ORA CONLEY, daughter of SAMUEL CONLEY and MARY CAUDILL, was born in September of 1898 in Kentucky, and died December 31, 1971 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. She married THOMAS CAUDILL, son of ABEL H. CAUDILL and ELIZABETH B. ROARK, about 1916. He was born September 5, 1895 in Kentucky, and died in October of 1972 in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 539 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Ora C. Caudill died December 31, 1971 in Magoffin County at the age of 72.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Tom Caudill was born September 5, 1895, and died in October of 1972. His last place of residence was in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
On pages 10 & 11 of the 1920 census for District 71 (State Road) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 19 & 20, 1920), Thomas Caudill is listed as the head of the household for house #85, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 24 years old. Also listed are Ora (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 20), and Fay (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 7 months). Ora's parents are in house #89.
On page 5 of the 1930 census for District 77-5 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 7, 1930), Tom Caudill is listed as the head of the household for house #44, he owns his own blacksmith shop, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 34 years old. Also listed are Ora (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 16, age 30), Fay (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Opal (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), Gobel (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Paul (son, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 10 months), and Farmer Penix (boarder, single, farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 26).
On pages 11 & 12 of the 1940 census for District 77-5 in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 10, 1940), Tom Caudill is listed as the head of the household for house #88, he's a blacksmith, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 44 years old. Also listed are Ora (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 46), Goble (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Paul (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Edith (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), and Farmer Penix (lodger, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, 8th grade education, age 25).
The children of ORA CONLEY and TOM CAUDILL are:
- FAYE CAUDILL, b. May 28, 1918, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. BILL HOWARD.
- OPAL CAUDILL, b. 1921, Kentucky, m. (1) JOSEPH W. CAUDILL, m. (2) RAYMOND DAVIS.
- GOBLE CAUDILL, b. 1923, Kentucky, m. MARY ALICE BRADLEY.
- PAUL W. CAUDILL, b. 1928, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. ERMA LEE BALDWIN.
- EDITH CAUDILL, b. 1932, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. OLIVER "BOWNCE" TACKETT.

OLLIE CONLEY, daughter of SAMUEL CONLEY and MARY CAUDILL, was born about 1901 in Kentucky, and died November 13, 1963 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. She married CARL CHEEK, son of WILLIAM A. CHEEK and MARGARET GULLETT, about 1922. He was born October 5, 1903 in Kentucky, and died November 15, 1965 in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 540 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
Carl Cheek has been reported to be the son of John Cheek and Emma Collins, but the census reports show that this isn't so.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Ollie Cheek died November 13, 1963 in Magoffin County at the age of 63.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Carl Cheek was born October 5, 1903, and died in November of 1965 in Magoffin County. HIs last place of residence was in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Carl Cheek died November 15, 1965 in Magoffin County at the age of 62.
On page 9 of the 1930 census for District 77-5 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 8, 1930), Carl Cheek is listed as the head of the household for house #90, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 18, and he's 26 years old. Also listed are Ollie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 20, age 28), Haskell (son, born in Kentucky, age 8), Mitchell (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), and Gladys (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5).
On page 39 of the 1940 census for District 77-5 in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 27, 1940), Carl Cheek is listed as the head of the household for house #305, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 6th grade education, and he's 36 years old. Also listed are Ollie (wife, born in Kentucky, 6th grade education, age 38), Haskell (son, born in Kentucky, age 18), Mitchell (son, born in Kentucky, age 16), Gladys (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Winford (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), and Mary (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same house that she was in 1935, no formal education, age 76).
The children of OLLIE CONLEY and CARL CHEEK are:
- HASKEL CHEEK, b. 1922, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. (1) MAY ADAMS, m. (2) JEAN ADKINS.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Haskell Cheek was born in Magoffin County to Ollie Conley.
- MITCHELL CHEEK, b. 1923, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. OPAL CANTRELL.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Mitchell Cheek was born in Magoffin County to Ollie Conley.
- GLADYS CHEEK, b. 1925, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) WHITLEY.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Gladys Cheek was born in Magoffin County to Ollie Conley.
- WINFORD CHEEK, b. 1934, Kentucky, m. LORENE TACKETT.

ESSIE CONLEY, daughter of SAMUEL CONLEY and MARY CAUDILL, was born April 10, 1910 in Kentucky, and died before 1984. She married ROWLAND CHEEK, son of JOHN C. CHEEK and EMMA COLLINS, about 1929. He was born September 2, 1907 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, died August 17, 1949 in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 540 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
According to his death certificate, Roland Cheek died August 17, 1949 in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from tuberculosis of the lungs. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Magoffin County, his birth date as September 2, 1907, his marital status as married, his occupation as doser operator, his parents as John Cheek and Emma Collins, and the burial place as Falcon.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Roland Cheek died August 17, 1949 in Magoffin County at the age of 41. He was living in Magoffin County at the time of his death.
On page 9 of the 1930 census for District 36-13 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated April 16, 1930), Rolin Cheek is listed as the head of the household for house #86, he's a coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 19, and he's 21 years old. Also listed are Essie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, age 20), and Mary A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5 months).
The children of ESSIE CONLEY and ROWLAND CHEEK are:
- MARY A. CHEEK, b. 1929, Kentucky.
- CHARLES E. CHEEK, b. September 14, 1932, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. September 5, 1992, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. PATRICIA PATRICK.
- RAY F. CHEEK, m. SYBIN (unknown last name).
- JIMMIE E. CHEEK, b. Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. PATRICIA SALYERS.
- JUDY K. CHEEK, b. Boyd County, Kentucky, m. WILLIAM LOVELY.
- JANET F. CHEEK, b. Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. LOWELL GREY ARNETT.

ERD CONLEY, son of SAMUEL CONLEY and MARY CAUDILL, was born February 19, 1902 in Kentucky, and died September 21, 1981 in Gallia County, Ohio. He married ARIZONA "ZONA" RISNER, daughter of GREENWADE "GREEN" RISNER and DORA HICKS, about 1927. She was born March 3, 1903 in Kentucky, and died November 8, 1987 in Jackson County, Ohio.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 541 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
Arizona Risner was the sister of Delilah Risner.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Mable Risener was born March 28, 1913 in Magoffin County to Dora Hicks.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Erd Conley was born February 19, 1902, and died in September of 1981. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Michigan, and his last place of residence was in Jackson County, Ohio.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Erd Conley was born about 1902 in Kentucky, and died September 21, 1891 in Holzer Medical Center in Gallia County at the age of 79. His place of residence was in Jackson County and he was married at the time of his death.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Zona Conley was born March 3, 1903, and died November 8, 1987. She received her Social Security card in 1973 in Ohio, and her last place of residence was in Jackson County, Ohio.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Zona Conley was born about 1903 in Kentucky, and died November 8, 1987 in Oak Hill Community Medical Center in Jackson County at the age of 84. She was widowed at the time of her death.
On page 25 of the 1900 census for District 31 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated June 1900), Green Risner is listed as the head of the household for house #204, he's a farmer, born in February of 1870 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 9 years, and he's 30 years old. Also listed are Dora (wife, born in February of 1875 in Kentucky, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, married for 9 years, she's given birth to 4 children and 3 are still living, age 25), Julia (daughter, born in July of 1892 in Kentucky, age 7), Ernest (son, born in January of 1894 in Kentucky, age 6), Delila (daughter, born in February of 1896 in Kentucky, age 4), Eliza Hicks (mother-in-law, widowed, not working, born in May of 1865 in Kentucky, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 7 children and 6 are still living, age 65), and Joseph Hicks (brother-in-law, single, teacher, born in November of 1877 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 22).
On page 25 of the 1910 census for District 52 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated May 3, 1910), Green Risener is listed as the head of the household for house #194, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 18 years, and he's 39 years old. Also listed are Dora (wife, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 7 children and 6 are still living, age 35), Julia (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 17), Earnest (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), Delila (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13), Joseph (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Zona (son [sic], born in Kentucky, age 9), and Amanda (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3).
On page 12 of the 1920 census for District 78 (Ivyton) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 14, 1920), Green Risner is listed as the head of the household for house #91, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 49 years old. Also listed are Dora (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 45), Ernest (son, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 25), Joe (son, born in Kentucky, age 19), Arizona (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), Amanda (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), and Mabel (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6).
On page 5 of the 1930 census for District 77-5 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 7, 1930), Erd Conley is listed as living in the same dwelling as his father, #38. He's the head of his family, a pumper in the oil fields, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 24, and he's 27 years old. Also listed are Zonie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 23, age 26), and Samuel G. (son, born in Kentucky, age 2).
On page 13 of the 1940 census for District 77-5 in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 11, 1940), Erd Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #100, he's a tool dresser in the oil fields, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has a 7th grade education, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Zona (wife, born in Kentucky, 2 years of high school, age 37), Samuel G. (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Margarette (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), and Mildred (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6).
The children of ERD CONLEY and ZONA RISNER are:
- SAMUEL G. CONLEY, b. 1928, Kentucky.
- MARGARET L. CONLEY, b. 1930, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Margareth L. Conley was born in Magoffin County to Zona Risner.
- MILDRED I. CONLEY, b. 1933, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Mildred I. Conley was born in Magoffin County to Zona Risner.

WORTH CONLEY, son of SAMUEL CONLEY and MARY CAUDILL, was born February 6, 1906 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died July 24, 1972 in Big Rapids, Mecosta County, Michigan, and is buried in Mecosta County, Michigan. He married LOUISE CONNELLEY, daughter of WALTER CONSTANTINE CONNELLEY and GRACE BAYES, February 9, 1929 in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky. She was born March 24, 1913 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, and died October 22, 2001 in Big Rapids, Mecosta County, Michigan.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on pages 328 & 541 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Louise Connelley was born March 24, 1913 in Magoffin County to Gracie Bayes.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Worth Conley was born February 6, 1906, and died in July of 1972. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Michigan, and his last place of residence was in Big Rapids, Mecosta County, Michigan.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Louise C. Conley was born March 24, 1913, and died October 22, 2001. She received her Social Security card in 1955 in Michigan, and her last place of residence was in Big Rapids, Mecosta County, Michigan.
On page 14 of the 1930 census for District 77-2 (Magisterial District No. 1) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 18, 1930), Worth Conley is found living in the home of his wife's parents. Worth Conley is listed as the head of family #143 in house #130, he's a farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 22, and he's 24 years old. Also listed is Louise (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 21, age 23). They are living under the same roof as Louise's parents, but are listed as a separate family.
On page 4 of the 1940 census for District 77-1 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 4, 1940), Grace Connelley is listed as the head of the household for house #31, she's divorced, not working, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same house that she was in 1935, she has an 8th grade education, and she's 67 years old. Also listed are Candace (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13), Louise (daughter, divorced, not working, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same house that she was in 1935, 2 years of high school, age 27), Harry D. (grandson, born in Kentucky, age 9), Walter K. (grandson, born in Kentucky, age 7), Dolores (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, age 2), Edwiin C. (son, married, taxi operator, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 25), Addie (daughter-in-law, not working, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same place that she was in 1935, 4 years of high school, age 20), Pitt (son, married, taxi operator, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, 8th grade education, age 24), Sally (daughter-in-law, not working, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same house that she was in 1935, 8th grade education, age 23), and James R. (grandson, born in Kentucky, age 8 months).
The children of WORTH CONLEY and LOUISE CONNELLEY are:
- HARRY DONALD CONLEY, b. 1930, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. JOYCE JENSEN.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Harry Donald Conley was born in Magoffin County to Louise Connelley.
- WALTER KENNETH CONLEY, b. 1932, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. BARBARA GIBBS..
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Walter K. Conley was born in Magoffin County to Louise Conley.
- DELORES GRACE CONLEY, b. 1939, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. ROBERT T. HORAN.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Dolores G. Conley was born in Magoffin County to Louise Connelley.

ARMINTA ALICE RICE, daughter of MARTHA E. FAIRCHILD and WILEY RICE, was born August 28, 1875 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died December 19, 1952 in West Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Rice Cemetery in Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky. She married YANKEE B. RICE, son of HENRY CLAY RICE and MARTHA KILGORE, September 2, 1891 in Johnson County, Kentucky. He was born October 6, 1872 in Kentucky, died September 16, 1933 in Asa Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Rice Cemetery in Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on Mintie Rice can be found on page 370 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
Yankee B. Rice was the half-brother of Newton Patrick Rice.
Yank Rice's mother's name was listed as Sarah Whittaker [Sarah Whitaker] on Yank's death certificate, but her name was Martha Kilgore. She is found on page 85 of the 1850 census for My District in Floyd County, Kentucky, living with Francis and Margaret Whitaker, who were most likely her grandparents. Her name is listed as Martha Kilgore and she is 3 years old. Madison Kilgore, age 5, is also found with this family. On page 6 of the 1860 census for Magoffin County, Kentucky, her name is listed as Martha Whittaker and she's living with Francis A. and Margarett Whitaker. She's 13 years old. On page 17 of the 1870 census for Precinct 1 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, Martha (age 22) is found married to Clay Rice (age 21) and their children are Cynthia E. Rice (age 1) and Nancy Rice (age 10 months). According to Kentucky birth records, there was a stillborn male born on November 16, 1874 in Magoffin County to Clay Rice (b. Floyd County) and Martha Killgore (b. Floyd County). Martha apparently died after 1874 and before 1876, because Clay is found living with his 2nd wife and the rest of the family (see the 1880 census below). Neither Clay nor his wife could be found in the 1900 census. According to Kentucky marriage records Henry C. Rice married Amanda Bayes on December 8, 1876 in Magoffin County at the home of Henry C. Rice. The witnesses were Douglas Bailey and Elizabeth Nunary, and the minister was Wallis Bailey.
According to Kentucky birth records, Araminta Rice was born August 28, 1875 in Johnson County to Wiley Rice (b. Floyd County) and Martha Fairchild (b. Johnson County).
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Yankee Rice (age 18) married Minta Rice (age 16) on September 2, 1891 in Johnson County.
When Yank B. Rice's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a deputy sheriff working for John Stambaugh in Paintsville, that his closest relative was "Mintie Rice, wife" of Asa, Johnson County, and that he was born October 6, 1872. He was found to be of medium height and stout build, and he had black eyes and black hair.
According to her death certificate, Mintie Alice Rice died December 19, 1952 at the home of Eschell Lewis in West Van Lear from chronic congestive heart failure, arterio-sclerotic cardiov-vascular disease, and senility. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as August 23, 1875, her marital status as widowed, her parents as Wiley Rice and Martha Fairchild, the informant as Ellis Rice, and the burial place as Rice Cemetery in Leander, Kentucky.
According to her obituary, Mintie Rice Rice (age 77), daughter of Wiley and Martha Fairchild Rice, was born August 28, 1875 in Leander, died December 19, 1952 at the home of her niece, Mrs. Eschell Lewis, in West Van Lear following an illness of several months, and was buried in Rice Cemetery in Leander. She was preceded in death by her husband, Y. B. Rice, 18 months prior. She was survived by 1 grandson, Ellis Rice of Glasgow, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Mintie A. Rice died December 19, 1952 in Johnson County at the age of 77. She was living in Johnson County at the time of her death.
According to his death certificate, Yank B. Rice died September 18, 1933 in Swamp Branch from heart trouble. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his age as 61 years 4 months and 1 day, his marital status as married, his wife as Minta Rice, his occupation as farmer, his parents as Clay Rice (b. Kentucky) and Sarah Whittaker (b. Kentucky), the informant as B. Williams of Asa, Kentucky, and the burial place as Asa.
According to his obituary, Yank B. Rice (age 60), son of the late Henry Clay Rice of Magoffin County, died suddenly on September 16, 1933 while turning the ground on his farm on Asa Creek. At the time of his death he was chairman of the Johnson County Board of Education. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Yank B. Rice died September 18, 1933 in Johnson County at the age of 60.
On page 3 of the 1880 census for District 126 (Precinct 7 - Burning Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 17, 1880), Henry C. Rice is listed as the head of the household for house #166, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 31 years old. Also listed are Amanda J. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, age 23), Cynthia E. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Nancy J. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), Amanda E. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), Yankee (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Floyd (son, born in Kentucky, age 3), and James (son, born in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 38 of the 1900 census for District 40 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 18, 1900), Yank B. Rice is listed as the head of the household for house #320, he's a farmer, born in October of 1874 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 7 years, and he's 25 years old. Also listed are Arminta Rice (wife, born in August of 1876 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 7 years, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 23), and Forest (son, born in August of 1893 in Kentucky, age 6).
On page 5 of the 1910 census for District 72 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 19, 1910), Yank B. Rice is listed as the head of the household for house #50, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 18 years, and he's 37 years old. Also listed are Minta (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 23), and Forest (son, born in Kentucky, age 16).
On page 16 of the 1920 census for District 38 (Jennies Creek) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 17 & 19, 1920), Yank B. Rice is listed as the head of the household for house #150, he's a deputy sheriff, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 47 years old. Also listed are Mintie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 44), and Ellis (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 2 years 5 months [hard to read]). They are living next to son Forest.
On page 23 of the 1930 census for District 58-8 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 16, 1930), Y. B. Rice is listed as the head of the household for house #184, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, and he's 57 years old. Also listed are Mintie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 16, age 54), and Ellis Rice (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 13). They are living next to son Forest.
On page 15 of the 1940 census for District 58-9 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 20, 1940), Mintie Rice is listed as the head of the household for house #113, she's widowed, not working, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same house that she was in 1935, she has an 8th grade education, and she's 64 years old. Also listed is Lloyd Saylor (lodger, single, not working, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, 3 years of high school, age 22). They are living in between Mintie's son and her brother German.
The child of MINTIE RICE and YANK RICE is:
- FOREST RICE, b. August 27, 1893, Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. June 22, 1951, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (1) DAISY C. CONLEY, m. (2) AMBA SUSAN DOTSON.

CAROLYN SUE MASON, daughter of SARAH JANE PACE and CLARENCE LEWIS MASON, married EZRA WRIGHT, son of WILLIAM P. "BUD" WRIGHT and MARY L. ROBINSON. He was born in April of 1894 in Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 182 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
Ezra Wright was the brother of Stella Wright.
On page 41 of the 1900 census for District 40 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 20, 1900), William P. Wright is listed as the head of the household for house #349, he's a farmer, born in October of 1870 in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, married for 7 years, and he's 29 years old. Also listed are Mary L. (wife, born in September of 1874 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 7 years, she's given birth to 4 children and 3 are still living, age 25), Ezra (son, born in April of 1894 in Kentucky, age 6), Patrick W. (son, born in May of 1897 in Kentucky, age 3), and Stella (daughter, born in April of 1900 in Kentucky, age 1 month).
On page 32 of the 1910 census for District 49 (Prestonsburg) in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated April 28, 1910), Willie Wright is listed as the head of the household for house #284, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 2nd marriage, married for 1 year, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Loucinda (wife, born in West Virginia, father born in Kentucky, mother born in West Virginia, 2nd marriage, married for 1 year, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 33), Ezra (son, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in West Virginia, age 16), Patrick (son, born in West Virginia, father born in Kentucky, mother born in West Virginia, age 12), Stella (daughter, born in Kentucky, father born in West Virginia, mother born in West Virginia, age 9), and Flossy (daughter, born in West Virginia, father born in Kentucky, mother born in West Virginia, age 3).
The children of CAROLYN MASON and EZRA WRIGHT are:
(This information comes from Charles Penn and other sources)

MABEL FLORIS GREENE, daughter of NOLA SALYER and VANCE YOUNG GREENE, was born August 23, 1912 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died May 15, 1994 in Cape Coral, Lee County, Florida, and is buried in Johnson County Memorial Cemetery in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky. She married (1) GROVER LANCE about 1929. She married (2) GEORGE T. FITZGERALD, son of JOSEPHINE (unknown last name) and (unknown). He was born about 1906 in Ohio. She married (3) RAY TRACY. He died in Orient, Pickaway County, Ohio. Grover Lance married (2) LENA MARIE DANIEL, daughter of ARBY J. DANIEL and ETTA MAE DANIEL, January 29, 1938. She was born December 26, 1911 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died May 10, 1978 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Old Hood Church Cemetery in Sitka, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 184 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Floris Green was born August 23, 1912 in Johnson County to Nola Salyer.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Marie Daniel was born December 26, 1911 in Johnson County to Etta Daniel.
Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website and a photo of her headstone shows that Mabel Tracy lived from August 3, 1912 to May 15, 1994, and was buried in Johnson County Memorial Cemetery in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky.
According to her obituary, Mabel Salyers Tracey (age 81), daughter of the late Van Y. and Nola Green Salyers [sic], was a resident of Ft. Meyers, Florida, at the time of her death. She was born August 3, 1912 in Johnson County, died May 15, 1994 in Cape Coral Hospital in Cape Coral, Florida, and was buried in Johnson County Memorial Cemetery in Staffordsville. She was survived by 2 sons, David Lance (of Ft. Meyers) and Joe Lance (Knoxville, Tennessee); 4 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Mabel F. Tracy was born August 3, 1912, and died May 15, 1994. She received her Social Security card in 1953-1954 in Ohio, and her last place of residence was in Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida.
According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Mabel Floris Greene Fitzgerald Tracy, was born August 3, 1912 in Paintsville, Kentucky, and died May 15, 1994. Her name was listed as Mabel Floris Fitzgerald in August of 1953, as Mabel F. Tracy on May 27, 1994, and her parents are listed as Van Y. Greene and Nola Salyer.
According to Florida death record transcripts, Mabel Floris Tracy was born August 3, 1912, and died May 15, 1994 in Lee County at the age of 81.
According to her obituary, Marie Daniel Lance (age 66), daughter of Arby J. and Etta Mae Daniel Daniel, was a resident of Sitka, Johnson County, Kentucky, at the time of her death. She was born December 26, 1911 in Johnson County, died May 10, 1978 in Paintsville Hospital, and was buried in Old Hood Church Cemetery in Sitka. She was survived by her husband, Grover Lance, whom she married on January 29, 1938; 1 step-son, David Lance (of Marysville, Ohio); 4 brothers, Mitchell, Marshall, and Maucie Daniel (all of Ashland), and Rev. Bruce Daniel (Sitka); 2 sisters, Mrs. Muriel Castle (Ashland) and Mrs. Geneva Rice (Brookville); and 2 step-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
On page 16 of the 1930 census for District 65-6 (Darby Township) in Pickaway County, Ohio (dated April 22, 1930), Mabel Green Lance is found living in the home of her mother and step-father. Walter Spradlin is listed as the head of the household for house #183, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 22, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Nola (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 21, age 37), and Mabel Lance (daughter, married, born in Kentucky, first married at 16, age 17).
On page 29 of the 1930 census for District 10-28 (Ashland) in Boyd County, Kentucky (dated April 9, 1930), Roy B. Lance is listed as the head of the household for house #298, he's a truck driver, widowed, born in West Virginia, parents born in West Virginia, and he's 23 years old. Also listed are Minnie E. Lance (mother, widowed, born in West Virginia, parents born in West Virginia, age 48), Grover (brother, married, retail grocery salesman, born in West Virginia, parents born in West Virginia, first married at 25, age 27), and Madeline (sister, born in West Virginia, parents born in West Virginia, age 17).
On page 20 of the 1940 census for District 65-11 (Darby Township) in Pickaway County, Ohio (dated April 29, 1940), Josephine Fitzgerald is listed as the head of the household for house #204, she's widowed, born in Ohio, she's living in the same place that she was in 1935, she has a 7th grade education, and she's 70 years old. Also listed are George (son, married, laborer for a grain company, born in Ohio, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, 2 years of high school, age 34), Mabel (wife, born in Kentucky, she was living in rural Johnson County, Kentucky, in 1935, 4 years of high school, age 27), David (grandson, born in Ohio, age 6), and Joseph (grandson, born in Ohio, age 1).
On page 7 of the 1940 census for District 65-11 (Darby Township) in Pickaway County, Ohio (dated April 9, 1940), Walter Spradling is listed as the head of the household for house #69, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 48 years old. Also listed are Nola (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 47), and David Lance (grandson, born in Ohio, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, 6th grade education, age 6).
The children of MABEL GREENE and GROVER LANCE are:
- MARY VIVIAN LANCE, b. July 6, 1931, Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. July 6, 1931, Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to the book "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky", published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society (page 184), Mary Vivian Lance was buried in Salyer Cemetery, which was later moved to Johnson County Memorial Cemetery to make room for Paintsville Lake.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Mary V. Lance was born July 6, 1931 in Johnson County to Mabel Green.
According to her death certificate, Mary Vivian Lance was stillborn on July 6, 1931 in Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky. Also on this certificate, her parents are listed as Grover Lance (b. Kentucky) and Mabel Green (b. Kentucky), and the burial place as Barnetts Creek.
Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website and a photo of her headstone shows that Mary Vivian Lance was born and died on July 6, 1931, and was buried in Johnson County Memorial Cemetery in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky.
- DAVID E. LANCE, b. 1934, Ohio.
- JOSEPH F. FITZGERALD, b. 1939, Ohio.
(This information comes from Mary J. Fitzgerald-Ramsey and other sources)

AUDREY CAUDILL, daughter of LOUISA E. RICE and ABLE C. CAUDILL, was born June 14, 1906 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died February 15, 1977 in Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, and is buried in Price Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky. She married (1) JESSE ARTHUR "ARTHUR" KELSEY, son of JOHN ROBERT KELSEY and JANE HANCOCK, about 1926. He was born February 12, 1894 in Kentucky, died December 25, 1944 in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky. She married (2) ALFRED T. LEMASTER. She married (3) JOHN MCKINLEY BLANTON.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 186 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
According to her obituary, Audrey Caudill Kelsey Blanton (age 70), daughter of Able and Louise Rice Caudill, was a resident of Oil Springs at the time of her death. She was born June 14, 1906 in Johnson County, died February 15, 1977 in the University of Kentucky Medical Center in Lexington after a brief illness, and was buried in Price Cemetery in Oil Springs. She was survived by her husband, John McKinley Blanton; 2 sons, Charles Kelsey (of Oil Springs) and Bobbie Kelsey (Oil Springs); 3 daughters, Jo Prater (Shelby, Ohio), Marion Shultz (Oxon Hill, Maryland), and Jane Salyer (Oil Springs); 1 brother, James Caudill (Stanton); 1 sister, Mrs. Josie Reed (Oil Springs); 7 step-daughters; and 11 grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to his death certificate, Jesse Arthur Kelsey died December 25, 1944 in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, from a cerebral hemorrhage. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as February 12, 1894, his marital status as married, his wife as Audra Kelsey (age 38), his occupation as oil and gas well shooter, his parents as Robert Kelsey (b. unknown) and Jane Hancock (b. Kentucky), the informant as Mrs. Audrey Kelsey of Oil Springs, the doctor as Grant Rice [Ulysses Grant Rice], and the burial place as Oil Springs.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Jesse A. Kelsey died December 25, 1944 in Johnson County at the age of 50.
On page 25 of the 1900 census for District 132 (Mill Spring) in Wayne County, Kentucky (dated June 19, 1900), Robert Kelsey is listed as the head of the household for house #249, he's a farmer, born in September of 1859 in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Tennessee, married for 13 years, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Edy J. (wife, born in April of 1863 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 13 years, she's given birth to 5 children and all are still living, age 37), Robert F. (son, born in May of 1888 in Kentucky, age 12), Laury E. (daughter, born in December of 1890 in Kentucky, age 9), Jessie A. (son, born in February of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7), Susan I. (daughter, born in July of 1895 in Kentucky, age 4), and Nancy M. (daughter, born in October of 1897 in Kentucky, age 2).
On page 7 of the 1910 census for District 234 (Magisterial District No. 7) in Wayne County, Kentucky (dated April 22 & 23, 1910), John R. Kelsey is listed as the head of the household for house #69, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Tennessee, 1st marriage, married for 23 years, and he's 51 years old. Also listed are Eddie J. (wife, tailgate keeper on the turnpike, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 6 children and all are still living, age 46), Robert F. (son, single, teamster, born in Kentucky, age 22), Laura E. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), Jessie A. (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Susan (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), Nancy (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Leslie S. (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), and Eddie Denney (hired farm laborer, single, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 23).
On page 3 of the 1920 census for District 273 (Mill Springs) in Wayne County, Kentucky (dated January 3 & 5, 1920), Eady Kelsay is listed as the head of the household for house #28, she's a farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and she's 56 years old. Also listed are Susan E. (daughter, single, public school teacher, born in Kentucky, age 24), Nancy M. (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 21), Leslie (son, chauffeur in a freight truck, born in Kentucky, age 17), and Arthur (son, single, teamster, born in Kentucky, age 27).
On page 1 of the 1930 census for District 58-7 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 2, 1930), Arthur Kelsay is listed as the head of the household for house #5, he works in the oil fields as a "well shooter," born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 33, and he's 37 years old. Also listed are Audrey (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 21, age 25), Paul F. (son, born in Kentucky, age 3), and Charles D. (son, born in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 19 of the 1940 census for District 58-8 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 15, 1940), Auther Kelsey is listed as the head of the household for house #166, he's a shooter for the oil and gas company, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 45 years old. Also listed are Audrey (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 33), Paul (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Charles (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Joe (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), Marion (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), Jane (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), and Bobby J. (son, born in Kentucky, age 1).
The children of AUDREY CAUDILL and ARTHUR KELSEY are:
- PAUL F. KELSEY, b. March 10, 1927, Johnson County, Kentucky (deceased).
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Paul F. Kelsey was born March 10, 1927 in Johnson County to Andra Caudill.
- CHARLES D. "DAGO" KELSEY, b. 1929, Kentucky, m. PAULINE SADLER.
- BONEVA JO KELSEY, b. 1931, Kentucky, m. BURL PRATER.
- MARION LEE KELSEY, b. 1932, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. GEORGE ROBERT SCHULZ.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Mariann L. Kelsey was born in Johnson County to Audrie Caudill.
- ELIZABETH JANE "JANE" KELSEY, b. 1934, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. JOE SALYER.
- BOBBIE JACK KELSEY, b. 1939, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. CLAUDINE PRESTON.

DORA CAUDILL, daughter of LOUISA E. RICE and ABLE C. CAUDILL, was born March 25, 1892 in Kentucky, died April 7, 1972 in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in M. P. Colvin Cemetery in Manila, Johnson County, Kentucky. She married (1) PROCTOR BLAIR, son of WILLIAM SMITH BLAIR and MARY VANHOOSE, February 8, 1908 in Johnson County, Kentucky. He was born in August of 1884 in Johnson County, Kentucky. She married (2) ROY COLVIN, son of SERENA REED and MANFORD P. COLVIN, June 1, 1912 in Johnson County. He was born August 17, 1889 in Manila, Johnson County, Kentucky, died July 11, 1957 in Manila, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in M. P. Colvin Cemetery in Manila, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 187 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Dora Blair (2nd marriage, age 20) married Ray Colvin (parents b. Johnson County, age 22) on June 1, 1912 in Johnson County.
When Roy Colvin's World War I draft registration card was filled out on June 5, 1917 in Johnson County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a self-employed farmer in Manila, Johnson County, that he was married and had children, and that he was born August 17, 1889 in Manila, Kentucky. He was found to be short, of medium build, and he had blue eyes and light-colored hair, which was slightly balding.
Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website shows that Dora Caudill Colvin lived from 1892 to 1972, and was buried in M. P. Colvin Cemetery in Manila, Johnson County, Kentucky, and that Roy Colvin lived from 1889 to July 11, 1957, and was buried in the same cemetery. No headstone photos are provided. Three of their children and Roy's parents were buried there as well.
According to her obituary, Dora Caudill Colvin (age 80), daughter of Abel and Louise Rice Caudill, was born in March of 1892, died at her home in Oil Springs on April 7, 1972, and was buried in the Colvin family cemetery in Oil Springs. She was preceded in death by her husband, Roy Colvin, in 1957. She was survived by 2 sons; Don Colvin (of Prestonsburg) and Bert Colvin (Newport Richie, Florida); 1 brother, Jim Caudill (Stanton); 2 sisters, Josie Reed (Oil Springs) and Audrey Blanton (Oil Springs); 5 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Dora Colvin was born March 25, 1892, and died in April of 1972. She received her Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Dora Colvin died April 5, 1972 in Johnson County at the age of 80.
According to his obituary, Roy Colvin (age 67), son of Manford and Sarena Reed Colvin, was a lifelong resident of Manila. He died July 11, 1957 at home in Manila, and was buried in the family cemetery. He was survived by his wife, Dora Caudill Colvin; 2 sons, Don Colvin (of Paintsville) and Bert Colvin (Prestonsburg); 3 grandsons; and 1 granddaughter. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Roy Colvin died July 11, 1957 in Johnson County at the age of 67.
On page 6 of the 1910 census for District 72 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 20, 1910), Proctor Blair is listed as the head of the household for house #59, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 2 years, and he's 25 years old. Also listed is Dora (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is no longer living, age 18).
On page 1 of the 1920 census for District 42 (Low Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 2, 1920), Roy Colvin is listed as the head of the household for house #5, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 30 years old. Also listed are Dora (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 27), Bert J. (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), and Don E. (son, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 9 months). They are living next to Roy's mother and step-father.
On page 15 of the 1930 census for District 58-10 (Low Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 2, 1930), Roy Colvin is listed as the head of the household for house #127, he's a merchant in a general store, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 21, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Dora (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 20, age 37), Bert J. (son, born in Kentucky, age 16), and Don E. (son, born in Kentucky, age 14).
On page 23 of the 1940 census for District 58-12 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 29, 1940), Roy Colvin is listed as the head of the household for house #185, he's a clerk for the County Court, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has a 5th grade education, and he's 50 years old. Also listed is Dora (wife, born in Kentucky, 5th grade education, age 47).
The children of DORA CAUDILL and ROY COLVIN are:
- BERT J. COLVIN, b. July 2, 1913, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. January 4, 1992, LaFollette, Campbell County, Tennessee, buried in in Manila, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (1) MARBLE WEBB, m. (2) WANDA AUXIER.
- DON E. COLVIN, b. March 18, 1916, Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. September 20, 2005, Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky, buried in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. ETHEL MAE BLANTON.
- OPAL ONEDA COLVIN, b. September 18, 1920, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. September 18, 1920, Low Gap, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Manila, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Oneda O. Colvin was born September 18, 1920 in Johnson County to Dora Caudill.
According to her death certificate, Opal Oneda Colvin died September 28, 1920 in Low Gap, Johnson County, Kentucky, from cerebro spinal meningitis. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Johnson County, her birth date as August 26, 1920, her age as 1 month 2 days, her parents as Roy Colvin (b. Kentucky) and Dora Caudill (b. Kentucky), the informant as James Davis of Manila, Johnson County, Kentucky, and the burial place as Manila.
(This information comes from Kevin Colvin and other sources)

MISSOURI "ZURIA" CAUDILL, daughter of LOUISA E. RICE and ABLE C. CAUDILL, was born February 6, 1889 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died February 18, 1972 in Fayette County, Kentucky, and is buried in Mitchell Price Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky. She married BOSIER A. "BOE" TRIMBLE, son of WILLIAM HENRY "WILLIE DODGER" TRIMBLE and SARAH A. VANHOOSE, January 10, 1907 in Johnson County, Kentucky. He was born September 21, 1886 in Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, died June 29, 1959 in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Mitchell Price Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to the book "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society (page 187), Missouri "Zura" Caudill married Bob Trimble [sic] on January 10, 1907.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Zuria Caudill (b. Johnson County, parents b. Magoffin County, age 17) married Boe Trimble (b. Johnson County, parents b. Johnson County, age 20) on January 10, 1907 in Johnson County.
Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website and a photo of their headstone shows that Zuria Trimble lived from 1889 to 1972, and was buried in Mitchell Price Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, and that Boe. A. Trimble lived from 1886 to 1959, and was buried in the same cemetery.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Zuria C. Trimble died February 18, 1972 in Fayette County at the age of 83.
According to his obituary, Boe Trimble (age 72), son of Willie and Sarah Van Hoose Trimble, was a carpenter. He was born September 21, 1886 in Barnetts Creek, died June 29, 1959 at home in Oil Springs from a heart attack, and was buried in Mitchell Price Cemetery in Oil Springs. He was survived by his wife, Missouri Caudill Trimble; 2 sons, Vencil Trimble (of Middletown, Ohio) and Eulas Trimble (Fairborn, Ohio); 2 daughters, Mrs. Avenell Dills (Paintsville) and Sarah Louise Trimble (Oil Springs); 4 brothers, Pierce Trimble (Oil Springs), James V. Trimble (West Van Lear), Thurman Trimble (Kilbourne, Ohio), and Newt Trimble (Blaine); and 2 sisters, Mrs. George Ealey (Barnetts Creek) and Laura Trimble (Barnetts Creek). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Boe Trimble died June 29, 1959 in Johnson County at the age of 72. He was living in Johnson County at the time of his death.
On page 46 of the 1900 census for District 40 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 22, 1900), William H. Trimble is listed as the head of the household for house #391, he's a farmer, born in November of 1862 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 17 years, and he's 37 years old. Also listed are Sarah A. (wife, born in March of 1861 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 7 children and all are still living, age 39), Susan (daughter, born in December of 1884 in Kentucky, age 15), Bosier (son, born in September of 1886 in Kentucky, age 13), Floyd (son, born in January of 1889 in Kentucky, age 11), James (son, born in February of 1891 in Kentucky, age 9), Laura (daughter, born in June of 1893 in Kentucky, age 6), Pierce (son, born in February of 1896 in Kentucky, age 4), and Newton (son, born in November of 1897 in Kentucky, age 2). They are living next to Boe's grandparents, William D. Trimble and Clarinda E. Picklesimer.
On page 11 of the 1910 census for District 70 (Oil Springs) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 20, 1910), Boe Trimble is listed as the head of the household for house #101, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 4 years, and he's 23 years old. Also listed are Zurie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 21), and Ulis (son, born in Kentucky, age 2). They are living next to Zurie's parents.
On page 6 of the 1920 census for District 39 (Oil Springs) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 9 & 10, 1920), Boe Trimble is listed as the head of the household for house #57, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Zuria (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 30), Ulis M. (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Vencil A. (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), and Willie A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 5 months).
On page 1 of the 1930 census for District 58-8 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 2, 1930), Boe Trimble is listed as the head of the household for house #1, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, first married at age 21, and he's 43 years old. Also listed are Zuria (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, age 41), Ulis M. (son, born in Kentucky, age 22), Vencil (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), and Willie A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13).
On page 19 of the 1940 census for District 58-8 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 15, 1940), Boe Trimble is listed as the head of the household for house #162, he's a carpenter doing building construction, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 6th grade education, and he's 53 years old. Also listed are Zuria (wife, born in Kentucky, 6th grade education, age 51), Sarah (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), and Avnell Dills [sic] (daughter, separated, beauty shop operator, born in Kentucky, 3 years of high school, age 23).
The children of ZURIA CAUDILL and BOE TRIMBLE are:
- ULIS M. TRIMBLE, b. 1908, Kentucky, d. March 24, 1988, Springfield, Clark County, Ohio, buried in Enon, Clark County, Ohio, m. IVA HACKWORTH.
Notes: According to his obituary, Ulis M. Trimble (age 80), son of the late Boe and Zuria Trimble of Oil Springs, was an educator for 12 years in Kentucky, and retired from Wright Patterson Air Force Base after 20 years of service. He died March 24, 1988 at home in Springfield, Ohio, and was buried in Enon Cemetery. he was survived by his wife, Iva Hackworth Trimble, 2 sons, John Trimble (of Enon) and Steve Trimble (Houston, Texas); 2 daughters, Mrs. Mary Lou Fradd (Springfield) and Mrs. Ann Byerman (Springfield); 1 brother, Vensil Trimble (Middletown, Ohio); 2 sisters, Avanell Dills (Lexington, Kentucky) and Sarah Trimble (Lexington); and 7 grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
- VENCIL A. TRIMBLE, b. September 29, 1914, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (1) GLADYS INGRAHAM, m. (2) HELEN COX.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Vensil A. Trimble was born September 29, 1914 in Johnson County to Zuria Trimble.
- WILLIE AVENELL TRIMBLE, b. September 21, 1916, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. JOHN DILLS.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Avanell Trimble was born September 21, 1916 in Johnson County to Zuria Caudill.
- SARAH LOUISE TRIMBLE, b. 1932, Kentucky.

WALTER CAUDILL, son of LOUISA E. RICE and ABLE C. CAUDILL, was born March 10, 1904 in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, died June 17, 1962 in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married (1) STELLA WHEELER about 1924. He married (2) CORA MAE LEMASTER, daughter of ROSCO C. LEMASTER and LOLA GULLETT. She was born February 25, 1921 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, and died May 27, 2000 in Pikeville, Pike County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 187 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
Cora Mae Lemaster was the sister of Wonnie Lemaster and Boyd Lemaster.
According to Kentucky birth records, Walter Caudill was born March 10, 1904 in Johnson County to Abel Caudill and Louisa Rice.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Cora M. Lemaster was born February 25, 1921 in Magoffin County to Lola Gullett.
According to his obituary, Walter Caudill (age 58), son of Abel and Louise Rice Caudill, was employed as a driller in the oil fields, and a lifelong resident of Oil Springs. He was born January 29, 1904 in Oil Springs, died June 17, 1962 at home in Oil Springs, and was buried in the family cemetery. He was survived by his wife, Mrs. Cora Mae Lemaster Caudill; 2 sons, Walter Caudill Jr. (of Cyrus, Ohio) and Ralph F. Caudill (Oil Springs); 2 daughters, Loretta Crace (Dayton, Ohio) and Josephine Saylor (Sidney, Ohio); and the following brothers and sisters, Jim Caudill (Clay City), Mrs. Audrey Lemaster, Mrs. Zuria Trimble, Mrs. Dora Colvin, and Elbert Reed (all of Oil Springs). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Walter Caudill died June 17, 1962 in Johnson County at the age of 58.
According to transcripts of her obituary, Cora Mae Lemaster Caudill died May 27, 2000 in Pikeville at the age of 79.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Cora M. Caudill was born February 25, 1921, and died May 26, 2000. She received her Social Security card in 1962 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Pikeville, Pike County, Kentucky.
On page 7 of the 1930 census for District 58-8 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 5, 1930), Able Caudill is listed as the head of the household for house #52, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 21, and he's 64 years old. Also listed are Louisie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 20, age 63), Walter (son, divorced, truck driver [hard to read], born in Kentucky, first married at 18, age 24), Thomas Caudill (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 18), Loretta (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 4 years 9 months [hard to read]), Walter Caudill [hard to read] (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 3).
On page 16 of the 1940 census for District 58-8 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 12, 1940), Abel Caudill is listed as the head of the household for house #138, he's not working, widowed, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 6th grade education, and he's 74 years old. Also listed are Walter (son, single, laborer for Ashland Refining Company, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, 7th grade education, age 37), and Junior (grandson, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, age 13).
The children of WALTER CAUDILL and STELLA WHEELER are:
- LORETTA CAUDILL, b. 1925, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) CRACE.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Lorettie Caudill was born in Johnson County to Stella Wheeler.
- WALTER CAUDILL JR., b. 1927, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. DAISY BORDERS.
The children of WALTER CAUDILL and CORA LEMASTER are:
- JOSEPHINE CAUDILL, m. (unknown first name) SAYLOR.

EDNA CONLEY, daughter of JAMES SMITH CONLEY and REBECCA A. WHITT, was born in May of 1892 in Greenup County, Kentucky, and died December 20, 1936 in Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky. She married RINALDO WILLIAM "WILLIAM" WORTHINGTON JR., son of RINALDO WILLIAM WORTHINGTON and LAURA B. ARMS, about 1911. He was born June 2, 1886 in Kentucky, died July 29, 1949 in Praise, Pike County, Kentucky, and is buried in Elkhorn City Cemetery in Elkhorn, Pike County, Kentucky. William Worthington married (2) EDITH SWINNEY.
Notes: Edna Conley's sister, Cloa, married William Worthington's cousin, Samuel. Their fathers were brothers, the sons of James Worthington and Eleanor Smiley.
According to Kentucky marriage records, Rinaldo Worthington (teamster, b. Pennsylvania, parents b. Pennsylvania, resident of Greenup County, Kentucky, 1st marriage, age 26) married Laura B. Arms (b. Kentucky, parents b. Kentucky, resident of Greenup County, Kentucky, 1st marriage, age 24) on July 26, 1877 in Greenup County.
When William Worthington's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 10, 1918 in Pikeville, Pike County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a miner working for the Pond Creek Coal Company in Hardy, Pike County, that his closest relative was Mrs. William Worthington of Hardy, and that he was born June 2, 1885. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had blue eyes and dark-colored hair.
According to her death certificate, Edna Conley Worthington died December 20, 1936 in Eastern State Hospital in Lexington from pulmonary tuberculosis and manic depression. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Greenup County, her birth date as 1895, her marital status as married, her husband as Will Worthington, her father as "Dead, not given," her mother as Rebecca Conely, the informant as Eastern State Hospital, and that the body was removed to Williamson, West Virginia.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Edna Worthington died December 20, 1936 in Fayette County at the age of 41. She was living in Greenup County at the time of her death.
According to his death certificate, William Worthington died July 29, 1949 in Praise, Pike County, Kentucky, from cancer of the left cheek. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as June 2, 1886, his marital status as married, his occupation as coal miner, his parents as Rialto Worthington and Laura Arms, the informant as Edith Swinney Worthington, and the burial place as Elkhorn City Cemetery in Praise, Pike County, Kentucky.
Information found on findagrave.com shows that William Worthington lived from 1886 to 1949, and was buried in Elkhorn City Cemetery in Elkhorn City, Pike County, Kentucky. No headstone photos are provided.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, William Worthington was born June 2, 1887, and died in July of 1949. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky.
On page 32 of the 1900 census for District 50 (Hunnewell) in Greenup County, Kentucky (dated June 21, 1900), Rinaldo Worthington is listed as the head of the household for house #273, he's a farmer, born in October of 1850 in Pennsylvania, parents born in Pennsylvania, married for 23 years, and he's 49 years old. Also listed are Laura (wife, born in April of 1860 in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Ohio, she's given birth to 11 children and 8 are still living, age 40), Lizzie (daughter, single, not working, born in June of 1878 in Kentucky, age 21), Matilda (daughter, born in July of 1880 in Kentucky, age 19), Charles (son, born in March of 1885 in Kentucky, age 15), William (son, born in June of 1887 in Kentucky, age 12), Esabel (daughter, born in December of 1888 in Kentucky, age 11), Lillie (daughter, born in October of 1890 in Kentucky, age 9), Carl (son, born in November of 1896 in Kentucky, age 3), and Ida I. (daughter, born in August of 1899 in Kentucky, age 9 months).
On pages 8 & 9 of the 1910 census for District 78 (Twin Branch) in McDowell County, West Virginia (dated April 21, 1910), R. W. Worthington is listed as the head of the household for house #120, he's not working, born in Kentucky, parents born in Pennsylvania, 1st marriage, married for 34 years, and he's 60 years old. Also listed are Laura (wife, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Ohio, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 12 children and 9 are still living, age 50), Chas (son, single, coal miner, born in Kentucky, age 24), R. W. Jr. (son, single, coal miner, born in Kentucky, age 22), Isabel (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 21), Lillie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 19), Carl (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Inese [hard to read] (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10), and Bryan (son, born in Kentucky, age 8).
On page 51 of the 1920 census for District 124 (Pond) in Pike County, Kentucky (dated January 27, 1920), William Weddington is listed as the head of the household for house #541, he's a coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Edna (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 28), Edward (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), and Lucy N. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 2 months). They are living next to Edna's parents.
On page 57 of the 1930 census for District 98-25 (Magisterial District No. 6) in Pike County, Kentucky (dated May 1, 1930), Edna and her children are found living in the home of her parents. Jas. S. Connoly is listed as the head of the household for family #554, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 22, and he's 71 years old. Also listed are Rebecca (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 21, age 69), Edna Worthington (daughter, married, not working, born in Kentucky, first married at 18, age 37), Edward Worthington (son, born in West Virginia, father born in West Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, age 18), Nell (daughter, born in Kentucky, father born in West Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, age 12), Jessie (daughter, born in Kentucky, father born in West Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, age 9), James (son, born in West Virginia, father born in West Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, age 6), and Billie (son, born in West Virginia, father born in West Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, age 3).
- EDWARD WORTHINGTON, b. 1913, Kentucky.
- GLADYS WORTHINGTON, b. March 1, 1914, West Virginia, d. July 7, 1917, Pike County, Kentucky, buried in Hardy, Pike County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to her death certificate, Gladis Worthington died July 7, 1917 in Pike County from what looks like organic heart lesion and diarrhea. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as West Virginia, her birth date as March 1, 1914, her parents as William Worthington (b. Kentucky) and Edna Conley (b. Kentucky), the informant as J. S. Conley of Hardy, Kentucky, and the burial place as Hardy.
- LUCY NELL WORTHINGTON, b. October 14, 1917, Pike County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Lucy Worthing was born October 14, 1917 in Pike County to Edney Conley.
- JESSIE WORTHINGTON, b. 1921, Kentucky.
- JAMES WORTHINGTON, b. 1924, Kentucky.
- BILLIE WORTHINGTON, b. 1927, Kentucky.
- VERNON WORTHINGTON, b. Pike County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Vernon Worthington was born in Pike County to Edna Conley.
- JACK WORTHINGTON, b. Pike County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Jack Worthington was born in Pike County to Edna Coulery.

MABLE I. WHEELER, daughter of LAFAYETTE MARION WHEELER and ERIE RICE, was born November 6, 1919 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, and died June 21, 2004 in Wheelersburg, Scioto County, Ohio. She married JOSEPH H. ARNETT, son of HOMER ARNETT and JUNE PATRICK. He was born February 20, 1917 in Johnson County, Kentucky, and died February 19, 1989 in Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on pages 134 & 188 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
Joe Arnett was the brother of Edra Elma Arnett.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Mable I. Wheeler was born November 6, 1919 in Magoffin County to Erie Rice.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Joseph H. Arnett was born February 20, 1917 in Johnson County to June Patrick.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Mable W. Arnett was born November 6, 1919, and died June 21, 2004. She received her Social Security card in 1974 in Ohio, and her last place of residence was in Wheelersburg, Scioto County, Ohio.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Joe H. Arnett was born February 20, 1917, and died February 19, 1989. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Joe H. Arnett was born February 20, 1917 in Kentucky, and died February 19, 1989 in Portsmouth, Scioto County, at the age of 71. He was married at the time of his death.
On page 2 of the 1930 census for District 58-7 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 2, 1930), Homer Arnett is listed as the head of the household for house #13, he's an engineer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 18, and he's 41 years old. Also listed are June (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 40), Maude (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), Armina (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), Jo H. (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Edrie E. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), Francis I. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6), and Charles D. (son, born in Kentucky, age 3).
The children of MABLE WHEELER and JOE ARNETT are:

DORSEY R. WHEELER, son of JAMES WICK "WICK" WHEELER and LILLIAN RICE, was born April 17, 1927 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, died August 6, 1994 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Blanton Cemetery in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married EDNA FAYE BLANTON, daughter of JOHN MCKINLEY BLANTON and MYRTLE ADAMS. She was born about 1928 in Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on pages 134, 189 & 548 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Dorsey R. Wheeler born April 17, 1927 in Magoffin County to Lillie Rice.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Edna F. Blanton was born in Johnson County to Mirtie Adams.
According to his obituary, Dorsey Wheeler (age 67), son of the late James Wick and Lillie Rice Wheeler, was an oil field worker, a blaster, and a U.S. Navy World War II veteran. He was born April 17, 1927 in Magoffin County, died August 6, 1994 in Paul B. Hall Regional Medical Center, and was buried in Blanton Cemetery in Staffordsville. He was survived by his wife, Faye Blanton Wheeler; 2 sons, Ronald Wheeler (of Falcon, Kentucky), Robert Wheeler (Salyersville); 2 daughters, Daurice Williams (Salyersville) and Della Blakeman (Salyersville); 2 sisters, Marilyn Maupin (Lexington) and Joan Trimble (Hyde Park, New York); and 7 grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Dorsey R. Wheeler was born April 17, 1927, and died August 6, 1994. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky one death record transcript, Dorsey Wheeler died August 6, 1994 in Johnson County at the age of 67. He was living in Magoffin County at the time of his death. According to another, he died in Salyersville, Magoffin County, but was living in Johnson County at the time.
The children of DORSEY WHEELER and EDNA BLANTON are:
- RONALD W. WHEELER, b. Johnson County, Kentucky, m. RITA SALYER.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Ronald A. Wheeler was born in Johnson County to Edna Blanton.
- ROBERT F. "BOBBY" WHEELER, b. Johnson County, Kentucky, m. VON HOWARD.
- DAURICE FAYE WHEELER, b. Johnson County, Kentucky, m. BILLY CHEEK, m. (2) (unknown first name) WILLIAMS.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Daurice F. Wheeler was born in Johnson County to Edna Blanton.
- DELLA LILLIE WHEELER, b. Johnson County, Kentucky, m. DAVID BLAKEMAN.

GERMAN W. CONLEY, son of FRANCIS MARION CONLEY and LOUISE ELIZABETH RICE, was born June 15, 1863 in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, died April 10, 1920 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Highland Memorial Park in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married MARY CALISTA "CALISTA" CARROLL, daughter of WILLIAM CARROLL and MARGARET HARRISON, April 18, 1891 in Johnson County, Kentucky. She was born January 14, 1873 in Virginia, died July 9, 1933 in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Highland Memorial Park in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 303 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society. In that book it says that German Conley was born June 15, 1863 in Hager Hill, and died in April of 1920. He married Collista Carroll, daughter of William Carroll, April 18, 1891. She was born January 14, 1873.
Information on this family can be also be found on pages 461 & 491 of the book "Johnson County, Kentucky: A History of the County, and Genealogy of Its People Up to the Year 1927" by Mitchell Hall. In that book it says that German Conley was born June 15, 1863, and died April 10, 1920. He married Colista Carroll, daughter of William Carroll, on April 18, 1891. She was born January 14, 1873. Their children were Forest Conley (b. January 21, 1892), Nona Conley, "? Mary Conley," "? Hobert F. Conley," Loretta Conley, Susie Conley (b. January 10, 1901, m. Bud Butcher), German A. Conley, Mildred Marie Conley, and Harry Conley (b. June 17, 1906). It also says "German Conley lived on the Lick Fork near Hagerhill. He was killed at his home by Charlie Blair, while in an argument over their fence line, for which Blair was given a two years' sentence."
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, German W. Conley (age 27) married Mary C. Carroll (age 18) on April 18, 1891 in Johnson County.
A photo of their headstone shows that German W. Conley lived from June 15, 1863 to April 10, 1920, and Mary C. Conley from January 14, 1873 to July 9, 1933.
According to his death certificate, German W. Conley died April 10, 1920 in Paintsville from a fractured skull with a hemorrhage of the brain. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Johnson County, his birth date as June 15, 1863, his marital status as married, his occupation as farmer, his parents as Marion Conley (b. Johnson County) and Elizabeth Rice (b. Johnson County), the informant as Forest Conley of Hager Hill, and the burial place as Hager Hill.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, German W. Canley died April 10, 1920 in Johnson County at the age of 56.
According to her death certificate, Calista Carroll Conley died July 9, 1933 in Hager Hill from chronic endocarditis. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her age as 60 years 6 months 4 days, her marital status as widowed, her husband as German Conley, her parents as William Carroll (b. Kentucky) and Margrette Harrison (b. Kentucky), and the informant as Forest Conley of Hager Hill.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Calista Conley died July 9, 1933 in Johnson County at the age of 60.
On page 13 of the 1900 census for District 38 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 6, 1900), German Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #134, he's a farmer, born in June of 1863 in Kentucky, married for 10 years, and he's 36 years old. Also listed are Collista (wife, born in January of 1873 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 10 years, she's given birth to 3 children and all are still living, age 27), Forest (son, born in January of 1892 in Kentucky, age 8), Nona (daughter, born in October of 1894 in Kentucky, age 5), and Susie (daughter, born in January of 1899 in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 27 of the 1910 census for District 65 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 30, 1910), German Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #240, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 19 years, and he's 46 years old. Also listed are Calista (wife, born in Virginia, father born in Virginia, mother born in North Carolina, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 4 children and all are still living, age 37), Forest (son, born in Kentucky, age 18), Nona (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), Susan (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), and Harry (son, born in Kentucky, age 3).
On page 28 of the 1920 census for District 29 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 15, 1920), German W. Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #275, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 58 years old. Also listed are Clista (wife, born in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, age 48), Forest M. (son, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 26), Susie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), and Harry (son, born in Kentucky, age 12).
On page 29 of the 1930 census for District 58-4 (Magisterial District No. 1) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 17, 1930), Calista Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #261, she's a farmer, married [mistake], born in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, first married at 19, and she's 57 years old. Also listed is Forst [sic] (son, married, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, first married at 36, age 37).
- FORREST M. CONLEY, b. January 21, 1892, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. February 7, 1959, Huntington, Wayne County, West Virginia, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (1) ELIZABETH MUSIC, m. (2) MYRTLE MCFARLAND.
- NONA CONLEY, b. October 1894, Kentucky, d. December 11, 1970, Hillsboro, Highland County, Ohio, buried in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. JOHN HOBART WELCH.
- SUSAN CONLEY, b. January 10, 1900, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. July 5, 1948, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (1) IRA "BUD" BUTCHER, m. (2) GEORGE PAGE.
- HARRY CONLEY, b. June 17, 1906, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. July 5, 1948, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. MARGARET BURKE.

FRANCIS MARION CONLEY, son of CONSTANTINE CONLEY and CELIA FAIRCHILD, was born September 28, 1836 in Hager Hill, Floyd County, Kentucky, and died July 25, 1906 in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married LOUISE ELIZABETH RICE, daughter of WILLIAM RICE and MARY ANN AUXIER, November 18, 1861 in Johnson County, Kentucky. She was born July 3, 1844 in Jennies Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, and died April 25, 1928 in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 303 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society. In this book it says that Francis Marion Conley was born September 28, 1836 in Hager Hill, and died July 25, 1906 in Hager Hill. He married Louise Elizabeth Rice, daughter of William Rice and Mary Ann Auxier. She was born July 3, 1844 on Jennies Creek, and died April 25, 1928 in Hager Hill.
Information on this family can be also be found on pages 452 & 461 of the book "Johnson County, Kentucky: A History of the County, and Genealogy of Its People Up to the Year 1927" by Mitchell Hall. In that book it says that Louise Elizabeth Rice, daughter of William and Mary Ann Auxier Rice, was born July 3, 1844 in Jennies Creek, and married F. Marion Conley, son of "Conse" Conley, on November 21, 1861. He was born November 6, 1836, and died January 28, 1892. Their children were German, Mary (born January 9, 1866, married George Burchett), Jessie, Leonard, Charlie W., Josie, William Lewis, Kate, Laura, Nora, Grover C. (born November 6, 1884, died August 29, 1885), and Worth. It also says "Mr. and Mrs. Conley lived on a farm on the Lick Fork of Jennie's Creek near Hagerhill. Mrs. Conley is living, and shares her home with Nora."
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Francis M. Conley married Louisa Elizabeth Rice on November 18, 1861 in Johnson County.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, there was a Francis M. Conley (farmer, b. Kentucky, parents b. Kentucky, 1st marriage, age 21) who married an Emily R. Rice (b. Kentucky, father b. Virginia, mother b. Kentucky, 1st marriage, age 19) on November 21, 1861 in Johnson County.
On page 12 of the 1860 census for Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 6, 1860), Francis Marion Conley can be found living in the home of his brother. Hiram E. Conly is listed as the head of the household for house #80, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 30 years old. Also listed are Clarinda (born in Kentucky, age 23), Frank Pierce (born in Kentucky, age 5), Manford F. (born in Kentucky, age 1), and Marian Conly.
On page 17 of the 1870 census for Paintsville in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated July 11, 1870), Francis M. Conly is listed as the head of the household for house #116, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Louisa E. (born in Kentucky, age 26), German W. (born in Kentucky, age 6), Mary Etta (born in Kentucky, age 5), Moris L. (born in Kentucky, age 2), Hulda Potter (housework, born in Kentucky, age 36), Tandy Potter (works on farm, born in Kentucky, age 17), James Potter (works on farm, born in Kentucky, age 16), Benjamin Potter (works on farm, born in Kentucky, age 14), Nwhola Potter [Hala on page 20 of the 1860 census for Letcher County, Kentucky] (born in Kentucky, age 12), and Potter Potter (born in Kentucky, age 4).
On page 18 of the 1880 census for District 43 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 15, 1880), Francis M. Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #266, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, father born in North Carolina, mother born in Kentucky, and he's 43 years old. Also listed are Louise E. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 35), Jerman W. (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Marietta (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), Morris L. (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Charles W. (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), Josie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), William L. (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), Kate (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3), and Laura S. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1). They are living next to Francis' parents.
On page 13 of the 1900 census for District 38 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 6, 1900), Marion Conley [hard to read] is listed as the head of the household for house #130, he's a farmer, born in November of 1836 in Kentucky, parents born in North Carolina, married for 39 years, and he's 64 years old. Also listed are Louisa (wife, born in July of 1844 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 39 years, she's given birth to 11 children and 10 are still living, age 55), Nora (daughter, born in April of 1882 in Kentucky, age 18), and Worth [hard to read] (son, born in September of 1887 in Kentucky, age 12).
On page 27 of the 1910 census for District 65 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 30, 1910), Lizzie Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #209, she's a farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 11 children and 8 are still living, and she's 65 years old. Also listed are Worth (son, single, teacher, born in Kentucky, age 24), and Nora (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 22).
On page 29 of the 1920 census for District 29 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 16, 1920), Worth Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #280, he's a farmer, single, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 32 years old. Also listed are Lizzie (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 74), and Nora (sister, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 28).
The children of FRANCIS CONLEY and LOUISE RICE are:
- GERMAN W. CONLEY, b. June 15, 1863, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. April 10, 1920, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. MARY CALISTA "CALISTA" CARROLL.
- MARIETTA CONLEY, b. January 9, 1866, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. July 1, 1933, buried in Auxier, Floyd County, Kentucky, m. GEORGE THOMAS BURCHETT.
- MORRIS LEONARD "LEN" CONLEY, March 30, 1868, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. 1937, m. (1) ELIZABETH ROBINSON, m. (2) REBECCA SUSAN WALTERS.
- CHARLES WINSTON CONLEY, b. June 12, 1870, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. MALETTITIA "TISHA" MUSIC.
- JOSEPHINE CONLEY, b. March 30, 1872, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. REDMOND WAYNE PICKLESIMER.
- WILLIAM LEWIS "LEWIS" CONLEY, b. April 27, 1874, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. July 21, 1963, Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio, m. NAOMI "OMA" FRIEND.
- CATHERINE L. "KATE" CONLEY, b. September 2, 1876, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. June 17, 1909, m. SAMUEL JOHN TILDEN "TILDEN" HOWARD.
- LAURA T. CONLEY, b. April 3, 1879, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. August 5, 1943, Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, buried in West Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. CHARLES SOLLARS FRIEND.
- LENORA "NORA" CONLEY, b. April 6, 1882, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. March 27, 1977, Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky, buried in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: Lenora Conley is found living with her brother Worth in 1920, 1930, and 1940.
According to her obituary, Nora Conley (age 94), daughter of Francis Marion and Louise Rice Conley, was a resident of Hager Hill at the time of her death. She was born April 6, 1882 in Johnson County, died March 27, 1977 in Highlands Regional Medical Center after a short illness, and was buried in Wells-Buckingham Cemetery. She was survived by a nephew and niece, Hardie and Virgie Adams of Hager Hill. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Lenora Conley died March 27, 1977 in Floyd County at the age of 94. She was living in Johnson County at the time of her death.
- GROVER CLEVELAND CONLEY, b. November 6, 1884, d. August 19, 1885.
- SAMUEL WORTH "WORTH" CONLEY, b. September 29, 1886, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. January 2, 1969, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. SUDIE LOWE.
Notes: "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society (page 303), says that Jessie Conley married Dora Ratliff. No luck was had in even proving that Jessie Conley existed.