WINFRED CANTRELL, son of JOHN MASON "MASON" CANTRELL and SARAH ANGELINE MCKENZIE, was born September 14, 1907 in Kentucky, died April 22, 1967 in Coffee Cemetery in Springfield, Clark County, Ohio, and is buried in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky. He married LUCILLE ERNEST, daughter of GLENN A. ERNEST and MARY (unknown last name). She was born about 1916 in West Virginia.
Notes: According to Social Security death record transcripts, Winfred Cantrell was born September 14, 1907, and died in April of 1967. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in North Carolina or Virginia, and his last place of residence was in Springfield, Clark County, Ohio.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Winifre Cantrell was born about 1908, and died April 22, 1967 in Mercy Medical Center in Springfield, Clark County, at the age of 59. He was living in Springfield and widowed at the time of his death.
Information found on shows that Winford Cantrell was buried in Coffee Cemetery in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky. No headstone photos are provided.
On page 29 of the 1920 census for District 103 (Rock) in Mercer County, West Virginia (dated January 17, 1920), Glen A. Earnest is listed as the head of the household for house #266, he's a coal miner, born in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Mary (wife, born in West Virginia, father born in Virginia, mother born in West Virginia, age 50), Wilbourn (son, born in West Virginia, age 13), Clyde (son, born in West Virginia, age 11), Luceal (daughter, born in West Virginia, age 7), Clay (son, born in West Virginia, age 5), Ray (son, born in West Virginia, age 3 years 10 months), Charles F. (son, born in West Virginia, age 1 year 7 months), and John Martin (boarder, single, not working, born in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, age 17).
On page 18 of the 1930 census for District 23-30 (Triadelphia) in Logan County, West Virginia (dated April 21, 1930), Glenn A. Ernest is listed as the head of the household for house #166, he's a machinist in the coal mines, born in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, first married at age 20, and he's 43 years old. Also listed are Mary H. (wife, born in West Virginia, parents born in West Virginia, first married at 16, age 39), Allen (son, single, laborer in the coal mines, born in West Virginia, age 20), Lucille (daughter, born in West Virginia, age 17), Cloy (son, born in West Virginia, age 16), Roy (son, born in West Virginia, age 14), Charles (son, born in West Virginia, age 12), Warren G. (son, born in West Virginia, age 10), Jack (son, born in West Virginia, age 6), and Billy (son, born in West Virginia, age 4 years 1 month).
On pages 12 & 13 of the 1940 census for District 23-35 (Triadelphia) in Logan County, West Virginia (dated April 19, 1940), Glen Earnest is listed as the head of the household for house #88, he's a sawyer for a lumber company, born in Virginia, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has a 4th grade education, and he's 54 years old. Also listed are Mary (wife, born in West Virginia, 8th grade education, age 51), Billy (son, born in West Virginia, age 14), Winifred Cantrell (lodger, coal loader in the coal mines, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, 6th grade education, age 32), Lucille (lodger's wife, born in West Virginia, she's living in the same place that she was in 1935, 8th grade education, age 26), and Clyde (lodger's son, born in Kentucky, age 7).
- CLYDE A. CANTRELL, b. 1933, Morgan County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Clyde A. Canhill was born in Morgan County to Lucille Ernest.
MARGARET CATHERINE "CATHERINE" CANTRELL, daughter of HENRY CANTRELL and FRANCES "FANNY" FAIRCHILD, was born in July of 1862 in Kentucky, and died after 1930. She married NATHAN A. DULIN, son of BASIL DULIN and BERTHENA BLANTON, July 8, 1880 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He was born in 1849 in Kentucky, and died after 1930.
Notes: Nathan Dulin was the brother of John M. Dulin, Susannah Dulin, and Hulda J. Dulin.
Basil Dulin was in the 45th Regiment of the 45th Kentucky Infantry in the Civil War.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Margaret C. Cantrell married Nathan Doolin on July 8, 1880 in Morgan County.
On page 83 of the 1850 census for Morgan County, Kentucky (dated August 31, 1850), Bazel Dulin is listed as the head of the household for house #538, he's a laborer, born in Kentucky, and he's 25 years old. Also listed are Berthena (born in Kentucky, age 27), David (born in Kentucky, age 7), Mary (born in Kentucky, age 4), Henry (born in Kentucky, age 2), and Nathan (born in Kentucky, age 5 months).
On page 51 of the 1860 census for District 1 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated July 12, 1860), Bassil Dulin is listed as the head of the household for house #308, he's a farmer, born in Tennessee, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Berthena (born in Kentucky, age 35), David (born in Kentucky, age 16), Mary (born in Kentucky, age 13), Henry (born in Kentucky, age 10), Nathan (born in Kentucky, age 10), John (born in Kentucky, age 8), Sussanah (born in Kentucky, age 6), Lucinda (born in Kentucky, age 4), Sarrah E. (born in Kentucky, age 5 months), and Hiram Smith (laborer, born in Kentucky, age 22).
On page 8 of the 1870 census for Precinct 7 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated August 8, 1870), Basil Doolan is listed as the head of the household for house #54, he's a farmer, born in Virginia, and he's 48 years old. Also listed are Berthena (born in Kentucky, age 49), Henry (born in Kentucky, age 22), Nathan (born in Kentucky, age 19), John (born in Kentucky, age 17), Susan (born in Kentucky, age 15), Lucinda (born in Kentucky, age 13), Sarah E. (born in Kentucky, age 10), and Huldah J. (born in Kentucky, age 7).
On page 15 of the 1880 census for District 88 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 24, 1880), Bazil Dulin is listed as the head of the household for house #282, he's a farmer, born in Tennessee, father born in Tennessee, mother born in Maryland, and he's 56 years old. Also listed are Berthena (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 55), Nathan (son, single, farmer, born in Kentucky, age 27), Sarah E. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), Lucinda Pendleton (daughter, married, born in Kentucky, age 21), Dora Ann Pendleton (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 5), Mary Pendleton (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 3), and Forrest Pendleton (granddaughter [sic], born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 4 of the 1900 census for District 75 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 2, 1900), Nathan Doolin is listed as the head of the household for house #28, he's a farmer, born in November of 1850 in Kentucky, father born in Tennessee, mother born in Kentucky, married for 19 years, and he's 49 years old. Also listed are Marget C. (wife, born in July of 1865 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 9 years, she's given birth to 4 children and all are still living, age 34), Collubus C. (son, born in March of 1883 in Kentucky, age 17), Renetta (daughter, born in October of 1888 in Kentucky, age 11), Adda (daughter, born in February of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7), and Bessa (daughter, born in January of 1898 in Kentucky, age 2). They are living next to Nathan's parents.
On page 6 of the 1910 census for District 150 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 22, 1910), Nathan Doolin is listed as the head of the household for house #37, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, father born in Tennessee, mother born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 29 years, and he's 59 years old. Also listed are Catherine (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 4 children and all are still living, age 47), Addie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 17), and Bessie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12). Daughter Nettie is living under the same roof, and they are living next to Nathan's mother.
On page 22 of the 1920 census for District 206 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated January 23 & 24, 1920), Henry C. Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #184, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 37 years old. Also listed are Netty (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 31), Christopher C. (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Julus (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Walter (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Bonny (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), Wana (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), Wilson (son, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 8 months), Nathan Doolin Sr. (father-in-law, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 69), and Catherine (mother-in-law, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 58).
On page 13 of the 1930 census for District 71-12 (Harrison Township) in Ross County, Ohio (dated April 18, 1930), Albert Hill is listed as the head of the household for house #87, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 18, and he's 48 years old. Also listed are Addie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, age 37), Woodrow (son, born in Kentucky, age 18), Columbus (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Ledgie (son, born in Ohio, age 9), Mitchell (son, born in Kentucky, age 4), Nathan A. Dulin (father-in-law, retired, born in Kentucky, parents born in Tennessee, first married at 28, age 80), and Catherine (mother-in-law, retired, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 16, age 68).
- CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS DULEN, b. March 14, 1883, Morgan County, Kentucky, m. ROSA MATTHEWS.
- RENETTA "NETTIE" DULIN, b. October 1888, Kentucky, d. February 5, 1958, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, buried in Highland Hills, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, m. HENRY CLAY SMITH.
- ADDIE DULIN, b. February 11, 1893, Kentucky, d. April 6, 1989, Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, buried in Londonderry, Ross County, Ohio, m. ALBERT HILL.
- BESSIE DULIN, b. January 1898, Kentucky.
According to Leavenworth County, Kansas, marriage record transcripts, Columbus Dulen married Rosa Matthews on October 13, 1906.
According to U.S. Army enlistment records, Christopher C. Dulen (b. Morgan County, Kentucky) joined on June 16, 1908 in Leavenworth, Kansas, and was discharged without honor on July 21, 1908 at the U.S. Military Prison in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
When Christopher Dulen's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas, he stated that he was a clerk working for Lawrence Paper Manufacturing Company in Lawrence, Kansas, that his closest relative was "Wife Rosa Dulen" of Connecticut, Lawrence County, and that he was born March 14, 1883. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had blue eyes and light-colored hair.
On page 5 of the 1900 census for District 103 (Reno Township) in Leavenworth County, Kansas (dated June 5, 1900), Jonathan Matthews is listed as the head of the household for house #44, he's a farmer, born in April of 1853 in Illinois, parents born in Illinois, married for 25 years, and he's 47 years old. Also listed are Mary (wife, born in September of 1856 in Kansas, parents born in Virginia, married for 25 years, she's given birth to 8 children and 6 are still living, age 43), Albert (son, single, farm laborer, born in June of 1875 in Kansas, age 24), Stella (daughter, born in October of 1883 in Kansas, age 16), Rosa (daughter, born in June of 1886 in Kansas, age 13), Lydia (daughter, born in April of 1889 in Kansas, age 11), Nora (daughter, born in July of 1892 in Kansas, age 7), and Minnie (daughter, born in April of 1898 in Kansas, age 2).
On page 13 of the 1910 census for District 120 (Wichita) in Sedgwick County, Kansas (dated April 23, 1910), Christopher Dulen is found boarding in house #133, he's a laborer doing odd jobs, married, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 3 years, and he's 24 years old. Also listed is Rose (boarder, married, born in Kansas, father born in Kansas, mother born in Oklahoma, 1st marriage, married for 3 years, age 23).
RENETTA "NETTIE" DULIN, daughter of MARGARET CATHERINE "CATHERINE" CANTRELL and NATHAN A. DULIN, was born in October of 1888 in Kentucky, died February 5, 1958 at home in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and is buried in Highland Park Cemetery in Highland Hills, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. She married HENRY CLAY SMITH, son of PRESTON SMITH and NANCY PENNINGTON, about 1905. He was born March 26, 1883 in Morgan County, Kentucky.
Notes: Henry Clay Smith was the brother of Elizabeth Smith and Vinnie Smith.
When Henry Clay Smith's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a self-employed farmer in Mima, Morgan County, that he was married and had children, and that he was born March 26, 1883. He was found to be tall and slender. Not being able to read or write, he signed the card with an "X."
When Henry Clay Smith's World War II draft registration card was filled out on April 27, 1942 in McArthur, Vinton County, Ohio, he stated that he was working for the W.P.A. in Zanesville, Ohio, that the person who would always know his address was "Nettie Smith - Wife" of Harrison Township, Vinton County, and that he was born March 26, 1883 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He was found to be 5 feet 8 inches tall, he weighed 150 pounds, and he had gray eyes, gray hair, and a ruddy complexion.
Information found on shows that Nettie R. Smith was buried in Highland Park Cemetery in Highland Hills, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. No headstone photos are provided.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Nettie R. Smith was born about 1889, and died February 5, 1958 at home in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, at the age of 69. She was married at the time of her death.
According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Henry Clay Smith was born March 26, 1883 in Mima, Kentucky. His parents are listed as Preston Smith and Nancy Pennington.
On pages 3 & 4 of the 1900 census for District 75 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 2, 1900), Preston Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #25, he's a farmer, born in December of 1860 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 19 years, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Nancy (wife, born in April of 1959 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 19 years, she's given birth to 8 children and 6 are still living, age 41), Henry C. (son, born in March of 1883 in Kentucky, age 17), Liza (daughter, born in August of 1886 in Kentucky, age 13), Foster (son, born in December of 1887 in Kentucky, age 12), Louella (daughter, born in May of 1892 in Kentucky, age 8), Levinna (daughter, born in January of 1895 in Kentucky, age 5), and Oma (daughter, born in October of 1897 in Kentucky, age 2).
On page 6 of the 1910 census for District 150 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 22, 1910), Henry Smith is listed as the head of the household for family #43 in house #37 [Nettie's parents' house], a farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 5 years, and he's 27 years old. Also listed are Nettie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, age 21), Christopher C. (son, born in Kentucky, age 3), and Juelus (son, born in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 22 of the 1920 census for District 206 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated January 23 & 24, 1920), Henry C. Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #184, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 37 years old. Also listed are Netty (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 31), Christopher C. (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Julus (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Walter (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Bonny (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), Wana (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), Wilson (son, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 8 months), Nathan Doolin Sr. (father-in-law, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 69), and Catherine (mother-in-law, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 58).
On page 9 of the 1930 census for District 82-3 (Clinton Township) in Vinton County, Ohio (dated April 14, 1930), Henry C. Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #96, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 22, and he's 47 years old. Also listed are Nettie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 42), Wanna (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), Wilson (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Donald (son, born in Ohio, age 6), and James (son, born in Ohio, age 4).
On page 7 of the 1940 census for District 82-8 (Harrison Township) in Vinton County, Ohio (dated April 13, 1940), Henry C. Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #65, he's a laborer for the W.P.A. road project, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 57 years old. Also listed are Netty (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 53), Walter (son, single, laborer in a private sawmill, born in Ohio, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, 8th grade education, age 29), Wilson (son, single, new worker, born in Ohio, 8th grade education, age 22), Donald (son, born in Ohio, age 16), and James (son, born in Ohio, age 15).
The children of NETTIE DULIN and HENRY SMITH are:
- CHRISTOPHER C. SMITH, b. 1907, Kentucky.
- JULIUS SMITH, b. 1909, Kentucky.
- WALTER SMITH, b. February 2, 1911, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. November 26, 1995, Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, m. (unknown).
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Walter Smith was born February 2, 1911 in Morgan County to Nettie Dulen.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Walter Smith was born February 2, 1911, and died November 26, 1995. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Ohio, and his last place of residence was in Londonderry, Ross County, Ohio.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Walter Smith was born February 2, 1911 in Kentucky, and died November 26, 1995 in Adena Regional Medical Center in Ross County at the age of 84. His father's surname is listed as Smith, his mother's maiden name as Dulin, and he was widowed at the time of his death.
- BONNIE E. SMITH, b. May 16, 1913, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. May 15, 1990, Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, m. (unknown first name) DIEHL.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Bonnie E. Smith was born May 16, 1913 in Morgan County to Nettie Dulen.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Bonnie E. Smith Diehl was born May 16, 1913 in Kentucky, and died May 15, 1990 in Adena Regional Medical Center in Ross County at the age of 76. Her father's surname is listed as Smith, and she was married at the time of her death.
- WANNA D. SMITH, b. May 19, 1915, Morgan County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Nannie D. Smith was born May 19, 1915 in Morgan County to Nettie Dulen.
- WILSON SMITH, b. May 20, 1918, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. July 19, 1986, Ross County, Ohio.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Wilson Smith was born May 20, 1918 in Morgan County to Nellie Dulen.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Wilson Smith was born May 20, 1918, and died in July of 1986. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Ohio, and his last place of residence was in Marion, Marion County, Ohio.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Wilson Smith was born about 1918 in Kentucky, and died July 19, 1986 in Veterans Administration Medical Center in Ross County at the age of 68. He was divorced at the time of his death.
- DONALD SMITH, b. 1924, Ohio.
- JAMES SMITH, b. 1926, Ohio.
ADDIE DULIN, daughter of MARGARET CATHERINE "CATHERINE" CANTRELL and NATHAN A. DULIN, was born February 11, 1893 in Kentucky, died April 6, 1989 in Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, and is buried in Londonderry Cemetery in Londonderry, Ross County, Ohio. She married ALBERT HILL, son of THORNTON HILL and SELINA WILLIAMS, May 16, 1912 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He was born March 1, 1881 in Morgan County, Kentucky, died February 21, 1966 in Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, and is buried in Londonderry Cemetery in Londonderry, Ross County, Ohio. Albert Hill married (1) CHARLOTTE STINSON.
Notes: According to his obituary, Marvin Hill (age 70), son of the late Thornton and Selina Williams Hill, was a retired products superintendent for the Martha District of Ashland Oil & Refining Company. He was born April 15, 1889 in Relief, Morgan County, Kentucky, and died February 2, 1959, and was buried in Greenlawn Cemetery in Louisa, Kentucky. He was survived by his wife, Peggy Dorton Hill, whom he was married to for 32 years; 1 son, H. Volnie Hill (of Ashland); 2 daughters, Mrs. Raymond Osborne (Beattyville) and Mrs. John Lee Barton (Blaine); 4 brothers, Albert Hill (Chillicothe, Ohio), Hendrix Hill (Chillicothe), Van Hill (Relief), and Wayne Hill (Relief); 2 sisters, Mrs. William Sherman (Relief) and Mrs. Thomas Bailey (Lucasville, Ohio); and 3 grandsons. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Addie Dulen married Albert Hill on May 16, 1912 in Morgan County.
When Albert Hill's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a self-employed farmer in Relief, Morgan County, that he was married and had children, and that he was born March 22, 1881. He was found to be short and stout, and he had blue eyes and light-colored hair.
When Albert [no middle name] Hill's World War II draft registration was filled out on April 26, 1942 in Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, he stated that he was a self-employed farmer in Londonderry, Ross County, that the person who would always know his address was Ted Radcliff, and that he was born March 1, 1881 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He was found to be 5 feet 8 inches tall, he weighed 180 pounds, and he had blue eyes, brown hair, and a light complexion.
Information found on and a photo of their headstone shows that Addie Dulan Hill lived from 1892 to 1989, and was buried in Londonderry Cemetery in Londonderry, Ross County, Ohio, and that Albert Hill lived from 1881 to 1966, and was buried in the same cemetery.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Addie Hill was born February 11, 1893, and died in April of 1989. She received her Social Security card in 1965 in Ohio, and her last place of residence was in Kingston, Ross County, Ohio.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Addie Dulan Hill was born February 11, 1893 in Kentucky, and died April 6, 1989 in Adena Regional Medical Center in Ross County at the age of 96. Her father's surname is listed as Dilan, and she was widowed at the time of her death.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Albert Hill was born about 1882, and died February 21, 1966 in Chillicothe, Ross County, at the age of 84. He was married at the time of his death.
According to her death certificate, Charlott Stinson Hill died April 18, 1911 in Relief, Morgan County, Kentucky, from an abcess of the fallopian tubes. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as August 6, 1885, her marital status as married, her parents as James Stinson (b. Kentucky) and Susia A. Sagraves (b. Kentucky), and the informant as Hendrix Hill of Relief, Kentucky.
On page 5 of the 1900 census for District 75 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 2, 1900), Thorton Hill [hard to read] is listed as the head of the household for house #38, he's a farmer, born in December of 1854 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 12 years, and he's 45 years old. Also listed are Selina (wife, born in February of 1867 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 12 years, she's given birth to 5 children and all are still living, age 33), Albert (son, born in March of 1881 in Kentucky, age 19), Vertrece (daughter, born in December of 1882 in Kentucky, age 17), Hendric (son, born in November of 1884 in Kentucky, age 15), Marvlin (son, born in April of 1889 in Kentucky, age 11), Van (son, born in February of 1890 in Kentucky, age 10), Nola (daughter, born in September of 1892 in Kentucky, age 7), Myrtle (daughter, born in October of 1897 in Kentucky, age 2), and William (son, born in January of 1900 in Kentucky, age 4 months).
On page 26 of the 1910 census for District 150 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated May 5, 1910), Albert Hill is listed as the head of the household for house #176, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 9 years, and he's 29 years old. Also listed are Sharlottie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 3 children and 2 are still living, age 24), Arthur (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), and Lillie A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2). They are living next to Albert's parents.
On page 13 of the 1920 census for District 120 (Harrison Township) in Ross County, Ohio (dated January 20, 1920), Albert Hill is listed as the head of the household for house #132, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Addie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 25), Arthur (son, born in Kentucky, age 16), Woodrow (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), Columbus (son, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 11 months), and Hendrix Kelley (nephew, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 23).
On page 13 of the 1930 census for District 71-12 (Harrison Township) in Ross County, Ohio (dated April 18, 1930), Albert Hill is listed as the head of the household for house #87, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 18, and he's 48 years old. Also listed are Addie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, age 37), Woodrow (son, born in Kentucky, age 18), Columbus (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Ledgie (son, born in Ohio, age 9), Mitchell (son, born in Kentucky, age 4), Nathan A. Dulin (father-in-law, retired, born in Kentucky, parents born in Tennessee, first married at 28, age 80), and Catherine (mother-in-law, retired, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 16, age 68).
On page 105 of the 1940 census for District 71-15 (Huntington) in Ross County, Ohio (dated May 1940), Albert Hill is listed as the head of the household for house #276, he's not working, born in Kentucky, he was living in rural Ross County in 1935, he has a 7th grade education, and he's 59 years old. Also listed are Addie (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 47), Ledges (son, born in Ohio, age 18), Mitchel (son, born in Ohio, age 14), and Woodrow (son, separated, not working, born in Kentucky, he was living in rural Ross County in 1935, 8th grade education, age 26).
The children of ADDIE DULIN and ALBERT HILL are:
- ELLIS WOODROW "WOODROW" HILL, b. February 27, 1913, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. November 1978, Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, m. (unknown).
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Ellis Hill was born February 27, 1913 in Morgan County to Addie Dulen.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Ellis Hill was born February 27, 1913, and died in November of 1978. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Ohio, and his last place of residence was in Londonderry, Ross County, Ohio.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Ellis Hill was born about 1913, and died November 21, 1978 in Adena Regional Medical Center in Ross County at the age of 65. He was married at the time of his death.
- COLUMBUS H. HILL, b. January 4, 1917, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. January 11, 1998, Fairborn, Greene County, Ohio, m. (unknown).
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Columbus H. Hill was born January 4, 1917 in Morgan County to Adda Dulin.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Columbus H. Hill was born January 4, 1917, and died January 11, 1998. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Ohio, and his last place of residence was in Fairborn, Greene County, Ohio.
According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Columbus H. Hill was born January 4, 1916 in Morgan County, Kentucky, and died January 11, 1998. His parents are listed as Addie Dulan and Albert Hill.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Columbus H. Hill was born January 4, 1917 in Kentucky, and died January 11, 1998 at home in Fairborn, Greene County, at the age of 81. His father's surname is listed as Hill, his mother's maiden name as Dulan, and he was married at the time of his death.
- LEDGIE HILL, b. 1921, Ohio.
- MITCHELL HILL, b. 1926, Ohio.
LEANDER "LEE" CANTRELL, son of HENRY CANTRELL and FRANCES "FANNY" FAIRCHILD, was born in March of 1865 in Kentucky. He married SARAH EMALINE "EMALINE" WILLIAMS, daughter of DAVID WILLIAMS and LYDIA M. WEBB, August 26, 1883 in Morgan County, Kentucky. She was born in September of 1856 in Kentucky, and died before 1910.
Notes: Sarah Emaline Williams was the sister of Helen B. Williams and Telitha Williams.
Sarah Emaline Williams' son, Goebel, can be found living with her brother, Amos, in 1920.
According to Kentucky marriage records, David Williams (b. Lawrence County, Kentucky, resident of Johnson County, single, age 19) married Lydia Webb (b. Lawrence County, Kentucky, resident of Johnson County, single, age 20) on September 4, 1856 in Johnson County.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Lee Cantrell married Emmaline Williams on August 26, 1883 in Morgan County.
On page 128 of the 1860 census for Johnson County, Kentucky (dated August 10, 1860), David William is listed as the head of the household for house #818, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 22 years old. also listed are Lyddia M. (born in Kentucky, age 22), and Sarah E. (born in Kentucky, age 3).
On page 18 of the 1870 census for Flat Gap in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated August 7, 1870), David Williams is listed as the head of the household for house #114, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Lydia M. (born in Virginia, age 32), Sarah E. (born in Kentucky, age 12), Helen V. (born in Kentucky, age 9), James W. (born in Kentucky, age 5), and Amos V. (born in November of 1869 in Kentucky, age 6 months).
On pages 58 & 59 of the 1900 census for District 41 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 26, 1900), Lee Cantrill is listed as the head of the household for house #401, he's a farm laborer, born in March of 1864 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 17 years, and he's 36 years old. Also listed are Sarah E. (wife, born in September of 1856 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 17 years, she's given birth to 9 children and 7 are still living, age 43), Victoria (daughter, born in June of 1884 in Kentucky, age 15), Carrie (daughter, born in January of 1887 in Kentucky, age 13), James (son, born in March of 1890 in Kentucky, age 10), Cattie (daughter, born in July of 1891 in Kentucky, age 8), Fanny (daughter, born in August of 1893 in Kentucky, age 6), Pigey (daughter, born in April of 1896 in Kentucky, age 4), and William (son, born in May of 1990 in Kentucky, age 0). They are living next to Sarah's parents.
On page 10 of the 1900 census for District 75 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 5, 1900), Neurel Cantrell [hard to read] is listed as the head of the household for house #82, he's a merchant, born in June of 1867 in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, married for 8 years, and he's 32 years old. Also listed are Catherine (wife, born in May of 1854 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 8 years, she's given birth to 3 children and all are still living, age 46), Wettie (daughter, born in September of 1884 in Kentucky, age 15), Versie (daughter, born in June of 1893 in Kentucky, age 6), Sophronia (daughter, born in September of 1894 in Kentucky, age 5), Jannie D. (daughter, born in June of 1897 in Kentucky, age 2), Fanny (mother, widowed, born in March of 1830 in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, she's given birth to 2 children and both are still living, age 70), Lee (brother, married, farm laborer, born in March of 1865 in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, age 35), and Henry Bolin (servant, single, farm laborer, born in March od 1873 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 27).
On page 10 of the 1910 census for District 74 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated May 10, 1910), Oscar M. Williams is listed as the head the household for house #168, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 3 years, and he's 23 years old. Also listed are Esta (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, age 20), and Fanny Cantrill (no relationship listed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 16).
The children of LEE CANTRELL and EMALINE WILLIAMS are:
- VICTORIA CANTRELL, b. June 1884, Kentucky.
- CARRIE CANTRELL, b. January 1887, Kentucky.
- JAMES CANTRELL, b. March 1890, Kentucky.
- CATTIE CANTRELL, b. July 1891, Kentucky.
- FANNY CANTRELL, b. August 19, 1893, Morgan County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth records, Fanny Cantrell was born August 19, 1893 in Morgan County to Lee Cantrell (b. Morgan County, resident of Morgan County) and Emma Williams (b. Morgan County, resident of Morgan County).
- PEGGY CANTRELL, b. April 1896, Kentucky.
- WILLIAM GOEBEL "GOEBEL" CANTRELL, b. April 18, 1900, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. June 3, 1935, Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, buried in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, m. SALLY C. LEMASTER.
WILLIAM GOEBEL "GOEBEL" CANTRELL, son of LEANDER "LEE" CANTRELL and SARAH EMALINE "EMALINE" WILLIAMS, was born April 18, 1900 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died June 3, 1935 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, and is buried in Rose Hill Burial Park and Mausoleum in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky. He married SALLY C. LEMASTER, daughter of ELIJAH G. LEMASTER and REBECCA WRIGHT, about 1920. She was born October 13, 1900 in Kentucky, died June 5, 1988 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, and is buried in Rose Hill Burial Park and Mausoleum in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Elijah G. Lemaster (2nd marriage, age 34) married Rebecca Wright (age 29) on November 3, 1888 in Johnson County.
According to her obituary, Isabella Lemaster Estepp (age 79), daughter of the late E. G. and Rebecca Wright Lemaster, was a retired school teacher, and a resident of Fuget, Kentucky, at the time of her death. She was born August 21, 1889 in Win, Kentucky, died April 8, 1969 in a local hospital following an illness of several months, and was buried in Lemaster Cemetery in Win. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Dr. William W. Estepp, in 1925. She was survived by 1 son, Woodford Estepp (of Fuget); 1 daughter, Pauline Austin (North Hollywood, California); 2 step-daughters, Mrs. George Hawks and Mrs. Karl Kaylor (Portsmouth, Ohio); 2 sisters, Mrs. Sally Cantrell (Ashland) and Mrs. Phoebe Williams (Mt. Sterling, Ohio); 4 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
When Goebel Cantrell's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a farmer working for Amos Williams in Elna, Johnson County, that his closest relative was Elbert Williams of Flat Gap, Johnson County. He was found to be 5 feet 8 inches tall, of medium build, and he had light blue eyes and dark brown hair.
Information found on and a photo of their headstone shows that William Goebel Cantrell lived from April 18, 1900 to June 3, 1935, and was buried in Rose Hill Burial Park and Mausoleum, that Sally L. Cantrell lived from October 13, 1900 to June 5, 1988, was buried in the same cemetery, and that Bill G. Cantrell lived from August 21, 1935 to September 6, 2004, and was buried in the same cemetery.
According to his death certificate, William Goebel Cantrell died June 3, 1935 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, from "Ileus of stomach and intestma." Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Johnson County, his birth date as April 18, 1900, his marital status as married, his wife as Sally Cantrell, his occupation as railway switchman for American Rolling Mills, his parents as Lee Cantrell (b. Morgan County) and Emaline Williams (b. Kentucky), the informant as Mrs. Goebel Cantrell of Ashland, and the burial place as Rose Hill Burial Park.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, William G. Cantrell died June 3, 1935 in Boyd County at the age of 35.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Sally L. Cantrell was born October 13, 1898, and died June 5, 1988. She received her Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Sally L. Cantrell died June 5, 1988 in Boyd County at the age of 87. She was living in Boyd County at the time of her death.
On page 57 of the 1900 census for District 41 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 26, 1900), E. G. Lemaster Jr. is listed as the head of the household for house #384, he's a farmer, born in January of 1854 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 12 years, and he's 46 years old. Also listed are Rebeca (wife, born in July of 1859 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 12 years, she's given birth to 5 children and 4 are still living, age 40), Isabell (daughter, born in August of 1889 in Kentucky, age 10), Phoebe (daughter, born in December of 1890 in Kentucky, age 9), Daniel (son, born in March of 1896 in Kentucky, age 4), Sally (daughter, born in October of 1899 in Kentucky, age 1), and D. P. Lemaster (father, widowed, born in June of 1829 in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, age 70).
On page 10 of the 1910 census for District 76 (Low Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1910), Lyda M. Williams [Lydia M. Webb Williams] is listed as the head of the household for house #66, she's widowed, born in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, she's given birth to 6 children and 3 are still living, and she's 83 years old. Also listed are Elbert Williams (grandson, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 16), and William G. Cantrell [grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 9).
On page 2 of the 1910 census for District 76 (Low Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 16, 1910), Elijah G. Lemaster is listed as the head of the household for family #12, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 2nd marriage, married for 21 years, and he's 56 years old. Also listed are Rebecca (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 21 years, she's given birth to 5 children and 4 are still living, age 50), Isabel (daughter, school teacher, born in Kentucky, age 20), Phoeba (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 19), Daniel S. (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), and Sally C. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11).
On page 11 of the 1920 census for District 42 (Low Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 15 & 16, 1920), Amos Williams is listed as the head of the household for house #103, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 50 years old. Also listed are Alcy (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 47), Conley (son, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 24), Lura (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), Talitha (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), Hellen (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), and Goble Cantrell (nephew, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 19).
On page 9 of the 1920 census for District 42 (Low Gap) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 14, 1920), Elijah G. Lemaster is listed as the head of the household for house #86, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 65 years old. Also listed are Rebecca (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 60), and Sally C. (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 21).
On page 3 of the 1930 census for District 10-23 (Westwood) in Boyd County, Kentucky (dated April 3, 1930), Goebel Cantrel is listed as the head of the household for house #26, he's a switchman for C & O Railroad, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20), and he's 29 years old. Also listed are Sallie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 20, age 29), and Opal I. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8).
On page 19 of the 1940 census for District 10-31 (Ashland) in Boyd County, Kentucky (dated April 18, 1940), Sallie Cantrel is listed as the head of the household for house #156, she's widowed, not working, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same place that she was in 1935, she has an 8th grade education, and she's 38 years old. Also listed are Opel Irene (daughter, operator for the telephone company, born in Kentucky, 4 years of high school, age 18), and William Gobel (son, born in Kentucky, age 4).
- OPAL IRENE CANTRELL, b. November 26, 1921, Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. February 23, 2003, Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, buried in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, m. RAY ADAMS.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Opal I. Cantril was born November 26, 1921 in Johnson County to Sallie Semaster.
According to her obituary, Opal Irene Cantrell Adams (age 81), daughter of the late William Goebel and Sally Lemaster Cantrell, was a telephone operator for General Telephone Company of Ashland, Kentucky, and a resident of Ashland at the time of her death. She was born November 26, 1921 in Oil Springs, died February 23, 2003 in Kingsbrook Lifecare Center, and was buried in Rose Hill Burial Park in Ashland. She was survived by her husband, Ray Adams, to whom she was married for over 60 years; 1 daughter, Linda (Frank) Adams Smith (of Ashland); 1 brother, William Goebel Cantrell (Morehead, Kentucky); 2 grandchildren, Lynnette R. (Rusty) Kautz (Morehead) and Dr. Eric F. (Dr. Melissa) Smith (Dayton, Ohio); and 1 great-granddaughter, Savannah Lynn Kautz (Morehead). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Opal Irene Cantrell Adams was born November 26, 1921 in Ashland, Kentucky, and died February 23, 2003. Her name is listed as Opel Irene Cantrell in December of 1937, as Opal Cantrell Adams in October of 1942, and her parents are listed as William G. Cantrell and Sallie C. Lemaster.
- WILLIAM GOEBEL CANTRELL JR., b. August 21, 1935, Boyd County, Kentucky, d. September 6, 2004, buried in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, William G. Cantril was born August 21, 1935 in Boyd County to Sallie Semaster.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Hiram Smith married Elizabeth Maxley [sic] on April 30, 1864 in Morgan County.
According to Kentucky birth records, Catherine Williams was born May 4, 1854 in Big Mud, Floyd County, to James Williams and Margaret Mead.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Mansfield Cantrell married Demisillen Smith on November 9, 1883 in Morgan County.
According to her death certificate, Damy Smith Gillum died April 22, 1912 in Morgan County, Kentucky, from catarrhal gastritis. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Morgan County, her birth date as 1868, her age as 44, her marital status as married, her parent as H. T. Smith (b. Morgan County) and Elizzabeth Gambrell (b. unknown), and the burial place as H. T. Smith Cemetery.
According to her death certificate, Catherine Williams Cantrell died September 4, 1937 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, from heart dropsy. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as May 4 [no year], her age as 83 years 4 months, her marital status as widowed, her husband as N. M. Cantrell, her parents as James Williams (b. Kentucky) and Peggie Mead (b. Kentucky), the informant as J. H. Cox of Ophir, Kentucky, and the burial place as Cantrell Cemetery.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Catherine Cantrell died September 4, 1937 in Morgan County at the age of 83. She was living in Ophir [Morgan County] at the time of her death.
On pages 126 & 127 of the 1860 census for Johnson County, Kentucky (dated August 9 & 10, 1860), James Williams is listed as the head of the household for house #804, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 34 years old. Also listed are Margaret (born in Kentucky, age 34), Alexander (born in Kentucky, age 13), Samuel P. (born in Kentucky, age 11), Collumbus (born in Kentucky, age 9), Polly H. (born in Kentucky, age 8), Catherine (born in Kentucky, age 6), Sicky J. (born in Kentucky, age 4), and John (born in Kentucky, age 2).
On page 24 of the 1870 census for Barnetts Creek in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated July 1, 1870), James William is listed as the head of the household for house #167, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 45 years old. Also listed are Nancy [Nancy Reed Lemaster] (born in Kentucky, age 33), Alexander (works on farm, born in Kentucky, age 23), Catharine (born in Kentucky, age 16), Susan Jane (born in Kentucky, age 13), John (born in Kentucky, age 11), Sephrona (born in Kentucky, age 9), Joseph (born in Kentucky, age 5), Margrett S. (born in Kentucky, age 4), and James R. P. (born in February of 1880 in Kentucky, age 4 months).
On page 1 of the 1870 census for Precinct 7 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated July 8, 1870), Hiram Smith Jr. is listed as the head of the household for house #4, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 25 years old. Also listed are Elizabeth (born in Kentucky, age 20), Marion (born in Kentucky, age 4), and Dennis S. [Demisillen] (male, born in Kentucky, age 2).
On page 5 of the 1880 census for District 45 (Barnetts Creek) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 3, 1880), James Williams is listed as the head of the household for house #22, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, and he's 54 years old. Also listed are Nancy (wife, born in Kentucky, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, age 43), Catherine (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 26), Joseph (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 16), Margaret S. (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 14), James K. P. (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 10), Lorena D. (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 8), and Patience (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 5).
On page 19 of the 1880 census for District 88 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 25 & 26, 1880), Thomas Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #320, he's a farmer, born in Tennessee, parents born in Virginia, and he's 56 years old. Also listed are Mary (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 52), Hiram W. (son, married, farmer, born in Kentucky, age 34), Elizabeth (daughter-in-law, married, born in Kentucky, father born in North Carolina, mother born in Kentucky, ag 28), Marion (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 14), and Dimasella (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 12).
On page 10 of the 1900 census for District 75 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 5, 1900), Neurel Cantrell is listed as the head of the household for house #82, he's a merchant, born in June of 1867 in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, married for 8 years, and he's 32 years old. Also listed are Catherine (wife, born in May of 1854 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 8 years, she's given birth to 3 children and all are still living, age 46), Nettie (daughter, born in September of 1884 in Kentucky, age 15), Versie (daughter, born in June of 1893 in Kentucky, age 6), Sophronia (daughter, born in September of 1894 in Kentucky, age 5), Jannie D. (daughter, born in June of 1897 in Kentucky, age 2), Fanny (mother, widowed, born in March of 1830 in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, she's given birth to 2 children and both are still living, age 70), Lee (brother, married, farm laborer, born in March of 1865 in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, age 35), and Henry Bolin (servant, single, farm laborer, born in March od 1873 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 27).
On page 49 of the 1900 census for District 75 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 25, 1900), Hiram Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #423, he's a farmer, born in August of 1843 in Virginia, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, married for 36 years, and he's 56 years old. Also listed are Elizabeth (wife, born in October of 1851 in Kentucky, father born in Tennessee, mother born in Kentucky, married for 36 years, she's given birth to 2 children and both are still living, age 48), Simon C. (grandson, born in January of 1883 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 16), Rissa (granddaughter, born in March of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7), Peter D. Gillam (son-in-law, married, farm laborer, born in September of 1868 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 12 years, age 31), Dimasella Gillam (daughter, married, born in May of 1868 in Kentucky, married for 12 years, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 32), Renettie Gillam (granddaughter, born in January of 1884 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 16), and Polla A. Gillam (servant, single, forn in October of 1861 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 38).
On page 12 of the 1910 census for District 149 (Coffee) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 22, 1910), Cathrine Cantrel is listed as the head of the household for house #94, she's widowed, not working, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, she's given birth to 5 children and all are still living, age 56 [hard to read]. She's living by herself and next to her daughters.
On page 14 of the 1910 census for District 151 (Elk Fork) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated May 5, 1910), Peter D. Gilliam is listed as the head of the household for house #120, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 22 years, and he's 41 years old. Also listed are Dima S. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 2nd marriage, married for 22 years, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 42), and John W. Robins (hired hand, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 43).
On page 16 of the 1920 census for District 205 (Coffee Creek) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated January 14 & 15, 1920), Warner Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #140, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 30 years old. Also listed are Froza (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 25), Hillard (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Cathaline (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6), Versie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 11 months), and Catherine Cantrell (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 65).
On page 30 of the 1930 census for District 88-17 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1930), Wince Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #27, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 25, and he's 43 years old. Also listed are Jennie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 13, age 32), Purie (son, born in Kentucky, age 16), Charles (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Billy (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Ronie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), Tronie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), and Catherine Cantrell (mother-in-law, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 38, age 75).
RENETTA "NETTIE" CANTRELL, daughter of NEWELL MANSFIELD CANTRELL and DEMISELLA SMITH, was born September 19, 1884 in Kentucky, died September 10, 1960, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia. She married CHARLEY FRANKLIN about 1902. He was born August 20, 1875 in Kentucky, died June 13, 1949, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia.
Notes: Information found on and a photo of their headstone shows that Nettie Cantrell Franklin lived from September 19, 1884 to September 10, 1960, and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, and that Charley Franklin lived from August 20, 1875 to June 13, 1949, and was buried in the same cemetery.
U.S. National Cemetery interment control records shows that Charley Franklin was born August 20, 1875, and died June 13, 1949. He served in Co. G. 7th Inf. from January 7, 1897 to June 19, 1999.
On page 15 of the 1900 census for District 150 in Washington D.C. (dated June 7, 1900), Charley Franklin is found in U.S. Soldiers Home, he's an inmate, single, not working, born in August of 1873 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 26 years old.
On page 7 of the 1910 census for District 143 (West Liberty) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1910), Charlie Franklin is listed as the head of the household for hosue #59, he's a traveling hardware salesman [hard to read], born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 8 years, and he's 34 years old. Also listed are Nettie C. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 3 children and all are still living, age 25), Roone L. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), Bonnie E. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), and Franklin C. (son, born in Kentucky, age 3).
On page 1 of the 1920 census for District 198 (West Liberty) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated January 2, 1920), Chas Franklin is listed as the head of the household for house #1, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 44 years old. Also listed are Nettie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 33), Ronnie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 17), Bonnie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), and Frank (son, born in Kentucky, age 13).
On page 28 of the 1930 census for District 10-22 (Ashland) in Boyd County, Kentucky (dated April 11, 1930), Charles Franklin is listed as the head of the household for house #311, he's a real estate dealer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 25, and he's 54 years old. Also listed is Nettie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 16, age 44).
On page 13 of the 1940 census for District 1-164 in Washington D.C. (dated April 8, 1940), Charles L. Franklin is listed as the head of the household for house #182, he's a guard for the government, born in Kentucky, he was living in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 64 years old. Also listed are Nettie (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 56), Bonnie F. Franklin (daughter, divorced, clerical clerk for the government, born in Kentucky, she was living in rural Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, in 1935, 4 years of high school, age 34), and Barbara Jean Elam (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, age 8).
- RONNIE L. FRANKLIN, b. 1903, Kentucky.
- BONNIE E. FRANKLIN, b. 1905, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) ELAM.
- FRANKLIN C. FRANKLIN, b. 1907, Kentucky.
VERSIE CANTRELL, daughter of NEWELL MANSFIELD CANTRELL and CATHERINE WILLIAMS, was born June 1, 1893 in Morgan County, Kentucky, died August 21, 1979 in Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky, and is buried in Greenlawn Cemetery in Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky. She married BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HAMILTON, son of WALLACE B. HAMILTON and LOUISA KENNARD, November 26, 1907 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He was born January 26, 1886 in Kentucky, died May 20, 1971 in Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky, and is buried in Greenlawn Cemetery in Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 654 of the book "Johnson County, Kentucky: A History of the County, and Genealogy of Its People Up to the Year 1927" by Mitchell Hall.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Wallis Hamilton married Louisa Kennard on April 25, 1872 in Magoffin County at the home of Elias Kennard. The witnesses were Isaac Williams, William Gullett, Benjamin Montgomery, and Robert Patrick, and the minister was S. W. McGuire.
According to his death certificate, Wallace B. Hamilton died August 7, 1922 in Silverhill, Morgan County, Kentucky, from old age. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as March 11 [no year], his age as 73, his marital status as married, his parents as Ben Hamilton (b. Kentucky) and Julia H. Keaton (b. Kentucky), the informant as Elmer Hamilton of Silverhill, and the burial place as B. F. Hamilton Cemetery.
According to her death certificate, Mrs. Luisa Kennard Hamilton died October 9, 1935 in Pike County, Kentucky, from Brights disease. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Logville, Kentucky, her birth date as February 18, 1854, her marital status as widowed, her husband as Wallace Hamilton, her parents as Elias Kennard (b. Kentucky) and Eliza Williams, the informant as E. D. Hamilton of Coal Run, Kentucky, and the burial place as Silverhill.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Versa Cantrell married Ben Hamilton on November 26, 1907 in Morgan County.
According to Kentucky birth records, Versia Cantrell was born June 1, 1893 in Morgan County to N. M. Cantrell (b. Morgan County) and Catharine Williams (b. Morgan County).
When Benjamin Franklin Hamilton's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Whitesburg, Letcher County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a payroll clerk working for Huntington By Pro Coal Company in Burdine, Letcher County, that his closest relative was Versie Hamilton of Burdine, and that he was born January 27, 1886. He was found to be tall, of medium build, and he had gray eyes and light-colored hair.
Information found on and photos of their headstones (photo 2) shows that Versie Cantrell Hamilton lived from June 1, 1893 to August 21, 1979, and was buried in Greenlawn Cemetery in Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky, and that Benjamin F. Hamilton lived from January 27, 1886 to May 20, 1971, and was buried in the same cemetery.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Versie Hamilton was born June 1, 1893, and died in August of 1979. She received her Social Security card prior to 1951 in West Virginia, and her last place of residence was in Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Versie Hamilton died August 21, 1979 in Lawrence County at the age of 86. She was living in Morgan County at the time of her death.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Ben Hamilton was born January 27, 1886, and died in May of 1971. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in West Virginia, and his last place of residence was in Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Benjamin F. Hamilton died May 20, 1971 in Lawrence County at the age of 85. He was living in Lawrence County at the time of his death.
On pages 33 & 34 of the 1900 census for District 75 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 16, 1900), Wallas B. Hamilton is listed as the head of the household for house #276, he's a farmer, born in March of 1849 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 27 years, and he's 51 years old. Also listed are Louisa (wife, born in February of 1854 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 27 years, she's given birth to 10 children and 9 are still living, age 46), Farish J. (son, single, farm laborer, born in January of 1875 in Kentucky, age 25), Loranza (son, single, farm laborer, born in December of 1877 in Kentucky, age 22), William T. (son, born in May of 1880 in Kentucky, age 20), John C. (son, born in February of 1883 in Kentucky, age 17), Bengiman F. (son, born in January of 1886 in Kentucky, age 13), Sarah A. (daughter, born in December of 1888 in Kentucky, age 11), Myrtha A. (daughter, born in June of 1891 in Kentucky, age 8), and Elias E. (son, born in April of 1894 in Kentucky, age 6).
On page 12 of the 1910 census for District 149 (Coffee) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 22, 1910), Ben Hamilton is listed as the head of the household for house #93, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, 1st marriage, married for 2 years, and he's 23 years old. Also listed are Versie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 16), Ray (son, born in Kentucky, age 12 months), Louse Cantrel (mother-in-law [hard to read], widowed, born in parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 3 children and all are still living, age 62), Frosie Cantrel (sister-in-law, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 15), Jennie Cantrel (sister-in-law, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 12), and Gilie Cantrel [hard to read] (cousin, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 15). They are living next to Versie's mother.
On page 45 of the 1920 census for District 59 (Jenkins) in Letcher County, Kentucky (dated January 15, 1920), Ben Hamilton is listed as the head of the household for house #326, he's doing clerical work in a store, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Bersa (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 26), Ray (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Ruth (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), Cathrene (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4 months), Arther Smith [hard to read] (lodger, married, working for H.B.P. Company, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 22), and Effy Smith [hard to read] (lodger, married, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 22). They are living next to Versie's sister, Janni.
On page 16 of the 1930 census for District 10-30 (Ashland) in Boyd County, Kentucky (dated April 10, 1930), Ben F. Hamilton is listed as the head of the household for house #183, he's the manager of a grocery store, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 21, and he's 45 years old. Also listed are Versa (wife, saleslady in a grocery store, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 14, age 36), Ray (son, divorced, not working, born in Kentucky, age 21), Ruth (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), Katherine (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), and Ruric Smith (boarder, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 17).
On page 11 of the 1940 census for District 64-1 (Louisa) in Lawrence County, Kentucky (dated April 9, 1940), Ben F. Hamilton is listed as the head of the household for house #123, he's the manager of Kroger Store, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 54 years old. Also listed are Bertha (wife, clerk in Kroger Store, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 45), and Kathleen (daughter, born in Kentucky, 1 year of college, age 20).
The children of VERSIE CANTRELL and BEN HAMILTON are:
- RAY HAMILTON, b. 1909, Kentucky.
- OGDEN V. HAMILTON, b. February 12, 1911, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. August 7, 1912, Coal Run, Pike County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Odgen V. Hamilton was born February 12, 1911 in Morgan County to Versie Cantrell.
According to his death certificate, Ogden Hamilton died August 7, 1912 in Coal Run, Pike County, Kentucky, from cholera infantum. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Morgan County, his birth date as February 12, 1911, his parents as Ben Hamilton (b. Morgan County) and Versie Cantrell (b. Morgan County), and the informant as Ben Hamilton of Mossy Bottom, Kentucky.
- RUTH HAMILTON, b. April 18, 1913, Morgan County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Ruth Hamilton was born April 18, 1913 in Morgan County to Versie Cantrell.
- KATHERINE L. HAMILTON, b. August 16, 1919, Letcher County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Catherine L. Hamilton was born August 16, 1919 in Letcher County to Thersa Cautrell.
SOPHRONIA "FROZIE" CANTRELL, daughter of NEWELL MANSFIELD CANTRELL and CATHERINE WILLIAMS, was born September 22, 1894 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, died in 1947, and is buried in Paint Valley Memorial Gardens in Relief, Morgan County, Kentucky. She married JOHN WARNER "WARNER" SMITH, son of SARAH CATHERINE SMITH and ELIJAH SMITH, November 2, 1910 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He was born November 30, 1889 in Kentucky, died June 16, 1963 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 654 of the book "Johnson County, Kentucky: A History of the County, and Genealogy of Its People Up to the Year 1927" by Mitchell Hall.
Sophronia Cantrell's sister, Jannie, married Warner Smith's brother, Winston.
Sophronia Cantrell reportedly died in Lake County, Indiana.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Sophrona Cantrell married Warner Smith on November 2, 1910 in Morgan County.
When Warner Smith's World War I draft registration card was filled out on June 5, 1917 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a self-employed farmer in Ophir, Morgan County, that he was married and had 2 childrens, and that he was born November 30, 1889 in Kentucky. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had brown eyes and brown hair.
Information found on and a photo of her headstone shows that Sophronia Smith lived from 1894 to 1947, and was buried in Paint Valley Memorial Gardens in Relief, Morgan County, Kentucky.
According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Frozie Cantrell Smith was born September 22, 1894 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky. Her parents are listed as Newell M. Cantrell and Katherine Williams.
According to his death certificate, John Warner Smith died June 16, 1963 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, from carcinoma. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as November 30, 1889, his marital status as widowed, his occupation as farmer, his parents as Elijah Smith and Sarah Smith, the informant as Hillard Smith, and the burial place as the family cemetery in Ophir, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, John W. Smith died June 16, 1963 in Morgan County at the age of 73. He was living in Morgan County at the time of his death.
On page 16 of the 1920 census for District 205 (Coffee Creek) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated January 14 & 15, 1920), Warner Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #140, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 30 years old. Also listed are Froza (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 25), Hillard (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Cathaline (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6), Versie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 11 months), and Catherine Cantrell (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 65).
On page 13 of the 1930 census for District 88-17 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 22, 1930), John W. Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #48, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 36 years old. Also listed are Frozie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 16, age 36), Hilard (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Cathelene (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), and Vercie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12).
On page 26 of the 1940 census for District 88-17 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 26, 1940), John W. Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #212, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Frozie (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 45), Hillard (son, married, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, 3 years of high school, age 27), Edna (daughter-in-law, married, born in Kentucky, she was living in rural Johnson County, Kentucky, in 1935, 7th grade education, age 19), and Sophronia (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, age 2).
The children of FROZIE CANTRELL and WARNER SMITH are:
- HILLARD A. SMITH, b. May 23, 1912, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. March 24, 1987, Morgan County, Kentucky, m. EDNA GRIFFITH. She was b. 1921, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Hillard A. Smith was born May 23, 1912 in Morgan County to Saphrona Cantrell.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Sophrona M. Smith was born in Morgan County to Edna Griffith.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Hillard Smith was born May 23, 1912, and died in March of 1987. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Hillard A. Smith died March 24, 1987 in Morgan County at the age of 74. He was living in Morgan County at the time of his death.
- SARAH CATHLEEN "CATHLEEN" SMITH, b. October 16, 1913, Morgan County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Sarah C. Smith was born October 16, 1913 in Morgan County to Frozie Cantrell.
- VERSA D. SMITH, b. January 9, 1918, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. June 1, 1998, m. (unknown first name) BARKER.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Varsie D. Smith was born January 9, 1918 in Morgan County to Frozie Cantrell.
According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Versa Smith Barker was born January 9, 1918 in Morgan County, Kentucky, and died June 1, 1998. Her name was listed as Versa Smith Barker in June of 1940, and her parents are listed as Frozie Cantrell and Warner Smith.
- WARNER SMITH, b. July 23, 1920, Letcher County, Kentucky, d. July 23, 1920, Letcher County, Kentucky, buried in Burdine, Letcher County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to his death certificate, Warner Smith was stillborn in Letcher County, Kentucky, on July 23, 1920. Also on this certificate, his parents are listed as J. W. Smith (b. Kentucky) and F. Cantrell (b. Kentucky), the informant as J. W. Smith of Burdine, Kentucky, and the burial place as Burdine.
JANNIE DEXTER CANTRELL, daughter of NEWELL MANSFIELD CANTRELL and CATHERINE WILLIAMS, was born July 4, 1897 in Kentucky, died September 22, 1932 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, and is buried in Cantrell Cemetery in Morgan County, Kentucky. She married WINSTON VERMONT SMITH, son of SARAH CATHERINE SMITH and ELIJAH SMITH, May 3, 1911 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He was born April 30, 1885 in Kentucky, and died June 8, 1977 in Saint John, Lake County, Indiana.
Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 654 of the book "Johnson County, Kentucky: A History of the County, and Genealogy of Its People Up to the Year 1927" by Mitchell Hall.
Jannie Cantrell's sister, Sophronia, married Winston Smith's brother, Warner.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Jennie D. Cantrell married Winston V. Smith on May 3, 1911 in Morgan County.
When Winston Vermont Smith's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a self-employed farmer in Ophir, Morgan County, that his closest relative was Jeanie Smith of Ophir, and that he was born April 30, 1886. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had brown eyes and black hair.
A photo of their headstone found online shows that Jannie D. Smith lived from July 4, 1897 to September 26, 1932, and that Winston V. Smith lived from April 30, 1885 to June 8, 1977.
According to her death certificate, Janie Dexter Cantrell Smith died September 22, 1932 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, from "Hy Blood Presure." Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her age as 33, her marital status as married, her parents as N. M. Cantrell (b. Kentucky) and Catherine Williams (b. Kentucky), the informant as Henderson Smith of Ophir, and the burial place as Cantrell Cemetery.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Janie Smith died September 22, 1932 in Morgan County at the age of 33.
According to his obituary found online:
"REV. WINSTON V. SMITH, age 91, of St. John, passed away Wednesday, June 8, 1977. Survivors: two sons, Ruric (Irene) Smith of Kentucky and Charles Smith of Gary; two daughters, Mrs. Ronnie Ferguson of St. John and Mrs. Sophrona (Ralph) Crisp of Gary; one sister, Mrs. Edna Baily of Muncie, Indiana; 12 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren.
"Friends may call at the Fagen-Miller Funeral Gardens, 242 N. Griffith Blvd., Griffith, Thursday, 2 to 9 p.m. Rev. Smith will then be taken to the Potter Funeral Home, West Liberty, Kentucky.
"Rev. Smith was an Honorary Pastor of The Black Oak Community Church."
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Winston Smith was born April 30, 1886, and died in June of 1977. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Saint John, Lake County, Indiana.
On page 45 of the 1920 census for District 59 (Jenkins) in Letcher County, Kentucky (dated January 15, 1920), Wint Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #327, he's a miner miner working for H.B.P. Company, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Janni (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 22), Ruic (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Snookies (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), Billie (son, born in Kentucky, age 2), Willem Smith [William - hard to read] (lodger, married, miner working for H.B.P. Company, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 38), Mahala Smith (lodger, married, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 34), Malcom Smith (lodger, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 18), Autie Smith (lodger, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 16), Sanford Smith (lodger, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 13), and Exie Myrtle Smith (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 9).
On page 30 of the 1930 census for District 88-17 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1930), Wince Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #27, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 25, and he's 43 years old. Also listed are Jennie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 13, age 32), Ruric (son, born in Kentucky, age 16), Charles (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Billy (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Ronie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), Tronie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), and Catherine Cantrell (mother-in-law, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 38, age 75).
The children of JANNIE CANTRELL and WINCE SMITH are:
- RURIC OLGA SMITH, b. October 24, 1912, Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. March 28, 1998 in Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky, m. IRENE (unknown last name).
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Rurricc O. Smith was born October 24, 1912 in Morgan County to Jeanie Cantrell.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Ruric Olga Smith was born October 24, 1912 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, and died March 28, 1998. His parents are listed as Jannie D. Smith and Winston V. Smith.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Ruric O. Smith died March 28, 1998 in Louisa at the age of 85. He was living in Fayette County at the time of his death.
- CHARLES BENJAMIN SMITH, b. February 9, 1915, Morgan County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Charles Benjamin Smith was born February 9, 1915 in Morgan County to Jennie Cantrell.
- NEWEL OGDEN SMITH, b. January 1, 1917, Kentucky, d. March 1, 1917, Silverhill, Morgan County, Kentucky, buried in Morgan County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to his death certificate, Newel Ogden Smith died March 1, 1917 in Silverhill, Morgan County, Kentucky, from measles. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as January 1, 1917, his parents as Winston V. Smith (b. Kentucky) and Jeanie Cantrell (b. Kentucky), the informant as Warner Smith of Ophir, Kentucky, and the burial place as Catherine Cantrell Cemetery.
- WILLIAM J. SMITH, b. February 24, 1918, Morgan County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Williams J. Smith [sic] was born February 24, 1918 in Morgan County to Jeanie Cantrell.
- SOPHRONA DEXTER SMITH, b. October 10, 1922, Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. June 3, 2006, Kissimmee, Osceola County, Florida, m. RALPH CRISP.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Sophronia D. Smith was born October 10, 1923 in Morgan County to Janie Cantrell.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Sophrona D. Crisp was born October 20, 1922, and died June 3, 2006. She received her Social Security card prior to 1951 in Indiana, and her last place of residence was in Kissimmee, Osceola County, Florida.
According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Sophrona Dexter Smith Crisp was born October 11, 1922 in Ophir, Kentucky. Her name was listed as Sophrona Dexter Crisp in July of 1949, and her parents are listed as Jannie D. Cantrell and Winston V. Smith.
- TRONIE SMITH, b. 1923, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) FERGUSON.
HENRY CANTRELL, son of JAMES E. CANTRELL and MORISSA "RISSIE" SMITH, was born August 21, 1893 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, died June 22, 1962 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married MINNIE FAIRCHILD, daughter of MARY "POLLY" RATLIFF and JAMES S. FAIRCHILD, August 20, 1913, Johnson County, Kentucky. She was born February 27, 1897 in Johnson County, Kentucky, died died August 4, 1885 in Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Henry Cantrell (age 19) married Minnie Fairchild (age 16) on August 20, 1913 in Johnson County.
When Henry Cantrell's World War I draft registration card was filled out on June 5, 1917 in Johnson County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a self-employed farmer in Hager Hill, Johnson County, that he was married and had children, and that he was born August 21, 1893 in Ophir, Kentucky. He was found to be of medium height and slender build, and he had dark brown eyes and light brown hair.
According to his death certificate, Henry Cantrell died June 22, 1962 in Paintsville Hospital in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, from arteriosclerotic heart disease. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Morgan County, Kentucky, his birth date as August 21, 1893, his marital status as married, his occupation as laborer for the railroad, his parents as James Cantrell and Rissie Smith, the informant as James Cantrell, and the burial place as the family cemetery in Hager Hill, Kentucky.
According to his obituary, Henry Cantrell (age 68), son of the late James and Rissie Smith Cantrell, was a retired C. & O. Railway employee, and a resident of Hager Hill, Kentucky, at the time of his death. He was born August 21, 1893 in Morgan County, died June 22, 1962 in a local hospital following an illness of 2 months, and was buried in the family cemetery in Hager Hill. He was survived by his wife, Mrs. Minnie Fairchild Cantrell; 2 sons, James E. Cantrell (of Hager Hill) and Henry Cantrell Jr. (Springfield, Ohio); 3 daughters, Mrs. Irene Fitch (Hager Hill), Mrs. Pauline Stambaugh (Hager Hill), and Mrs. Garnett Preston (Hager Hill); 4 brothers, John Mace Cantrell (Collista, Kentucky), Newton Cantrell (Catlettsburg), H. C. Cantrell (Tucson, Arizona), and Jay Cantrell (Paintsville); and 2 sisters, Mrs. Ethel Fillinger (Paintsville) and Mrs. Louise Blair (Staffordsville). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Henry Cantrell died June 22, 1962 in Johnson County at the age of 68. He was living in Johnson County at the time of his death.
According to her obituary, Minnie Fairchild Cantrell (age 88), daughter of James and Polly Ratliff Fairchild, was born February 27, 1897 in Johnson County, died August 4, 1985 in J. J. Jordan Nursing Home following an extended illness, and was buried in the family cemetery in Hager Hill. She was preceded in death by her husband, Henry Cantrell, in 1962. She was survived by 2 sons, Henry Cantrell Jr. and James E. Cantrell (of Bristol, Virginia); 2 daughters, Garnet Preston and Irene Fitch (Hager Hill); and 1 sister, Hulda Music (Hager Hill). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Minnie Cantrell died August 3, 1985 in Lawrence County at the age of 88. She was living in Johnson County at the time of her death.
On page 26 of the 1920 census for District 29 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 13, 1920), Henry Cantrill is listed as the head of the household for house #258, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 27 years old. Also listed are Minnie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 23), Arrena (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), and Elmer (son, born in Kentucky, age 3).
On pages 29 & 30 of the 1930 census for District 58-4 (Magisterial District No. 1) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 17 & 18, 1930), Henry Cantril is listed as the head of the household for house #267, he's a laborer for the steam railroad, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 35 years old. Also listed are Minnie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 33), Irene (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), James Jr. (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Mildred P. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), and Garnet L. (son, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 1 month).
On page 47 of the 1940 census for District 58-3 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 23, 1940), Henry Cantrell is listed as the head of the household for house #418, he's a laborer for the steam railroad, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 46 years old. Also listed are Minnie (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 46), James (son, single, farmer, born in Kentucky, 2 years of high school, age 23), Garnett (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13), and Henry (son, born in Kentucky, age 8).
- IRENE CANTRELL, b. July 3, 1914, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. October 20, 2004, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. HOMER FITCH.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Irene Cantrill was born July 3, 1914 in Johnson County to Minnie Fairchild.
According to her obituary, Irene Cantrell Fitch (age 90), daughter of the late Henry and Minnie Fairchild Cantrell, was born July 3, 1914 in Paintsville, died October 20, 2004 in Paul B. Hall Regional Medical Center in Paintsville, and was buried in Cantrell Cemetery in Hager Hill. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Homer Fitch. She was survived by 2 daughters, Janet Sue Daniel (of Hager Hill) and Jean McKenzie (Thelma, Kentucky); 1 brother, Henry Cantrell (Berea); 1 sister, Garnett Preston (Hager Hill); 7 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
- JAMES ELMER CANTRELL, b. December 13, 1916, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. April 3, 1995, Bristol, Bristol County, Virginia.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Jas. E. Cantrill was born December 13, 1916 in Johnson County to Minnie Fairchild.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, James E. Cantrell was born December 13, 1916, and died April 3, 1995. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Bristol, Bristol County, Virginia.
According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, James Elmer Cantrell was born December 13, 1916 in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, and died April 3, 1995. His parents are listed as Henry Cantrell and Minnie Fairchild.
- MILDRED PAULINE CANTRELL, b. June 29, 1920, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. November 26, 1973, Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. WILLIAM STAMBAUGH.
Notes: According to her obituary, Mildred Pauline Cantrell Stambaugh (age 53), daughter of the late Henry Cantrell and Mrs. Minnie Fairchilds Cantrell, was a resident of Hager Hill, Kentucky, at the time of her death. She was born June 29, 1920 in Johnson County, died November 26, 1973, and was buried in the family cemetery in Hager Hill. In addition to her mother, she was survived by her husband, William Stambaugh; 1 son, Fredrick Eugene Stambaugh (of Columbus, Ohio); 2 brothers, James E. Cantrell (Williamson, West Virginia) and Henry Cantrell (Hager Hill); 2 sisters, Irene Fitch (Hager Hill) and Garnett Ferguson (Hager Hill); and 2 grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
- GARNETT L. CANTRELL, b. April 4, 1927, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. October 12, 2009, buried in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. TOM PRESTON. He was b. April 27, 1915, d. March 23, 1981, buried in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Garnet L. Cantrill was born April 4, 1927 in Johnson County to Minnie Fairchild.
Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website and a photo of their headstone shows that Garnett Preston lived from April 4, 1927 to October 12, 2009, and was buried in Preston Cemetery in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, and that Tom Preston lived from April 27, 1915 to March 23, 1981, and was buried in the same cemetery.
According to her obituary, Garnett Cantrell Preston (age 82), daughter of the late Henry and Minnie Fairchilds Cantrell, was born April 4, 1927, died October 12, 2009, and was buried in Preston Cemetery in Hager Hill. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Tom Preston; and 1 grandson. She was survived by 3 sons, David Scott Preston (of Hager Hill), James Preston (Hager Hill), and Mike Preston (Georgetown, Ohio); 1 brother, Henry Cantrell (Berea); and 2 grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
- HENRY CANTRELL JR., b. 1931, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Henry Cantril was born in Johnson County to Mamie Fairchild.
ETHEL CANTRELL, daughter of JAMES E. CANTRELL and MORISSA "RISSIE" SMITH, was born September 23, 1895 in Morgan County, Kentucky, died October 15, 1978 in Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky, and is buried in Highland Memorial Park in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky. She married (1) JAMES ALEX "ALEX" CANTRELL on June 15, 1914 in Johnson County, Kentucky. She married (2) JESSE FILLINGER, son of GEORGE W. FILLINGER and MALETHA HASKINS, about 1920. He was born December 30, 1874 in Lawrence County, Ohio, died January 19, 1937 in Pike County, Kentucky, and is buried in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky. Jesse Fillinger married (1) ELLA E. NANCE.
Notes: Ethel Cantrell and Alex Cantrell were 1st cousins - their father's were brothers.
According to Ohio birth record transcripts, Jessie Fallinger was born December 30, 1874 in Lawrence County to George W. Fallinger and Maletha Haskens.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Ethel Cantrell (parents b. Morgan County, age 19) married Alex Cantrell (father b. Morgan County, mother b. Johnson County, age 22) on June 15, 1914 in Johnson County, Kentucky.
When Jessie Massie Fillinger's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio, he stated that he was an unemployed teamster, that his closest relative was "Mother Malethia Fillinger" of Aid, Lawrence County, and that he was born December 31, 1874. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had dark-colored eyes and dark-colored hair.
Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website and a photo of her headstone shows that Ethel Cantrell Fillinger lived from September 23, 1895 to October 15, 1978, and was buried in Highland Memorial Park in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky.
According to her obituary, Ethel Fillinger (age 83), daughter of James and Rissie Smith Cantrell, was a former cook for Paintsville Clinic, and a resident of Paintsville at the time of her death. She was born September 23, 1895 in Morgan County, died October 15, 1978 in Mountain Manor Nursing Home in Prestonsburg, and was buried in Highland Memorial Park in Staffordsville. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jess Fillinger. She was survived by 2 daughters, Rissie Combs (of Paintsville) and Letha Mae Carr (Dayton); 3 brothers, H. C. Cantrell (Tucson, Arizona), John M. Cantrell (Hager Hill), and Newt Cantrell (Rush); and 1 sister, Louise Blair (Staffordsville). (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Ethel Fillinger was born September 23, 1895, and died in October of 1978. She received her Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky.
According to his death certificate, J. M. Fillinger of Betsy Layne, Kentucky, died January 19, 1937 in Jefferson Hotel in Pike County, Kentucky, and the cause of death is listed as "Drunk Carbolic Acid - died instantly - Suicide." Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Lawrence County, Ohio, his age as 60, his marital status as married, his wife as Ethel Fillinger, his occupation as coal miner, his parents as unknown, the informant as Henry Cantrell of Hager Hill, Kentucky, and the burial place as Hager Hill, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, J. M. Fillinger died January 19, 1937 in Pike County at the age of 60. He was living in Betsy Layne at the time of his death.
On page 4 of the 1880 census for District 82 (Aid Township) in Lawrence County, Ohio (dated June 8, 1880), Geo. Fellinger is listed as the head of the household for house #30, he's a farmer, born in Ohio, parents born in Virginia, and he's 44 years old. Also listed are Melitha (wife, born in Ohio, parents born in Virginia, age 38), Ella (daughter, born in Ohio, age 17), Effie (daughter, born in Ohio, age 8), Jessie (son, born in Ohio, age 4), and Ward Taylor (relationship not listed, single, works on farm, born in Ohio, parents born in Ohio, age 19).
On page 8 of the 1900 census for District 70 (Lawrence Township) in Lawrence County, Ohio (dated June 5, 1900), Wilson Nance is listed as the head of the household for house #67, he's a farmer, widowed, born in July of 1831 in Ohio, parents born in Ohio, and he's 68 years old. Also listed are Jesse Fillinger (son-in-law, married, farmer, born in December of 1874 in Ohio, parents born in Ohio, married for 2 years, age 25), Ella E. Fillinger (daughter, married, born in July of 1871 in Ohio, parents born in Ohio, married for 2 years, she hasn't had any children, age 28), and Ethel Stormes (granddaughter, born in March of 1887 in Ohio, parents born in Ohio, age 13).
On page 2 of the 1910 census for District 77 (Aid Township) in Lawrence County, Ohio (dated April 16, 1910), Maletha Fillinger is listed as the head of the household for house #14, she's widowed, not working, born in Ohio, parents born in Virginia, she's given birth to 4 children and 3 are still living, and she's 68 years old. Also listed is Jesse (son, married, laborer doing odd jobs, born in Ohio, father born in Virginia, mother born in Ohio, married for 11 years, age 35).
On page 22 of the 1920 census for District 32 (Van Lear) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 7, 1920), Jesse M. Fillinger is listed as the head of the household for house #203 [hard to read], he's a coal miner, born in Ohio, parents born in Ohio, and he's 35 years old. Also listed is Ethel (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 24).
On page 6 of the 1930 census for District 36-14 (Ivel and Betsy Layne) in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated April 4, 1930), Jesse Fillinger is listed as the head of the household for house #62, he's a laborer in the coal mines, born in Ohio, parents born in Ohio, first married at age 45, and he's 55 years old. Also listed are Ethel (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 24, age 34), Rissie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13), and Letha May (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5).
On page 45 of the 1940 census for District 58-6 (Van Lear) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 8, 1940), Ethel Fillinger is found living in the Van Lear Clubhouse, she's widowed, a cook in the clubhouse, born in Kentucky, she was living in Betsy Layne, Floyd County, Kentucky, in 1935, she has a 4th grade education, and she's 44 years old.
- RISSIE CANTRELL, b. March 23, 1917, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. May 1, 1992, Milford, Clermont County, Ohio, m. (1) DONALD MICHAELS, m. (2) (unknown first name) DIXON, m. (3) (unknown first name) COMBS, m. (4) (unknown first name) KUNTZ.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Rissa Cantrille was born March 23, 1917 in Johnson County to Ethel Cawille.
According to her obituary, Rissie Cantrell Michael Combs (age 75) was a former nurse at Paintsville Hospital, Paintsville Clinic, and Golden Rule Hospital. She died May 1, 1992 in Milford, Ohio. She was survived by 2 sons, Ron Michael (of Pleasureville) and James Michael (Pickerington, Ohio); 2 daughters, Nancy Karns (Pickerington) and Donna Chappa (Columbus, Ohio); 1 sister, Letha Carr (Dayton, Ohio); 1 aunt, Louise Blair; 9 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Rissie Combs was born March 23, 1917, and died May 1, 1992. She received her Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Milford, Clermont County, Ohio.
According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Rissie Cantrell Michael Dixon Combs Kuntz was born March 21, 1917 in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, and died May 1, 1992. Her name was listed as Rissie Michael in August of 1945, as Rissie Dixon in December of 1950, as Rissie Combs in April of 1961, and then as Rissie Dixon Kuntz. Her parents are listed as Ethel Cantrell and Eric Cantrell.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Rissie Cantrill Combs was born March 21, 1917 in Kentucky, and died May 1, 1992 in Clermont County Mercy Hospital in Clermont County at the age of 75. Her father's surname is listed as Cantrill, and she was widowed at the time of her death.
On page 33 of the 1940 census for District 58-6 (Van Lear) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 24, 1940), A. C. Cantrell [Herman] is listed as the head of the household for house #290, he's a coal miner, separated, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has a 6th grade education, and he's 36 years old. Also listed are James Arthur (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Arretta (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Bobby (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Rosie Michaels [Rissie] (niece, married, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same place that she was in 1935, 3 years of high school, age 23), Donald Michaels (nephew, married, miner, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, 4 years of high school, age 28), Nancy Ann Michaels (niece, born in Kentucky, age 4), and Ronald Jae (nephew, born in Kentucky, age 1).
- LETHA MAE FILLINGER, b. January 2, 1925, Floyd County, Kentucky, d. June 19, 2003, Riverside, Montgomery County, Ohio, m. (unknown first name) CARR.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Lethia M. Filinger was born January 2, 1925 in Floyd County to Mae Cantrell.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Letha M. Fillinger Carr was born January 2, 1925, and died June 19, 2003 in Grandview Hospital in Riverside, Montgomery County, at the age of 78. Her father's surname name is listed as Fillinger, her mother's maiden name as Cantrell, and she was widowed at the time of her death.
THOMAS ELBERT CANTRELL, son of JAMES E. CANTRELL and MORISSA "RISSIE" SMITH, was born August 13, 1897 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He married ELEANOR KATHERINE GEBHARDT, daughter of JOHN A. B. GEBHARDT and LOUISE PRASSE, about 1929. She was born June 12, 1910 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, and died November 26, 1971 in Medway, Suffolk County, Massachusetts. Eleanor Gebhardt married (2) (unknown first name) SMITH.
Notes: According to Boston, Massachusetts, birth records, Eleanor Katherine Gebhardt was born June 12, 1910 in New England Hospital to John A. B. Gebhardt (b. Germany, real estate agent) and Louise Prasse (b. Manchester, New Hampshire).
When Thomas L. Cantrell's World War I draft registration card was filled out on August 24, 1918 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, he stated that he was working for Consolidation Coal Company in Van Lear, Kentucky, that his closest relative was James Cantrell of Hager Hill, Kentucky, that he was born August 13, 1897 in Morgan County, Kentucky, and that his father was born in Morgan County. He was found to be tall, of medium build, and he had blue eyes and auburn hair.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Eleanor Smith was born June 12, 1909, and died in November of 1971. She received her Social Security card in 1956-1958 in Massachusetts.
According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Eleanor Gebhardt Smith was born June 12, 1910 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, and died November 26, 1971. Her name was listed as Eleanor K. Smith in April of 1968, and her parents are listed as John A. Gebhardt and Louise Passe.
According to Massachusetts death record transcripts, Eleanor K. Smith died November 26, 1971 in Medway.
On page 17 of the 1920 census for District 213 (Boston) in Suffolk County, Massachusetts (dated January 13, 1920), John P. Gebhardt is listed as the head of the household for house #75, he's a real estate agent, born in Germany, parents born in Germany, he immigrated to the United States in 1882, he's a naturalized citizen, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Louise (wife, born in New Hampshire, parents born in Germany, age 34), and Eleanor (daughter, born in Massachusetts, father born in Germany, mother born in New Hampshire, age 9).
On page 1 of the 1930 census for District 13-215 (Boston) in Suffolk County, Massachusetts (dated April 2, 1930), John A. B. Gebrardt is listed as the head of the household for family #11, he's a real estate broker, born in Germany, parents born in Germany, immigrated to the United States in 1881, not a naturalized citizen, first married at age 24, and he's 52 years old. Also listed are Louise (wife, born in New Hampshire, parents born in Germany, first married at 33, age 43), Thomas Cantrell (son-in-law, married, machinist in the U.S. Navy, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 29, age 30), and Eleanor Cantrell (daughter, married, born in Massachusetts, father born in Germany, mother born in New Hampshire, first married at 18, age 19).
On page 5 of the 1940 census for District 11-89 (Dedham) in Norfolk County, Massachusetts (dated April 4, 1940), Thomas Cantrill is listed as the head of the household for house #44, he's a machinist in the Navy yards, born in Kentucky, he was living in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 40 years old. Also listed is Eleanor (wife, born in Massachusetts, 8th grade education, age 29).
NEWTON MANSFIELD "NEWT" CANTRELL, son of JAMES E. CANTRELL and MORISSA "RISSIE" SMITH, was born April 5, 1899 in Kentucky, died September 13, 1988 in Catlettsburg, Boyd County, Kentucky, and is buried in Catlettsburg Cemetery in Catlettsburg, Boyd County, Kentucky. He married ANNA MCKENZIE, daughter of MARTHA MCCARTY and OLIVER MCKENZIE. She was born June 18, 1901 in Kentucky, died October 30, 1981 in Catlettsburg, Boyd County, Kentucky, and is buried in Catlettsburg Cemetery in Catlettsburg, Boyd County, Kentucky.
Notes: Information found on and a photo of their headstone shows that Newt Cantrell lived from April 5, 1899 to September 13, 1988, and was buried in Catlettsburg Cemetery in Catlettsburg, Boyd County, Kentucky, and that Annie Cantrell lived from June 18, 1901 to October 30, 1981, and was buried in the same cemetery.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Newt Cantrell was born April 5, 1899, and died in September of 1988. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Catlettsburg, Boyd County, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Newt Cantrell died September 13, 1988 in Boyd County at the age of 89. He was living in Boyd County at the time of his death.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Annie Cantrell was born June 18, 1901, and died in October of 1981. She received her Social Security card in 1973 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Catlettsburg, Boyd County, Kentucky.
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Annie M. Cantrell died October 30, 1981 in Boyd County at the age of 80. She was living in Boyd County at the time of her death.
On page 31 of the 1930 census for District 58-3 (Magisterial District No. 1) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 15, 1930), Newt Cantrill is listed as the head of the household for house #124, he's a teamster doing hauling, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 31 years old. Also listed are Anna (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 18, age 28), and Ollie Mae (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9). They are living next to Newt's brother, Charlie.
On page 12 of the 1940 census for District 58-9 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 16, 1940), Neut Cantrill is listed as the head of the household for house #90, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 4th grade education, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Anna (wife, born in Kentucky, 3rd grade education, age 38), and Ollie May (daughter, born in Kentucky, 7th grade education, age 19). They are living next to Newt's parents.
- VERNIE OLLIE MAE CANTRELL, b. November 26, 1920, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Vernie O. Cantrill was born November 26, 1920 in Johnson County to Annie McKenzie.
JAMES E. CANTRELL, son of HENRY CANTRELL and FRANCES "FANNY" FAIRCHILD, was born November 13, 1869 in Morgan County, Kentucky, died September 7, 1942 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Lemasters-Cantrell Cemetery in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married MORISSA "RISSIE" SMITH, daughter of THOMAS L. SMITH and MAHALA ANN SHELTON, August 5, 1892 in Morgan County, Kentucky. She was born August 17, 1873 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, died March 27, 1947 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Lemasters-Cantrell Cemetery in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: It appears that one or both of Rissie Smith's parents must have died around the mid-1870s, as their children are found living with various relatives in 1880.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Thomas Smith (b. Morgan County, Kentucky, single, age 22) married Mahala Ann Shelton (b. Ohio, single, age 16) on November 20, 1856 in Johnson County.
According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, James Cantrell married Rissie Smith on August 5, 1892 in Morgan County.
Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website shows that James C. Cantrell lived from November 13, 1869 to September 7, 1942, and was buried in Lemasters-Cantrell Cemetery in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, and that Rissie Smith Cantrell lived from August 17, 1873 to March 27, 1947, and was buried in the same cemetery. No headstone photos are provided.
According to his death certificate, James E. Cantrell died September 7, 1942 in Paintsville Clinic in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, from tubercular meningitis. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Morgan County, his birth date as November 3, 1869, his marital status as married, his wife as Rissie Smith (age 69), his occupation as farmer, his parents as Henry Cantrell (b. Morgan County) and Hanner Fairchild (b. Morgan County), the informant as Mace Cantrel of Acy, Kentucky, and the burial place as Hager Hill.
According to his obituary found on the obituary page of the Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website:
"James Cantrell, a prominent citizen and farmer of Asa Creek, died at his home there Monday, September 7, 1942. He had been ill for more then three months. Mr. Cantrell was a son of the late Henry and Hannah Fairchild Cantrell. He was born in Morgan Co., November 13, 1869. He was married to Rissie Smith, also of Morgan Co., in 1892 who survives. Besides his widow he is also survived by ten children as follows: Henry, Ethel Fellinger, Thos. L., New, Jay, Charlie, H.C., W. L., Louise Blair and Mace. He spent the past twelve years on Asa Creek where he was a farmer. He was a member of the Church of the Latter Day Saints. Funeral services were held at Hager Hill Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock with Rev. Guy W. Preston officiating."
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, James E. Cantrell died September 7, 1942 in Johnson County at the age of 72. He was living in Johnson County at the time of his death.
According to her death certificate, Rissie Smith Cantrill died March 27, 1947 in Paintsville Hospital in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, from myocarditis. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Ophir, Kentucky, her birth date as August 17, 1873, her marital status as widowed, her husband as James E. Cantrell, her parents as Thomas L. Smith (b. Kentucky) and Mahala Shelton (b. Kentucky), the informant as Charles Cantrill of Van Lear, Kentucky, and the burial place as Hager Hill, Kentucky.
According to her obituary found on the obituary page of the Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website:
"Rissie Cantrell, 73, of Van Lear, died in a local hospital on March 27, 1947, after a four-day illness. She was the widow of James E. Cantrell, who died five years ago. Her parents were the late Thomas L. Smith and Mahala Shelton Smith of Morgan County. Surviving are the following children, Henry, Hager Hill, Mrs. Ethel Fillinger, city, Thomas L., U. S. Navy, Boston, Mass., Newton, Catlettsburg, H. C. and Charley of Van Lear, Mason, of Collista, and Mrs. Louise Blair, of Staffordsville. Funeral services were held Sunday, March 30, 1947, at Cedar Grove Church at West Van Lear by Revs. Elzie Banks, and Thurman Ferguson. Burial was in the Hager Hill cemetery."
According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Rissie Cautrill died March 27, 1947 in Johnson County at the age of 73. She was living in Johnson County at the time of her death.
On page 18 of the 1870 census for Precinct 7 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated August 13, 1870), Thomas Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #123, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 34 years old. Also listed are Mahala A. (born in Ohio, age 29), Eli (born in Kentucky, age 11), John C. (born in Kentucky, age 9), Asberry (born in Kentucky, age 7), Wesley (born in Kentucky, age 4), and Nasby (born in Kentucky, age 2).
On page 11 of the 1880 census for District 88 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 22 & 23 of the 1880 census for District 88 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 22 & 23, 1880), Elisha Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #250, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, and he's 43 years old. Also listed are Susanah (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, age 38), William H. (son, single, farmer, born in Kentucky, age 23), Clarinda (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 22), Sarah E. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 19), Isaac (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Martha J. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Eda (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), Elijah (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), James (son, born in Kentucky, age 3), Clarinda (niece, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 9), and Morissa (niece, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 6).
On page 8 of the 1900 census for District 75 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 5, 1900), James Cantrell is listed as the head of the household for house #68, he's a farmer, born in November of 1869 in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, married for 8 years, and he's 30 years old. Also listed are Rissie (wife, born in August of 1873 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 8 years, she's given birth to 5 children and all are still living, age 26), Henry (son, born in August of 1893 in Kentucky, age 6), Ethel (daughter, born in September of 1895 in Kentucky, age 4), Elbert (son, born in August of 1897 in Kentucky, age 2), Newel (son, born in April of 1899 in Kentucky, age 1), and Heber (son, born in April of 1900 in Kentucky, age 1 month).
On page 12 of the 1910 census for District 149 (Coffee) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 22, 1910), James Cantril is listed as the head of the household for house #99, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 18 years, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Risie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 9 children and all are still living, age 36), Henry (son, born in Kentucky, age 16), Ethel (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), Thomas (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Mansfield [hard to read] (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), Jennings (son, born in Kentucky, age 8), Charlie (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), and Herman [hard to read] (son, born in Kentucky, age 4).
On page 27 of the 1920 census for District 29 (Paintsville) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 14, 1920), James Cantrill is listed as the head of the household for house #261, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 50 years old. Also listed are Rissie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 46), Newt (son, born in Kentucky, age 19), Jay (son, born in Kentucky, age 18), Charlie (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), H. C. (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), Lunday [hard to read] (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), John Mason (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), and Louisa (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8).
On page 26 of the 1930 census for District 58-8 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 18, 1930), James Cantrill is listed as the head of the household for house #200, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 60 years old. Also listed are Rissie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, age 56), J. M. (son, born in Kentucky, age 20), and Louise (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15).
On page 12 of the 1940 census for District 58-9 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 16, 1940), James Cantrill is listed as the head of the household for house #89, he's not working, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 5th grade education, and he's 71 years old. Also listed are Rissa (wife, born in Kentucky, no formal education, age 69), Escom Blair (son-in-law, married, coal miner, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, 4th grade education, age 28), Louisia Blair (daughter, married, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same house that she was in 1935, 1 year of high school, age 27), Billie Blair (grandson, born in Kentucky, age 7), and Jackie Ray (grandson, born in Kentucky, age 1).
The children of JAMES CANTRELL and RISSIE SMITH are:
- HENRY CANTRELL, b. August 21, 1893, Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. June 22, 1962, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. MINNIE FAIRCHILD.
- ETHEL CANTRELL, b. September 23, 1895, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. October 15, 1978, Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (1) JAMES ALEX "ALEX" CANTRELL, m. (2) JESSE FILLINGER.
- THOMAS ELBERT CANTRELL, b. August 13, 1897, Morgan County, Kentucky, m. ELEANOR KATHERINE GEBHARDT.
- NEWTON MANSFIELD "NEWT" CANTRELL, b. April 5, 1899, Kentucky, d. September 13, 1988, Catlettsburg, Boyd County, Kentucky, buried in Catlettsburg, Boyd County, Kentucky, m. ANNA MCKENZIE.
- HEBER JENNINGS "JAY" CANTRILL, b. April 22, 1900, Kentucky, d. August 29, 1970, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, buried in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. CARRIE BLEVINS.
- CHARLES CANTRELL, b. February 1, 1902, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. January 27, 1954, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. ELIZA MAXIE "MAXIE" ADAMS.
- HEMAN C. CANTRELL, b. February 6, 1904, Kentucky, d. March 1987, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona, buried in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona, m. (1) IRENE ADDIS, m. (2) JEMIMA ROSE ELLEN "ROSE" STAMBAUGH.
- WILLIAM LUNDY "LUNDY" CANTRELL, b. April 15, 1906, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. December 4, 1943, Logan, Logan County, West Virginia, buried in Pikeville, Pike County, Kentucky, m. GRETHEL GAY REYNOLDS.
- JOHN MASON "MACE" CANTRILL, b. April 19, 1908, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. February 7, 1989, Lawrence County, Kentucky, buried in Staffordsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. BEATRIS "BERTIE" HELTON.
- LOUISA CANTRELL, b. 1912, Kentucky, m. ESCOM BLAIR.
HEBER JENNINGS "JAY" CANTRILL, son of JAMES E. CANTRELL and MORISSA "RISSIE" SMITH, was born April 22, 1900 in Kentucky, died August 29, 1970 in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, and is buried in Lemasters-Cantrell Cemetery in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky. He married CARRIE BLEVINS, daughter of BENJAMIN F. BLEVINS and MARY LEMASTER, about 1922. She was born November 14, 1902 in Kentucky, died June 8, 1940 in Logan, Logan County, West Virginia, and is buried in Lemasters-Cantrell Cemetery in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: Carrie Blevins was the sister of William Henry Blevins.
In Jay Cantrill's last will and testament, he left his daughters, Jessie McIntosh and Gladys Hughes, both of Dayton, Ohio, his belongings.
According to her death certificate, Victoria Blevins Robbins died September 26, 1916 in Morgan County, Kentucky, and the cause of death is listed as "Acute Anemia from Anti-partum Hemorrhage." Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Morgan County, her birth date as September 26, 1893, her age as 23 years 6 months 9 days, her marital status as married, her parents as B. F. Blevins (b. Morgan County) and Mary Lemaster (b. Morgan County), the informant as Dennie Williams of Dingus, Kentucky, and the burial place as Paulina Williams Cemetery.
According to her death certificate, Florida Blevins Robbins died July 28, 1952 in Paintsville Hospital in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, from acute mania. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birthdate as January 9, 1896, her place of residence as West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, her marital status as divorced, her parents as Ben Blevins and Mary Lemaster, the informant as Maggie Nickell, and the burial place as Salyers Cemetery in West Liberty.
When Heber Jennings Cantrill's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a miner working for Consolidation Coal Company in Van Lear, Johnson County, that his closest relative was James E. Cantrell of Hager Hill, Johnson County, and that he was born April 22, 1900. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had black eyes and black hair.
Information found on the Johnson County Historical Society's website shows that Jay Cantrell lived from 1900 to 1970, and was buried in Lemasters-Cantrell Cemetery in Hager Hill, Johnson County, Kentucky, and that Carrie Cantrell lived from 1902 to 1940, and was buried in the same cemetery. No headstone photos are provided.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Jay Cantrill was born April 22, 1900, and died in August of 1970. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, Jay Cantrill was born about 1900, and died August 29, 1970 in Franciscan Medical Center Dayton Campus in Dayton, Montgomery County, at the age of 70. He was widowed at the time of his death.
According to one West Virginia death record transcript, Carry Blevins Cantrell died June 8, 1940 in Logan County. Her parents are listed as Benj. Blevins and Mary Lemasters, and her husband as Jay H. Cantrell. According to another, Carry Burns Cantrell was born November 14, 1902 in Kentucky, died June 8, 1940 in Logan, Logan County, at the age of 38 years 6 months 25 days, and was buried in Hager Hill, Kentucky. Her parents are listed as Benjamin Burns (b. Morgan County, Kentucky) and Mary Lemasters (b. Morgan County, Kentucky), and she was married at the time of her death.
On page 9 of the 1910 census for District 150 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 23 & 25, 1910), Bennie Blevins is listed as the head of the household for house #53, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 26 years, and he's 48 years old. Also listed are Mary (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 13 children and 9 are still living, age 52), Victory (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 17), Florida (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), Prudie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Willie (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), and Carrie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8).
On page 26 of the 1930 census for District 58-8 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 18, 1930), Jay Cantrill is listed as the head of the household for family #214 in house #200, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 22, and he's 29 years old. Also listed are Carrie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 20, age 27), Jessie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), and Gladys (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5).
On page 11 of the 1940 census for District 23-35 (Triadelphia) in Logan County, West Virginia (dated April 19, 1940), Jay Cantrell is listed as the head of the household for house #79, he's a coal loader in the coal mines, born in Kentucky, he was living in rural Johnson County, Kentucky, in 1935, he has a 3rd grade education, and he's 39 years old. Also listed are Carrie (wife, born in Kentucky, 3rd grade education, age 38), Jessie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), and Gladys (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15).
The children of JAY CANTRILL and CARRIE BLEVINS are:
- JESSIE M. CANTRILL, b. 1923, Floyd County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) MCINTOSH.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Jessie M. Cantrell was born in Floyd County to Cora Blevins.
- GLADYS CANTRILL, b. 1925, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) HUGHES.
HEMAN C. CANTRELL, son of JAMES E. CANTRELL and MORISSA "RISSIE" SMITH, was born February 6, 1904 in Kentucky, died in March of 1987 in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona, and is buried in East Lawn Palms Cemetery & Mortuary in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona. He married (1) IRENE ADDIS, daughter of ARTHUR ADDIS and NORA BALL, about 1925. She was born September 2, 1906 in Scioto Furnace, Scioto County, Ohio, and died September 3, 1939 in Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio. He married (2) JEMIMA ROSE ELLEN "ROSE" STAMBAUGH, daughter of FRANK STAMBAUGH and POLLY DANIEL. She was born July 6, 1914 in Stambaugh, Johnson County, Kentucky, died April 18, 1993 in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona, and is buried in East Lawn Palms Cemetery & Mortuary in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona.
Notes: According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Frank Stambaugh (2nd marriage, age 38) married Polly Daniel (1st marriage, age 25) on September 30, 1906 in Johnson County.
According to his death certificate, Frank Stambaugh died October 30, 1937 in Stambaugh, Johnson County, Kentucky, from lobar pneumonia. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Johnson County, his age as 70, his marital status as married, his wife as Polly Stambaugh, his parents as Johnathan Stambaugh (b. Kentucky) and Jemima Holbrook (b. Kentucky), and the informant as Philip Stambaugh of Stambaugh.
According to her death certificate, Polly Daniel Stambaugh died July 15, 1945 in Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentucky, from hypertensive cardiovascular disease. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as December 6, 1880, her marital status as widowed, her husband as Frank Stambaugh, her parents as Newton Daniel (b. Kentucky) and Elizabeth Castle (b. Kentucky), the informant as Mrs. Rose Cantrell of Van Lear, and the burial place as Stambaugh, Kentucky.
According to her obituary, Polly Daniel Stambaugh (age 64), daughter of the late Mrs. Newton Daniel, died July 15, 1945 at the Van Lear home of her daughter, Mrs. Rose Cantrell, and was buried in the family cemetery in Stambaugh. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Frank Stambaugh. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to Ohio birth record transcripts, Irene Addis was born September 2, 1906 in Bloom Township, Scioto County, to Arthur Addis and Nora Ball.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Jemima R. Stambaugh was born July 6, 1914 in Johnson County to Polly Daniel.
Information found on and a photo of their headstone shows that Heman C. Cantrell lived from 1904 to 1987, and was buried in East Lawn Palms Cemetery & Mortuary in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona, and that Rose E. Cantrell lived from 1914 to 1993, and was buried in the same cemetery. Son James was buried there as well.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Herman Cantrill was born February 6, 1904 in Kentucky, and died in March of 1987. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona.
According to her death certificate, Irene Addis Cantrell died September 3, 1939 in Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio, from uterine cancer. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Scioto Furnace, Scioto County, Ohio, her birth date as September 3, 1906, her marital status as married, her husband as Hamen C. Cantrell [sic], her parents as Arthur Addis (b. Campbell, Lawrence County, Ohio) and Nora Ball (b. Lawrence County, Ohio), and the informant as Arthur Addis of Legion, Kentucky.
According to Ohio death records, Irene Addis Cantrell died September 3, 1939 in Ironton.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Rose E. Cantrill was born July 6, 1914, and died April 18, 1993. She received her Social Security card in 1976 in Arizona, and her last place of residence was in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona.
According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Rose Ellen Stambaugh Cantrill was born July 6, 1914 in Stambaugh, Johnson County, Kentucky, and died April 18, 1993. Her name was listed as Rose Ellen Cantrill on July 30, 1976, and her parents are listed as Frank Stambaugh and Polly Daniels.
On page 21 of the 1910 census for District 125 (Bloom Township) in Scioto County, Ohio (dated April 27, 1910), Arthur Addis is listed as the head of the household for house #235, he's a clay miner, born in Ohio, parents born in Ohio, 1st marriage, married for 13 years, and he's 25 years old. Also listed are Nora (wife, born in Ohio, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 8 children and 6 are still living, age 32), Oscar (son, born in Ohio, age 14), Elmer (son, born in Ohio, age 8), Elzy (son, born in Ohio, age 7), Arthur (son, born in Ohio, age 5), Irene (daughter, born in Ohio, age 3), and Lolsa (daughter, born in Ohio, age 1).
On page 17 of the 1920 census for District 123 (Bloom Township) in Scioto County, Ohio (dated January 21, 1920), Arthur Addis is listed as the head of the household for house #165, he's a clay miner, born in Ohio, parents born in Ohio, and he's 44 years old. Also listed are Nora (wife, born in Ohio, father born in Ohio, mother born in the United States, age 41), Elmer (son, born in Ohio, age 19), Elzy (son, born in Ohio, age 16), Arthur (son, born in Ohio, age 15), Irene (daughter, born in Ohio, age 13), Lucy (daughter, born in Ohio, age 11), Linnie (daughter, born in Ohio, age 9), and Floyd (son, born in Ohio, age 7).
On page 6 of the 1920 census for District 46 (Sitka) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 13 & 14, 1920), Frank Stambaugh is listed as the head of the household for house #53, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 52 years old. Also listed are Polly (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 38), Philip (son, born in Kentucky, age 18), Rusel (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Raymon (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Rosa (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), Betsie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4), and Jonathan Stambaugh (father, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 86).
On page 10 of the 1930 census for District 36-14 (Ivel and Betsy Layne) in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated April 7, 1930), Herman Cantrell is found boarding in house #85, he's a laborer in the coal mines, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 26 years old.
On page 8 of the 1930 census for District 36-14 (Ivel and Betsy Layne) in Floyd County, Kentucky (dated April 5, 1930), Arthur Addis is listed as the head of the household for house #82, he's a foreman in the coal mines, born in Ohio, parents born in Ohio, first married at age 21, and he's 55 years old. Also listed are Nora (wife, born in Ohio, parents born in Ohio, first married at 18, age 52), Floyd (son, born in Ohio, age 18), Irene Cantrel (daughter, married, not working, born in Ohio, first married at 19, age 23), Lena Jones (daughter, married, not working, born in Ohio, first married at 19, age 20), Arlie Jones (son-in-law, married, laborer in the coal mines, born in West Virginia, parents born in West Virginia, first married at 21, age 22), James A. Cantrel (grandson, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Ohio, age 4 years 3 months), Arretta Cantrel (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Ohio, age 2 years 5 months), and Dorothy Lee Jones (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, father born in West Virginia, mother born in Ohio, age 0 months).
On page 26 of the 1930 census for District 58-12 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 24, 1930), Frank Stambaugh is listed as the head of the household for house #241, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 24, and he's 62 years old. Also listed are Polly (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, firzst married at 25, age 48), Russell (son, single, not working, born in Kentucky, age 21), Raymond (son, born in Kentucky, age 20), Rosa Ellen (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), Betsy (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), Erie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), and Ed Daniels [Ed Daniel] (brother-in-law, widowed, does odd jobs on the farm, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 54).
On page 33 of the 1940 census for District 58-6 (Van Lear) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 24, 1940), A. C. Cantrell is listed as the head of the household for house #290, he's a coal miner, separated, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has a 6th grade education, and he's 36 years old. Also listed are James Arthur (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Arretta (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Bobby (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Rosie Michaels [Rissie] (niece, married, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same place that she was in 1935, 3 years of high school, age 23), Donald Michaels (nephew, married, miner, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, 4 years of high school, age 28), Nancy Ann Michaels (niece, born in Kentucky, age 4), and Ronald Jae (nephew, born in Kentucky, age 1). Rissie was the daughter of Herman's sister, Ethel.
The children of HEMAN CANTRELL and IRENE ADDIS are:
- JAMES ARTHUR CANTRELL, b. December 9, 1925, Floyd County, Kentucky, d. August 9, 2009, Brooksville, Hernando County, Florida, buried in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona.
Notes: James Cantrell served in the U.S. Army during World War II and the Korean Conflict.
According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, James A. Cantrell was born December 9, 1925 in Floyd County to Irene Addis.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, James A. Cantrell was born December 9, 1925, and died August 9, 2009. He received his Social Security card in 1956-1957 in Virginia, and his last place of residence was in Brooksville, Hernando County, Florida.
- ARRETTA CANTRELL, b. 1927, Kentucky.
- ROBERT A. CANTRELL, b. July 22, 1930, Floyd County, Kentucky, d. June 21, 2011, Land O' Lakes, Pasco County, Florida.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Robert A. Cantrell was born July 22, 1930 in Floyd County to Irene Addis.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, Robert A. Cantrell was born July 22, 1930, and died June 21, 2011. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in West Virginia, and his last place of residence was in Land O' Lakes, Pasco County, Florida.
- GLORIA HOPE CANTRELL, b. April 22, 1932, Floyd County, Kentucky, d. January 26, 1940, Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Betsy Layne, Floyd County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to her death certificate, Gloria Hope Cantrell died January 26, 1940 in Van Lear, Johnson County, Kentucky, from malnutrition and paralysis from a birth injury. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Floyd County, Kentucky, her birth date as April 22, 1932, her parents as H. C. Cantrell (b. Morgan County) and Irene Addis (b. Ohio), the informant as H. C. Cantrell of Van Lear, and the burial place as Betsy Layne.
CHARLOTTE HANNAH, daughter of ISAAC HARMON HANNAH and LYDIA MARGARET ARMS, was born in October of 1884 in Kentucky, and died April 4, 1944 in Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio. She married JAMES WALTER CONLEY about 1905. He was born August 29, 1880 in Kentucky, and died March 7, 1972 in Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio.
Notes: According to Ohio death records, Charlotte H. Conley died April 4, 1944 in Portsmouth, Scioto County.
According to Social Security death record transcripts, James Conley was born August 29, 1880, and died in March of 1972. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Ohio, and his last place of residence was in Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio.
According to Ohio death record transcripts, James W. Conley was born about 1881 and died March 7, 1972 at home in Scioto County at the age of 91. He was widowed at the time of his death.
On pages 16 & 17 of the 1910 census for District 70 (Oil Springs) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 1910), Jim W. Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #151, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, married for 5 years, and he's 30 years old. Also listed are Sharlottia (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 5 years, she's given birth to 3 children and all are still living, age 25), Marie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3), Gussie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2), and Liddie [Lydia] (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1).
On page 30 of the 1930 census for District 58-8 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1930), James Conley is listed as the head of the household for house #238, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 24, and he's 48 years old. Also listed are Lottie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 21, age 45), Daisy (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), Rasha [hard to read] (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Harmon (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Proctor (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Curtis (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), and Lorain [hard to read] (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4 years 6 months). Lottie's parents are in house #236.
The children of CHARLOTTE HANNAH and JIM CONLEY are:
- MARIE CONLEY, b. 1907, Kentucky.
- GUS CONLEY, b. August 5, 1907, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. November 16, 1984, Grand Bay, Mobile County, Alabama, m. MARTHA CONLEY.
- LYDIA CONLEY, b. 1909, Kentucky.
- DAISY CONLEY, b. June 8, 1911, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Daisy Conley was born June 8, 1911 in Johnson County to Charlotte Hannah.
- RASHA CONLEY, b. 1913, Kentucky.
- HARMON CONLEY, b. 1916, Kentucky.
- PROCTOR CONLEY, b. February 9, 1918, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Proctor Conley was born February 9, 1918 in Johnson County to Charlotta Hannah.
- CURTIS CONLEY, b. 1921, Kentucky.
- LORAIN CONLEY, b. 1925, Kentucky.
ISAAC HARMON HANNAH, son of NANCY FAIRCHILD and EBENEZER SCOTT HANNAH, was born January 15, 1864 in Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky, died December 25, 1938 in Holly Branch, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Johnson County, Kentucky. He married LYDIA MARGARET ARMS, daughter of MARY M. BLAIR and WALLACE B. ARMS, December 18, 1883. She was born February 20, 1867 in Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky, died February 12, 1949, Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in the family cemetery in Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: According to his death certificate, Harmon Hannah died December 25, 1938 in Holly Branch from gall bladder troubles and other problems. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as January 15, 1864, his marital status as married, his wife as Lydia Arms, his parents as Ebb Hannah (b. Kentucky) and Nancy Fairchild (b. Kentucky), and the informant as Proctor Hannah of Leander, Kentucky.
According to her death certificate, Lydia Margaret Arms Hannah died February 12, 1949 in Leander from cerebral thrombosis due to hypertension. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as February 20, 1867, her marital status as widowed, her parents as Wallace Arms and Mary Blair, and the informant as Proctor Hannah.
On page 31 of the 1900 census for District 40 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 14, 1900), Harman Hannah is listed as the head of the household for house #262, he's a farmer, born in January of 1865 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 16 years, and he's 35 years old. Also listed are Lydia (wife, born in February of 1867 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 16 years, she's given birth to 6 children and all are still living, age 33), Charlotta (daughter, born in October of 1884 in Kentucky, age 15), Roscoe (son, born in June of 1887 in Kentucky, age 12), Walter (son, born in February of 1891 in Kentucky, age 9), Maxey (daughter, born in March of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7), Proctor (son, born in August of 1895 in Kentucky, age 4), Edgar (son, born in May of 1898 in Kentucky, age 2).
On page 5 of the 1910 census for District 73 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 20, 1910), Harman Hannah is listed as the head of the household for house #28, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 27 years, and he's 48 years old. Also listed are Lidie M. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 8 children and all are still living, age 48), Walter W. (son, born in Kentucky, age 20), Maxie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 17), Proctor (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Edgar (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Alka (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), and Frankie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5).
On page 12 of the 1920 census for District 38 (Jennies Creek) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated January 13 & 14, 1920), Isaac H. Hannah is listed as the head of the household for house #112, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 55 years old. Also listed are Lydia M. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 53), Edgar (son, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, age 21), Alka (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), Frankie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), and Ralph Hannah (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 6). They are living among a number of family members. Ralph Hannah was the son of Maxie Hannah.
On page 30 of the 1930 census for District 58-8 (Magisterial District No. 3) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1930), I. H. Hannah is listed as the head of the household for house #236, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 19, and he's 64 years old. Also listed are Lizzie M. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 62), and Ralph Hannah (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 17). They are living in between sons Proctor and Ross and daughter Lottie is on the other side of Ross.
On page 31 of the 1940 census for District 58-9 in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated May 6, 1940), Liddie Hannah is listed as the head of the household for house #249, she's widowed, not working, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same place that she was in 1935, she has no formal education, and she's 73 years old. Also listed are Powell Lemaster (son-in-law, farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, 8th grade education, age 44), Alka Lemaster (daughter, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 14), Pauline Lemaster (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), Nancy Lee Lemaster (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), and Charles I. Lemaster (grandson, born in Kentucky, age 2).
The children of HARMON HANNAH and LYDIA ARMS are:
- CHARLOTTE HANNAH, b. October 1884, Kentucky, d. April 4, 1944, Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio, m. JAMES WALTER CONLEY.
- ROSCOE W. "ROSS" HANNAH, b. June 4, 1887, Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. June 9, 1930, Holly Branch, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Johnson County, Kentucky, m. VIRGIE L. RIVERS.
- WALTER W. HANNAH, b. February 19, 1890, Denver, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. October 9, 1976, Floyd County, Kentucky, m. VERNIE C. RIVERS.
- MAXINE "MAXIE" HANNAH, b. March 12, 1893, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. January 16, 1919, Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. JOHN POWELL "POWELL" LEMASTER.
- PROCTOR HANNAH, b. August 27, 1895, Riceville, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. May 5, 1982, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (1) MAHALA F. SHELL, m. (2) MAUDE SALYER.
- EDGAR HANNAH, b. February 17, 1898, Jennies Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. August 20, 1971, Huntington, Cabell County, West Virginia, buried in Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. MARY ALICE MERRITT, daughter of EDWARD MERRITT and BIDDIE DOTSON. She was b. June 26, 1900, Floyd County, Kentucky, d. July 13, 1998, Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky, buried in Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky.
Notes: Mary Alice Merritt was the sister of Cleo Merritt, who had a child with Emmanuel "Manuel" Fitzpatrick. She was also the sister of Sarah Ellen Merritt, Lewis Merritt, Hattie Elizabeth Merritt, and of William "Bill" Merritt.
According to his obituary, Edgar Hannah (age 73), son of the late Harmon and Lydia Arms Hannah, was a retired miner and a resident of Leander, Kentucky, at the time of his death. He died August 20, 1971 in a Huntington, West Virginia hospital after an illness of 2 years, and was buried in Hannah Cemetery in Leander. He was survived by his wife, Mary Merritt Hannah; 3 sons, Henry Hannah (of Leander), Robert Hannah (Paintsville), and Wilkie Hannah (Hager Hill); 3 daughters, Mrs. Arlene Click (Swamp Branch), Mrs. Carma Lee Blair (Leander), and Mrs. Audrey Prater (Prestonsburg); 2 brothers, Walter Hannah (Leander) and Proctor Hannah (Hager Hill); 2 sisters, Mrs. Alka Lemasters (Leander) and Mrs. Frankie Woods (Columbus, Ohio); 12 grandchilren; and 4 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
According to her obituary, Mary Alice Merritt Hannah (age 98), daughter of the late Edd and Bidda Dotson Merritt, was born June 26, 1900 in Floyd County, died July 13, 1998 in Highlands Regional Medical Center in Prestonsburg, and was buried in Click Cemetery in Leander. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Edgar Hannah, in 1971, 2 grandchildren; and 1 great-grandchild. She was survived by 3 sons, Henry Hannah (of Hager Hill, Kentucky), Robert Hannah (Hager Hill), and Wilkie Hannah (Thelma, Kentucky), 3 daughters, Allene Click (Leander, Kentucky), Carma Lee Blair (Leander), and Audrey Prater (West Prestonsburg); 13 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; and 6 great-great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
- ALKA HANNAH, b. December 1, 1901, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. December 6, 1977, Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in Leander, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. JOHN POWELL "POWELL" LEMASTER.
- FRANKIE HANNAH, b. 1905, Jennies Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. 1990, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, m. DENNIS WOODS. He was b. 1902.
(This information comes from Joseph Eugene Conley and other sources)