson B. (cousin, widowed, farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 52).
On page 16 of the 1930 census for District 77-5 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 11, 1930), Edmond Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #150, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 21, and he's 67 years old. Also listed are Jane (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 18, age 64), Ogie [no last name is listed] (sister-in-law, single, post master, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 51), and H. B. [Harrison B. Conley] (boarder, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 64).
On page 19 of the 1940 census for District 77-5 in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 16, 1940), Joseph E. Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #146, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 74 years old. Also listed are Sarah Jane (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 68), Olgie Lee Williams (sister-in-law, single, post office clerk, born in Kentucky, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same house that she was in 1935, 8th grade education, age 60), and Harris Conley (cousin, widowed, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, 8th grade education, age 74).
HENRY CRACE, son of ALFRED CRACE and RUTH SPRADLIN, was born June 3, 1847 in Kentucky, died September 8, 1911 in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in Crace Cemetery in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky. He married (1) SERILDA FRANCES STONE, daughter of CHARLES R. STONE and ZILPHA ADAMS, about 1867, and they were divorced about 1892. She was born June 10, 1849 in Kentucky, died May 31, 1937 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in Crace Cemetery in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky. He married (2) ELIZABETH (unknown last name) about 1894. She was born in January of 1873 in Kentucky.
Notes: Henry Crace's sister, Mary, married Serilda's brother, Stephen.
There are reports that state that Serilda Stone was born in June of 1850. There was a daughter born in June of 1850 in this family, but her name was Margaret. Margaret isn't in the 1860 census, and Serilda is 9 years old. Her sister Rebecca is 7, and Kentucky birth records show that she was born September 9, 1852 in Floyd County. Serilda's headstone has June 10, 1849 engraved as her birth date.
Henry Crace's 2nd wife's name has been reported to be both Elizabeth Hackworth and Elizabeth Howard.
Information found on findagrave.com and photos of their headstones (photo 2) shows that Henry Crace lived from 1850 to 1911 [hard to read], and was buried in Crace Cemetery in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and that Rilda Francis Crace lived from June 10, 1849 to May 31, 1937, and was buried in the same cemetery.
According to his death certificate, Henry Crace died September 6, 1911 in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from tuberculosis of the lungs. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as June 3, 1847, his marital status as widowed, his parents as Alford Crace (b. Kentucky) and Ruthie Spradlin (b. Kentucky), the informant as J. M. Crace of Ivyton, and the burial place is Ivyton.
On page 120 of the 1850 census for My District in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated September 6, 1850), Charles Stone is listed as the head of the household for house #756, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 30 years old. Also listed are Zelpha (born in Kentucky, age 40), Mary (born in Kentucky, age 14), Elizabeth (born in Kentucky, age 12), Stephen (born in Kentucky, age 2), and Margaret (born in Kentucky, age 3 months).
On page 25 of the 1860 census for Floyd County, Kentucky (dated July 20, 1860), Charles Stone is listed as the head of the household for house #164, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 39 years old. Also listed are Zilpha (born in Kentucky, age 48), Stephen (born in Kentucky, age 12), Serilda (born in Kentucky, age 9), Rebecca (born in Kentucky, age 7), Geo. M. D. [George] (born in Kentucky, age 5), and Sarah (born in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 20 of the 1870 census for Precinct 1 in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated August 24, 1870), Henry Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #135, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 21 years old. Also listed are Carrilda (born in Kentucky, age 20), Emeley J. (born in Kentucky, age 2), and John M. (born in February of 1870 in Kentucky, age 3 months). They are living next to Henry's mother.
On page 8 of the 1880 census for District 126 (Precinct 7 - Burning Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 23, 1880), Henry Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #217, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 30 years old. Also listed are Corilda (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 28), Emely (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Milton (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), George (son, born in Kentucky, age 8), Ellen (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6), Grant (son, born in Kentucky, age 4), Allice (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2).
On page 31 of the 1900 census for District 96 (Hazard) in Perry County, Kentucky (dated June 22, 1900), Henry Crase is listed as the head of the household for house #278, he's a farmer, born in June of 1851 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 6 years, and he's 48 years old. Also listed are Elisabeth (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 6 years, she's given birth to 2 children and both are still living, age 27), July (daughter, born in August of 1896 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 3), and Daniel M. (son, born in March of 1899 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 1).
On pages 61 & 62 of the 1900 census for District 53 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 30, 1900), Sarilda Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #531, she's a farmer, widowed, born in June of 1850 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 10 children and 9 are still living, and she's 50 years old. Also listed are U. Grant (son, single, farmer, born in August of 1878 in Kentucky, age 21), Leonard (son, farm laborer, born in April of 1883 in Kentucky, age 17), William (son, born in January of 1886 in Kentucky, age 14), Amanda (daughter, born in January of 1889 in Kentucky, age 11), Samantha (daughter, born in December of 1891 in Kentucky, age 8), Albert Pace (son-in-law, widowed, dry goods merchant, born in April of 1874 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 26), Gracie (granddaughter, born in November of 1892 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 7), George Spradlin (boarder, widowed, house carpenter, born in July of 1868 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 31), and John Hackworth (boarder, born in October of 1892 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 7).
On page 16 of the 1910 census for District 103 (Ivyton) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated May 3, 1910), Henry Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #143, he's a steam engine machinist, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 2nd marriage, and he's 60 years old. Also listed are Julia (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 13), and Daniel (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 9).
On page 16 of the 1910 census for District 103 (Ivyton) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated May 3, 1910), Relda Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #146, she's a farmer, divorced from her 1st marriage, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and she's 60 years old. Also listed are Grant (son, marital status is blank, not working, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 30), and Sissie (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 18).
On page 19 of the 1920 census for District 78 (Ivyton) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 20, 1920), Serilda is found living in the home of her son. Dock G. Crace [Grant] is listed as the head of the household for house #189, he's a farmer, single, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 41 years old. Also listed is Marilda (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 65).
On page 15 of the 1930 census for District 77-11 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 14, 1930), Dock Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #144, he's a farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Rilda (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 53), and Edison (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 2). There was an Edison G. Crace who was born in 1925 in Magoffin County to a Dollie Marshall. This Edison Crace is probably the one that married Elma Jean Tackett.
The children of HENRY CRACE and SERILDA STONE are:
- EMILY J. CRACE, b. 1868, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. September 23, 1947, Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. WILLIAM J. SPRADLIN.
Notes: According to her death certificate, Emily Crace Spradlin died September 23, 1947 in Ivyton from pneumonia and old age. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Magoffin County, her age as 79, her marital status as married, her husband as Billy Spradlin, her parents as Henry Crace (b. Magoffin County) and Marilda Stone (b. Floyd County), and the informant as Sherman Spradlin of Ivyton.
- JOHN MILTON CRACE, b. February 3, 1870, Kentucky, d. October 21, 1919, buried in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. AMANDA HACKWORTH.
- GEORGE W. CRACE, b. October 13, 1871, Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. March 18, 1948, Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky. m. DORA PACE.
- MARY ELLEN "ELLEN" CRACE, b. January 6, 1874, Kentucky, d. April 5, 1899, buried in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. ALBERT PACE.
- U. GRANT "DOCK" CRACE, b. August 25, 1876, Kentucky, m. (1) MYRTIE (unknown last name), m. (2) (unknown).
Notes: When Grant Crace's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a farmer in Ivyton, Magoffin County, that his closest relative was Myrtie Crace (wife) of Ivyton, and that he was born August 25, 1879. He was found to be short and slender, and he had blue eyes, black hair, and "has lost eye."
- ALICE CRACE, b. 1878, Kentucky.
- JAMES LEONARD CRACE, b. April 7, 1883, Kentucky, m. AUDIE ADAMS.
Notes: When Leonard Crace's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a farmer in Ivyton, Magoffin County, that his closest relative was Audie Crace of Ivyton, and that he was born April 7, 1883. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had brown eyes and brown hair.
Leonard and family are found in Douglas County, Washington in 1930.
- WILLIAM "WILLIE" CRACE, b. January 27, 1886, Kentucky, d. March 5, 1967, m. NELLIE PATRICK.
Notes: When Willie Crace's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a farmer in Ivyton, Magoffin County, that his closest relative was Nellie Crace of Ivyton, and that he was born January 27, 1886. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had brown eyes and dark-colored hair.
- AMANDA CRACE, b. 1889, Kentucky.
- SAMANTHA "SISSIE" CRACE, b. December 1891, Kentucky, m. OSCAR HOPKINS.
The children of HENRY CRACE and ELIZABETH (unknown last name) are:
- JULIA CRACE, b. August 1896, Kentucky.
- DANIEL M. CRACE, b. March 1899, Kentucky.
(This information comes from Sharon Monnot and other sources)
DORA PACE, daughter of ELIZABETH SALYER and MATTHEW C. PACE, was born July 7, 1878 in Kentucky, died March 8, 1906, and is buried in Crace Cemetery in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky. She married GEORGE W. CRACE, son of HENRY CRACE and SERILDA FRANCES STONE, June 15, 1893 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. He was born October 13, 1871 in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, died March 18, 1948 in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky. George Crace married (2) LULA FLETCHER, daughter of IRVIN FLETCHER and WILDA BELLE PUCKETT, about 1907. She was born June 11, 1884 in Kentucky, died April 2, 1963 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in Crace Cemetery in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: This family is a very confusing family to research. On page 76 of the book "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society, it says "GEORGE C. CRACE [son of Nancy Jane Conley and Stephen M. Crace] b. 14 Jul 1858 d. of Typhoid m. 15 Jun 1893 Dora Pace." On page 183 it says that Docia Pace was the 10th child of Elizabeth Salyer and Mathew Pace and that she was born in 1865, and that Dora Pace was the 11th child and that she was "b. 1868 d. m. 15 Jun 1893 George Crace (at the home of Matthew Pace)." The 1880 census shows that Docia and Dora were born about 1875 and 1878 instead of 1865 and 1868. The 1900 census finds George Crace, born in 1872, married to Dora, born in 1878, and they have a son, Paris, who was born in January of 1899. When Paris dies in 1944, his parents are listed as George Crece and Docia Pace on his death certificate. When George W. Crace dies in 1948, his parents are listed as Henry Crace and Serilda Stone and the person providing the information was Dallas Crace. George and Dora are both buried in the same cemetery as George's parents.
Irvin Fletcher's full name was reportedly James Irvin Fletcher.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Irvin Fletcher married Wilda Bell Puckett on December 22, 1881 in Magoffin County at the home of Polly Puckett. The witnesses were David Patton, Andrew Puckett, and Elijah Whitaker, and the minister was B. M. Holbrook.
According to their marriage certificate, Dora Pace married George Crace on June 15, 1893 in Magoffin County at the home of Mathew Pace. The witnesses were James Rice and Miles Ward, and the minister was L. F. Caudill.
Information found on findagrave.com and photos of their headstones (photo 2) (photo 3) shows that Dora Crace, wife of G. W. Crace lived from July 7, 1878 to March 8, 1906, and was buried in Crace Cemetery in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, that George Crace lived from October 13, 1871 to March 17, 1948, was buried in the same cemetery, and that Lula Crace lived from June 11, 1884 to April 2, 1963, and was buried in the same cemetery.
According to his death certificate, George W. Crace died March 18, 1948 in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from cerebral apoplexy. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Ivyton, his birth date as October 13, 1871, his marital status as married, his wife as Lula Crace, his parents as Henry Crace (b. Ivyton) and Serilda Stone (b. Ivyton), the informant as Dallas Crace of Campbellsville, Kentucky, and the burial place as Ivyton, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, George W. Crace died March 18, 1948 in Magoffin County at the age of 76. He was living in Magoffin County at the time of his death.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Lula Crase died April 2, 1963 in Magoffin County at the age of 78.
On page 68 of the 1900 census for District 53 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 29, 1900), George Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #586, he's a farmer, born in October of 1872 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 7 years, and he's 27 years old. Also listed are Dora (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 7 years, she's given birth to 2 children and 1 is still living, age 21), and Paris (son, born in January of 1899 in Kentucky, age 1). George's brother, John, is in house #588.
On page 4 of the 1900 census for District 56 (Meadows) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 9, 1900), Irvin Fletcher is listed as the head of the household for house #28, he's a farmer, born in February of 1858 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 18 years, and he's 42 years old. Also listed are Belle (wife, born in August of 1864 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 18 years, she's given birth to 10 children and all are still living, age 35), Sherdan [Sheridan] (son, born in October of 1882 in Kentucky, age 17), Lulie (daughter, born in June of 1883 in Kentucky, age 16), Pearley (daughter, born in October of 1885 in Kentucky, age 14), Simon (son, born in February of 1887 in Kentucky, age 12), Cassie (daughter, born in February of 1889 in Kentucky, age 10), Kirgath (daughter, born in June of 1891 in Kentucky, age 8), Polly (daughter, born in December of 1874 in Kentucky, age 6 [5]), Kessie (daughter, born in December of 1895 in Kentucky, age 4), Leslie (son, born in November of 1897 in Kentucky, age 2), and Imas (son, born in January of 1900 in Kentucky, age 4 months).
On page 17 of the 1910 census for District 103 (Ivyton) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated May 4, 1910), George Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #158, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 2nd marriage, married for 3 years, and he's 36 years old. Also listed are Lulu (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 2nd marriage [hard to read], married for 3 years, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 28), Paris (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 11), Alka (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 9), Don (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 7), Elma (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 6). George's brother, Milton, is in house #156.
On page 14 of the 1920 census for District 78 (Ivyton) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 17, 1920), George Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #133, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 47 years old. Also listed are Lula (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 36), Paris (son, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 21), Alka (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 19), Dan (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Elma (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), Alice [Dallas] (daughter [son], born in Kentucky, age 10), Delbert (son, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 8 months), and Ganelle (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3 months).
On page 14 of the 1930 census for District 77-11 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 11, 1930), George Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #129, he's a store salesman, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 35, and he's 58 years old. Also listed are Lula (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 23, age 45), Dallas (son, born in Kentucky, age 20), Delbert (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), and Gaynell (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10).
On page 13 of the 1940 census for District 77-9B in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 16, 1940), George Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #102, he's not working, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 70 years old. Also listed are Lulu (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 56), and Irvin Fletcher (father-in-law, widowed, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, 6th grade education, age 86).
The children of DORA PACE and GEORGE CRACE are:
- PARIS LEE CRACE, b. January 13, 1899, Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. August 25, 1944, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, buried in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. OCIE MAE ALLEN.
- ALKA CRACE, b. 1900, Kentucky, d. October 23, 1947, Jasper County, Indiana, buried in North Liberty, St. Joseph County, Indiana, m. BRUCE HOWARD.
- DON N. CRACE, b. 1903, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. March 7, 1980, Everett, Snohomish County, Washington, buried in Everett, Snohomish County, Washington, m. MABEL RUTH "RUTH" PATRICK.
- ELMA CRACE, b. February 1, 1904, Kentucky, d. March 3, 1981, Dade County, Florida, buried in Royalton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. HOMER HOWARD.
The children of GEORGE CRACE and LULU FLETCHER are:
- DALLAS CRACE, b. 1910, Kentucky.
- DONA CRACE, b. October 6, 1912, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Dona Crace was born October 6, 1912 in Magoffin County to Luby Fleatcher.
- DELBERT CRACE, b. April 21, 1917, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Delbert Grace was born April 21, 1917 in Magoffin County to Lulie Fletcher.
- GAYNELL CRACE, b. September 28, 1919, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) TRIMBLE.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Gaynell Grace was born September 28, 1919 in Magoffin County to Lula Fletcher.
THOMAS DEAN "DEAN" CONLEY, son of JAMES CONLEY and CYNTHIA A. MONTGOMERY, was born September 25, 1881 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, died June 10, 1955, and is buried in Powers Cemetery in Magoffin County, Kentucky. He married MAUDE ANDERSON, daughter of GEORGE W. ANDERSON and FRANCES JACKSON, December 24, 1899 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. She was born in January of 1882 in Kentucky, and is buried in Powers Cemetery in Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 197 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
Maudie Anderson was the sister of Phoebe Anderson, who was the 1st wife of Dudley Green.
Thomas and Maudie Conley were reportedly living in Henderson County, Kentucky, in 1940, but that Thomas and Maud can be found living there in 1920 and 1930, as well.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, George W. Anderson married Frances Jackson on November 14, 1878 in Magoffin County at the home of John Jackson. The witnesses were Charlie Minix Jr. and Diles Cole, and the minister was Riley Howard.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Dean Conley married Maude Anderson on December 24, 1899 in Magoffin County at the home of G. W. Anderson. The witnesses were John D. Power and G. W. Anderson, and the minister was W. L. May.
When Dean Conley's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Catlettsburg, Boyd County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a laborer for A.I.& M, that his closest relative was Maud Conley of Catlettsburg, and that he was born September 25, 1881. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had blue eyes and brown hair.
When Dean Conley's World War II draft registration card was filled out on April 27, 1942 in Rensselaer, Jasper County, Indiana, he stated that he was working for Kelly Oliver in Rensselaer, that the person who would always know his address was Frank Power of Lakeville, Kentucky, and that he was born September 25, 1881 in Magowin County [Magoffin County], Kentucky. He was found to be 5 feet 6 inches tall, he weighed 150 pounds, and he had blue eyes, gray hair, and a ruddy complexion.
Information found on findagrave.com shows that Thomas Dean Conley and Maude Anderson Conley were both buried in Powers Cemetery in Magoffin County, Kentucky. No headstone photos are provided.
According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Dean Conley was born September 25, 1881 in McGoffin County, Kentucky, and died June 10, 1955. His parents are listed as James Conley and Cynthia Montgomery.
On page 22 of the 1880 census for District 63 (Precinct 1 - Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 12, 1880), George W. Anderson is listed as the head of the household for house #186, he's a farmer, born in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, and he's 22 years old. Also listed are Frances (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 19), amd Milliard F. (son, born in October of 1879 in Kentucky, age 8 months).
On page 64 of the 1900 census for District 53 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated July 2, 1900), Thomas Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #551, he's a farm laborer, born in September of 1881 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for under a year, and he's 18 years old. Also listed is Maud (wife, born in January of 1882 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, no children, age 18).
On page 59 of the 1900 census for District 55 (Johnson Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 29, 1900), George Anderson is listed as the head of the household for house #535, he's a farmer, born in December of 1855 in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, married for 22 years, and he's 44 years old. Also listed are Francis (wife, born in December of 1863 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 22 years, she's given birth to 6 children and all are still living, age 36), Proctor (son, born in May of 1884 in Kentucky, age 16), Louvina (daughter, born in July of 1888 in Kentucky, age 11), Robert (son, born in December of 1890 in Kentucky, age 9), Phoebe (daughter, born in March of 1892 in Kentucky, age 8), Roxey (daughter, born in March of 1895 in Kentucky, age 5), and Roscoe (son, born in September of 1898 in Kentucky, age 1). It says that Frances has had 6 children and all are still living, there are 6 children in the house, and they are living next to son Milliard, who makes 7 [Maudie makes 8].
On page 3 of the 1910 census for District 110 (Lakeville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 18, 1910), Tommy D. Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #24, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 10 years, and he's 29 years old. Also listed are Maudie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, age [blank]), and Warren Anderson (servant, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 14). Thomas' mother lives on one side and his aunt, Sarah Picklesimer Conley, lives on the other.
On page 12 of the 1910 census for District 110 (Lakeville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 26 & 27, 1910), Frankie Anderson is listed as the head of the household for house #97, she's a farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 14 children and 10 are still living, and she's 48 years old. Also listed are Filmore [Milliard Filmore] (son, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 30), Bobby (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 19), Roxie (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 14), Rosco (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 11), Lizzie (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 9), Jack (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 5), Elsie Anderson (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 8), and Ethel Anderson (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 2).
On page 29 of the 1930 census for District 73-12 (Madison Township) in Scioto County, Ohio (dated April 28, 1930), Dean Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #311, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 42 years old. Also listed are Maudie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, age 41), and Fred (son, born in Kentucky, age 17). They are living next to Maudie's brother, Rosco.
- FRED CONLEY, b. June 1, 1911, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. January 10, 1989, Dearborn, Wayne County, Michigan.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Fred Conley was born June 1, 1911 in Magoffin County to Maudie Anderson.
According to Michigan death record transcripts, Fred Conley was born June 1, 1911, and died January 10, 1989 in Dearborn, Wayne County. He was living in Lincoln Park, Wayne County, at the time of his death.
CELIA JANE PICKLESIMER, daughter of PHOEBE ANN RICE and SAMUEL PICKLESIMER, was born June 24, 1865 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died March 23, 1959 in Wittensville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Henry Colvin Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky. She married (1) HENRY J. COLVIN, son of ASA COLVIN and MARY "POLLY" MAHAN, July 28, 1886 in Johnson County, Kentucky. He was born in June of 1861 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died January 2, 1929 in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Henry Colvin Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky. She married (2) HENRY MARTIN RICE.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 314 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
Information on this family can also be found on page 472 of the book "Johnson County, Kentucky: A History of the County, and Genealogy of Its People Up to the Year 1927" by Mitchell Hall. In that book it says that Celia Picklesimer married a Colvin.
According to Kentucky birth records, Henry Colvin was born in June of 1861 in Johnson County to Asa Colvin (b. Floyd County) and Mary Mahan (b. Floyd County).
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Celia Picklesimer (age 21) married Henry Colvin (age 23) on July 28, 1886 in Johnson County.
Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website and a photo of their headstone shows that Celia Picklesimer Colvin lived from 1865 to 1959, and was buried in Henry Colvin Cemetery in Oil Springs, and that Henry J. Colvin lived from June 22, 1865 to January 2, 1929, and was buried in the same cemetery.
According to her obituary, Celia Colvin Rice (age 93), daughter of the late Sam and Phoeba Rice Picklesimer, was born June 24, 1865 in Johnson County, died March 23, 1959 at the home of her son, Charlie Colvin, in Wittensville, and was buried in the family cemetery in Barnetts Creek. She was first married to Henry Colvin, who preceded her in death 32 years prior. She later married Henry Martin Rice, who also preceded her in death. She was survived by 2 sons, Charlie Colvin and Leck Colvin (of Sciotoville, Ohio); and 1 daughter, Mrs. Rosa Blair (Barnetts Creeek). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Celia C. Rice died March 23, 1959 in Johnson County at the age of 93. She was living in Johnson County at the time of her death.
According to his death certificate, Henry Colvin died January 2, 1929 in Oil Springs from something that's unreadable complicated by pneumonia. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as June 22, 1865, his marital status as married, his occupation as farmer, his parents as Isaah Colvin (b. Kentucky) and Polly Mahan (b. Kentucky), the informant as Leck Colvin of Wheelersburg, Ohio, and the burial place as the family cemetery.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Henry Colvin died January 2, 1929 in Johnson County at the age of 63.
On page 42 of the 1900 census for District 40 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 21, 1900), Henry J. Colvin is listed as the head of the household for house #364, he's a farmer, born in June of 1864 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 15 years, and he's 35 years old. Also listed are Celia (wife, born in June of 1865 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 15 years, she's given birth to 4 children and all are still living, age 34), Elexious (son, born in January of 1886 in Kentucky, age 14), Rosa (daughter, born in November of 1888 in Kentucky, age 11), Florra (daughter, born in November of 1890 in Kentucky, age 9), and Charley H. (son, born in July of 1895 in Kentucky, age 4).
On page 12 of the 1910 census for District 70 (Oil Springs) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 20, 1910), Henry Colvin is listed as the head of the household for house #112, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 25 years, and he's 44 years old. Also listed are Selia (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 25 years, she's given birth to 5 children and all are still living, age 40), Flora (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), Charlie (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), and Nolia (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6). Son Leck is in house #103.
On page 7 of the 1920 census for District 39 (Oil Springs) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 10, 1920), Henry Colvin is listed as the head of the household for house #65, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 57 years old. Also listed are Celia (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 47), Charlie (son, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 23), and Nola (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16).
On page 3 of the 1930 census for District 58-7 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 3, 1930), Charles H. Colvin is listed as the head of the household for house #22, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 28, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Fanny M. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 20, age 25), Gerald C. (son, born in Kentucky, age 1), and Celia (mother, marital status "Un," born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 62).
On page 12 of the 1940 census for District 58-8 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 10, 1940), Martain Rice is listed as the head of the household for house #100, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 78 years old. Also listed is Celie (wife, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same house that she was in 1935, 7th grade education, age 73).
- ELEXIOUS "LECK" COLVIN, b. January 18, 1886, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. Mary 24, 1971, Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio, m. CORA L. BLAIR.
- ROSETTA "ROSIE" COLVIN, b. November 24, 1888, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. November 21, 1979, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. JOHN BLAINE BLAIR.
- FLORENCE MAY "FLORA" COLVIN, b. August 26, 1892, Kentucky, d. January 1, 1925, Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, buried in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. CRATON DAVIS "CRATE" BLAIR.
- CHARLES H. COLVIN, b. July 14, 1895, Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. October 13, 1980, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (1) FANNY MAE TRIMBLE, m. (2) THELMA BOYD.
- NOLA COLVIN, b. 1903, Kentucky, d. 1938, buried in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. MITCHELL BLAIR.
JULIA ANN CONLEY, daughter of JOHN CONLEY and MARGARET BLAIR, was born in April of 1848 in Johnson County, Kentucky. She married LEWIS Z. CHRISTIAN on August 12, 1901 in Johnson County. He was born in September of 1835 in Tennessee. Lewis married (1) SUSAN (unknown last name). She was born in 1817 in North Carolina.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 321 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
Information on this family can be found on page 127 of the book "Johnson County, Kentucky: A History of the County, and Genealogy of Its People Up to the Year 1927" by Mitchell Hall.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Julia Conley (b. Johnson County, parents b. Johnson County, 1st marriage, age 54) married Lewis Christian (b. Tennessee, 2nd marriage, age 66) on August 12, 1901 in Johnson County.
On page 18 of the 1880 census for District 43 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 15, 1880), Lewis Z. Christian is listed as the head of the household for house #269, next door to John A. Conley. He's a farmer, born in Tennessee, parents born in Tennessee, and he's 45 years old. Also listed are Susan (wife, born in North Carolina, father born in North Carolina, mother born in Virginia, age 64), Margarett Long (step-daughter, widowed, does housework, born in Virginia, father born in North Carolina, mother born in Virginia, age 35), Mary C. Corrdl (granddaughter, born in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, age 6), and John Harrison (grandson, born in Virginia, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, age 18).
On page 23 of the 1900 census for District 38 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 11, 1900), Julia is found living in the home of her brother. John Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #210, he's a farmer, born in May of 1854 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 25 years, and he's 46 years old. Also listed are Rhoda (wife, born in March of 1853 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 3 children and all are still living, age 47), William (son, single, farm laborer, born in March of 1876 in Kentucky, age 24), Magaret (daughter, single, farm laborer, born in November of 1879 in Kentucky, age 21), Dennis (son, born in July of 1884 in Kentucky, age 16), and Julia (sister, single, not working, born in April of 1848 in Kentucky, age 52).
On page 13 of the 1900 census for District 38 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 6, 1900), Louis Christain is listed as the head of the household for house #128, he's a farmer, born in September of 1835 in Tennessee, parents born in Tennessee, married for 45 years, and he's 64 years old. Also listed is Susan (wife, born in [unknown month] 1817 in North Carolina, parents born in North Carolina [hard to read], she's given birth to 5 children and 3 are still living [hard to read], age 83).
On page 28 of the 1910 census for District 65 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 30, 1910), Lewis Christian is listed as the head of the household for house #214, he's a farmer, born in Tennessee, parents born in Tennessee, 2nd marriage, married for 8 years, and he's 75 years old. Also listed are Julia (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 8 years, age 62), and Fannie Christian (adopted daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 14).
- FANNIE CHRISTIAN, b. 1896, Kentucky.
Notes: Fannie Christian was adopted.
JOHN WESLEY CONLEY, son of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CONLEY and MARY FRANCES FAIN, was born September 12, 1885 in Kentucky. He married LENOLA "NOLA" FANNIN, daughter of ALFRED RILEY FANNIN and NETTIE LAMBERT, about 1911. She was born April 23, 1894 in Kentucky, and died August 17, 1972 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky.
Notes: John's sister, Bessie, married Lenola's brother, William.
Nettie Lambert's full name was reportedly Jeanette Tamzel Lambert.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, John Conley was born December 16, 1912 in Carter County to Nola Farmin. According to his death certificate, there was an unnamed baby boy who was stillborn on December 16, 1912 in Morton Branch [hard to read], Carter County. Also on this certificate, his parents are listed as John Conley (b. Carer County) and Nola Fannin (b. Carter County).
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Hildred B. Fannin was born September 16, 1913 in Carter County to Nettie Lambert.
When John Wesley Conley's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Grayson, Carter County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a miner working for Kentucky Gem Coal Co. in Norton Branch, Carter County, that his closest relative as Nola Conley of Seney, Carter County, and that he was born September 12, 1885. He was found to be tall and slender, and he had gray eyes and brown hair. Not being able to read or write, he signed the card with an "X."
According to Social Security death record transcripts, there was a John Conley who was born August 12, 1885, and died June 1, 1963. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Texas.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Nola Conley was born April 23, 1894, and died in August of 1972. Her last place of residence was in Rush, Boyd County, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Nola E. Conley died August 17, 1972 in Boyd County at the age of 78.
On page 25 of the 1900 census for District 34 (Magisterial District No. 7) in Carter County, Kentucky (dated June 6 & 7, 1900), Riley Fannin is listed as the head of the household for house #199, he's a day laborer, born in March of 1867 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 15 years, and he's 37 years old. Also listed are Hettie (wife, born in August of 1868 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 8 children and 5 are still living, age 31), Foster (son, born in April of 1888 [hard to read] in Kentucky, age 11), Edward (son, born in September of 1889 in Kentucky, age 10), William (son, born in May of 1892 in Kentucky, age 8), Nola (daughter, born in April of 1894 in Kentucky, age 6), and Earnest (son, born in July of 1899 in Kentucky, age 10 months). They are living next to Riley's widowed mother. Mary Fannin is born in April of 1837 in Kentucky, father born in North Carolina, mother born in Virginia, she's given birth to 7 children and all are still living, and she's 63 years old.
On page 33 of the 1910 census for District 47 (Geigerville) in Carter County, Kentucky (dated May 10, 1910), Riley Fannin is listed as the head of the household for house #147, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 26 years, and he's 47 years old. Also listed are Nettie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 13 children and 8 are still living, age 42), Eddie (son, born in Kentucky, age 20), Wit (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Nola (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), Ernest (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Mary (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4), Carlos (son, born in Kentucky, age 2), and Marie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7 months). They are living next to son Foster and 2 houses away from Riley's mother.
On page 19 of the 1920 census for District 70 (Wilson) in Carter County, Kentucky (dated March 31, 1920), John Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #259, he's a coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 34 years old. Also listed is Lenola (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 25). They are living next to John's brother Frank and 2 houses away from their widowed mother.
On page 2 of the 1920 census for District 70 (Wilson) in Carter County, Kentucky (dated February 2, 1920), Riley Fannin is listed as the head of the household for house #15, he's a coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 51 years old. Also listed are Nettie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 21 [sic]), Ernist (son, born in Kentucky, age 20), Mary (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13), Iva (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10), Julie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), and Hilard (son, born in Kentucky, age 6).
On page 32 of the 1930 census for District 22-16 (Geigerville) in Carter County, Kentucky (dated April 29, 1930), John Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #274, he's a merchant, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 25, and he's 44 years old. Also listed is Nola [hard to read] (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 36).
On page 1 of the 1930 census for District 22-16 (Geigerville) in Carter County, Kentucky (dated April 4, 1930), Alford R. Fannin is listed as the head of the household for house #1, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 24, and he's 67 years old. Also listed are Nettie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 16, age 62), Iva M. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 20), daughter Julia A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), and Hildord B. (son, born in Kentucky, age 16).
On page 9 of the 1940 census for District 22-19 in Carter County, Kentucky (dated April 6, 1940), John Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #78, he's a retail grocery merchant, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 3rd grade education, and he's 54 years old. Also listed is Nola (wife, born in Kentucky, 5th grade education, age 46). They are living next to John's brother, Charles.
WILLIAM M. PENIX, son of HENRY PENIX and RACHEL JENKINS, was born about 1844 in Kentucky, and died about 1898. He married NANCY JANE MONTGOMERY on May 2, 1866 at the Mouth of Lacy's Fork in Magoffin County, Kentucky. She was born in October of 1847 in Kentucky, and died January 17, 1924 in Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, William M. Penix married Nancy Jane Montgomery on May 2, 1866 at the Mouth of Lacy's Fork in Magoffin County. The witnesses were William Howard and Mattson Blanton, and the minister was Samuel Hamilton.
On page 25 of the 1870 census for Barnetts Creek in Johnson County Kentucky (dated July 2, 1870), William Plenix is listed as the head of the household for house #173, he's working on a farm, born in Kentucky, and he's 26 years old. Also listed are Nancy J. (born in Kentucky, age 22), and Granville (born in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 7 of the 1880 census for District 126 (Precinct 8 - State Road Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 5, 1880), William Penix is listed as the head of the household for house #54, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 35 years old. Also listed are Nancy J. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 32), Granville (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Phebe A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), Leander (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Allen J. (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), Jilson (son, born in Kentucky, age 4), and Martha A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2). They are living next to William's brothers, James, and Allen.
On page 38 of the 1900 census for District 53 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (June 20, 1900), Nancy Jane Penix is listed as the head of the household for house #332, she's a farmer, widowed, born in October of 1847 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 7 children and all are still living, and she's 52 years old. Also listed are Jefferson (son, single, farm laborer, born in March of 1876 in Kentucky, age 24), Jilson (son, single, farm laborer, born in December of 1877 in Kentucky, age 22), Martha Ann (daughter, born in August of 1879 in Kentucky, age 20), Roscoe (son, born in June of 1881 in Kentucky, age 18), Pearlie (daughter, born in May of 1889 in Kentucky, age 11), Teallie (daughter, born in June of 1891 in Kentucky, age 8), and Clarance (son, born in February of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7). They are living next to son Leander.
On page 15 of the 1910 census for District 102 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 25, 1910), Jane Penix is listed as the head of the household for house #128, she's a farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 12 children and 8 are still living, and she's 60 years old. Also listed are Jeff (son, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 37), Perlie (daughter, single, born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 20), Tulie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), Clarence (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), and Wannie (female, no relationship listed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 1). They are living around several Penix & Conley family members.
On page 3 of the 1920 census for District 71 (State Road) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 6, 1920), Jane Penix is listed as the head of the household for house #28, she's a farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and she's 68 years old. Also listed are Purly (daughter, single, farmer, born in Kentucky, age 28), Telia (daughter, widowed, farmer, born in Kentucky, age 26), Wanine (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Bertie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), and Leona (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3).
- GRANVILLE PENIX, b. 1869, Kentucky.
- PHOEBE A. PENIX, b. 1871, Kentucky.
- LEANDER C. PENIX, b. November 19, 1872, Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. December 1, 1950, Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Mashfork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. MARY J. "MOLLIE" CONLEY.
- ALLEN J. PENIX, b. 1874, Kentucky.
- JEFFERSON PENIX, b. March 1876, Kentucky.
- JILSON PENIX, b. December 1877, Kentucky.
- MARTHA ANN PENIX, b. August 1879, Kentucky.
- ROSCOE PENIX, b. June 1881, Kentucky.
- PEARL PENIX, b. May 1889, Kentucky.
- TELIA PENIX, b. June 1891, Kentucky, m. (1) (unknown first name) MISKIMMINS, m. (2) LUSTER LITTERAL.
- CLARENCE PENIX, b. February 1893, Kentucky.
SARAH EMILY CONLEY, daughter of DAVID M. CONLEY and MAHALA ROBERSON, was born in November of 1854 in Kentucky, and died after 1910. She married RANSOM L. LEMASTER, son of AMBROSE LEMASTER and SARAH FRANCES SHAVER, about 1876. He was born December 20, 1854 in State Road Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, died June 8, 1941 in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky. Rance Lemaster married (2) MAHALA ELIZABETH CAUDILL.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth records, Ransom Lemasters was born December 20, 1854 in State Road Fork, Floyd County, to Ambers Lemaster and Sarah Frances Shavers.
According to his death certificate, Rance Lemaster died June 8, 1941 in Salyersville from chronic colitis and old age. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as October 7, 1854, his marital status as widowed, his occupation as farmer, his parents as Ambrose Lemaster (b. Kentucky) and Fannie Shavers (b. Kentucky), the informant as Green Lemaster of Salyersville, and the burial place as Falcon, Kentucky.
On page 2 of the 1880 census for District 126 (Precinct 8 - State Road Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 2, 1880), Rans Lemaster is listed as the head of the household for house #11, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, and he's 24 years old. Also listed are Sarah (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 25), Lucinda (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3), and Samuel Lemaster ([relationship is blank], born in Kentucky, age 1). Sarah's mother and stepfather are in house #1, her sister Lydia is in house #8, and Ransom's parents are in house #16.
On page 39 of the 1900 census for District 53 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 20, 1900), Ransom Lemaster is listed as the head of the household for house #338, he's a farmer, born in October of 1854 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 23 years, and he's 45 years old. Also listed are Sarah E. (wife, born in November of 1854 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 6 children and 5 are still living, age 45), Loucinda (daughter, single, not working, born in March of 1878 in Kentucky, age 22), Samuel (son, born in May of 1880 in Kentucky, age 20), Mahala (daughter, born in August of 1882 in Kentucky, age 17), Green (son, born in December of 1884 in Kentucky, age 15), and Gracie (daughter, born in February of 1887 in Kentucky, age 13).
On page 5 of the 1910 census for District 102 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 18, 1910), Ranse Lemaster is listed as the head of the household for house #42, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, 1st marriage, married for 33 years, and he's 49 years old. Also listed are Sarah (wife, born in Kentucky, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 6 children and 5 are still living, age 49), Lucinda (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 32), Gracie (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 23), and Green (son, single, farmer, born in Kentucky, age 20).
On page 12 of the 1920 census for District 72 (Flat Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 9, 1920), Rance L. Lemaster is listed as the head of the household for house #101, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, and he's 64 years old. Also listed are Mahala (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 62), Dora Conley (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 31), Dona (son, single, farmer, born in Kentucky, age 24), Burna (son, single, farmer, born in Kentucky, age 22), Mahala (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 12), Adron (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 10), Grady (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 8), Gaby (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 5), and Tressie A. (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 3 years 6 months).
On page 12 of the 1930 census for District 77-5 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 11, 1930), Rance Lemaster is found living in the home of his son. Green Lemaster is listed as the head of the household for house #135, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 30, and he's 44 years old. Also listed are Emily (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 31), Wishard (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Richard (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Ollie (son, born in Kentucky, age 8), Allie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), Thelma (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 4 months), and Ranse Lemaster (father, married, not working, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 21, age 76).
The children of SARAH CONLEY and RANCE LEMASTER are:
- LUCINDA LEMASTER, b. March 21, 1878, Kentucky, d. February 24, 1939, Conley, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Mashfork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. MATHEW LEE SPARKS.
- SAMUEL LEMASTER, b. May 1880, Kentucky.
- MAHALA LEMASTER, b. October 21, 1882, Kentucky, d. April 2, 1936, Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. WASHINGTON PENIX.
- GREEN LEMASTER, b. December 1884, Kentucky, d. June 1948, buried in Mash Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. EMILY CONLEY.
- GRACIE LEMASTER, b. February 1887, Kentucky, m. DAVID H. PENIX.
WILLAM A. CHEEK, son of ISAIAH CHEEK and MARGARET LOVE, was born about 1868 in Virginia, and died February 12, 1932 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. He married MARGARET GULLETT, about 1886. She was born in December of 1860 in Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: Margaret's maiden name was found on son John's Ohio death record transcript. It's possible that she was the daughter of William Gullett and Rachel Tackett.
According to his death certificate, Will Cheek died suddenly on February 12, 1932 in Magoffin County at the age of 62, with apoplexy being a contributing factor. There was no doctor present and no other useful information on that certificate.
On page 30 of the 1900 census for District 54 (Bloomington) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 19, 1900), William Cheek is listed as the head of the household for house #261, he's a farmer, born in June of 1868 in East Virginia, parents born in East Virginia, married for 14 years, and he's 31 years old. Also listed are Margaret (wife, born in December of 1860 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 9 children and 7 are still living, age 39), Bruce (son, born in November of 1886 in Kentucky, age 13), Newton (son, born in January of 1888 in Kentucky, age 12), Deen (son, born in September of 1889 in Kentucky, age 10), Corbet (son, born in March of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7), Homer (son, born in June of 1895 in Kentucky, age 4), Dora (daughter, born in December of 1897 in Kentucky, age 2), and Evert (son, born in April of 1900 in Kentucky, age 2 months).
On pages 19 & 20 of the 1910 census for District 101 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated May 4 & 5, 1910), Will A. Cheek is listed as the head of the household for house #178, he's a farmer, born in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, 1st marriage, married for 24 years, and he's 41 years old. Also listed are Margaret (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 12 children and 10 are still living, age 46), Newton (son, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 22), Dean (son, born in Kentucky, age 20), Corbit (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Homer (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Dora (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Earl (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), Carl (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Garrad C. (son, born in Kentucky, age 4), and John (son, born in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 15 of the 1920 census for District 68 (Salyersville) Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 20, 1920), William Cheek is listed as the head of the household for house #156, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 52 years old. Also listed are Margret (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 54), Newt (son, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 33), Carl (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Garat (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), John (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), and Margret L. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3). Margaret is actually a granddaughter, daughter of son Corbet.
On page 12 of the 1930 census for District 77-2 (Magisterial District No. 1) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 16, 1930), William Cheek is listed as the household for house #109, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 17 [hard to read] and he's 60 years old. Also listed are Marguerette (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 22, age 65), Newton (son, single, laborer doing odd jobs, born in Kentucky, age 41), John (son, born in Kentucky, age 20), and Louise (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13). Louise is Margaret Louise Cheek, daughter of son Corbet.
On page 39 of the 1940 census for District 77-5 in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 27, 1940), Carl Cheek is listed as the head of the household for house #305, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 6th grade education, and he's 36 years old. Also listed are Ollie (wife, born in Kentucky, 6th grade education, age 38), Haskell (son, born in Kentucky, age 18), Mitchell (son, born in Kentucky, age 16), Gladys (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Winford (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), and Mary (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same house that she was in 1935, no formal education, age 76).
The children of WILLAM CHEEK and MARGARET GULLETT are:
- BRUCE CHEEK, b. November 1886, Kentucky.
- NEWTON CHEEK, b. January 1888, Kentucky.
- DEAN CHEEK, b. September 1889, Kentucky.
- JAMES CORBETT "CORBETT" CHEEK, b. March 10, 1893, Wheelersburg, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. 1918, buried in Lickburg, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. NELLIE T. COOPER.
- HOMER CHEEK, b. June 1895, Kentucky.
- DORA CHEEK, b. December 1897, Kentucky.
- EARL EVERETT CHEEK, b. April 1900, Kentucky.
- CARL CHEEK, b. October 5, 1903, Kentucky, d. November 15, 1965, Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. OLLIE CONLEY.
- GARRETT C. CHEEK, b. 1906, Kentucky.
- JOHN M. CHEEK, b. April 15, 1909, Kentucky, d. January 21, 2002, Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio.
Notes: According to Ohio death record transcripts, John M. Cheek was born April 15, 1909 in Kentucky, and died January 21, 2002 in a hospital in Portsmouth at the age of 92. He was widowed at the time of his death, his father's surname is listed as Cheek, and his mother's maiden name as Gullett.
PATTON BORDERS, son of FRANCIS "FANNY" CONLEY and SAMUEL BRACKEN "BRACK" BORDERS, was born August 8, 1892 in Cyrus, Magoffin County, Kentucky, died March 28, 1971 in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Highland Memorial Park in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married LAURA LITTERAL, daughter of ULYSSES GRANT LITTERAL and LOUISA E. BAILEY, October 11, 1911. She was born June 14, 1891 in Kentucky, died January 7, 1981 in Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky, and is buried in Highland Memorial Park in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 73 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
When Patton Borders' World War I draft registration card was filled out on June 5, 1917 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a self-employed farmer in Falcon, Magoffin County, that he was married, and that he was born August 8, 1892 in Cyrus, Magoffin County. He was found to be short and slender, and he had black eyes and black hair.
Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website and a photo of their headstone shows that Patton Borders lived from 1892 to 1971, and was buried in Highland Memorial Park in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and that Laura Borders lived from 1891 to 1981, and was buried in the same cemetery.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Patton Borders was born August 8, 1892, and died in March of 1971. His last place of residence was in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Laura Borders was born June 14, 1891, and died in January of 1981. Her last place of residence was in Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Laura Borders died January 7, 1981 in Lawrence County at the age of 89. She was living in Magoffin County at the time of her death.
On page 9 of the 1920 census for District 71 (State Road) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 13 & 14, 1920), Patton Borders is listed as the head of the household for house #71, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 27 years old. Also listed is Laura (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 28).
On page 18 of the 1930 census for District 77-2 (Magisterial District No. 1) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1930), Patton Borders is listed as the head of the household for house #162, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 19, and he's 37 years old. Also listed is Laura (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 20, age 38).
ULYSSES GRANT LITTERAL, son of WILEY LITTERAL and REBECCA JANE PACE, was born in February of 1866 in Kentucky, and died April 9, 1945. He married LOUISA ELIZABETH BAILEY, daughter of ALLEN C. BAILEY and MAHALA SALYER, in February of 1888. She was born December 19, 1867 in Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 546 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
Louisa Elizabeth Bailey was reportedly the sister of Mary Catherine Bailey.
On page 13 of the 1870 census for Precinct 1 in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated August 23, 1870), Allin C. Bailey is listed as the head of the household for house #87, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 43 years old. Also listed are Mahala (born in Kentucky, age 36), Newcarious (born in Kentucky, age 13), Leander C. (born in Kentucky, age 11), Cyntha E. (born in Kentucky, age 9), Mary C. (born in Kentucky, age 7), Malissa F. (born in Kentucky, age 6), George B. (born in Kentucky, age 4), Louisa (born in Kentucky, age 2), and Abagal (born in November of 1869 in Kentucky, age 11 months).
On page 6 of the 1880 census for District 63 (Precinct 1 - Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 3, 1880), Hailey Bailey is listed as the head of the household for house #45, she's widowed, not working, born in Virginia, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, and she's 47 years old. Also listed are Leander (son, single, laborer, born in Virginia, age 21), Mary C. (daughter, born in Virginia, age 18), Lizzia (daughter, born in Virginia, age 16), George (son, born in Virginia, age 14), Louisia (daughter, born in Virginia, age 12), Abigal (daughter, born in Virginia, age 10), Bell (daughter, born in Virginia, age 8), Carline (daughter, born in Virginia, age 6), Mandy (daughter, born in Virginia, age 5), Johny (son, born in Virginia, age 3), and Josephine (daughter, born in Virginia, age 1).
On page 51 of the 1900 census for District 53 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 26, 1900), Grant Litteral is listed as the head of the household for house #444, he's a farmer, born in February of 1866 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 12 years, and he's 34 years old. Also listed are Louisa E. (wife, born in December of 1867 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 6 children and all are still living, age 32), Bertie (daughter, born in March of 1889 in Kentucky, age 11), Laura (daughter, born in June of 1891 in Kentucky, age 8), Ernest (son, born in September of 1893 in Kentucky, age 6), Raleigh C. (son, born in June of 1895 in Kentucky, age 4), Oma (daughter, born in March of 1897 in Kentucky, age 3), and Lessie (daughter, born in April of 1899 in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 20 of the 1910 census for District 102 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated May 2, 1910), Grant Literal is listed as the head of the household for house #175, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 21 years, and he's 44 years old. Also listed are Lou (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 10 children and 9 are still living, age 42), Laura (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), Ernest (son, born in Kentucky, age 16), Raleigh C. (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Oma (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Lessie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10), Bedia (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), Hascal (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), and Raymond (son, born in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 8 of the 1920 census for District 71 (State Road) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 12 & 13, 1920), Grant Litteral is listed as the head of the household for house #59, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 53 years old. Also listed are Lou E. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 52), Ernest E. (son, single, laborer in a shoe factory, born in Kentucky, age 26), Lealgh C. (son, single, machinist in a shoe factory, born in Kentucky, age 24), Oma (daughter, single, bookkeeper, born in Kentucky, age 22), Lessie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 20), Beadie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), Haskell (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), Raymond (son, born in Kentucky, age 10).
On page 1 of the 1930 census for District 58-8 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 2, 1930), Grant Litteral is listed as the head of the household for house #9, he's a dry goods merchant, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 64 years old. Also listed are Lou (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 18, age 62), and Raymon (son, born in Kentucky, age 20).
The children of GRANT LITTERAL and LOU BAILEY are:
- BERTIE LITTERAL, b. March 1, 1889, Kentucky, d. October 1, 1964, Scioto County, Ohio, m. OTTIS CONLEY.
- LAURA LITTERAL, b. June 14, 1891, Kentucky, d. January 7, 1981, Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. PATTON BORDERS.
- ERNEST LITTERAL, b. September 1893, Kentucky.
- RALEIGH C. LITTERAL, b. June 1895, Kentucky.
- OMA LITTERAL, b. March 1897, Kentucky.
- LESSIE LITTERAL, b. April 1899, Kentucky.
- BEADA LITTERAL, b. 1902, Kentucky.
- HASCAL LITTERAL, b. 1905, Kentucky.
- RAYMOND LITTERAL, b. 1909, Kentucky.
PETER CRACE, son of GEORGE CRACE JR. and CHARITY MORGAN, was born about 1792 in Rockbridge County, Virginia, and died about 1867 in Roxana, Letcher County, Kentucky. He married (1) ANNIE ADAMS, daughter of STEPHEN ADAMS and MARY WEBB, March 6, 1813 in Floyd County, Kentucky She was born about 1798 in Wilkes County, North Carolina, and died about 1844 in Kentucky. He married (2) REBECCA HOGG about 1845 in Kentucky. She was born about 1827 in Roxana, Letcher County, Kentucky, and died December 27, 1878 in Roxana, Letcher County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 76 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society. According to that book, Peter Crace's father was George Crace Jr., and his father, George Crace I, was a private in the American Revolution (Pension File #524983).
In Peter Crace's daughter Polly's death certificate, her mother's name is listed as Nancy Adams. Her name could have been Nancy Ann Adams.
There is a Kentucky marriage record of a Peter Cress who was born in 1798 in Virginia marrying a Rebecca Christian, who was born in 1827 in Kentucky. Rebecca's last name has also been reported to be Hogg.
On page 3 of the 1820 census for Floyd County, Kentucky, Peter Crace is listed as the head of the household. In this house are 3 males under 10 years old, 1 male between 26 and 45, and 1 female between 16 and 26.
On page 11 of the 1840 census for Lee County, Virginia, Peter Crace is listed as the head of his household. In this house are 1 male between the ages of 40 and 50, and 1 female between the ages of 40 and 50.
On page 25 of the 1850 census for District 2 in Perry County, Kentucky (dated September 3, 1850), Peter Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #172, he's a farmer, born in Virginia, and he's 52 years old. Also listed are Rebecca (born in Kentucky, age 23), Wilson (born in Kentucky, age 4), Andrew (born in Kentucky, age 2), and George (born in Kentucky, age 5 months).
On page 12 of the 1860 census for Letcher County, Kentucky (dated June 12, 1860), Peter Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #74, he's a cooper, born in Virginia, and he's 60 years old. Also listed are Beky (born in Kentucky, age 33), Willson (born in Kentucky, age 14), Andy (born in Kentucky, age 13), George (born in Kentucky, age 10), Sarah (born in Kentucky, age 8), William (born in Kentucky, age 4), and Mary (born in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 23 of the 1870 census for Precinct 1 in Letcher County, Kentucky (dated July 15, 1870), Rebecca Crase is listed as the head of the household for house #160, she's born in Kentucky, and 42 years old. Also listed are Maury (born in Kentucky, age 12), Martha (born in Kentucky, age 9), Elizabeth (born in Kentucky, age 6), and Jane (born in Kentucky, age 2).
The children of PETER CRACE and ANNIE ADAMS are:
- CAMPBELL C. CRACE, b. 1814, Perry County, Kentucky, m. MAHALA CRAFT.
- HENRY CRACE, b. July 24, 1816, Kentucky.
- ALFRED CRACE, b. 1818, Perry County, Kentucky, d. before 1860, m. RUTH SPRADLIN.
- STEPHEN M. CRACE, b. 1824, Perry County, Kentucky, d. Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. (1) MARY "POLLY" GULLETT, m. (2) NANCY JANE CONLEY.
- MARY ANN "POLLY" CRACE, b. July 31, 1825, Letcher County, Kentucky, d. June 13, 1911, State Road Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. ABEL CAUDILL.
The children of PETER CRACE and REBECCA HOGG are:
- WILSON CRACE, b. 1846, Kentucky.
- ANDREW JACKSON CRACE, b. 1848, Kentucky.
- GEORGE CRACE, b. 1850, Kentucky.
- SARAH CRACE, b. 1852, Kentucky.
- WILLIAM RILEY CRACE, b. January 1855, Whitesburg, Letcher County, Kentucky, d. October 28, 1941, Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. (1) JULIA JACKSON, m. (2) JANE (unknown last name).
- MARY CRACE, b. 1858, Kentucky.
- MARTHA CRACE, b. 1861, Kentucky.
- ELIZABETH CRACE, b. 1864, Kentucky.
- VIRGINIA JANE CRACE, b. 1868, Kentucky.
ALFRED CRACE, son of PETER CRACE and ANNIE ADAMS, was born about 1818 in Perry County, Kentucky, and died before 1860. He married RUTH SPRADLIN, daughter of JESSE SPRADLIN and SARAH STONE, about 1847. She was born in January of 1824 in Kentucky, and died February 7, 1912 in Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: Ruth Spradlin was the sister of Michael Spradlin.
Alfred and Ruth reportedly had a 4th child, Nancy Crace, who was born in 1849, and Ruth says that she had 4 living children in the 1900 census, but other than that, there is no known record of this child.
On page 102 of the 1850 census for My District in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated August 29, 1850), Alfred Crase is listed as the head of the household for house #637, he's a carpenter, born in Kentucky, and he's 32 years old. Also listed are Ruthy (born in Kentucky, age 25), and Henry (born in Kentucky, age 2).
On page 75 of the 1860 census for Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated July 22, 1860), Ruthy Crase is listed as the head of the household for house #510, she's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and she's 36 years old. Also listed are Henry (born in Kentucky, age 11), and Mary E. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9).
On page 20 of the 1870 census for Precinct 1 in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated August 24, 1870), Rutha Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #136, she's not working, born in Kentucky, and she's 46 years old. Also listed is Jacob Crace (works on farm, born in Kentucky, age 15). They are living next to Ruth's son, Henry.
On page 6 of the 1880 census for District 126 (Precinct 7 - Burning Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 22, 1880), Ruth Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #199, she's widowed, not working, born in Kentucky, father born in Virginia, mother born in North Carolina, and she's 55 years old. Also listed are Mary Crace (daughter, divorced, not working, born in Kentucky, age 29), and Alfred Crace (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 8).
On page 67 of the 1900 census for District 53 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 3, 1900), Ruth Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #575, she's a farmer, widowed, born in January of 1824 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 4 children and all are still living, and she's 76 years old. Also listed is Robert Stone (grandson, single, farm laborer, born in February of 1874 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 26).
The children of ALFRED CRACE and RUTH SPRADLIN are:
- HENRY CRACE, b. June 3, 1847, Kentucky, d. September 6, 1911, Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Ivyton, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. (1) SERILDA FRANCES STONE, m. (2) ELIZABETH (unknown last name).
- MARY ANN CRACE, b. June 1851, Kentucky, m. STEPHEN STONE.
- JACOB CRACE, b. 1855, Kentucky.
MARY ANN CRACE, daughter of ALFRED CRACE and RUTH SPRADLIN, was born in June of 1851 in Kentucky. She married STEPHEN STONE, son of of CHARLES R. STONE and ZILPHA ADAMS, March 14, 1866 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. He was born about 1848 in Floyd County, Kentucky, and died January 23, 1898 in Floyd County, Kentucky. They were divorced before 1878.
Notes: Mary Crace's brother, Henry, married Stephen Stone's sister, Serilda.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Stephen Stone married Mary Crace on March 14, 1866 in Magoffin County, Kentucky at the home of Ruthy Crace. The witnesses were Solomon Spradlin and Henry Crace and the minister was B. H. Holbrook.
On page 120 of the 1850 census for My District in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated September 6, 1850), Charles Stone is listed as the head of the household for house #756, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 30 years old. Also listed are Zelpha (born in Kentucky, age 40), Mary (born in Kentucky, age 14), Elizabeth (born in Kentucky, age 12), Stephen (born in Kentucky, age 2), and Margaret (born in Kentucky, age 3 months).
On page 25 of the 1860 census for Floyd County, Kentucky (dated July 20, 1860), Charles Stone is listed as the head of the household for house #164, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 39 years old. Also listed are Zilpha (born in Kentucky, age 48), Stephen (born in Kentucky, age 12), Serilda (born in Kentucky, age 9), Rebecca (born in Kentucky, age 7), Geo. M. D. [George] (born in Kentucky, age 5), and Sarah (born in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 11 of the 1870 census for Precinct 2 in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated June 16 & 17, 1870), Stephen Stone is listed as the head of the household for house #70, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 22 years old. Also listed are Mary (born in Kentucky, age 19), James H. (born in Kentucky, age 3), and Sherman (born in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 6 of the 1880 census for District 126 (Precinct 7 - Burning Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 22, 1880), Mary Crace Stone is found living in the home of her mother. Ruth Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #199, she's widowed, not working, born in Kentucky, father born in Virginia, mother born in North Carolina, and she's 55 years old. Also listed are Mary Crace (daughter, divorced, not working, born in Kentucky, age 29), and Alfred Crace (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 8).
On page 26 of the 1880 census for District 37 (Prestonsburg - Abbott And Hager Shoal) in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated June 16 & 17, 1880), Stephen Stone is found living with his 2nd wife [Emily Jane Risner], next to his parents. Stephen Stone is listed as the head of the household for house #230, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 32 years old. Also listed are Jane (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 20), James (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 13), Sherman (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 11), John (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 1), and Mary (daughter, born in March of 1879 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 9 months).
On page 67 of the 1900 census for District 53 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 3, 1900), Ruth Crace is listed as the head of the household for house #575, she's a farmer, widowed, born in January of 1824 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 4 children and all are still living, and she's 76 years old. Also listed is Robert Stone (grandson, single, farm laborer, born in February of 1874 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 26).
The children of MARY CRACE and STEPHEN STONE are:
- JAMES STONE, b. 1867, Kentucky.
- SHERMAN STONE, b. 1869, Kentucky.
- ALFRED ROBERT STONE, b. February 1874, Kentucky.
Notes: Alfred Robert Stone could actually be 2 different people: Alfred Stone (or Crace) and Robert Stone. See the accompanying census reports.
GEORGE B. BLANTON, son of JAMES P. BLANTON and SARAH FRANCIS SPRADLIN, was born July 6, 1903 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died July 14, 1980 in Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married (1) ALTA SPRADLIN, daughter of GEORGE WASHINGTON SPRADLIN and MARTHA FITZPATRICK. She was born October 10, 1902 in Johnson County, Kentucky, and died November 4, 1922 in Ballot, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married (2) RUSHIA JACKSON, daughter of ELISHA JACKSON and LOUISA CAUDILL, about 1925. She was born December 27, 1907 in Kentucky, and died September 11, 1991 in Floyd County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth records, Alta Spradlin was born October 10, 1902 in Johnson County to George Spradlin (b. Johnson County) and Martha J. Fitchpatrick (b. Johnson County).
According to his obituary, George B. Blanton (age 77), son of James P. and Sarah Francis Spradlin Blanton, was a resident of Oil Springs and a retired miner. He was born July 6, 1903 in Johnson County, died July 14, 1980 in Highlands Regional Medical Center, and was buried in the family cemetery in Oil Springs. He was survived by his wife, Rushia Jackson Blanton; 6 sons, Kernie Blanton (of Carey, Ohio), Donald Ray Blanton (Carey, Ohio), Carl Blanton (Oil Springs), Ronald Blanton (Oil Springs), Chalmer Blanton (Campton), and Dorsey Blanton (Portland, Oregon); 5 daughters, Kathleen Fairchild (Columbus, Ohio), Jewell Salyers (Westerville, Ohio), Buford Burke (Galloway, Ohio), Garnet Turner (Chicago, Illinois), and Juanita Rhineheart (San Diego, California); 30 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, George B. Blanton died July 14, 1980 in Floyd County at the age of 77. He was living in Johnson County at the time of his death.
According to her death certificate, Alta Spradlin died November 4, 1922 in Ballot, Johnson County, Kentucky, from "Gun Shot Wound over Heart Suicidal." Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as September 20, 1903, her age as 19 years 1 month 14 days, her parents as George Spradlin (b. Kentucky) and Martha Lewis (b. Kentucky), and the informant as George Spradlin of Ballot, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Alta Spradlin died November 4, 1922 in Johnson County at the age of 19.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Rushia Blanton was born December 27, 1907, and died September 11, 1991. She received her Social Security card in 1969 in Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Rushia Blanton died September 11, 1991 in Floyd County at the age of 77. She was living in Johnson County at the time of her death.
On page 6 of the 1930 census for District 58-8 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 4, 1930), Georg B. Blanton [sic] is listed as the head of the household for house #41, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 21, and he's 26 years old. Also listed are Rischa (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 21), Kathline (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Jewell (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4 years 8 months), Kennie (son, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 4 months [hard to read]), and James B. Blanton (father, widowed, not working, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 73). They are living close to George's sister Flora.
On page 8 of the 1940 census for District 30-42 (Magisterial Districe No. 8) in Daviess County, Kentucky (dated April 10 - 12, 1940), Geo. B. Blanton is listed as the head of the household for house #75, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he was living in rural Johnson County, Kentucky, in 1935, he has a 5th grade education, and he's 75 years old. Also listed are Rushia (wife, born in Kentucky, 6th grade education, age 31), Jewell (son [mistake], born in Kentucky, age 13), Kernie (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Carl (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Chalmer (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Buford (son, born in Kentucky, age 4), Garnie Irene (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2), and Doris (son, born in Kentucky, age 3 months).
- MAUDIE KATHLEEN "KATHLEEN" BLANTON, b. November 20, 1919, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. April 21, 1999, Westerville, Franklin County, Ohio, m. HARMON W. FAIRCHILD.
The children of GEORGE BLANTON and RUSHIA JACKSON are:
- JEWELL BLANTON, b. July 19, 1926, Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, died December 5, 2005 in Westerville, Franklin County, Ohio, buried in Westerville, Franklin County, Ohio, m. ARTHUR SALYER, son of WALTER SALYER and EVA ADAMS, 1947.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Juel Blanton was born July 19, 1926 in Johnson County to [no first name] Jackson.
According to her obituary, Jewell Blanton Salyer (age 79), daughter of George and Rushia Blanton, was born July 19, 1926 in Oil Springs, died December 5, 2005 in Westerville, Ohio, after an extended illness, and was buried in Northlawn Memory Gardens in Westerville. She was preceded in death by her parents; 2 brothers, Tony and George Jr.; 1 sister, Kathleen (Harman) Fairchild; and 1 son, Phillip Arthur Salyer. She was survived by her husband of 58 years, Arthur Salyer; 1 son, Jerry Salyer; 1 daughter, Terri (Frank) Breeden; 6 brothers, Kernie (Ruth) Blanton, Chalmer (Eddie Jane) Blanton, Carl (Jeanette) Blanton, Dorsey (Opal) Blanton, Donald Ray Blanton, and Ronald Blanton; 3 sisters, Boots (Ray) Burke, Garnett (Frank) Turner, and Juanita Rhinehart; and numerous nieces and nephews. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
- KERNIE BLANTON, b. 1928, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. RUTH (unknown last name).
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Kernie Blanton was born in Johnson County to Rushia Jackson.
- CARL BLANTON, b. October 25, 1930, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. November 5, 2007, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. JEANETTE JACKSON.
Notes: Jeanette Jackson's maiden name was determined by finding the birth record transcripts of her children, Carl , Diana , and Jeffrey .
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Carl Blanton was born October 25, 1930 in Johnson County to Rushia Jackson.
According to his obituary, Carl Blanton (age 77), son of the late George B. and Rushia Jackson Blanton and a coal miner, was born October 25, 1930, died November 5, 2007 in Paul B. Hall Regional Medical Center in Paintsville, and was buried in Johnson County Memorial Cemetery in Staffordsville. He was survived by 2 sons, Carl Roger Blanton (of Tutor Key) and Jeffery Blanton (Oil Springs); 1 daughter, Dinah Cheryl Crum (Oil Springs); 5 brothers, Chalmer Blanton (Campton), Donald Blanton (Carey, Ohio), Kernie Blanton (Carey, Ohio), Dorsey Blanton (Oil Springs), and Ronald Blanton (Oil Springs); 2 sisters, Boots Burke (Columbus, Ohio) and Juanita Rhinehart (Crane, Michigan); 6 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Carl Blanton was born October 25, 1930, and died November 5, 2007. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Ohio, and his last place of residence was in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky.
- CHALMER BLANTON, b. 1933, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. EDDIE JANE (unknown last name).
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Chalmer Blanton was born in Johnson County to Rushia Jackson.
- BEAUFORD "BOOTS" BLANTON, b. August 9, 1935, Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. June 8, 2009, Grove City, Franklin County, Ohio, buried in Grove City, Franklin County, Ohio, m. RAY BURKE.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Beauford Blanton was born August 9, 1935 in Johnson County to Rushia Jackson.
According to her obituary, Beauford "Boots" Blanton Burke (age 73), daughter of the late George and Rushia Jacson Blanton, was born August 9, 1935 in Oil Springs, Kentucky, died June 8, 2009 at home in Grove City, Ohio, and was buried in Grove City Cemetery. She was preceded in death by 3 brothers, George Blanton Jr., Tony Blanton, and Carl Blanton; and 3 sisters, Kathleen Fairchild, Jewell Salyer, and Garnett Turner. She was survived by her husband of 40 years, Ray Burke; 1 son, Barry (Marlene) Utzinger; 1 daughter, Sherry (Frank) Butcher; 5 brothers, Kernie (Ruth) Blanton, Chalmer (Eddie Jane) Blanton, Dorsey (Opal) Blanton, Donald Ray Blanton, and Ronald Blanton; 1 sister, Juanita Rhinehart; 4 grandchildren, Brandon Clay, Chance Clay, Jason Utzinger, and Amanda Utzinger; and 1 great-grandchild, Trevor Utzinger. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Beauford Burke was born August 9, 1935, and died June 8, 2009. She received her Social Security card in 1952-1953 in Ohio, and her last place of residence was in Grove City, Franklin County, Ohio.
- GARNETT I. BLANTON, b. 1937, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. FRANK TURNER.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Garnett I. Blanton was born in Johnson County to Rushia Jackson.
- DORSEY BLANTON, b. 1939, Daviess County, Kentucky, m. OPAL (unknown last name).
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Dorsey Blanton was born in Daviess County to Rushia Jackson.
- GEORGE B. BLANTON JR., b. March 24, 1946, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. July 19, 1948, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, George J. Blanton was born March 24, 1946 in Johnson County to Rushia Jackson.
According to his death certificate, George Blanton Jr. died July 19, 1948 in Paintsville Hospital from meningitis. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as March 24, 1946, his parents as George B. Blanton (b. Kentucky) and Rushia Jackson (b. Kentucky), the informant as George B. Blanton of Oil Springs, Kentucky, and the burial place as Oil Springs.
According to her obituary, George Blanton Jr., son of George and Rushie Jackson Blanton who were residents of Oil Springs, died very suddenly in a local Johnson County hospital on July 19, 1948, less than 2 hours after being admitted, and was buried in the family cemetery near the home. He was survived by his parents and 11 brothers and sisters. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, George Blanton Jr. died July 19, 1948 in Johnson County at the age of 2.
- DONALD RAY BLANTON, b. Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Donald R. Blanton was born in Johnson County to Rushie Jackson.
- RONALD BLANTON, b. Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Ronald Blanton was born in Johnson County to Rushie Jackson.
- JUANITA BLANTON, m. (unknown first name) RHINEHART.