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Jerry Conley's

EMILY BALDWIN, daughter of LOUISA A. CAUDILL and JAMES WINSON "WINCE" BALDWIN, was born January 15, 1899 in Kentucky, died January 23, 1919 in Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Baldwin Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky. She married CHESTER F. REED, son of CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS REED and LOURISSA A. "RISSIE" BLANTON, October 14, 1915 in Johnson County, Kentucky. He was born May 24, 1893 in Kentucky, died April 15, 1926, and is buried in Baldwin Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky

Notes: Chester Reed's sister, Shellie, married Emily Baldwin's half-brother, Curtis. Chester was also the brother of Flossie M. Reed.

Lourissa A. "Rissie" Blanton was the sister of James Alex H. Blanton, Mary E. "Mollie" Blanton, Cora E. Blanton, and William Roscoe Blanton.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Emily Baldwin (age 16) married Chester Reed (age 22) on October 14, 1915 in Johnson County.

According to her death certificate, Mrs. Rissie Blanton Reed died March 24, 1929 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, from pernicious anemia. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as February 13, 1874, her marital status as married, her parents as Geo. W. Blanton (b. Kentucky) and Angeline Nichols (b. Kentucky), and the informant Cora Jane of Paintsville.

Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website and photos of their headstones shows that Emily Reed lived from June 15, 1899 to January 21, 1919, was buried in Baldwin Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, that Chester Reed lived from May 24, 1893 to April 15, 1926, was buried in the same cemetery, and that Ola Arlena Reed lived from October 30, 1918 to 1919, and was buried in the same cemetery.

According to her death certificate, Emmily Baldwin Reed [sic] died January 23, 1919 in Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, from influenza and bronch pneumonia. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed Kentucky, her birth date as January 15, 1899, her marital status as married, her parents as G. W. Baldwin (b. Kentucky) and Louise Caudill (b. Kentucky), and the informant as G. W. Baldwin of Oil Springs, Kentucky.

On page 4 of the 1900 census for District 40 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 2, 1900), Columbus Reed is listed as the head of the household for house #34, he's a farmer, born in November of 1871 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 8 years, and he's 28 years old. Also listed are Lurissa A. (wife, born in February [hard to read] of 1875 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 8 years, she's given birth to 4 children and 3 are still living, age 25), Chester F. (son, born in May of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7), Flossy (daughter, born in October of 1896 in Kentucky, age 3), and Sherman (son, born in May of 1898 in Kentucky, age 2).

On page 21 of the 1910 census for District 76 (Low Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 29, 1910), Columbus Reed is listed as the head of the household for house #141, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 18 years, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Rissie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 7 children and 6 are still living, age 37), Chester F. (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Flossie M. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13), Sherman (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Norman (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Sofrona [hard to read] (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4), and James (son, born in Kentucky, age 11 months).

On pages 13 & 14 of the 1920 census for District 42 (Low Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 17, 19 & 20, 1920), Christopher C. Reed is listed as the head of the household for house #123, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 48 years old. Also listed are Lorisie A. [hard to read] (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 47), Sherman (son, born in Kentucky, age 19), Norman (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Lena (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), James (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), Shellie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 5 months), Chester F. (son, widowed, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 26), and Ova (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 3 years 9 months).

On page 32 of the 1940 census for District 58-8 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 24, 1940), Ova Reed is listed as the head of the household for house #263, he's a truck driver in the coal mines, born in Kentucky, he was living in rural Johnson County in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 23 years old. Also listed is Georgene (wife, born in Kentucky, she was living in rural Johnson County in 1935, 8th grade education, age 16).

    The children of EMILY BALDWIN and CHESTER REED are:

    1. OVA A. REED, b. September 8, 1916, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. August 27, 1993, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, buried in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. GEORGENE SELVAGE, daughter of CLAYTON SELVAGE and LOUISA WRIGHT, September 12, 1939. She was b. May 26, 1923, d. October 17, 1989, buried in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: Clayton Selvage was the son of Martha Hitchcock and John Selvage.
      Ova Reed is found living with his grandparents in 1930.
      According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Ova A. Reed was born September 8, 1916 in Johnson County to Emily Baldwin.
      Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website and photos of their headstone shows that Ova A Reed lived from September 8, 1916 to August 27, 1993, and was buried in Baldwin Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, and that Georgene Selvage Reed lived from May 26, 1923 to October 17, 1989, and was buried in the same cemetery. It also shows that they were married September 12, 1939 in Johnson County, and that Ova was a private first class in the Army in World War II.
      According to his obituary, Ova A. Reed Sr. (age 76), son of the late Chester and Emily Baldwin Reed, was a veteran. He was born September 18, 1916 in Johnson County, died August 27, 1993 in Columbus, Ohio, and was buried in Baldwin Family Cemetery in Oil Springs. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Georgene S. Reed. He was survived by 1 son, Ova Reed (of Columbus); 6 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
      According to her obituary, Georgene Selvage Reed (age 66), daughter of the late Clate and Louise Wright Reed, was born May 26, 1923 in Johnson County, died Ocotber 17, 1989 in Columbus, Ohio, and was buried in Baldwin Cemetery in Oil Springs. She was survived by her husband, Ova A. Reed; 1 son, Ova Burnette Reed (of Columbus); 2 brothers, J. C. Selvage (Denver, Kentucky) and Butch Selvage (Grove City, Ohio); 3 grandchildren; 2 step-grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; and 1 step-great-grandchild. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    2. OLA A. REED, b. October 30, 1918, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. 1919, buried in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Ola A. Reed was born October 30, 1918 in Johnson County to Emily Baldwin.

GENERAL HITCHCOCK, son of PARKER D. HITCHCOCK and and GEORGE WASHINGTON BLAIR, was born June 5, 1863 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died January 15, 1942 in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married MARY ANN FRAZIER, daughter of WILLIAM J. FRAZIER and ZILPHA LEMASTER, September 20, 1883 in Johnson County, Kentucky. She was born February 4, 1867 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died June 23, 1939 in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky.

Notes: Mary Ann Frazier was the sister of James Hiram Frazier, Julia A. Frazier, and Elizabeth Frazier (who married Levi Hannah, son of Nancy Fairchild and Ebenezer Scott Hannah).

According to his death certificate, General Hitchcock died January 15, 1942 in Denver from senility and aortic insufficiency. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Johnson County, his birth date as June 5, 1863, his marital status as widowed, his occupation as farmer, his father as Andrew Parker Hitchcock (b. Johnson County), his mother's maiden name is left blank, the informant as Jessie Hitchcock [hard to read] of Denver, Kentucky, and the burial place as Denver.

According to his obituary, General Hitchcock had been in poor health for a long time prior to his death. He was buried January 17, 1942 in Sam Blair Cemetery beside his wife. He was survived by 4 sons, Grant, Jesse, Bennie, and Eddie Hitchcock; 3 daughters, Mrs. Oscar Arms, Mrs. Ray Baldwin, and Mrs. Belvie Baldwin (all of Denver); 1 brother, Ben Hitchcock; and 2 sisters, Mrs. Martha Selvage and Mrs. Elizabeth Blair. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Gennoe Hitshock died January 15, 1942 in Johnson County at the age of 78.

According to her death certificate, Mary A. Frazier Hitchcock died June 23, 1939 in Denver from aortic insufficiency. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Johnson County, her age as 70, her marital status as married, her husband as General Hitchcock, her parents as William Frazier (b. Virginia) and Zalphia Blevin [hard to read] (b. Johnson County), the informant as _____ Hitchcock, and the burial place as Denver, Kentucky.

According to her obituary, Mary Ann Frazier Hitchcock was survived by her husband, General Hitchcock; 4 sons, Jessie, Bennie, Eddie (all of Denver), and Grant (Van Lear); and 3 daughters, Mrs. Oscar Arms, Mrs. Ray Baldwin, and Beulah Baldwin (all of Denver). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Mary A. Hitchcash died June 23, 1939 in Johnson County at the age of 70.

On page 12 of the 1870 census for Barnetts Creek in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 25, 1870), William Frazier is listed as the head of the household for house #80, he's a farm laborer, born in Kentucky, and he's 27 years old. Also listed are Zilpha (born in Kentucky, age 31), Malinda (born in Kentucky, age 12), Elizebeth (born in Kentucky, age 10), Judith (born in Kentucky, age 8), Mary A. (born in Kentucky, age 3), and Henry H. (born in October of 1879 in Kentucky, age 8 months).

On page 17 of the 1880 census for District 45 (Barnetts Creek) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 10, 1880), William J. Frazier is listed as the head of the household for house #93, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Zilpha (wife, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, 44), Mary A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), Henry H. (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), James H. (son, born in Kentucky, age 8), Sarah F. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6), and William E. (son, born in Kentucky, age 3).

On page 2 of the 1900 census for District 40 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 1, 1900), General Hitchcock is listed as the head of the household for house #17, he's a farmer, born in June of 1863 in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, married for 16 years, and he's 36 years old. Also listed are Mary A. (wife, born in February of 1867 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 16 years, she's given birth to 7 children and 6 are still living, age 33), William A. (son, born in December of 1885 in Kentucky, age 14), David J. (son, born in January of 1888 in Kentucky, age 12), Benjamin H. (son, born in April of 1890 in Kentucky, age 10), General G. (son, born in April of 1892 in Kentucky, age 8), Mary E. (daughter, born in March of 1894 in Kentucky, age 6), Sarah J. (daughter, born in April of 1898 in Kentucky, age 2), and James E. (son, born June 1, 1900 in Kentucky, age 0 months).

On page 18 of the 1910 census for District 76 (Low Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 28, 1910), General Hitchcock is listed as the head of the household for house #123, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, 1st marriage, married for 26 years, and he's 46 years old. Also listed are Mary A. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 10 children and 7 are still living, age 43), Jessie (son, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 22), Benjamin (son, born in Kentucky, age 20), Grant (son, born in Kentucky, age 18), Sarah (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Edward (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Allie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), and Dicy (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 7 months).

On page 5 of the 1920 census for District 38 (Jennies Creek) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 7 & 8, 1920), General Hitchcock is listed as the head of the household for house #48, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, and he's 56 years old. Also listed are Mary A. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 52), Alta F. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), Disie A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), and Bessie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7).

On page 35 of the 1930 census for District 58-8 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 25, 1930), General Hitchcock is listed as the head of the household for house #285, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 66 years old. Also listed are Mary A. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 16, age 63), and Bessie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 17). Their daughter Dicie, and her family, are living under the same roof, but listed as a separate family.

    The children of GENERAL HITCHCOCK and MARY FRAZIER are:

    1. WILLIAM ALFORD HITCHCOCK, b. December 13, 1885, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. 1900.
    2. DAVID JESSIE HITCHCOCK, b. January 13, 1888, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. March 29, 1977, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. ELSIE COLVIN, daughter of ALBERT COLVIN and LAURA SPRADLIN. She was b. 1898.
      Notes: David and Elsie Colvin Hitchcock's son, Cecil, married Sophia Taylor, daughter of Dollie Conley and Oscar Mark "Ott" Taylor.
      Elsie Colvin's sister, Beulah, married Morris Arms, son of Jesse Arms and Cynthia Ellen Blair.
      According to his obituary, David J. "Jessie" Hitchcock (age 89), son of General and Mary Ann Frazier Hitchcock, was a retired miner and a resident of Staffordsville. He was born January 13, 1888 in Johnson County, died March 29, 1977 in Paintsville Hospital after an extended illness, and was buried in the family cemetery in Denver. He was preceded in death by his wife, Elsie Colvin Hitchcock. He was survived by 3 sons, Cecil Hitchcock (of Staffordsville), David Hitchcock [David Jessie Hitchcock Jr.] (Chicago, Illinois), and Lawrence Hitchcock (Columbus, Ohio); 3 daughters, Myrtle May (Warsaw, Indiana), Pauline Castle (Thealka), and Lova Green (Pierceton, Indiana); 2 brothers, Eddie Hitchcock (Collista) and Benny Hitchcock (Denver); 3 sisters, Dicie Baldwin (Denver), Alta Baldwin (Denver), and Bessie Blair (Leander); 16 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    3. BENJAMIN HARRISON HITCHCOCK, b. April 7, 1890, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. July 19, 1977, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (1) JOSEPHINE CAUDILL. She was b. October 16, 1896, Johnson County, Kentucky. He m. (2) VERGIE SPRADLIN. She was b. 1895.
    4. GENERAL GRANT HITCHCOCK, b. April 13, 1892, Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. November 1, 1969, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (1) ARTIE M. BLAIR, m. (2) JENNIE LEE WARD.
    5. MARY ELIZABETH HITCHCOCK, b. March 2, 1894, Johnson County, Kentucky.
    6. SARAH JANE HITCHCOCK, b. April 13, 1898, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. July 4, 1969, Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. OSCAR ARMS, son of JESSE ARMS and CYNTHIA ELLEN BLAIR.
      According to her obituary, Sarah Jane Hitchcock Arms (age 71), daughter of the late General and Mary Ann Hitchcock, was born April 13, 1898 in Johnson County, died suddenly at home in Denver from a heart attack on July 4, 1969, and was buried in the family cemetery in Denver. She was survived by her husband, Oscar Arms, whom she married in 1914; 4 daughters, Ora Lee Blair (of Denver), Venice Arms (Denver), Valeria Brewer (Denver), and Viola Blair (Paintsville); 4 brothers, Grant Hitchcock (Van Lear), Jesse Hitchcock (Staffordsville), Bennie Hitchcock (Denver), and Eddie Hitchcock (Denver); 3 sisters, Dicie Baldwin (Denver), Alta Baldwin (Denver), and Bessie Blair (Leander); 16 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    7. JAMES EDWARD HITCHCOCK, b. June 1, 1900, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. HANNAH BALDWIN, daughter of LECK BALDWIN and MINNIE ALICE (unknown last name). She was b. November 11, 1901, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. September 26, 1983, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to her obituary, Hannah Baldwin Hitchcock (age 81), daughter of Leck and Minnie Alice Hitchcock and a resident of Hager Hill, was born November 11, 1901 in Johnson County, died September 26, 1983 in Paintsville Hospital following an extended illness, and was buried in Sam Blair Cemetery in Denver, Kentucky. She was preceded in death by her oldest son, Freddie Hitchcock, in 1975. She was survived by her husband, Eddie Hitchcock; 1 son, Willie Hitchcock (Hager Hill); 2 daughters, Bethel Blair (of Denver) and Betty McCarty (Wabash, Indiana); 2 sisters, Sudie Young (Lowmansville) and Herma Lee Howard (Paintsville); 23 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    8. ALTA FRANCIS HITCHCOCK, b. March 4, 1905, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. BELVA BALDWIN, March 22, 1924, Johnson County, Kentucky.
    9. ANDREW PARKER HITCHCOCK, b. April 9, 1907, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. May 1907, Johnson County, Kentucky.
    10. DICIE ALICE HITCHCOCK, b. September 20, 1908, Win, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. April 10, 2000, Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. ERNEST RAYMOND "RAY" BALDWIN.
    11. BESSIE MAE HITCHCOCK, b. June 10, 1912, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. October 19, 1990, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. DEXTER BLAIR, son of WILLIAM SMITH BLAIR and SARAH ANN BLAIR.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Bessa Hitcheock was born June 10, 1912 in Johnson County to Mary Frazier.
      According to her obituary, Bessie Mae Hitchcock Blair (age 78), daughter of General and Mary Ann Frazier Hitchcock, was born June 10, 1912 in Johnson County, died in October of 1990, and was buried in Highland Memorial Park in Staffordsville. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dexter Blair, in 1980. She was survived by 3 sons, Elmon Dexter Blair (of Paintsville), Elmer Carrol Blair (Leander), and Paul Eldridge Blair (Gahana, Ohio); 5 daughters, Mary Linda Caudill (Oil Springs), Anna Bernice Wills (Prestonsburg), Ruby Evelyn Conley (Salyersville), Goble Clarice James (Columbus, Ohio), and Wilma Jean Belknap (Columbus, Ohio); 2 sisters, Alta Baldwin (Denver) and Dicie Baldwin (Denver), 24 grandchildren; and 29 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

    (This information comes from Joseph Eugene Conley and other sources)

ERNEST RAYMOND "RAY" BALDWIN, son of LOUISA A. CAUDILL and JAMES WINSON "WINCE" BALDWIN, was born September 11, 1897 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died May 16, 1966 in Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Lakeview Memorial Cemetery in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married DICIE ALICE HITCHCOCK, daughter of GENERAL HITCHCOCK and MARY ANN FRAZIER, about 1924. She was born September 20, 1908 in Win, Johnson County, Kentucky, died April 10, 2000 in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Lakeview Memorial Cemetery in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky.

Notes: When Ray Baldwin's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a farmer working for James W. Baldwin in Oil Springs, Johnson County, that his closest relative as James W. Baldwin, and that he was born September 11, 1897. He was found to be of medium height and slender build, and he had blue eyes and light-colored hair.

Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website and a photo of their headstone shows that Ray Baldwin lived from September 11, 1897 to May 16, 1966, and was buried in Lakeview Memorial Cemetery in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and that Dicie Alice Baldwin lived from September 20, 1908 to April 10, 2000, and was buried in the same cemetery.

According to his obituary, Ray Baldwin (age 68), son of the late Wince and Louise Caudill Baldwin, was a former miner, and a resident of Denver, Kentucky. He was born September 11, 1897 in Johnson County, died May 16, 1966 in a local hospital following an extended illness, and was buried in Baldwin Family Cemetery in Denver. He was survived by his wife, Dicie Hitchcock Baldwin; 3 sons, Raymond (of Troy, Ohio), James (Troy, Ohio), and Mitchell (Leander, Kentucky); 4 daughters, Mrs. Okie Etchell Caudill (Denver), Mrs. Mary Louise Blair (Denver), Mrs. Thelma Daniels (Carey, Ohio), and Mrs. Jewel Spradlin (Leesburg, Virginia); 1 sister, Mrs. Lucy Blair (Paintsville); 3 half-brothers, Marion, Curtis and Hardy B. Baldwin (Oil Springs); and 2 half-sisters, Mrs. Alma Spradlin (Denver) and May Baldwin (Oil Springs). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Ray Baldwin was born September 11, 1897, and died in May of 1966. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Ray Baldwin died May 16, 1966 in Johnson County at the age of 68.

According to her obituary, Dicie Hitchcock Baldwin (age 91), daughter of the late General and Mary Ann Frazier Hitchcock, was born September 20, 1908 in Win, died April 10, 2000 in Mountain Manor Nursing Home, and was buried in Lakeview Memorial Cemetery in Staffordsville. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ray Baldwin. She was survived by 2 sons, James E. Baldwin (of Leander, Kentucky) and Mitchel Baldwin (Urbana, Ohio); 4 daughters, Thelma Daniels (Denver, Kentucky), Mary Louise Blair (Denver), Okie Etchel Caudill (Leander), and Jewell Spradlin (Manassas, Virginia); 35 grandchildren, 56 great-grandchildren; and 17 great-great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Dicie Baldwin was born September 20, 1908, and died April 10, 2000. She received her Social Security card in 1966 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Dicie Baldwin died April 10, 2000 in Denver, Johnson County, at the age of 91.

On page 35 of the 1930 census for District 58-8 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 25, 1930), Ray Baldwin is listed as the head of the household for family #303 in house #285 (his wife's parents' house), he's a farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 27, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Disie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 15, age 31), Oka A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), Mary L. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3), and Raymond (son, born in Kentucky, age 1).

On page 35 of the 1940 census for District 58-8 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 25, 1940), Ray Baldwin is listed as the head of the household for house #294, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, and he's 42 years old. Also listed are Dicie (wife, born in Kentucky, 4th grade education, age 32), Okietchel (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), Mary (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13), Raymond (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), James E. (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Mitchel (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), and Thelma (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3).

    The children of RAY BALDWIN and DICIE HITCHCOCK are:

    1. OAKIE ETCHEL BALDWIN, b. September 27, 1924, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. April 30, 2001, Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky, buried in Johnson County, Kentucky, m. JAMES RUDOLPH CAUDILL, son of ALKA BLAIR and LEWIS MONROE CAUDILL.
      Notes: According to her obituary, Okie Etchel Baldwin Caudill (age 76), daughter of the late Ray and Dicie Hitchcock Baldwin, was born September 27, 1924 in Johnson County, died April 30, 2001 in Highlands Regional Medical Center, and was buried in Caudill Cemetery. She was preceded in death by her husband, Rudolph Caudill. She was survived by 2 sons, Roger Caudill (of Leander) and Tim Caudill (Oil Springs); 2 daughters, Judy Walters Linville (Leander) and Jeanetta Grant (New Carlisle, Ohio); 2 brothers, James Baldwin (Leander) and Mitchell Baldwin (Urbana, Ohio); 3 sisters, Mary Louise Blair (Denver, Kentucky), Thelma Daniels (Denver), and Jewell Spradlin (Virginia); 10 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    2. MARY LOUISE BALDWIN, b. December 20, 1926, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. December 18, 2012, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Johnson County, Kentucky, m. HANSEL BLAIR, son of DEWEY BLAIR and MARY BLAIR. He was b. May 1, 1922, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. October 20, 1981, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: Dewey Blair was the son of Louis Greenville Blair and Sarah Miranda Lemaster.
      According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Mary L. Baldwin was born December 20, 1926 in Johnson County to Dicy Hitchcock.
      According to her obituary, Mary Louise Baldwin Blair (age 85), daughter of the late Ray and Dicie Hitchcock Baldwin, was born December 20, 1926 in Johnson County, died December 18, 2012 at home in Hager Hill, and was buried in Blair Family Cemetery. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Hansel Blair; 1 daughter, Nellowene Fairchild; 2 brothers, Raymond Baldwin and Mitchell Baldwin; 1 sister, Okie Ethel Caudill; 1 grandchild; and 1 great-great-grandchild. She was survived by 2 sons, Benson Blair (of Hager Hill) and Toy Lynn Blair (Hager Hill); 4 daughters, Eldalene Haney (Hager Hill), Anna Rose Spradlin (Hager Hill), Burletta Ratliff (Hager Hill), and Vickie Louise Wheeler (Thelma, Kentucky); 1 brother, James Earl Baldwin (Leander, Kentucky); 2 sisters, Thelma Daniels (Hager Hill) and Jewell Spradlin (Manassas, Virginia); 15 grandchildren; and 22 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
      According to his obituary, Hansel Blair (age 59), son of Dewey and Mary Blair and a resident of Denver, was born May 1, 1922 in Johnson County, died October 20, 1981 in Paintsville Hospital, and was buried in the family cemetery in Denver. He was survived by his wife, Mary Baldwin Blair; 2 sons, Toy Blair (of Paintsville) and Benson Blair (Denver, Kentucky); 5 daughters, Eldalene Haney (Denver), Ann Spradlin (Denver), Nellowene Fairchild (Staffordsville), Vickie Wheeler (Staffordsville), and Burletta Ratliff (Staffordsville); 2 sisters, Avonell Hitchcock (Denver) and Eula Gullett (Denver); and 10 grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    3. RAYMOND BALDWIN, b. February 3, 1929, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. April 29, 1998, Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. LOVELLA MAE BLAIR.
    4. JAMES EARL BALDWIN, b. 1931, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, James E. Baldwin was born in Johnson County to Dicie Hitchcock.
    5. MITCHELL BALDWIN, b. June 22, 1934, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. October 25, 2005, West Liberty, Logan County, Ohio, and is buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. PEGGY MAY (unknown last name).
      Notes: According to his obituary, Elder Mitchell Baldwin (age 71), son of the late Ray and Dicie Alice Hitchcock Baldwin, was born June 22, 1934 in Johnson County, died October 25, 2005 at home in West Liberty, Ohio, and was buried in Lakeview Memorial Cemetery in Staffordsville. He was survived by his wife, Peggy May Baldwin (of West Liberty, Ohio); 2 sons, Ricky Edward Baldwin (Columbus, Ohio) and David Allen Baldwin (Hager Hill); 5 daughters, Janie Carol Haddix (West Liberty), Lisa Michelle Baldwin (West Liberty), Debra Yvonne Davis (Urbana, Ohio), Sandra Alice Rogan (Urbana, Ohio), and Rhonda Woods (Lakeview, Ohio); 1 brother, James Earl Baldwin (Leander); 3 sisters, Mary Louise Blair (Denver), Thelma Daniels (Denver), and Jewell Spradlin (Manassas, Virginia); 16 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    6. THELMA L. BALDWIN, b. 1937, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) DANIELS.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Thelma L. Baldwin was born in Johnson County to Dycie Hitchcock.
    7. MELVIN J. BALDWIN, b. Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Melvie J. Baldwin was born in Johnson County to Dicie Hitchcock.
    8. JEWELL BALDWIN, m. (unknown first name) SPRADLIN.

MARTHA BLAIR, daughter of BRITTON F. BLAIR and LUCINDA SPRADLIN, was born February 25, 1890 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died August 19, 1960 in Carey, Wyandot County, Ohio, and is buried in the family cemetery in Johnson County, Kentucky. She married JOHN WESLEY WARD, son of DANIEL A. WARD and SARAH "SALLY" ARMS. He was born February 4, 1871 in Kentucky, died January 2, 1933 in Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky. John Ward married (1) RHODA ANN SALYER, daughter of DAVID JESSE SALYER JR. and MARTHA SPRADLIN, about 1893. She was born August 21, 1872 in Kentucky, died January 13, 1914 in Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in John W. Ward Cemetery in Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky.

Notes: John Wesley Ward was the brother of Elizabeth J. Ward, Sarah C. Ward , Mary Ann Ward, and of Margaret Bell Ward, who married James Blair, son of Britton F. Blair and Lucinda Conley.

Sarah "Sally" Arms was probably the daughter of Aaron Arms and Elizabeth Shepherd.

David Jesse Salyer Jr. was the son of David Jesse Salyer and Mary "Polly" Burton and Martha Spradlin was the daughter of James S. Spradlin Jr. and Temperance Jane Hitchcock.

According to her death certificate, Rhoda Ann Salyer Ward died January 13, 1914 in Barnetts Creek from pericarditis. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as August 21, 1872, her marital status as married, her parents as David Jesse Salyer (b. Kentucky) and Martha Spradlin (b. Kentucky), the informant as John Ward of Denver, Kentucky, and the burial place as John W. Ward Cemetery in Barnetts Creek.

According to her obituary, Martha Blair Ward (age 70), daughter of Britton and Lucinda Conley Blair, was born February 25, 1890 in Johnson County, died August 19, 1960 at home in Carey, Ohio (where she had lived for the prior 9 years), and was buried in the family cemetery. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Ward, in 1933. She was survived by 2 sons, Zollie Ward (Barnetts Creek) and Hager Ward (Carey, Ohio); 4 daughters, Margaret Wickhan (Carey, Ohio), Gladys Tackett (Carey, Ohio), Josie Higgenbotham (Carey, Ohio), and Bonnie Petmecky (Glendora, California); 2 step-sons, Crate Ward (Leander) and Edgar Ward (Barnetts Creek); 5 step-daughters, Cinda Hannah (Vanlue, Ohio), Jennie Hitchcock (Van Lear), Cora Luallen (Van, West Virginia), Mary Salyer (Hamilton, Ohio), and Emory Waddell (Miamisburg, Ohio); 1 brother, William Blair (Barnetts Creek); and 2 sisters, Rhoda Ratliff (Barnetts Creek) and Sarah Spradlin (Paintsville). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to his death certificate, John W. Ward died January 2, 1933 in Barnetts Creek from "Influenza - Complicated By Double-Broncho-Pneumonia." Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as February 4, 1871, his marital status as married, his occupation as farmer, his parents as Daniel Ward (b. Virginia) and Sarah Arms (b. Kentucky), the informant as Edgar Ward of Barnetts Creek, and the burial place as Barnetts Creek.

On page 27 of the 1880 census for District 45 (Barnetts Creek) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 16, 1880), Daniel Ward is listed as the head of the household for house #66, he's a farmer, born in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, and he's 39 years old. Also listed are Sarah (wife, born in Kentucky, father born in North Carolina, mother born in Kentucky, age 41), James W. (son, born in Kentucky, age 18), Elizabeth J. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), Sarah C. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13), Mary A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), John W. (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Margaret B. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), and Charles (son, born in Kentucky, age 2).

On page 18 of the 1900 census for District 40 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 8, 1900), John W. Ward is listed as the head of the household for house #149, he's a farmer, born in February of 1871 in Kentucky, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, married for 7 years, and he's 29 years old. Also listed are Rhoda (wife, born in August of 1872 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 7 years, she's given birth to 6 children and 4 are still living, age 27), Cyndia E. (daughter, born in March of 1894 in Kentucky, age 6), Jennie L. (daughter, born in July of 1895 in Kentucky, age 4), Mary E. (daughter, born in December of 1897 in Kentucky, age 2), and Benjamin F. (son, born in August of 1899 in Kentucky, age 10 months).

On page 13 of the 1910 census for District 71 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 23 - 25, 1910), John Ward is listed as the head of the household for house #111, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, 1st marriage [hard to read], married for 17 years, and he's 39 years old. Also listed are Rhoda A. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage [hard to read], she's given birth to 12 children and 7 are still living, age 38), Jennie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), Mary (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Crate (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Cora (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), Charlie (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), and Edgar (son, born in Kentucky, age 3).

On page 14 of the 1920 census for District 37 (Barnetts Creek) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 26, 1920), John Ward is listed as the head of the household for house #122, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 49 years old. Also listed are Martha (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 28), Charlie (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 14), Edgar (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 12), Emily (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 9), Emerson H. (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 1 year 11 months), and S. M. (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 3 months).

On page 17 of the 1930 census for District 58-7 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 15, 1930), John W. Ward is listed as the head of the household for house #161, he's a merchant in a general store, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 59 years old. Also listed are Martha J. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 25, age 40), Charles (son, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 24), Hager (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Margaret (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10), Gladys (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), Ashley (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), Zollie (son, born in Kentucky, age 2), and Josie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4 months).

    The children of JOHN WARD and RHODA SALYER are:

    1. CYNDA E. WARD, b. March 1894, Kentucky, m. HENRY HANNAH.
    2. JENNIE LEE WARD, b. July 13, 1895, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. January 19, 1963, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Daniels Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. GENERAL GRANT HITCHCOCK.
    3. MARY E. WARD, b. December 1897, Kentucky, m. FRANK SALYER.
    4. BENJAMIN F. WARD, August 1899, Kentucky.
    5. CRATE WARD, b. March 5, 1901, Kentucky, d. December 14, 1969, Jennies Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. CLARA ARMS, daughter of JESSE ARMS and CYNTHIA A. BLAIR, February 13, 1919, Johnson County, Kentucky.
    6. CORA WARD, b. 1903, Kentucky, m. VIRGIL LEWELLEN.
    7. CHARLIE WARD, b. October 4, 1905, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. June 25, 1960, Carey, Wyandot County, Ohio, buried in Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to his obituaries (there were 2, one on June 29, 1960 and one on July 6, 1960), Charlie Ward (age 54), son of John W. and Rhoda Salyer Ward, was employed by Swan Rubber Company, and was living in Carey, Ohio, for the 9 years prior to his death. He was born October 4, 1905 in Johnson County, died suddenly on June 25, 1960 from a heart attack at the home of his sister in Carey, Ohio, Mrs. Margrette Wickham, with whom he made his home, and was buried in the family cemetery [presumably in Johnson County). He was survived by his step-mother, Mrs. Martha Ward (of Carey, Ohio); 2 brothers, Crate Ward (Leander, Kentucky) and Edgar Ward (Barnetts Creek); 5 sisters, Mrs. Henry Hannah (Vanlue, Ohio), Mrs. Jennie Hitchcock (Van Lear) [Mrs. Grant Hitchcock] (Odds, Kentucky), Mrs. Frank Salyer (Hamden, Ohio), Mrs. Virgil Lewallen (Van, West Virginia), and Mrs. Jimmie Waddell (Fairborn, Ohio); 2 half-brothers, Zollie Ward (Barnetts Creek) and Hager Ward (Carey, Ohio); and 4 half-sisters, Mrs. Margarette Wickham [Mrs. Ruben Wickham] (Carey, Ohio), Mrs. Edward Tackett (Vanlue, Ohio), Mrs. Josie Hickenbottom [Mrs. Burton Higgenbothom] (Carey, Ohio), and Mrs. John Petmeckey (Glendora, California). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    8. EDGAR WARD, b. 1907, Kentucky, d. December 9, 1974, Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. KATIE BLAIR, daughter of ALBERT HAYS BLAIR and JULIA ANN BLAIR.
      Notes: Edgar and Katie Blair Ward's daughter, Neva Lee, married Richard O'Neil Conley.
      According to his obituary, Edgar Ward (age 67), was a retired coal miner and a resident of Barnetts Creek. He died December 9, 1974 in a local Johnson County hospital, and was buried in the family cemetery in Barnetts Creek. He was survived by his wife, Katie Blair Ward; 3 sons, Alcus Edgar Ward (of Mt. Cory, Ohio), Alva C. Ward (Corbin), and Douglas Ward (Dola, Ohio); 2 daughters, Shelby Jean Blair (Dola, Ohio) and Neva Lee Conley (Westerville, Ohio); 2 brothers, Hager Ward (Vanlue, Ohio) and Zollie Ward (Paintsville); 3 sisters, Mary Salyers (Hamden, Ohio), Cora Lewellen (Van, West Virginia), and Emily Waddell (Miamisburg, Ohio); 4 half-sisters, Margaret Wickham (Cary), Gladys Tackett (Mt. Blanchard, Ohio), Josie Higginbottom (Cary), and Bonnie Petmicky (California); and 12 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    9. EMILY WARD, b. 1911, Kentucky, m. JIMMIE WADDELL.
    10. CURTIS WARD, b. July 9, 1912, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Curtis Ward was born July 9, 1912 in Johnson County to Rhoda Salyer.

    The children of MARTHA BLAIR and JOHN WARD are:

    1. EMERSON HAGER WARD, b. October 18, 1917, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. January 2, 1992, m. ELVA RATLIFF, daughter of ALONZO RATLIFF and MAUDIE SPRADLIN.
      Notes: Alonzo Ratliff was the son of Eli Ratliff and Elizabeth Ward.
      According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Emerson H. Ward was born in October 18, 1917 in Johnson County to Martha Blair.
    2. SARAH MARGARET WARD, b. October 2, 1919, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (1) RAYMOND CASTLE, m. (2) RUBIN C. WICKHAM.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Sarah M. Ward was born October 2, 1919 in Johnson County to Martha Blair.
    3. GLADYS V. WARD, b. 1922, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. EDWARD TACKETT.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Gladys V. Ward was born in Johnson County to Martha Blair.
    4. ASHLEY WARD, b. June 25, 1925, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. July 19, 1959, Lima, Allen County, Ohio, buried in Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. ARLENE LYDIA BLAIR.
    5. ZOLLIE C. WARD, b. January 19, 1928, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. August 10, 1980, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. EDITH M. HARMON.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Zollie C. Ward was born in Johnson County to Martha Blair.
      According to his obituary, Zollie Ward (age 52), son of John and Martha Blair Ward, was born January 19, 1928 in Johnson County, died August 10, 1980 at home in Paintsville, and is buried in Highland Memorial Park in Staffordsville. He was survived by his wife, Edith M. Harmon Helton Ward; 1 brother, Hager Ward (of Carey, Ohio); and 3 sisters, Gladys Tackett (Mt. Blanchard, Ohio), Margaret Wickham (Carey, Ohio), and Bonnie Petmicky (California). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    6. JOSIE WARD, b. 1929, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. BURTON HIGGENBOTTOM.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Josie Ward was born in Johnson County to Martha Blair.
    7. BONNIE FAYE WARD, b. Johnson County, Kentucky, m. JOHN A. PETMICKY.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Bonua F. Ward was born in Johnson County to Martha Blair.

ARTIE M. BLAIR, daughter of ANDREW JACKSON BLAIR and MAHALA PELPHREY, was born in August of 1882 in Kentucky, died April 18, 1914 in Jennies Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in D. S. Hitchcock Cemetery in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky. She married (1) ENOCH SPEARS JR. She married (2) GENERAL GRANT HITCHCOCK, son of GENERAL HITCHCOCK and MARY ANN FRAZIER, April 26, 1913 in Johnson County, Kentucky. He was born April 13, 1892 in Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, died November 1, 1969 in Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Setser Cemetery in Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentucky. Grant Hitchcock married (2) JENNIE LEE WARD, daughter of JOHN WESLEY WARD and RHODA ANN SALYER, September 4, 1914 in Johnson County, Kentucky. She was born July 13, 1895 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died January 19, 1963 in Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Daniels Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky.

Notes: Information on Artie Blair can be found on page 370 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.

Artie Blair died from complications of the birth of her son, Chester, who also died. Chester was reportedly 1/2 of a set of twins, with his brother also dying. The brother's name was reportedly Charles.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Artie Blair (married once, parents b. Johnson County, age 26) married Grant Hitchcock (railroad surveyor, parents b. Johnson County, age 21) on April 26, 1913 in Johnson County.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Grant Hitchcok ("Div", age 22) married Jennie Ward (age 19) on September 4, 1914 in Johnson County.

When Grant Hitchcock's World War I draft registration card was filled out on June 5, 1917 in Johnson County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a farmer in Denver, Kentucky, that he had a wife and child, and that he was born April 13, 1892 in Barnetts Creek, Kentucky. He was found to be of medium height and slender build, and he had blue eyes and black hair. Not being able to read or write, he signed the card with an "X."

According to her death certificate, Art Blair Hitchcock died April 18, 1914 in Jennies Creek from "Post Partum Eclampsia one day, Edema of brain 3 days, Pneumonia 7 days followed by gangrene of lung." Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her age as "From 30 to 35 yrs," her marital status as married, her parents as Andrew Blair (b. Kentucky) and Mahaley Pelphrey (b. Kentucky), the informant as Grant Hitchcock of Denver, Kentucky, and the burial place as D. S. Hitchcock Cemetery in Denver.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Art Hitchcock died April 18, 1914 in Johnson County at the age of 30.

According to his obituary, Grant Hitchcock (age 77), son of General and Mary Ann Frazier Hitchcock, was a retired miner and a lifelong resident of Van Lear, Kentucky. He died November 1, 1969 in a local Johnson County nursing home after a long illness, and was buried in Setser Cemetery in Van Lear. He was preceded in death by his wife, Jenny Lee Ward Hitchcock, in January of 1963. He was survived by 2 sons, Burns Hitchcock (of Van Lear) and Thurman Hitchcock (Columbus, Ohio); 1 daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Setser (Van Lear); 1 step-son, Crate Spears (Hager Hill); 3 brothers, Jessie Hitchcock (Staffordsville), Eddie Hitchcock (Hager Hill), and Bennie Hitchcock (Denver); 3 sisters, Mrs. Alta Baldwin (Denver), Mrs. Dicie Baldwin (Denver), and Mrs. Bessie Blair (Leander); 11 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to Social Security death record transcripts, General Hitchcok [sic] was born April 13, 1892, and died in November of 1969. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Grant Hitchcock died November 1, 1969 in Johnson County at the age of 77. He was living in Johnson County at the time of his death.

According to her obituary, Jennie Lee Ward Hitchcock (age 67), daughter of the late John and Rhoda Ann Salyer Ward, was a resident of Daniels Creek for 8 years prior to her death. She was born July 13, 1895 in Johnson County, died January 19, 1963 in a local Johnson County hospital after an extended illness, and was buried in the family cemetery in Daniels Creek. She was preceded in death by 1 son, Lenzie Hitchcock, who was a World War II casualty. She was survived by her husband, Grant Hitchcock; 2 sons, Burns Hitchcock (of Van Lear) and Thurman Hitchcock (Daniels Creek); 1 daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Setser (Daniels Creek); 2 brothers, Crate Ward (Denver) and Edgar Ward (Barnetts Creek); 2 sisters, Cora Lewallen (Van, West Virginia) and Emily Waddle (Miamisburg, Ohio); 2 half-brothers, Zollie Ward (Paintsville) and Hager Ward (Carey, Ohio); 4 half-sisters, Mrs. Bonnie Petmecky (California), Mrs. Margaret Wickham (Alvado, Ohio), Mrs. Josie Higgenbotham (Carey, Ohio), and Mrs. Gladys Tackett (Mt. Blanchard, Ohio); 11 grandchildren; and 1 great-grandchild. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Jennie L. Hitchcock died January 19, 1963 in Johnson County at the age of 67. She was living in Johnson County at the time of her death.

On page 39 of the 1900 census for District 38 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 19, 1900), Artie Blair is found single and, along with her daughter, living with her parents. Andrew Blair is listed as the head of the household for house #319, he's a farmer, born in March of 1840 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 32 years, and he's 60 years old. Also listed are Mahaley (wife, born in April of 1854 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, household for house #319, he'she's given birth to 4 children and all are still living, age 46), John (son, single, farm laborer, born in September of 1870 in Kentucky, age 29), Patrick (son, single, farm laborer, born in May of 1879 in Kentucky, age 21), Artie (daughter, single, born in August of 1882 in Kentucky, age 17), and Minie Blair [hard to read] (daughter, born in March of 1897 in Kentucky, age 2).

On page 1 of the 1910 census for District 73 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 18, 1910), Andrew J. Blair is listed as the head of the household for house #1, he's not working, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 72 years old. Also listed are John M. (son, single, laborer doing odd jobs, born in Kentucky, age 42), Artie M. (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 29), Minnie Blair (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 12), and Crate Blair (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 4).

On page 6 of the 1920 census for District 38 (Jennies Creek) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 8 & 9, 1920), Grant Hitchcock is listed as the head of the household for house #49, he's a coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 27 years old. Also listed are Jennie L. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 24), Thurman (son, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 9 months), and Burns (son, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 3 months).

On pages 35 & 36 of the 1930 census for District 58-8 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 25, 1930), Grant Hitchcock is listed as the head of the household for house #286, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 22, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Jennie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, age 35), Thurman (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Burns (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Dessie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), and Lindey (son, born in Kentucky, age 5). They are living next to Grant's parents.

On page 41 of the 1940 census for District 58-6 (Van Lear) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 27, 1940), Grant Hitchcock is listed as the head of the household for house #350, he's a coal loader in the mines, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 2nd grade education, and he's 48 years old. Also listed are Jennie Lee (wife, born in Kentucky, 4th grade education, age 44), Thurman (son, single, not working, born in Kentucky, 6th grade education, age 24), Bessie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 19), and Lenzie (son, born in Kentucky, age 15).

    The child of ARTIE BLAIR and (unknown) is:

    1. MINNIE BLAIR, b. March 1897, Kentucky, d. November 3, 1925, Holly Branch, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. EVERETT ARMS.
    2. ELLA MAE BLAIR, b. 1899, Kentucky, d. April 27, 1968, Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio, m. (1) DAVID MILTON BLAIR, m. (2) WALTER G. GULLETT.

    The child of ARTIE BLAIR and ENOCH SPEARS is:

    1. CRATE SPEARS, b. May 27, 1905, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. December 3, 1981, Middleburg Heights, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, buried in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, m. NETTIE M. GULLETT.

    The child of ARTIE BLAIR and GRANT HITCHCOCK is:

    1. CHESTER HITCHCOCK, b. March 30, 1914, Jennies Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. April 11, 1914, Jennies Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to his death certificate, Chester Hitchcock died April 11, 1914 in Jennies Creek from "Acute indigestion only lived short time after took sick" with a contributary factor of "Artificial feeding." Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as March 30, 1914, his age as 12 days, his parents as Grant Hitchcock (b. Kentucky) and Art Blair (b. Kentucky), the informant as Grant Hitchcock of Denver, Kentucky, and the burial place as D. S. Hitchcock Cemetery in Denver.

    The children of GRANT HITCHCOCK and JENNIE WARD are:

    1. THURMAN HITCHCOCK, b. March 11, 1916, Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. March 30, 1878, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, m. MARY MAGALENE YOUNG, June 24, 1960, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, "Grant" Hitchcox was born March 11, 1916 in Johnson County to Jennie Ward.
    2. BURNS W. HITCHCOCK, b. September 20, 1918, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. October 16, 1987, Floyd County, Kentucky, m. LILLIAN WARD, October 22, 1939, Floyd County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, "Vernon" Hitchcock was born September 20, 1918 in Johnson County to Jennie Ward.
      According to Social Security death record transcripts, Burns Hitchcock was born September 20, 1918, and died October 16, 1987. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentucky.
    3. ODESSA HITCHCOCK, b. June 12, 1920, Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. August 21, 1991, Banner, Floyd County, Kentucky, m. KENNETH LEON SETZER.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Odessa Hitchcock was born June 12, 1920 in Johnson County to Jennie Ward.
    4. LENZIE B. HITCHCOCK, b. November 12, 1924, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. July 12, 1944, Italy, buried in Florence American Cemetery, Florence, Italy.
      Notes: Lenzie Hitchcock died in World War II.
      From the book "Young American Patriots:" "HITCHCOCK, LENZIE B. Pvt., U.S. Army. Born Nov. 12, 1924. Entered service Sept. 1, 1943, Camp Fannin, Tex.; Italy. Killed in action July 12, 1944. Attended Van Lear School. Baptist Son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hitchcock, West Van Lear, Ky."
      According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Lenzie B. Hitchcock was born November 12, 1924 in Johnson County to Jennie Ward.

    (This information comes from Joseph Eugene Conley and other sources)

SHELLIE BALDWIN, daughter of LOUISA A. CAUDILL and JAMES WINSON "WINCE" BALDWIN, was born April 1, 1901 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died January 28, 1918 in Red Bush, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Shell Baldwin Cemetery in Johnson County, Kentucky. She married CHARLEY MCKINLEY ADAMS, son of JOHN ELLIOTT ADAMS and RACHEL ANNA GILLIAM. He was born February 19, 1897 in Morgan County, Kentucky, and died November 17, 1963 in Greenup County, Kentucky. Charley McKinley Adams married (2) JESSIE BURNS. She was born about 1895 in Kentucky.

Notes: Charley McKinley Adams was the brother of Thurman K. Adams, Clova Adams, Mart Adams, and Benjamin Harrison Adams.

According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Virginia P. May was born January 4, 1917 in Boyd County to Jessie Burns, Dixie Adams was born June 13, 1920 in Johnson County to Jessie Burns, Opal G. Adams was born in 1922 in Johnson County to Jessee Burns, and Darcus Adams was born in 1928 in Floyd County to Jessie Burns.

When Charley McKinley Adams' World War I draft registration card was filled out on June 5, 1918 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a self-employed farmer in Fuget, Johnson County, that his closest relative was John Adams of Fuget, that he was born February 19, 1897 in Morgan County, Kentucky, and that his father was born in Johnson County. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had blue eyes and light-colored hair. For whatever reason, Charley didn't sign the card.

According to her death certificate, Shella Baldwin Adams died January 28, 1918 in Red Bush, Johnson County, Kentucky, from "Puerperal Septicemia." Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Johnson County, her birth date as April 1, 1901, her age as 16 years 9 months 27 days, her marital status as married, her parents as Wince Baldwin (b. Johnson County) and Louisa Caudill (b. Johnson County), the informant as Luther Baldwin of Manila, Kentucky, and the burial place as Shell Baldwin Cemetery.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Shella Adams died January 28, 1918 in Johnson County at the age of 16.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Charlie Adams was born February 19, 1897, and died in November of 1963. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Charlie M Adams died November 17, 1963 in Greenup County at the age of 66.

On page 15 of the 1900 census for District 41 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 8, 1900), John E. Adams is listed as the head of the household for house #128, he's a farmer, born in April of 1873 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 9 years, and he's 27 years old. Also listed are Rachel (wife, born in August of 1874 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 9 years, she's given birth to 5 children and 4 are still living, age 25), Stella (daughter, born in April of 1892 in Kentucky, age 8), Sanford (son, born in December of 1894 in Kentucky, age 5), Charley (son, born in February of 1897 in Kentucky, age 3), and Milton (son, born in October of 1899 in Kentucky, age 8 months).

On page 25 of the 1910 census for District 75 (Red Bush) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated May 7, 1910), John E. Adams is listed as the head of the household for house #185, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 19 years, and he's 37 years old. Also listed are Rachel A. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 10 children and 9 are still living, age 35), Stella J. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), Sanford (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), Charley (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Milton (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), Levinie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), Thurman (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), Versie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4), Clova (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2), and Mart (son, born in Kentucky, age 2 months).

On page 32 of the 1930 census for District 58-10 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 24, 1930), Charley Adams is listed as the head of the household for house #291, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 33 years old. Also liste are Jessie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 22, age 35), Virginia (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 13), Wayne (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 12), Dixie (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 10), Opal (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 8), and Darcus (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 2).

    The child of SHELLIE BALDWIN and CHARLEY ADAMS is:

    1. WAYNE ELLIOTT ADAMS, b. January 14, 1918, Red Bush, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. October 22, 1953, Washington Court House, Fayette County, Ohio, buried in Johnson County, Kentucky, m. VIOLA CANTRELL.

WAYNE ELLIOTT ADAMS, son of SHELLIE BALDWIN and CHARLEY MCKINLEY ADAMS, was born January 14, 1918 in Red Bush, Johnson County, Kentucky, died October 22, 1953 in Washington Court House, Fayette County, Ohio, and is buried in Henry Cantrell Cemetery in Johnson County, Kentucky. He married VIOLA CANTRELL, daughter of DOCK LONZO CANTRELL and TALLIE YOUNG. She was born January 4, 1920 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died June 13, 1996 in Wittensville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Henry Cantrell Cemetery in Johnson County, Kentucky.

Notes: Birth record transcripts show that Viola Cantrell was born January 4, 1919 in Johnson County, but she isn't in the census for 1920, which was taken January 3, 1920. Her obituary and Social Security records both have her birth date as January 4, 1920.

According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Wayne Adams was born January 14, 1918 in Johnson County to Shellie Baldwin.

According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Viola Cantril was born January 4, 1919 in Johnson County to Tallie Young.

Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website and photos of their headstones shows that Wayne Elliott Adams lived from January 14, 1918 to October 23, 1953, and was buried in Henry Cantrell Cemetery in Johnson County, Kentucky, and that Viola Cantrell Adams lived from January 4, 1920 to June 13, 1996, and was buried in the same cemetery.

According to his obituary, Wayne Adams (age 35), son of Charlie Adams and the late Mrs. Shellie Baldwin Adams, was a resident of Springfield, Ohio, at the time of his death. He was born January 14, 1918 in Red Bush. He was killed instantly in an automobile accident October 22, 1953 near Washington Court House, Ohio, while on his way to Paintsville, Kentucky. A tire blew out causing the car to overturn, throwing him out of the car. The other occupants of the car, his wife and 2 children, escaped serious injury. He was buried in the family cemetery in Johnson County. He was survived by his wife, Viola Cantrell Adams; 2 sons, Danny and Donnie Adams; and 2 daughters, Betty Merle and Shellie Karen Adams (all at home). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to her obituary, Viola Cantrell Adams (age 76), daughter of the late Dock and Tallie Young Cantrell, was born January 4, 1920 in Johnson County, died June 13, 1996 at home in Wittensville, and was buried in Cantrell Cemetery in Flat Gap. She was preceded in death by her husband, Wayne Adams, in 1953; and 1 son, Danny A. Adams. She was survived by 2 sons, Donnie Adams (of Flat Gap) and Kenneth Adams (Volga); 2 daughters, Betty Adams (Flat Gap) and Shellie Alsobrooks (Wittensville); 12 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Viola Adams was born January 4, 1920, and died June 13, 1996. She received her Social Security card in 1966 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Wittensville, Johnson County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Viola C. Adams died June 13, 1996 in Wittensville at the age of 76.

On page 14 of the 1940 census for District 58-11 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 13, 1940), Wayne Eliot Adams is listed as the head of the household for house #100, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he was living in rural Johnson County in 1935, he has a 5th grade education, and he's 21 years old. Also listed are Viola (wife, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same place that she was in 1935, 6th grade education, age 20), and Murl (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2).

    The children of WAYNE ADAMS and VIOLA CANTRELL are:

    1. BETTY MERLE ADAMS, b. 1937, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Murl Adams was born in Johnson County to Viola Cantrell.
    2. DANNY ALLEN ADAMS, b. June 13, 1941, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. September 9, 1978, Keaton, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Allen Adams was born June 13, 1941 in Johnson County to Viola Cantrell.
      Danny Adams is buried in Henry Cantrell Cemetery, along with his parents.
      According to his obituary, Danny Allen Adams (age 37), son of the late Wayne Adams and Viola Cantrell Adams, was born June 13, 1941 in Johnson County, died September 9, 1978 in Keaton, and was buried in the family cemetery in Fuget. He was survived by his mother; 2 brothers, Donnie Adams (of Paintsville) and Kenneth Adams (Fuget); and 2 sisters, Betty Merle Adams (Fuget) and Shelly Adams (Dayton, Ohio). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    3. DONNIE ADAMS, b. Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Donnie Adams was born in Johnson County to Viola Cantrill.
    4. SHELLY KAREN ADAMS, m. (unknown first name) ALSOBROOKS.

DOCK LONZO CANTRELL, son of JAMES CANTRELL and LOUISA B. MCKENZIE, was born June 26, 1877 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died January 25, 1952 in Flat Gap, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Flat Gap, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married TALLIE YOUNG, daughter of WILLIAM J. YOUNG and MALINDA FRAZIER, about 1908. She was born November 1, 1887 in Kentucky, died December 11, 1961, and was buried in the family cemetery in Johnson County, Kentucky.

Notes: Malinda Frazier's maiden name was determined by finding the the obituaries of a daughter, Julia Ann Young Estep, a son-in-law, Budge Cheek, and a son, James W. Bayes. James was the son of Malinda and her first husband, John Bayes. Those obituaries and the 1880 census will be included here for reference.

According to her obituary, Julia Ann Estep (age 80) died February 24, 1974 at home in Fuget, Johnson County, and was buried in the family cemetery in Fuget. She was survived by her husband, Hansford Estep; 2 son, Mayford Estep (of Enon, Ohio) and Raymond Estep (Volga, Kentucky); 2 daughters, Flora Frances Sizemore (Fort Wayne, Indiana) and Verna Evely Picklesimer (Goucester Point, Virginia); and 1 sister, Mrs. Minta Cheek (Tomahawk, Kentucky). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to his obituary, Budge Cheek, son of James and Mary Jane Bishop Cheek, was a resident of Tomahawk for the 39 years prior to his death. He was born January 2, 1988 in Johnson County, died November 18, 1956 at home in Tomahawk, and was buried in Wilson Cemetery in Tomahawk. He married Minta Young Cheek, on May 21, 1907 in Win, Johnson County. She survived him. He was also survived by 3 sons, Buell Cheek (of Tomahawk), Edward Cheek (Paulding, Ohio), and Clyde Cheek (Mansfield, Ohio); 2 daughters, Mrs. Mae Conley (Long Branch, West Virginia) and Mrs. Esta Daniels (Paulding, Ohio); 1 brother, Billy Cheek (Minefork, Kentuck); 2 sisters, Mrs. Ellen Cantrell (Sunberry, Ohio) and Mrs. Della Wynn (Ashland, Kentucky); 27 grandchildren; and 24 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to his obituary, James W. Bayes (age 72), son of the late John and Malinda Frazier Bays, was born in Denver, Kentucky, died May 13, 1952 at home in Kenwood, Kentucky, and was buried in Persimmon Point Cemetery [also known as "Jayne Cemetery"]. He was married 33 years prior to his death to Mary Vida Boss of Brooklyn, New York, who survived him. He was also survived by 6 half-sisters, Mrs. Hansford Estep (of Fugate), Mrs. Tally Cantrell (Flat Gap), Mrs. Budge Creek (Tomahawk), Mrs. Basil Woods (Collista), Mrs. Mattie Sipple (California), and Mrs. Logan Spencer (McCarr). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

A photo of Dock Cantrell's headstone shows that he lived from June 26, 1876 to January 25, 1952. It also says "We trust our loss will be his gain. And that with Christ he's gone to reign."

A photo of Tallie Cantrell's headstone shows that she lived from November 1, 1887 to December 11, 1961.

According to his death certificate, Dock Cantrell died January 25, 1952 in Flat Gap from hypertensive heart disease. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as June 26, 1877, his marital status as married, his occupation as farmer, his parents as James Cantrell and Louise Mckenzie, the informant as Eula Curtis, and the burial place as the family cemetery in Flat Gap, Kentucky.

According to his obituary, Dock Cantrell (age 75), son of James and Louise McKenzie Cantrell, was a retired farmer and had lived in Johnson County his entire life. He was born June 26, 1877, died January 25, 1952 at home in Flat Gap after a sudden illness, and was buried in the family cemetery. He was survived by his wife, Tallie Young Cantrell; 1 son, Wayne Cantrell (of Pedro, Ohio); 2 daughters, Mrs. John Curtis (Elna, Kentucky) and Mrs. Wayne Adams (Springfield, Ohio); and 2 brothers, B. H. Cantrell (Fuget) and Elijah Cantrell (Fuget). A note that was added later says "Doc Cantrell Had three daughters the other name not mentioned in his obit was Novia Cantrell Adams. Submitted by Granddaughter Dianna Jaynes Jul. 2006." (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to her obituary, Tallie Young Cantrell, daughter of the late Bill and Linday Young, was a lifelong resident of the Fuget community in Johnson County, Kentucky. She was born November 1, 1887, died December 11, 1961 after an illness of 5 days, and was buried in the family cemetery. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dock Cantrell, 10 years prior. She was survived by 1 son, Wayne Cantrell (Pedro, Ohio); 3 daughters, Nova Adams (Fuget), Viola Adams (Fuget), and Eula Curtis (Columbus, Ohio); and 2 sisters, Julia Estep (Fuget) and Minta Cheek (Inez). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Tallie Cantrell died December 11, 1961 in Johnson County at the age of 74.

On page 15 of the 1880 census for District 45 (Barnetts Creek) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 9, 1880), John Bays is listed as the head of the household for house #84, he's a farm laborer, born in Kentucky, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky and he's 28 yers old. Also listed are Malinda (wife, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, age 30), Cynthia A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6), Mary J. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3), and William (son, born in July of 1879 in Kentucky, age 11 months).[William Bayes was probably the James W. Bayes that died in 1952 at the age of 72.]

On page 38 of the 1900 census for District 41 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 20, 1900), Malinda Young is listed as the head of the household for house #278, she's a farmer, born in March of 1856 in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, she's given birth to 10 children and 6 are still living, age 44), Tallia (daughter, born in November of 1887 in Kentucky, age 12), Minta Young (daughter, born in July of 1890 in Kentucky, age 9), and Julia Young (daughter, born in March of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7).

On page 14 of the 1910 census for District 74 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated May 12, 1910), James Cantrill is listed as the head of the household for house #186, he's a farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, father born in North Carolina, mother born in Virginia, and he's 60 years old. Also listed are Dock (son, married, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 2 years, age 32), Tally Cantrill (daughter-in-law, born in Kentucky, father's birthplace is blank, mother born Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 22), and Nova Cantrill (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 5 months).

On page 3 of the 1920 census for District 41 (Flat Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 3 - 5, 1920), James Cantrill is listed as the head of the household for house #26, he's a farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, father born in North Carolina, mother born in Virginia, and he's 70 years old. Also listed are Dock Cantrill (head of his family, married, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 43), Tella Cantrill (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 31), Nora Cantrill (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 10), Wayne Cantrill (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 6), and Ulah Cantrill [hard to read] (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 4).

On page 34 of the 1930 census for District 58-10 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 25, 1930), Dock Canterell is listed as the head of the household for house #315, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 33, and he's 53 years old. Also listed are Tallie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 22, age 43), Wayne (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Nova (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 20), Eulah (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), and Vie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9).

    The children of DOCK CANTRELL and TALLIE YOUNG are:

    1. NOVIA CANTRELL, b. December 1, 1909, Kentucky, d. September 22, 1986, West Virginia, m. MART ADAMS.
    2. WAYNE CANTRELL, b. 1914, Kentucky.
    3. EULAH CANTRELL, b. September 7, 1915, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. June 8, 2003, buried in Flat Gap, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. JOHN WESLEY CURTIS, son of RICHARD M. CURTIS and LOUTISHA WILLIAMS. He was b. April 1910, Elna, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. January 4, 1969, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, buried in the family cemetery in Elna, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: John Wesley Curtis was the brother of Audrey Bert Curtis.
      According to her obituary, Eulah Cantrell Curtis (age 87), daughter of the late Doc and Tally Young Cantrell, worked for about 20 years as an assembly line worker for Celanese Plastic Company in Columbus, Ohio. She was born September 7, 1915 in Johnson County, died at home on June 8, 2003, and was buried in Curtis Cemetery in Flat Gap. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Wesley Curtis; and 1 son, Bobby O'neil Curtis. She was survived by 1 son, Wonnie Curtis (Flat Gap); 2 daughters, Edna Clark (of Gahanna, Ohio) and Eugenia Foster (Columbus, Ohio); 18 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren; and 5 great-great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
      According to his obituary, John W. Curtis (age 58), son of Richard and Lutisha Curtis, was employed by Celanese Plastics and was a Columbus, Ohio, resident at the time of his death. He was born in April of 1910 in Elna, died January 4, 1969 in Riverside Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, and was buried in the family cemetery in Elna. He was survived by his wife, Eula Cantrell Curtis; 1 son, Wonnie Curtis (of Elna); 2 daughters, Eugene Canter (Columbus) and Edna Falls (Columbus); and 15 grandchildren. Surviving brothers and sisters include Verlissa Rowland (Fuget), Hazel Cantrell (Flat Gap), Hammie Curtis (Chillicothe, Ohio), James M. Curtis (Covington), and Audrey King (Columbus). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    4. VIOLA CANTRELL, b. January 4, 1920, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. June 13, 1996, Wittensville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Johnson County, Kentucky, m. WAYNE ELLIOTT ADAMS.
    5. WILLARD CANTRELL, b. November 18, 1924, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. before 1930.
      Notes: Willard Cantrell reportedly died August 7, 1927 in Johnson County. There was a Willard Adams, who was the son of a Rose Hampton, who was born July 24, 1927 in Johnson County, and died August 7, 1927 in Johnson County that age of less than a year.
      According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Willard Cantrell was born November 18, 1924 in Johnson County to Tallie Young.

NOVIA CANTRELL, daughter of DOCK LONZO CANTRELL and TALLIE YOUNG, was born December 1, 1909 in Kentucky, and died September 22, 1986 in West Virginia. She married MART ADAMS, son of JOHN ELLIOTT ADAMS and RACHEL ANNA GILLIAM. He was born February 16, 1910 in Fuget, Johnson County, Kentucky, and died April 23, 1966 in Johnson County, Kentucky.

Notes: Mart Adams was the brother of Charley McKinley Adams, Thurman K. Adams, Clova Adams, and Benjamin Harrison Adams.

According to Kentucky birth records, Mart Adams was born February 16, 1910 in Johnson County to John Adams (b. Kentucky) and Rachel Adams (b. Kentucky). John and Rachel were living in Fuget, Johnson County, at the time.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Novia Adams was born December 1, 1909, and died in September of 1986. She received her Social Security card in 1966 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Fuget, Johnson County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Novia Adams died September 22, 1986 in West Virginia at the age of 76. She was living in Johnson County, Kentucky, at the time of her death.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Mart Adams was born February 16, 1910, and died in April of 1966 in Kentucky. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Mart L. Adams died April 23, 1966 in Johnson County at the age of 56.

On page 25 of the 1910 census for District 75 (Red Bush) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated May 7, 1910), John E. Adams is listed as the head of the household for house #183, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 19 years, and he's 37 years old. Also listed are Rachel A. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 10 children and 9 are still living, age 35), Stella J. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), Sanford (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), Charley (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Milton (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), Levinie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), Thurman (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), Varsie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4), Clova (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2), and Mart (son, born in Kentucky, age 2 months).

On page 37 of the 1920 census for District 32 (Van Lear) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 12, 1920), John E. Adams is listed as the head of the household for house #554 [hard to read], he's a general laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 46 years old. Also listed are Rachael (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 45), Sandford (son, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 25), Milton (son, born in Kentucky, age 20), Thurman (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), Virsie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), Clovie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Mart (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Fred (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), and Frank (son, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 11 months).

On page 16 of the 1930 census for District 58-9 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 15, 1930), John Adams is listed as the head of the household for house #167, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 18, and he's 57 years old. Also listed are Rachel (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 55), Sanford (son, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 36), Thurman (son, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 26), Mart (son, born in Kentucky, age 20), Fred (son, born in Kentucky, age 16), and Ben (son, born in Kentucky, age 14).

    The children of NOVIA CANTRELL and MART ADAMS are:

    1. LESTIA ADAMS, b. August 24, 1932, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. April 29, 2009, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Lestia Adams was born August 24, 1932 in Johnson County to Novia Cantrell.
      According to her obituary, Lestia Adams (age 76), daughter of the late Mart and Novia Cantrell Adams, was a resident of Flat Gap, Kentucky, at the time of her death. She was born August 24, 1932 in Johnson County, died April 29, 2009 in Paul B. Hall Medical Center in Paintsville, and was buried in Adams Cemetery in Flat Gap. She was preceded in death by a son, William Dean Adams; and a brother Willard Adams. She was survived by 3 daughters, Marie Pennington (of Flat Gap), Betty Pennington (Flat Gap), and Dana Davis (Flat Gap); 1 brother, James Adams (Barnetts Creek); 5 sisters, Esta Penix (Hager Hill), Christine Meade (Hager Hill), Linda Mollette (Ohio), Pauline Jaynes (Falcon), and Edna Ramey (Flat Gap); 6 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    2. WILLARD ADAMS, b. October 29, 1937, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. February 16, 2004, Volga, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Willard Adams was born October 29, 1937 in Johnson County to Neva Cantrell.
      According to his obituary, Willard Adams (age 66), son of the late Mart and Novia Cantrell Adams, was born October 29, 1937 in Johnson County, died February 16, 2004 at home in Volga, and was buried in Adams Cemetery in Cantrell's Creek, Volga, Johnson County. He was survived by 1 brother, James Adams (of Staffordsville); and 6 sisters, Lesta Adams (Flat Gap), Esta Penix (Hager Hill), Vesta Meade (Hager Hill), Pauline Jaynes (Falcon), Edna Ramey (Paintsville), and Linda Molette (Columbus, Ohio). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    3. VESTA ADAMS, b. Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) PENIX.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Vesta Adams was born in Johnson County to Nova Cantrell.
    4. PAULINE ADAMS, b. Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) JAYNES.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Pauline Adams was born in Johnson County to Nova Cantrell.
    5. EDNA C. ADAMS, b. Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) RAMEY.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Edna C. Adams was born in Johnson County to Nova Cantrill.
    6. LINDA ADAMS, b. Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) MOLLETTE.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Linda Adams was born in Johnson County to Nova Cantrill.
    8. CHRISTINE ADAMS, m. (unknown first name) MEADE.

REBECCA PELPHREY, daughter of NAOMA SALYER and ALEXANDER JEFFERSON PELPHREY, was born June 27, 1865 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died August 13, 1924 in Low Gap, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Johnson County, Kentucky. She married ASA J. N. REED, son of JASON M. REED and SARAH MANDA MCKENZIE, August 18, 1888 in Johnson County, Kentucky. He was born March 3, 1861 in Flat Gap, Johnson County, Kentucky, died January 17, 1947 in Low Gap, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Johnson County, Kentucky.

Notes: Information on Rebecca Pelphrey can be found on page 289 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society.

Rebecca Pelphrey's brother, Amos, married Asa Reed's sister, Jincy. Asa was also the brother of Elizabeth Reed.

Sarah McKenzie's maiden name was confirmed by finding the birth record of 2 of her daughters. According to those records, Rachel E. Reed was born August 4, 1857 in Johnson County to Jason M. Reed and Sarah M. McKenzie, and Jincy Emeline Reed was born February 28, 1874 in Johnson County to Jacin M. Reed (b. Lawrence County) and Sarah M. McKenzie (b. Scott County [Virginia]).

According to her death certificate, Rebecca P. Reed died August 13, 1924 in Low Gap from breast cancer. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as June 27, 1865, her marital status as married, her parents as Jeff Pelphrey (b. Kentucky) and Oma Salyer (b. Kentucky), the informant as Asa Reed of Manila, Kentucky, and the burial place as Johnson County, Kentucky.

According to his death certificate, Asa J. N. Reed died January 17, 1947 in Low Gap from "Gastritis due to old age." Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as March 3, 1861, his marital status as widowed, his wife as Rebecca Pelphrey, his occupation as farmer, his parents as Jason Reed (b. Kentucky) and Clarinda McKenzie (b. Kentucky), the informant as Mrs. Jeff Reed of Paintsville, Kentucky, the doctor as Grant Rice [Ulysses Grant Rice], and the burial place as the family cemetery.

According to his obituary, Asa J. N. Reed died January 17, 1947 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Morris Arms in Paintsville, and was buried in the family cemetery on Little Paint. He was preceded in death by his wife; 1 son, Dewey Reed; and 2 daughters, Mrs. Verna Lemaster and Mrs. Anna Reed Baldwin. He was survived by 3 sons, Jeff Reed (of Paintsville), Noah Reed (Paintsville), and Dockie Reed (Ohio); and 3 daughters, Mrs. Morris Arms (Paintsville), Mrs. Loa Ramey (Beaver Creek), and Mrs. Oma McCarty (Manila, Kentucky). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

On page 20 of the 1870 census for Barnetts Creek in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 30, 1870), Jackson M. Reed is listed as the head of the household for house #136, he's a farmer, born in Virginia, and he's 35 years old. Also listed are Sarah M. (born in Virginia, age 34), William H. (born in Kentucky, age 11),Elizabeth (born in Kentucky, age 10), Asa J. (born in Kentucky, age 8), Ellen (born in Kentucky, age 6), Nancy J. (born in Kentucky, age 3), and Misouri (born in Kentucky, age 2).

On page 2 of the 1880 census for District 45 (Barnetts Creek) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 1, 1880), Sarah M. Reed is listed as the head of the household for house #10, she's a farmer, married, born in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, and she's 44 years old. Also listed are Wilbern H. (son, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, age 21), Asa J. N. (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, age 18), Rebecca E. [Rebecca Ellen Reed] (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, age 16), Nancy J. (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, age 14), Misouri A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, age 11), and Jincy E. (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, age 6).

On page 41 of the 1900 census for District 41 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 21, 1900), Acy Reed is listed as the head of the household for house #284, his occupation isn't listed, born in March of 1862 in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, married for 12 years, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Rebecca (wife, born in June of 1865 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 12 years, she's given birth to 5 children and all are still living, age 34), Tora (daughter, born in June of 1889 in Kentucky, age 10), Jeff (son, born in March of 1891 in Kentucky, age 9), Noah (son, born in January of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7), Vernie (daughter, born in September of 1895 in Kentucky, age 4), Dewey (son, born in December of 1898 in Kentucky, age 1), Wilburn H. Reed (brother, widowed, farm laborer, born in September of 1860 in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, age 39), Linnie Reed (niece, born in February of 1889 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 11), Hiet Reed [hard to read] (nephew, born in 1891 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 8), Charlie Reed (nephew, born in November of 1894 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky,a ge 5), and Sarah M. Reed (mother, widowed, born in August of 1835 in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living [mistake], age 64).

On page 13 of the 1910 census for District 76 (Low Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 20, 1910), Asa J. M. Reed is listed as the head of the household for house #87, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, 1st marriage, married for 22 years, and he's 48 years old. Also listed are Rebeca (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 9 children and all are still living, age 44), Tora (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 20), Jefferson (son, born in Kentucky, age 19), Noah (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Verna (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), Dewey (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Dock (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Naoma (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), Annie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4), Hazel (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 4 months), and Manda Reed (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 9 children and 4 are still living, age 74).

On page 2 of the 1920 census for District 42 (Low Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 3 & 5, 1920), Asa J. N. Reed is listed as the head of the household for house #12, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, and he's 57 years old. Also listed are Rebecca (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 54), Noah (son, married, farmer, born in Kentucky, age 26), Vernia (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 24), Oma M. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), Annie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), and Hazle (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11).

On page 18 of the 1930 census for District 58-10 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 15, 1930), Asa J. Reed is listed as the head of the household for house #171, he's a farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 67 years old. Also listed are Noah (son, married, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, first married at age 25, age 37), Omma (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 27), and Hazel (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 21).

On page 26 of the 1940 census for District 58-12 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 29, 1940), Asa J. Reed is listed as the head of the household for house #196, he's a farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 2nd grade education, and he's 78 years old. Also listed are Noah (son, married, working on the W.P.A. road project, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, 4th grade education, age 47), and Alka (daughter-in-law, not working, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same house that she was in 1935, 3rd grade education, age 44).

    The children of REBECCA PELPHREY and ASA REED are:

    1. VICTORIA "TORA" REED, b. June 27, 1889, Kentucky, d. December 7, 1969, Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia, buried in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. ABRAHAM LINCOLN "LINK" RAMEY.
    2. JEFFERSON REED, b. March 27, 1891, Kentucky, d. June 30, 1971, Lorain, Lorain County, Ohio, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. ELIZABETH HOWARD.
    3. NOAH REED, b. January 13, 1893, Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. October 5, 1975, Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky, buried in Fish Trap, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. ALKA MCCARTY, 1918. She was b. 1896, Kentucky, d. April 5, 1975.
      Notes: In Noah Reed's obituary he is listed as having a surviving son, Dockey, and 2 surviving sisters. There is no evidence of him having a son, however, and Dockie was probably Noah's brother, Dockie, who lived in Lucasville.
      When Noah Reed's World War I draft registration card was filled out on June 5, 1917 in Johnson County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a farmer working for his father in Manila, Kentucky, that he was single, and that he was born January 13, 1893 in Staffordsville, Kentucky. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had light brown eyes and brown hair.
      According to his obituary, Noah Reed (age 82), son of the late A. J. N. Reed and Rebecca Pelphrey Reed and a resident of Salyersville, was born January 13, 1893 in Johnson County, died October 5, 1975 in Mountain Manor Nursing Home in Prestonsburg, and was buried in McCarty Cemetery in Fish Trap. He was preceded in death by his wife, Alka McCarty Reed, on April 5, 1975. He was survived by 1 son, Dockey (of Lucasville, Ohio); and 2 sisters, Oma McCarty (Oil Springs) and Hazel Arms (Shelbyville, Michigan). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
      According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Noah Reed died October 5, 1975 in Floyd County at the age of 82. He was living in Magoffin County at the time of his death.
    4. VERNA REED, b. September 1895, Kentucky, d. before 1930, m. ERNEST J. LEMASTER.
    5. DEWEY REED, b. December 3, 1898, Kentucky, d. October 27, 1917, Low Gap, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Manila, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to his death certificate, Dewey Reed died October 27, 1917 in Low Gap, Johnson County, Kentucky, from acute lobar pneumonia. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as December 3, 1898, his marital status as single, his parents as Asa Reed (b. Kentucky) and Rebecca Pelphrey (b. Kentucky), the informant as Asa Reed of Kenwood, Kentucky, and the burial place as Manila, Kentucky.
      According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Dewey Reed died October 27, 1917 in Johnson County at the age of 18.
    6. DOCK F. REED, b. October 10, 1900, Kentucky, d. April 23, 1977, Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio, m. MINNIE SUSAN HOWARD.
    7. NAOMA M. "OMA" REED, b. February 15, 1903, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. February 15, 1984, Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, buried in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. ESPA MCCARTY, son of WILLIAM N. MCCARTY and IDA PENNINGTON. He was b. March 7, 1913, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. January 13, 1994, Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: William N. McCarty was the son of David Jesse and Sarah Ann Blanton McCarty.
      According to her obituary, Oma Reed McCarty (age 81), daughter of Asa and Rebecca Reed and a resident of Oil Springs, was born February 15, 1903 in Johnson County, died February 15, 1984 in University of Kentucky Medical Center in Lexington, and was buried in McCarty family cemetery in Oil Springs. She was survived by her husband, Espa McCarty; 3 sons, Ray McCarty (of Oil Springs), Robert McCarty (Lexington), and Freddie McCarty (Nippa); 1 daughter, Etta Mae Lafferty (Oil Springs); 1 sister, Hazel Arms (Michigan); and 5 grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
      According to his obituary, Espa McCarty (age 80), son of the late William and Caroline Clark McCarty, was a resident of Oil Springs, Kentucky, and he was retired from Big Sandy RECC. He was born March 7, 1913 in Johnson County, died January 13, 1994, and was buried in McCarty Family Cemetery in Oil Springs. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Oma McCarty, in 1984. He was survived by 3 sons, Ray McCarty (of Oil Springs), Fred McCarty (Nippa), and Robert McCarty (Lexington); 1 daughter, Etta Laffert (Oil Springs); 5 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; 4 step-grandchildren; and 3 step-great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    8. ANNA REED, b. 1906, Kentucky, d. December 18, 1938, Mine Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Johnson County, Kentucky, m. HARVEY BALDWIN.
    9. HAZEL REED, b. 1909, Kentucky, m. MORRIS ARMS, son of MINERVA E. SPRADLIN and JOHN L. ARMS. He was b. 1905, Kentucky.
      Notes: Morris and Hazel Reed Arms lived in Michigan.

LOUISA E. RATLIFF, daughter of HENRY RATLIFF and LOUISA DALE, was born in February of 1852 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died January 31, 1936 in Allegheny, Pike County, Kentucky, and is buried in Hylton, Pike County, Kentucky. She married JOSEPH RAMEY, son of EPHRAIM RAMEY and MARY "POLLY" (unknown last name), about 1870. He was born in February of 1847 in Kentucky, and died before 1910.

Notes: Ephraim Ramey's wife's maiden name was reportedly Mary Kelly.

Joseph Ramey reportedly died January 9, 1909 in Johnson County, Kentucky.

According to her death certificate, Louisa Ratliff Ramey died January 31, 1936 in Allegheny, Pike County, Kentucky, from "Pneumonia Fever." Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Johnson County, her age as 81, her marital status as widowed, her husband as Joe Ramey, her parents as Henry Ratliff (b. Kentucky) and Louisa Chattix (b. Kentucky), the informant as Harry Ramey of Look Out, Kentucky, and the burial place as Hylton, Kentucky.

On page 110 of the 1850 census for My District in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated August 31, 1850), Ephraim Ramey is listed as the head of the household for house #685, he's a laborer, born in Virginia, and he's 37 years old. Also listed are Mary (born in Virginia, age 46), Samuel (born in Kentucky, age 11), and Joseph (born in Kentucky, age 3).

On page 66 of the 1860 census for Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 28, 1860), Ephraim Ramey is listed as the head of the household for house #419, he's a farmer, born in Virginia, and he's 45 years old. Also listed are Polly (born in Virginia, age 56), and Joseph (born in Virginia, age 12).

On page 27 of the 1870 census for Barnetts Creek in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated July 2, 1870), Joseph Ramey is listed as the head of the household for house #181, he's a farm laborer, born in North Carolina [mistake], and he's 22 years old. Also listed is Louisa (born in North Carolina, age 19).

On page 27 of the 1880 census for District 45 (Barnetts Creek) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 16, 1880), Joseph Ramey is listed as the head of the household for house #172, he's a farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, and he's 32 years old. Also listed are Louisa E. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 27), Daniel J. (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Owen (son, born in Kentucky, age 4), and Hayes (son, born in Kentucky, age 2).

On page 26 of the 1900 census for District 39 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 15, 1900), Joseph Ramey [hard to read] is listed as the head of the household for house #242, he's a farmer, born in February of 1853 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 35 years, and he's 47 years old. Also listed are Louisa (wife, born in February of 1852 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 35 years she's given birth to 9 children and 6 are still living, age 47 [hard to read]), Hayes (son, single, farm laborer, born in February of 1879 in Kentucky, age 21), Harry (son, born in March of 1883 in Kentucky, age 17), Lincoln (son, born in January of 1888 in Kentucky, age 12), and Robert S. (son, born in March of 1890 in Kentucky, age 10).

On page 17 of the 1910 census for District 65 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 23, 1910), Louisa Ratliff Ramey is found widowed and living in the home of her son. Lincoln Ramey is listed as the head of the household for house #119, he's a coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 2 years, and he's 23 years old. Also listed are Risa (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 23), Willia (son, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 9 months), Louisa Ramey (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 9 children and 5 are still living, age 52), and Robert Ramey (brother, single, coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 18).

On page 50 of the 1920 census for District 32 (Van Lear) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 21, 1920), Lincoln Ramey is listed as the head of the household for house #652, he's a coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 32 years old. Also listed are Tora (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 30), Willie (son, born in Kentucky, age 8), Dixie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 1 month), Eady M. [hard to read] (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 month [hard to read]), and Louisa Ramey (mother-in-law [mistake], widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 65).

On pages 21 & 22 of the 1930 census for District 98-10 (Hellier) in Pike County, Kentucky (dated April 12, 1930), Link Ramey is listed as the head of the household for house #181, he's a coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 21, and he's 42 years old. Also listed are Tora (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, age 40), Katie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), Dixie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13), Eveline (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10), Thomas A. (son, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 11 months), and Louisa (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 75).

    The children of LOUISA RATLIFF and JOSEPH RAMEY are:

    1. DANIEL J. RAMEY, b. November 29, 1870, Kentucky, d. October 8, 1943, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. SARAH COLLINS.
    2. OWEN RAMEY, b. August 22, 1875, Whitehouse, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. May 20, 1954, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Whitehouse, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. ELIZABETH WHEELER, daughter of NEVIL WHEELER and (unknown). She was born August 24, 1873, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. October 30, 1942, Whitehouse, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Whitehouse, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: Elizabeth Wheeler's mother was reportedly Emeline Boyd Wheeler (1858-1935).
      According to his obituary, Owen Ramey (age 78), son of Joseph and Louisa E. Ratliff Ramey, was a retired miner. He was born August 22, 1875 in White House, died May 20, 1954 at home in Paintsville following a brief illness, and was buried in the family cemetery in White House. He was survived by 3 sons, Irvin Ramey (White House), Owen Ramey Jr. (White House), and John Ramey (Melvin, Kentucky); 4 daughters, Mrs. Goldie Stapleton (Lancer, Kentucky), Mrs. Jane Stepp (Paintsville), Mrs. Emma May (Hager Hill), and Mrs. Lillie Butcher (White House); and 2 brothers, Robert Ramey (Ashland) and Lincoln Ramey (Hellier). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
      According to her death certificate, Elizabeth Wheeler Ramey died October 30, 1942 in Whitehouse, Johnson County, Kentucky. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Johnson County, her birth date as August 24, 1873, her marital status as married, her husband as Owen Ramey, her father as Nevil Wheeler (b. Johnson County), her mother's maiden name is blank, the informant as R. L. Rowland, and the burial place as Whitehouse.
    3. HAYES RAMEY, b. February 1878, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth records, Hayes Ramey was born in 1878 in Johnson County to Joseph Ramey (b. Kentucky) and Louisa Ratliff (b. Kentucky).
    4. HARRY RAMEY, b. March 1883, Kentucky.
    5. ABRAHAM LINCOLN "LINK" RAMEY, b. January 19, 1887, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. November 24, 1968, Fayette County, Kentucky, m. VICTORIA "TORA" REED.
    6. ROBERT S. RAMEY, b. March 1890, Kentucky.

VICTORIA "TORA" REED, daughter of REBECCA PELPHREY and ASA J. N. REED, was born June 27, 1889 in Kentucky, died December 7, 1969 in Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia, and is buried in Tackett Cemetery in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky. She married ABRAHAM LINCOLN "LINK" RAMEY, son of JOSEPH RAMEY and LOUISA E. RATLIFF. He was born January 19, 1887 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and died November 24, 1968 in Fayette County, Kentucky. Lincoln Ramey married (1) RISSA LEMASTER, daughter of JAMES LEMASTER and KATHERINE ROWLAND, about 1907. She was born April 28, 1886 in Kentucky, and died October 5, 1914 in Muddy Branch, Johnson County, Kentucky.

Notes: When Abraham Lincoln Ramey's World War I draft registration card was filled out on June 5, 1917 in Johnson County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a miner working for the Consolidation Coal Company in Van Lear, Kentucky, that he was married and had three children, and that he was born January 19, 1887 in Paintsville, Kentucky. He was found to be tall and stout, and he had black eyes and dark-colored hair.

According to her death certificate, Rissa Lemaster Remy died October 5, 1914 in Muddy Branch, Johnson County, Kentucky, from tuberculosis. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as April 28, 1886, her marital status as married, her parents as James Lemaster (b. Kentucky, and Katherin Rowland (b. Kentucky), and the informant as Lincoln Remy of Thealka, Kentucky.

According to West Virginia death record transcripts, Victoria Reed Ramey was born June 27, 1889 in Kentucky, died December 7, 1969 in Fairmont, Marion County, and was buried in Tackett Cemetery in Salyersville, Kentucky. Her father's surname is listed as Reed (b. Kentucky), and she was widowed at the time of her death.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Link Ramey was born January 19, 1887, and died in November of 1968. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Hellier, Pike County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Abraham L. Ramey died November 24, 1968 in Fayette County at the age of 83. He was living in Magoffin County at the time of his death.

On page 17 of the 1910 census for District 65 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 23, 1910), Lincoln Ramey is listed as the head of the household for house #119, he's a coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 2 years, and he's 23 years old. Also listed are Risa (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 2 years, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 23), Willie (son, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 9 months), Louisa Ramey (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 9 children and 5 are still living, age 52), and Robert Ramey (brother, single, coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 18).

On page 50 of the 1920 census for District 32 (Van Lear) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 21, 1920), Lincoln Ramey is listed as the head of the household for house #652, he's a coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 32 years old. Also listed are Tora (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 30), Willie (son, born in Kentucky, age 8), Dixie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 1 month), Eady M. [hard to read] (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 month [hard to read]), and Louisa Ramey (mother-in-law [mistake], widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 65).

On pages 21 & 22 of the 1930 census for District 98-10 (Hellier) in Pike County, Kentucky (dated April 12, 1930), Link Ramey is listed as the head of the household for house #181, he's a coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 21, and he's 42 years old. Also listed are Tora (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, age 40), Katie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), Dixie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13), Eveline (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10), Thomas A. (son, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 11 months), and Louisa (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 75).

On page 1 of the 1940 census for District 98-18 in Pike County, Kentucky (dated April 4, 1940), Link Ramey is listed as the head of the household for house #7, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 53 years old. Also listed are Torie (wife, born in Kentucky, 5th grade education, age 50), Dixie (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, 4 years of high school, age 24), Evelyn (daughter, born in Kentucky, 1 year of high school, age 20), Thomas A. (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), and Howard (son, born in Kentucky, age 9).

    The children of LINCOLN RAMEY and RISSA LEMASTER are:

    1. WILLIE RAMEY, b. 1908, Kentucky.
    2. KATIE RAMEY, b. April 28, 1911, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Kaly Ramey was born April 28, 1911 in Johnson County to Risa Gemaster.

    The children of TORA REED and LINCOLN RAMEY are:

    1. DIXIE RAMEY, b. 1916, Kentucky.
    2. EVELYN R. RAMEY, b. 1920, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Evelyn R. Ramey was born in Johnson County to Tora Reed.
    3. THOMAS A. RAMEY, b. 1926, Pike County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Thomas A. Ramey was born in Pike County to Tara Reed.
    4. HOWARD RAMEY, b. 1931, Kentucky.

HARVEY C. BALDWIN, son of REBECCA ELLEN SPRADLIN and JAMES WINSON "WINCE" BALDWIN, was born August 15, 1905 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died May 16, 1984 in Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Asa Reed Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married ANNA REED, daughter of REBECCA PELPHREY and ASA J. N. REED, about 1930. She was born about 1906 in Kentucky, died December 18, 1938 in Mine Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Johnson County, Kentucky.

Notes: According to his obituary, Harvey Baldwin (age 78), son of James Wince and Rebecca Spradlin Baldwin, was a resident of Oil Springs and a retired coal miner. He was born August 15, 1905 in Johnson County, died May 16, 1984, and was buried in Asa Reed Cemetery in Oil Springs. He was preceded in death by his wife, Anna Reed Baldwin, in 1938. He was survived by 1 son, James Marvin Baldwin (of Pleasant Plain, Ohio); 1 daughter, Margie Baldwin (Oil Springs); 1 sister, Mrs. Alma Spradlin (Denver, Kentucky); and 2 grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Harvey Baldwin was born August 15, 1905, and died in May of 1984. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Harvey C. Baldwin died May 16, 1984 in Johnson County at the age of 78.

According to her obituary, Anna Reed Baldwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. N. Reed, died December 18, 1938 at home in Mine Fork following the birth of twin boys, and was buried in the family cemetery in Johnson County. She was survived by her husband; 2 small children; 3 brothers, Jeff Reed (of Paintsville), Dockie Reed (Portsmouth, Ohio), and Noah Reed (Paintsville); and 3 sisters, Mrs. Hazel Arms, Mrs. Victoria Ramey, and Mrs. Oma McCarty. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

On page 18 of the 1930 census for District 58-10 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 15, 1930), Harvey C. Baldwin is listed as the head of the household for house #171, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 24, and he's 24 years old. Also listed is Anna (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 24, age 24). They are living next to Anna's widowed father.

    The children of HARVEY BALDWIN and ANNA REED are:

    1. JAMES MARVIN BALDWIN, b. Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, James M. Baldwin was born in Johnson County to Anna Reed.
    2. REBECCA MARGARET BALDWIN, b. Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Rebecca M. Baldwin was born in Johnson County to Anna Reed.

WILLIAM HENRY "BUD" COLLINS, son of NANCY JANE RATLIFF and ELIJAH COLLINS, was born March 9, 1855 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died May 17, 1936 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in W. H. Collins Cemetery in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky. He met (1) JERIAH DALE, daughter of REUBEN DALE and TABITHA SELVAGE. She was born in June 17, 1856 in Johnson County, Kentucky. He married (2) LUCINDA CONLEY in November of 1876 in Johnson County, Kentucky. She was born in April of 1853 in Johnson County, Kentucky, and died before 1930. Jeriah Dale married (2) HENRY SALYER. She married (3) ADAM CRUM about 1907. He was born about 1845 in Kentucky.

Notes: On page 246 of "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky," published and sold by The Magoffin County Historical Society, under "Johnson County Conley Marriages," it says: "COLLINS, W.H., age 21 b. Johnson Co. KY parents b. Floyd Co. m. Lucinda Conley age 21, b. Johnson Co. parents b. ? m. 14 Dec 1876, Wit: F. P. Allen & Miss Angie." On page 489 is says "WILLIAM H. COLLINS b. 1855 d. 1926 m. Lucinda Conley b. Nov 1876 Johnson Co. KY dau of William." It then goes on to list their children, who are verified in the census reports.

There is no absolute proof that this Bud Collins was the one to have a child with Jeriah Dale. Jeriah's daughter, Sarah, married Daniel J. Ramey, and in her obituary, her parents are listed as Bud Collins and Chairr Crum Collins. Jeriah reportedly married a man by the name of Adam Crum after her 2nd husband, Henry Salyer, died, and in the 1910 census "Mariah Crum" claims that she's on her 3rd marriage. In 1920, Adam Crum's wife is listed as "Mira. She reportedly died in 1928 but no death certificate could be found for her. For future reference, information on Jeriah Dale will be included here and with Henry Salyer's information.

When Bud Collins married Lucinda Conley in 1876 it was his first marriage, as is shown in the records. "The Conley Clan of Eastern Kentucky" has her as the daughter of a William Conley. It could also be that she was the daughter of David M. Conley and Mahala Roberson. According to Kentucky marriage records, the Lucinda Conley that married Bud Collins was living in Magoffin County when they were married, and that's where David and Mahala were living.

According to Kentucky birth records, Juriah Dale was born June 17, 1856 in Johnson County to Ruben Dale and Tabitha Selvage.

According to Kentucky marriage records, Wm. H. Collins (b. Kentucky, parents b. Kentucky, 1st marriage, living in Johnson County, age 21) married Lucinda Conley (b. Kentucky, parents b. Kentucky, 1st marriage, living in Magoffin County, age 22) in November of 1876 in Johnson County. No date is listed.

According to his death certificate, Wm. Henry Collins died May 17, 1936 in Magoffin County from "Suicidal Hanging." Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Johnson County, his birth date as March 9, 1855, his marital status as "single widowed,", his wife as Lucinda Collins, his occupation as farmer, Eligah Collins (b. Johnson County) and Nancy Ratliff (b. Johnson County), the informant as Martha J. Wheeler of Salyersville, Kentucky, and the burial place as W. H. Collins Cemetery.

According to his obituary, "Bud Collins, age about 75, of Falcon, Magoffin County, was found hanging in the barn at his home there last Sunday [May 17, 1936], where he had apparently committed suicide by hanging himself. Mr. Collins had been in ill health for several months and it is believed that he had become mentally deranged brooding over his condition. His wife died several years ago and he and an aged sister were living alone. Shortly before he went to the barn he had seemed cheerful and told his sister that he was feeling better. After a long absence his sister became alarmed and went to look for him and found his lifeless body hanging to a rafter of the barn. Mr. Collins had always been known as one of the county’s best citizens and his death was a shock to the community. He was the father of Mrs. H. B. Adams and K. B. Collins of Paintsville. Funeral and burial took place at Falcon Tuesday and a number of local people attended." Paintsville Herald Thursday May 21, 1936. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

On page 4 of the 1880 census for District 126 (Precinct 8 - State Road Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 3, 1880), William H. Collins is listed as the head of the household for house #32, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 25 years old. Also listed are Lucinda (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 25), and Ida May (wife [misprint], born in June of 1879 in Kentucky, age 11 months). They are living close to William's parents.

On page 31 of the 1880 census for District 45 (Barnetts Creek) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 18, 1880), Jeriah Dale is found living with her daughter, Sarah, in the home of her parents. Reuben Dale is listed as the head of the household for house #95, he's a mulatto, born in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, and he's 68 years old. Also listed are Tabitha (wife, mulatto, born in Tennessee, parents born in Tennessee, age 56), Frances (daughter, mulatto, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 44), Charity (daughter, mulatto, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 23), Terriah (daughter, mulatto, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 22), Amanda (daughter, mulatto, not working, born in Kentucky, age 22), William R. (grandson, mulatto, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 17), Sarah (granddaughter, mulatto, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 4), and Elzie (grandson, mulatto, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 2).

On page 40 of the 1900 census for District 53 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 21, 1900), William H. Collins is listed as the head of the household for house #353, he's a farmer, born in March of 1855 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 23 years, and he's 45 years old. Also listed are Loucinda (wife, born in April of 1853 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 8 children and 6 are still living, age 47), Emma (daughter, born in June of 1881 in Kentucky, age 18), Millard (son, born in August of 1883 in Kentucky, age 16), Kelley (son, born in December of 1886 in Kentucky, age 13), Rosa (daughter, born in October of 1892 in Kentucky, age 7), and William (son, born in April of 1895 in Kentucky, age 5).

On page 9 of the 1910 census for District 102 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1910), Will H. Collins is listed as the head of the household for house #70, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 33 years, and he's 54 years old. Also listed are Loucinda (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 8 children and 6 are still living, her age is blank), Rosa (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), and William B. (son, born in Kentucky, age 15). They are living next to son Kelly.

On page 10 of the 1920 census for District 71 (State Road) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 14 & 15, 1920), William H. Collins is listed as the head of the household for house #83, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 64 years old. Also listed are Sinda (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 66), Rosa Collins (daughter, divorced, not working, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 30), Carry Collins (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 4 years 4 months), Ovie Collins (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 2), and Beecher Collins (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 13). They are living next to son Kelly.

On page 9 of the 1930 census for District 77-5 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 8, 1930), Will Collins is listed as the head of the household for house #87, he's a farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 75 years old.

    The child of BUD COLLINS and JERIAH DALE is:

    1. SARAH COLLINS, b. February 19, 1874, Kentucky, d. November 7, 1954, Blackberry, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentuckym. DANIEL J. RAMEY.

    The children of BUD COLLINS and LUCINDA CONLEY are:

    1. IDA MAE COLLINS, b. June 18, 1879, Kentucky, d. March 6, 1944, Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky, buried in State Road Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. HARRY ADAMS.
    2. EMMA COLLINS, b. June 2, 1881, Kentucky, d. December 5, 1938, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. JOHN C. CHEEK.
    3. MILLARD COLLINS, b. August 1883, Kentucky, m. MATTIE CAUDILL.
    4. KELLY B. COLLINS, b. December 17, 1886, Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. December 8, 1942, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. JOSEPHINE ADAMS.
    5. ROSA COLLINS, b. October 1892, Kentucky, m. (1) ARTHUR FERGUSON, m. (2) HERMAN BORDERS.
    6. WILLIAM B. COLLINS, b. April 17, 1895, Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. March 9, 1973, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. LELA V. PENIX.

DANIEL J. RAMEY, son of JOSEPH RAMEY and LOUISA E. RATLIFF, was born November 29, 1870 in Kentucky, died October 8, 1943 in Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married SARAH COLLINS, daughter of WILLIAM HENRY "BUD" COLLINS and JERIAH DALE. She was born February 19, 1874 in Kentucky, died November 7, 1954 in Blackberry, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Porter Cemetery in Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentucky.

Notes: According to his death certificate, Dan Ramey died October 8, 1943 in Johnson County from acute nephritis. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as November 29, 1869, his marital status as married, his wife as Sarah Collins (age 66), his occupation as retired farmer, his parents as Joseph Ramey (b. Virginia) and Lou Ratliff (b. Kentucky), the informant as Joe Ramey of Odds, Kentucky, and the burial place as Van Lear.

According to his obituary, Dan Ramey (age 73) died October 8, 1943 at home in Odds, Kentucky, after being in poor health for several months, and was buried in Van Lear. He was survived by his wife, Sarah Collins Ramey; 3 sons, Joe Ramey Jr. (of Odds), Hayes Ramey (Weeksbury), and Rube Ramey (Weeksbury); 4 daughters, Mrs. Monnie Bolden (Welch, West Virginia), Mrs. Sybil Smith (Columbus, Ohio), Mrs. Myrtle Smetanka (Illinois); and Mrs. Della Dale (Paintsville); and 5 brothers. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to her obituary, Sarah Collins Ramey (age 80), daughter of Bud and Chairr Crum Collins, was born February 19, 1874, died November 7, 1954 at home in Blackberry, and was buried in Porter Cemetery in Van Lear. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dan Ramey, several years prior. She was survived by 3 sons, Joe Ramey (of Odds, Kentucky), Hayes Ramey (Tarn Cliff, West Virginia), and Rube Ramey (Paintsville); 4 daughters, Mrs. Sippie Smith (Chicago, Illinois), Mrs. Della Dale (Columbus, Ohio), Mrs. Myrtle Smetanko (Columbus, Ohio), and Mrs. Monie Bowling (Paintsville); 32 grandchildren; and 50 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Sarah Ramey died November 7, 1954 in Johnson County at the age of 80.

    The children of DAN RAMEY and SARAH COLLINS are:

    1. JOE RAMEY.
    3. RUBE RAMEY.
    4. MONNIE RAMEY, m. (unknown first name) BOLDEN.
    5. SYBIL RAMEY, m. (unknown first name) SMITH.
    6. MYRTLE RAMEY, m. (unknown first name) SMETANKA.
    7. DELLA RAMEY, m. (unknown first name) DALE.

IDA MAE COLLINS, daughter of WILLIAM HENRY "BUD" COLLINS and LUCINDA CONLEY, was born June 18, 1879 in Kentucky, died March 6, 1944 in Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky, and is buried in State Road Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky. She married HARRY B. ADAMS, son of FRANK ADAMS and ROSA HALL, in 1899. He was born March 14, 1873 in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, died January 13, 1968 in Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky.

Notes: According to her death certificate, Ida Mae Collins Adams died March 6, 1944 in Prestonsburg from acute nephritis. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as June 18, 1879, her marital status as married, her husband as Harry B. Adams, her parents as William H. Collins (b. Kentucky) and Loucinda Conley (b. Kentucky), the informant as H. B. Adams of Paintsville, and the burial place as Falcon.

According to her obituary, Mrs. Ida Mae Collins Adams, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Collins of Falcon, Magoffin County, was born June 18, 1879, married Harry Adams in 1899, died March 6, 1944 in Daniel Hospital in Prestonsburg, and was buried in State Road Fork. She was survived by her husband, Harry Adams, who was Johnson County's former sheriff; 1 son, Lawrence Adams (of Falcon); 1 daughter, Mrs. Dennie Helton (Paintsville); 2 brothers, Millard Collins (Salyersville) and Will Collins (Salyersville); and 1 sister, Rosa Collins (Falcon). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to his obituary, Harry Adams (age 94), son of Frank and Rosa Hall Adams, was a former sheriff of Johnson County, and had also served as chief of the Paintsville police department. He was born March 14, 1873 in Oil Springs, died January 13, 1968 in a local Johnson County nursing home, and was buried in the family cemetery in Falcon. He was preceded in death by his wife, Ida M. Collins Adams, in 1944. He was survived by 1 son, Lawrence Adams (of Falcon); 1 sister, Mrs. Josephine Collins (Allegeny, Michigan); 6 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

    The children of IDA COLLINS and HARRY ADAMS are:

    1. LAWRENCE ADAMS, b. November 1904, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. January 16, 1975, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, buried in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. HULDA SPRADLIN, daughter of GARFIELD SPRADLIN and VIRGIE LEE WILEY. She was b. October 28, 1910, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. February 9, 1999, Baltimore, Fairfield County, Ohio, buried in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to his obituary, Lawrence Adams (age 69), son of Harry and Ida Collins Adams, was born in November of 1904 in Johnson County, died January 16, 1975 in Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, and was buried in Adams Cemetery in Falcon. He was survived by his wife, Hulda Spradlin Adams; 3 sons, Wallace Adams (of Paintsville), Stewart Adams (Pikeville), and James Adams (Columbus); and 2 daughters, Gladys Horne (Sunbury, Ohio) and Audrey Ballenger (Baltimore [Ohio]). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
      According to her obituary, Hulda Spradlin Adams (age 88), daughter of Garfield and Virgie Lee Wiley Spradlin, was born October 28, 1910 in Johnson County, died February 9, 1999 in Baltimore, Ohio, and was buried in Adams Cemetery in Falcon. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lawrence Adams; 1 son, James D. Adams; 1 daughter, Gladys Horne; and 1 step-son, Wallace J. Adams. She was survived by 1 daughter, Audrey Ballenger; and 1 step-son, Stuart H. Adams. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    2. (unknown first name) ADAMS, m. DENNIE HELTON.

EMMA COLLINS, daughter of WILLIAM HENRY "BUD" COLLINS and LUCINDA CONLEY, was born June 2, 1882 in Kentucky, died December 5, 1938 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky. She married JOHN C. CHEEK, son of ISAIAH CHEEK and MARGARET LOVE, September 28, 1906. He was born October 12, 1882 in Kentucky, died July 21, 1946 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Collins Cemetery in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky. John Cheek married (2) ALLIE BLANTON. Allie Blanton married (2) SHERMAN LYONS.

Notes: There was another child that was reported to be in this family. He was Carl Cheek, and the census reports show that he is the son of William and Margaret Cheek.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Emma Collins married John Cheek on September 28, 1906 in Magoffin County at the home of Comer Patrick. The witnesses were James Lemaster and James H. Cantrell, and the minister was J. D. Conley.

According to her death certificate, Emma Collins Cheek died December 5, 1938 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, from an embolism following a tonsilectomy. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as June 2, 1882, her marital status as married, her husband as John Cheek, her parents as William H. Collins (b. Kentucky) and Lucinda Conley (b. Kentucky), and the informant as John Cheek of Paintsville, Kentucky.

According to her obituary, Mrs. John Cheek (age 56) died December 5, 1938 in Golden Rule Hospital in Paintsville following an operation, and was buried in Falcon. She was survived by her husband; 1 son, Rowland Cheek; 1 daughter, Miss Fannie Cheek; and 3 grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Emma Cheek died December 5, 1938 in Johnson County at the age of 56. She was living in Paintsville at the time of her death.

According to his death certificate, John Cheek died July 21, 1946 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, from "probable poison from food often spraying with D.D.T." with other conditions being chronic Bright's Disease. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as October 12, 1882, his wife as Allie Blanton, his parents as Zed Cheek (b. Kentucky) and Margaret Love (b. Kentucky), and the informant as Mrs. Fanny Payne [hard to read] of Springfield, Ohio.

According to his obituary found on the obituary page of the Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website:

"John Cheek, 63, resident of the Flat Gap section of Johnson County died at the Golden Rule Hospital Sunday from the effects of poisoning resulting from eating food which had been sprayed with DDT. According to Dr. J. A. Wells, who attended the stricken man and his wife, Allie, who is still a patient at the same hospital recovering from the poisoning, the couple had prepared dinner Friday, July 12, at their home at Flat Gap when Mrs. Cheek decided to get some cucumbers from her garden. While she was gone from the house Mr. Cheek used the DDT in a effort to kill flies in the kitchen. The DDT settled on the food and when the couple ate the food both became deathly ill. They remained at their home alone during most of the afternoon before Mrs. Cheek regained strength enough to crawl to an old dinner bell in the yard and summon neighbors. They received treatment at their homes until July 14 when both were brought to the Golden Rule Hospital. Mr. Cheek died one week later. Funeral services were conducted from the home of a son at Falcon Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. D. B. Montgomery and the Rev. Byron Van Hoose officiating. Interment was in the Collins Cemetery near Falcon. Besides his wife, Mr. Cheek is survived by a son, Roland, who is now residing in Frankfort; a daughter Mrs. Fannie Payne, of Springfield, Ohio; a brother, Jack Cheek, of Stanton; four sisters, Mrs. Mollie Conley, of Leathea; Mrs. Jane McKennon, of Blaine; Mrs. Ida Adams, of Jenkins, and Mrs. Stella Cantrell, of Paintsville; and several grandchildren."

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, John Cheek died July 21, 1946 in Johnson County at the age of 63. He was living in Johnson County at the time of his death.

According to his obituary, Sherman Lyons (age 75), son of the late Landen and Nancy Skaggs Lyons, was a retired farmer. He was born December 25, 1880 in Keaton, Kentucky, died December 7, 1954 at home in Flat Gap, following an illness of 6 months, and was buried in Lyons Cemetery in Keaton. He was survived by his wife, Allie Cheek Lyons; 3 sons, Con Lyons (of Paintsville), Tivis Lyons (Paintsville, and Kerlin Lyons (Ashland); 1 daughter, Mrs. Beulah McKenzie (Ashland); 2 brothers, Mark Lyons (Athens, Ohio) and John Lyons (Red Bush, Kentucky); and 2 sisters, Mrs. Ollie Bailey (Flat Gap, Kentucky) and Mrs. Mary Ferguson (Red Bush). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

On page 9 of the 1910 census for District 102 (Salyersville) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1910), John Cheek is listed as the head of the household for house #71, he's not working, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 3 years, and he's 30 years old. Also listed are Emma (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 3 years, age 28), and Roland (son, born in Kentucky, age 2). They are living next to Emma's parents.

On page 60 of the 1920 census for District 59 (Jenkins) in Letcher County, Kentucky (dated January 22, 1920), Jno Cheek is listed as the head of the household for house #492, he's a blacksmith, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Emma (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 38), Rowlin (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Fannie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), Jno [John] Abbot (lodger, single, not working, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 43), and Herman Borders (lodger, single, not working, born in Kentucky, father born unknown, mother born in Kentucky, age 19). Herman Borders married Emma Collins sister, Rosa.

On pages 18 & 19 of the 1930 census for District 36-13 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated April 17, 1930), John Cheek is listed as the head of the household for house #181, he's a coal miner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 23, and he's 49 years old. Also listed are Emma (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 20, age 46), and Fannie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18).

    The children of EMMA COLLINS and JOHN CHEEK are:

    1. ROWLAND CHEEK, b. September 2, 1907, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. August 17, 1949, Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. ESSIE CONLEY.
    2. FANNIE CHEEK, b. January 11, 1911, Letcher County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) PAYNE.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Fanny Cheek was born January 11, 1911 in Letcher County to Emma Collins.
    3. LUCILLE CHEEK, b. January 9, 1912, Letcher County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Lucile Cheek was born January 9, 1912 in Letcher County to Emma Collins.

CURTIS E. BALDWIN, son of REBECCA ELLEN SPRADLIN and JAMES WINSON "WINCE" BALDWIN, was born May 19, 1910 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died April 9, 1981 in Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Baldwin Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married SHELLIE REED, daughter of CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS REED and LOURISSA A. "RISSIE" BLANTON. She was born July 11, 1917 in Fuget, Johnson County, Kentucky, died June 1, 2001 in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Baldwin Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky.

Notes: Curtis Baldwin's half-sister, Emily, married Shellie Reed's brother, Chester. Shellie Reed was also the sister of Flossie M. Reed.

According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Shellie Reed was born July 11, 1917 in Johnson County to Rissie Blanton.

According to his obituary, Curtis E. Baldwin (age 70), son of Wince and Rebecca Spradlin Baldwin, was a resident of Barnetts Creek, a retired farmer, and a veteran of World War II. He was born May 19, 1910 in Johnson County, died April 9, 1981, and was buried in Baldwin Cemetery in Oil Springs, Johnson County. He was survived by his wife, Shellie Reed Baldwin; 2 sons, Harold and Darrell Baldwin (of Barnetts Creek); 1 brother, Harvey Baldwin (Oil Springs); and 1 sister, Mrs. Alma Spradlin (Denver, Kentucky). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Curtis Baldwin was born May 19, 1910, and died in April of 1981. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Adams, Lawrence County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Curtis E. Baldwin died April 9, 1981 in Johnson County at the age of 70.

  • Reed, Ova
  • Selvage, Georgene S. According to her obituary, Shellie Reed Baldwin (age 83), daughter of the late Columbus and Lourisse Alice Blanton Reed, was born July 11, 1917 in Fuget, died June 1, 2001 at home in Staffordsville, and was buried in Baldwin Cemetery in Oil Springs. She was preceded in death by her husband, Curtis E. Baldwin, in 1981. She was survived by 2 sons, Harold Baldwin (of Staffordsville) and Darrell Baldwin (Staffordsville); and 4 grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

    According to Social Security death record transcripts, Shellie Baldwin was born July 11, 1917, and died June 1, 2001. She received her Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky.

    On pages 13 & 14 of the 1920 census for District 42 (Low Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 17, 19 & 20, 1920), Christopher C. Reed is listed as the head of the household for house #123, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 48 years old. Also listed are Lorisie A. [hard to read] (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 47), Sherman (son, born in Kentucky, age 19), Norman (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Lena (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), James (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), Shellie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 5 months), Chester F. (son, widowed, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 26), and Ova (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 3 years 9 months).

    On page 20 of the 1930 census for District 58-10 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 16, 1930), Shellie Reed is found living in the home of her sister. Claudie Blanton is listed as the head of the household for house #188, he works in the oil fields, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 18, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Flossie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, age 34, Mauda M. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Rouie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Anna (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), Claudie Jr. (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), Neva Lee (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3), and Shella Reed (sister-in-law, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 12).

      The children of CURTIS BALDWIN and SHELLIE REED are:

      1. CURTIS HAROLD BALDWIN, b. Johnson County, Kentucky.
        Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Curtis H. Baldwin was born in Johnson County to Shelly Reed.
      2. CHARLES DARRELL BALDWIN, b. Johnson County, Kentucky.
        Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Charles D. Baldwin was born in Johnson County to Shelly Reed.

    JOHN HENRY CAUDILL, son of EMILY BLANTON and WILLIAM RUSSELL "RUSSELL" CAUDILL, was born May 24, 1880 in Kentucky, died June 15, 1966 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Bayes Cemetery in Swamp Branch, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married DUCIE WILLIAMS, daughter of THOMAS H. WILLIAMS and CHRISTINA ELIZABETH BROWN. She was born November 13, 1887 in Kentucky, died March 4, 1966 in Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Bayes Cemetery in Swamp Branch, Johnson County, Kentucky.

    Notes: John Caudill's brother, Stephen, married Ducie William's sister, Ethel.

    According to his obituary, Bruce Williams (age 77), son of the late Thomas H. and Christine Brown Williams, was born May 28, 1887, died January 14, 1965, and was buried in Barnetts Creek-Salyer Cemetery. He was survived by his wife, Arizona Williams [Arizona Clark Williams]; 1 step-son, James Blevins (of Lowmansville); 3 step-daughters, Mrs. Betty Ruth Conley [Betty Ruth Blevins Conley] (Barnetts Creek), Mrs. Martha Cupoli [Martha Blevins Cupoli] (Columbus, Ohio), and Mrs. Elva Dutton [Elva Blevins Dutton] (Paintsville); 3 brothers, Cecil Williams (Chelsea, Michigan), Myrcle Williams (Staffordsville), and Arthur Williams (Staffordsville); and 2 sisters, Mrs. Ducia Caudill (Paintsville) and Mrs. Ethel Caudill (Stockbridge, Michigan). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

    According to his obituary, Myrcle Williams (age 84), son of the late Thomas H. and Christinia Brown Williams, was born June 3, 1891 in Carter County, died January 2, 1976 in Paintsville Hospital following an extended illness, and was buried in Blevins Cemetery in Staffordsvillle. He was survived by his wife, Callie Blevins Williams, whom he married in 1916 in Johnson County; 1 brother, Cecil Williams (of Chelsea, Michigan); and 1 sister, Ethel Caudill (Anna Himes, California [Anaheim]). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

    According to his obituary, Arthur Williams (age 72), son of the late Thomas H. and Christina Brown Williams, was born May 30, 1893 in Carter County, died March 10, 1966 in a local hospital, and was buried in Staffordsville Family Cemetery. He was survived by 2 brothers, Carl Williams (of Chelsea, Michigan) and Myrcle Williams (Staffordsville); and 1 sister, Mrs. Ethel Caudill (Stockbridge, Michigan. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

    When John H. Caudill's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio, he stated that he was working for Yellow Poplar Timber Company, that his closest relative was Ducie Caudill of Ironton, and that he was born May 24, 1880. He was found to be tall and slender, and he had blue eyes and black hair.

    Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website and a photo of their headstone shows that John Henry Caudill lived from May 24, 1880 to March 1, 1966, and was buried in Bayes Cemetery in Swamp Branch, Johnson County, Kentucky, and that Ducie A. Caudill lived from November 13, 1887 to March 4, 1966, and was buried in the same cemetery.

    According to Social Security death record transcripts, John H. Caudill was born May 24, 1880, and died June 15, 1966. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky.

    According to Kentucky death record transcripts, John H. Caudill died March 1, 1966 in Johnson County at the age of 85.

    According to Social Security death record transcripts, Ducie Caudill was born November 13, 1887, and died June 15, 1966. She received her Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky.

    According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Ducie A. Caudill died March 4, 1966 in Johnson County at the age of 78.

    On page 35 of the 1900 census for District 40 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 18, 1900), Thomas Williams is listed as the head of the household for house #293, he's a farmer, born in June of 1839 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 15 years, and he's 60 years old. Also listed are Christina E. (wife, born in December of 1867 in Kentucky, father born in Tennessee, mother born in Virginia, married for 15 years, she's given birth to 7 children and all are still living, age 32), Bruce (son, born in May of 1886 in Kentucky, age 14), Ducia (daughter, born in November of 1887 in Kentucky, age 12), Ethel (daughter, born in January of 1889 in Kentucky, age 11), Myrcle (son, born in June of 1891 in Kentucky, age 8), Arthur (son, born in May of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7), Cecil (son, born in December of 1895 in Kentucky, age 4), and Walter (son, born in August of 1888 in Kentucky, age 1).

    On page 17 of the 1910 census for District 70 (Oil Springs) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 1910), T. H. Williams is listed as the head of the household for house #155, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 25 years, and he's 69 years old. Also listed are Christina (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 25 years, she's given birth to 7 children and all are still living, age 40), Bruce (son, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 23), Myrcle (son, born in Kentucky, age 18), Arthur (son, born in Kentucky, age 16), Cecil (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Walter (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Ducy (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 22), and Emlie (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 3).

    On page 40 of the 1920 census for District 119 (Ironton) in Lawrence County, Ohio (dated January 23, 1920), John Caudell is listed as the head of the household for house #222, he's a stacker in a sawmill, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Ducie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 31), Emley (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 12), Wendell (son, born in Kentucky, age 8), and Pauline (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6).

    On page 4 of the 1930 census for District 10-1 (Catlettsburg) in Boyd County, Kentucky (dated April 3, 1930), John Caudill is listed as the head of the household for house #23, he's a trimmer in a sawmill, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 25, and he's 49 years old. Also listed are Ducie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 18, age 42), Wendell [hard to read] (son, laborer, born in Kentucky, age 18), and Pauline (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 17).

    On page 11 of the 1940 census for District 58-2 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 11, 1940), J. H. Caudill is listed as the head of the household for house #88, he's a retail grocery store owner, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 59 years old. Also listed is Ducie (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 52).

      The children of JOHN CAUDILL and DUCIE WILLIAMS are:

      1. OLIVER WENDELL CAUDILL, b. July 31, 1911, Johnson County, Kentucky.
        Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Oliver W. Caudill was born July 31, 1911 in Johnson County to Ducie Williams.
      2. PAULINE CAUDILL, b. March 10, 1913, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. June 7, 2012, Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky m. KERMIT MARTIN CONLEY, son of HENRY MARTIN CONLEY and NANCY JANE SPRADLIN.
        Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Pauline Caudill was born March 10, 1913 in Johnson County to Ducie Williams.
        According to her obituary, Pauline Caudill Conley (age 99), daughter of the late John Henry and Ducie Williams Caudill, was a resident of Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky, at the time of her death. She was born March 10, 1913 in Johnson County, died June 7, 2012 in Oil Springs, and was buried in Conley Family Cemetery in Leander. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Kermit Martin Conley Sr.; 1 son, Robert Lowell Conley; 1 brother; and 1 sister. She was survived by 1 son, Kermit Martin Conley Jr. (of Leander); 4 daughters, Carole Caudill (Oil Springs), Wanda Stambaugh (Burlington), Violet Frisby (Springfield, Ohio); and Juanita Daniel (London, Ohio); 16 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; and 5 great-great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)

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