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FLOYD GAMBLE, son of ELIZABETH CANTRELL and WILLIAM HENRY GAMBLE, was born February 29, 1904 in Morgan County, Kentucky, died September 17, 1950 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, and is buried in Bill Elam Cemetery in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky. He married IDA WRIGHT, daughter of ISAAC WRIGHT and SUSAN ROSE, about 1926. She was born November 18, 1909 in Morgan County, Kentucky, died December 29, 1981 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, and is buried in Bill Elam Cemetery in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky. Ida Wright married (2) (unknown first name) COFFEE.

Notes: According to his death certificate, Isaace Wrighte died July 6, 1927 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, from apoplexy. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as February 17, 1864, his marital status as married, his occupation as farmer, his parents as George Wrighte [George Wright] (b. Kentucky) and Pop Potter [Mary Potter] (b. Kentucky), the informant as S. M. Potter of West Liberty, and the burial place as Elam Graveyard.

According to her death certificate, Susan Rose Wright died June 30, 1936 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, from valvular heart disease. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as July 9, 1868, her marital status as widowed, her parents as Robin Rose (b. Kentucky) and Elizabeth Bevely (b. Kentucky), the informant as M. C. Potter of West Liberty, and the burial place as Elam Cemetery.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Floyd Gambill married Ida Wright on December 24, 1925 in Morgan County.

Information found on findagrave.com and a photo of their headstone shows that Floyd Gamble lived from February 28, 1904 to September 17, 1950, and was buried in Bill Elam Cemetery in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, and that Ida Gamble lived from November 18, 1909 to December 29, 1981, and was buried in the same cemetery.

According to his death certificate, Floyd Gamble died September 17, 1950 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, from a broken back and internal injuries when a rock fell on him as he was digging in the ground. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Magoffin County, his birth date as February 29, 1903, his marital status as married, his occupation as farmer, his parents as William Gamble and Elizabeth Cantrell, the informant as Ida Gamble, and the burial place as Elam Cemetery in West Liberty.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Floyd Gamble died September 17, 1950 in Morgan County at the age of 46. He was living in Morgan County at the time of his death.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Ida Coffee was born November 18, 1909, and died in December of 1981. She received her Social Security card in 1956 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Ida Coffee died December 29, 1981 in Morgan County at the age of 72. She was living in Morgan County at the time of her death.

On page 16 of the 1910 census for District 146 (Elkhorn) in Letcher County, Kentucky (dated April 25, 1910), Isaac Wright is listed as the head of the household for house #158, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 25 years, and he's 47 years old. Also listed are Susan (wife, born in Virginia, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 9 children and 7 are still living, age 38), Willie (son, born in Kentucky, age 19), John L. (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Sherman (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Morgan (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Walter (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), Ida (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5 months), and Mary Wright (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 72).

On page 12 of the 1920 census for District 197 (West Liberty) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated January 9 & 10, 1920), Isaac Wright is listed as the head of the household for house #109, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 60 years old. Also listed are Sousan (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 51), Elizabeth (daughter, married, not working, born in Kentucky, age 34), William (son, married, not working, born in Kentucky, age 28), John L. (son, married, not working, born in Kentucky, age 25), Sherman (son, married, not working, born in Kentucky, age 23), Morgan (son, born in Kentucky, age 18), Walter (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), and Ida (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10).

On page 2 of the 1930 census for District 88-13 (West Liberty) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 7, 1930), Susan Wright is listed as the head of the household for house #89, she's a farmer, widowed, born in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, and she's 62 years old. Also listed are Floyd Gamble (son-in-law, married, farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, age 22), Ida Gamble (daughter, married, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 20), Billie Gamble (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 3), and Jewel (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 1 year 5 months).

On pages 30 & 31 of the 1940 census for District 88-18 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated May 8, 1940), Floyd Gamball is listed as the head of the household for house #259, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 35 years old. Also listed are Ida (wife, born in Kentucky, 7th grade education, age 30), Billie (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Jewel (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Morgan (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), and Ujene (son, born in Kentucky, age 3).

    The children of FLOYD GAMBLE and IDA WRIGHT are:

    1. BILLIE GAMBLE, b. 1927, Kentucky.
    2. JEWEL GAMBLE, b. 1928, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Jewell Gambill was born in Morgan County to Ida Gambill.
    3. MORGAN GAMBLE, b. 1931, Kentucky.
    4. DELPHA GAMBLE, b. October 3, 1933, Kentucky, d. June 23, 1935, West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, buried in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Delpha Gambill was born October 3, 1933 in Morgan County to Ida Wright.
      According to her death certificate, Delpha Gambill died June 23, 1935 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, from dysentary and anorexia. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as September 3, 1933, her parents as Floyd Cambill (b. Kentucky) and Ida Wright (b. Kentucky), the informant as George Johnson of West Liberty, and the burial place as Elam Graveyard.
    5. MABLE DELORES GAMBLE, b. November 6, 1935, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. September 29, 1936, West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, buried in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to her death certificate, Mable Delores Gambill died September 29, 1935 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, from cerebro spinal meningitis. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Morgan County, her birth date as November 6, 1935, her parents as Floyd Gambill (b. Morgan County) and Ida Wright (b. Morgan County), the informant as Floyd Gambill of West Liberty, and the burial place as Elam Cemetery.
    6. LESLEY EUGENE GAMBLE, b. 1937, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Sesley U. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Ida Wright.
    7. ELIZABETH I. GAMBLE, b. Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Elizabeth I. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Ida Wright.
    8. MAGGIE I. GAMBLE, b. Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Maggie I. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Ida Wright.

NETTIE GAMBLE, daughter of ELIZABETH CANTRELL and WILLIAM HENRY GAMBLE, was born March 2, 1907 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, died September 2, 2004 in Clark, Clark County, Ohio, and is buried in New Carlisle Cemetery in New Carlisle, Clark County, Ohio. She married HOMER CROWE, son of WILLIAM M. CROWE and NELLIE CARROLL, July 12, 1928. He was born November 23, 1904 in Kentucky, died May 6, 1985 in Springfield, Clark County, Ohio, and is buried in New Carlisle Cemetery in New Carlisle, Clark County, Ohio.

Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Bessie Crowe was born October 6, 1919 in Estill County to Nellie Carroll.

According to his death certificate, Marshall Richard Crowe died March 1, 1947 in West Irvine, Estill County, Kentucky, from influenza and pneumonia. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Estill County, his birth date as July 7, 1926, his marital status as married, his wife as Nora Johnson Crowe (age 16), his occupation as farmer, his parents as Bill Crowe (b. Kentucky)_ and Nellie Carroll (b. Kentucky), the informant as Nora Crowe of Rice Station, Kentucky, and the burial place as West Irvine.

According to Kentucky birth records, Nettie Gambill was born March 2, 1907 in Magoffin County to Elizabeth Cantrell (b. Morgan County) and William Gambill (b. Morgan County).

Information found on findagrave.com and a photo of their headstone shows that Nettie Crowe lived from 1907 to 2004, and was buried in New Carlisle Cemetery in New Carlisle, Clark County, Ohio, and that Homer Crowe lived from 1904 to 1985, and was buried in the same cemetery. It also shows that they were married on July 12, 1928.

According to her obituary found online, Nettie Gamble Crowe (age 97), daughter of the late Will Gamble and Elizabeth Cantrel Gamble, was a resident of New Carlisle, Ohio. She was born April 12, 1907 in West Liberty, Kentucky, died September 2, 2004, and was buried in New Carlisle Cemetery. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Homer Crowe; 1 son, Charles Crowe; and several brothers and sisters. She was survived by 3 daughters, Geneva M. Kouse (of New Carlisle), Nellie E. Goings (Huber Heights), and Jean Petrey (Huber Heights); and 1 sister, Myrtle Stepp (Cincinnati); 8 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and several great-great-grandchildren.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Nettie Crowe was born April 12, 1907, and died September 2, 2004. She received her Social Security card prior to 1951 in Ohio, and her last place of residence was in New Carlisle, Clark County, Ohio.

According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Nettie Gamble Crowe was born April 12, 1907 in West Liberty, Kentucky, and died September 2, 2004. Her name was listed as Nettie Crowe on April 16, 1991, and her parents are listed as Elizabeth Cantrell and Will Gamble.

According to Ohio death record transcripts, Nettie Gamble Crowe was born April 12, 1907, and died September 2, 2004 in a nursing home. Her father's surname is listed as Gamble, her mother's maiden name as Cantrell, and she was widowed and living in Clark, Clark County, at the time of her death.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Homer Crowe was born November 23, 1904, and died in May of 1985. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in New Carlisle, Clark County, Ohio.

According to Ohio death record transcripts, Homer Crowe was born about 1905 in Kentucky, and died May 6, 1985 in Mercy Medical Center in Springfield, Clark County, at the age of 80. He was married and living in New Carlisle, Clark County, at the time of his death.

On page 9 of the 1910 census for District 46 (Riddell) in Estill County, Kentucky (dated April 20, 1910), William Crow is listed as the head of the household for house #71, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 6 years, and he's 25 years old. Also listed are Nellie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 3 children and all are still living, age 25), Homer (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), Flossy (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3), Hubert (son, born in Kentucky, age 6 months), Everett Crow (brother, single, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 30), and Martha Crow (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 11 children and 6 are still living, age 68).

On page 11 of the 1920 census for District 43 (Wisemantown) in Estill County, Kentucky (dated January 13, 1920), Willie Crow is listed as the head of the household for house #119, he's working in a sawmill, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 35 years old. Also listed are Nillie (wife, born in Tennessee, parents born in Tennessee, age 35), Homer (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), Flosie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Hubert (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), Rose (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), Duey (son, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 11 months), and Bessie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3 months). Nettie's brother, Kendall, is in house #42.

On page 7 of the 1930 census for District 33-9 (Red Lick) in Estill County, Kentucky (dated April 4, 1930), Homer Crowe is listed as the head of the household for house #70, he's a laborer in a sawmill, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 24, and he's 25 years old. Also listed are Nettie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 21, age 22), and Geneva (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3 months).

On page 6 of the 1930 census for District 33-9 (Red Lick) in Estill County, Kentucky (dated April 4, 1930), Willie M. Crowe is listed as the head of the household for house #54, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 19, and he's 45 years old. Also listed are Nellie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 19, age 45), Hubert (son, born in Kentucky, age 20), Rosana (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), Dewey (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Bessie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Ora (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), Barbery (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6), and R. Marshall (son, born in Kentucky, age 4).

On page 8 of the 1940 census for District 33-11 in Estill County, Kentucky (dated April 5, 1940), Homer Crowe is listed as the head of the household for house #77, he's a farm laborer, born in Kentucky, he was living in rural Estill County in 1935, he has a 3rd grade education, and he's 35 years old. Also listed are Nettie (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 32), Geneva (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10), Nellie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), Charles Allen (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), and Shelva Jean (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3).

    The children of NETTIE GAMBLE and HOMER CROWE are:

    1. GENEVA M. CROWE, b. 1929, Boyd County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) KOUSE.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Geneva M. Crowe was born in Boyd County to Nettie Gambell.
    2. NELLIE E.CROWE, b. 1931, Estill County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) GOINGS.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Nellie E. Crowe was born in Estill County to Nettie Gamble.
    3. CHARLES ALLEN CROWE, b. August 20, 1932, West Irvine, Estill County, Kentucky, d. September 21, 1999, New Carlisle, Clark County, Ohio, buried in New Carlisle, Clark County, Ohio, m. (unknown).
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Charles A. Crowe was born August 20, 1932 in Estill County to Nettie Gamble.
      According to his obituary found online (in which the survivors names had been removed), Charles Allen Crowe (age 67), son of the late Homer Crowe and Nettie Gamble Crowe, was born August 20, 1932 in West Irvine, Kentucky, died September 21, 1999 at home in New Carlisle, and was buried in New Carlisle Cemetery. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by 1 daughter, Amy Crowe. He was survived by his mother; his wife; 2 sons; 3 sisters; 2 granddaughters; and 3 step-sons.
    4. SHELVA JEAN CROWE, b. 1936, Estill County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) PETREY.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Shelva J. Crowe was born in Estill County to Nettie Gamble.

MYRTLE GAMBLE, daughter of ELIZABETH CANTRELL and WILLIAM HENRY GAMBLE, was born September 24, 1909 in Kentucky, died January 21, 2009, and is buried in Mount Washington Cemetery in Mount Washington, Hamilton County, Ohio. She married SIMON STEPP, son of STEPHEN STEPP and BETTY ANN BISHOP, about 1928. He was born November 6, 1904 in Kentucky, died August 30, 1975 in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, and is buried in Mount Washington Cemetery in Mount Washington, Hamilton County, Ohio.

Notes: According to his death certificate, Steve Stepp died November 26, 1938 in Irvine, Estill County, Kentucky, from appoplexy. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as 1873, his marital status as widowed, his wife as Betty Ann Bishop, his occupation as laborer, his father as Simon Stepp (b. Kentucky), his mother's maiden name as Bishop (b. Kentucky), the informant as Henry Stepp of Irvine, and the burial place as West Irvine.

According to her death certificate, Betty Ann Bishop Stepp died April 15, 1936 in Wisemantown, Estill County, Kentucky, from liver cancer. Also on this certificate, her birth date is listed as 1876, her marital status as married, her husband as Steve Stepp, her father as James Bishop (b. Kentucky), the informant as Simon Stepp of Irvine, Kentucky, and the burial place as Campell Cemetery [sic].

Information found on findagrave.com and photos of their headstones (photo 2) shows that Myrtle Stepp lived from September 24, 1911 to January 21, 2009, and was buried in Mount Washington Cemetery in Mount Washington, Hamilton County, Ohio, and that Simon Stepp lived from 1904 to 1975, and was buried in the same cemetery. It also shows that Simon Stepp served as a private first class in the U.S. Army.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Simon Stepp was born November 6, 1904, and died in August of 1975. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Ohio, and his last place of residence was in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio.

According to Ohio death record transcripts, Simon Stepp was born about 1905, and died August 30, 1975 in Bethesda Oak Hospital in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, at the age of 70. He was married and living in Cincinnati at the time of his death.

On page 13 of the 1910 census for District 47 (Red Lick) in Estill County, Kentucky (dated April 30, 1910), Stephen Sepp [sic] is listed as the head of the household for house #121, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, 1st marriage, married for 12 years, and he's 29 years old. Also listed are Betty Ann (wife, born in Kentucky, father born in Virginia, mother born in Tennessee, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 5 children and all are still living, age 32), Parelee (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Simon (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), James (son, born in Kentucky, age 3), and Mary B. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1).

On page 12 of the 1920 census for District 43 (Wisemantown) in Estill County, Kentucky (dated January 14, 1920), Steven Steppe is listed as the head of the household for house #132, he's working for the railroad, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Bettie (wife, born in Kentucky, father born in Virginia, mother born in Kentucky, age 44), Simond [sic] (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), Jim (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Mary (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Robert (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Henry (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), Lisbil (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 9 months), and Elbert (son, born in Kentucky, age 11 months).

On page 6 of the 1930 census for District 88-16 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 9, 1930), Will Gambill is listed as the head of the household for house #101, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 72 years old. Also listed are Elizabeth (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 64), Stepp Simon [Simon Stepp] (son-in-law, married, farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 23, 25 years old), Myrtle Simon [Myrtle Stepp] (daughter, married, born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 19), Lenora Simon [Lenora Stepp] (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 0), Junora Simon [Junora Stepp] (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 0), Jesse Gambill (son, born in Kentucky, age 19), and Lonnie Gambill (son, born in Kentucky, age 17).

On page 17 of the 1940 census for District 91-92 (Cincinnati) in Hamilton County, Ohio (dated April 18, 1940), Simon Stepp is listed as the head of the household for house #73, he's the manager of a district W.P.A. office, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has a 6th grade education, and he's 35 years old. Also listed are Myrtle (wife, born in Kentucky, 7th grade education, age 28), Jessora (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), and Lenora (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11).

    The children of MYRTLE GAMBLE and SIMON STEPP are:

    1. LENORA STEPP, b. 1929, Boyd County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Lenora Stepps was born in Boyd County to Myrtle Gambrel.
    2. GENORA LEE STEPP, b. April 15, 1929, Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, d. April 6, 1989, m. (1) VINCENT GENTILE about 1948 (divorced). She m. (2) HARRY D. BALDOCK, April 16, 1977, Campbell County, Kentucky.
      Notes: Lenora and Genora Stepp were twins.
      According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Genoa Stepps was born in Boyd County to Myrtle Gambrel.
      According to Ohio divorce record transcripts, Genora S. Gentile (b. 1929, married once, resident of Cincinnati) was divorced from Vincent Gentile (b. 1929, married once, resident of Cincinnati) on November 14, 1975 after 27 years of marriage.
      According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Genora Gentile (b. 1929, never married, resident of Campbell County after marriage, age 48) married Harry D. Baldock (last marriage ended by divorce, age 42) on April 16, 1977 in Campbell County.
      According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Genora Lee Stepp Gentile Baldcock was born April 15, 1929 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, and died April 15, 1989. Her name was listed as Genora Stepp in July of 1944, as Genora Lee Stepp in March of 1947, as Genora Lee Gentile in July of 1953, as Genora Baldock on August 23, 1982, and her parents are listed as Myrtle Gamble and Simon Stepp.
      According to Ohio death record transcripts, Genora Stepp Baldock was born April 15, 1929 in Kentucky, and died April 6, 1989 in an out-of-state hospital at the age of 59. Her father's surname is listed as Stepp, and she was married at the time of her death.

LOUISE GAMBILL, daughter of VICTORIA CANTRELL and ALONZO GAMBILL, was born in October of 1892 in Kentucky, and died February 29, 1960 in Lima, Allen County, Ohio. She married (1) SAMUEL C. BLAIR, son of GEORGE E. BLAIR and CLARISSA WRIGHT, November 26, 1917 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He was born January 12, 1885 in Kentucky, died August 23, 1935 in Silver Hill, Morgan County, Kentucky, and is buried in Wright Cemetery in Silver Hill, Morgan County, Kentucky. She married (2) CURT WHITT on May 15, 1942 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He was born August 5, 1908 in Kentucky, and died February 3, 1986 in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio.

Notes: According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Lou Gambill married Sam Blair on November 26, 1917 in Morgan County.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Louise Gambill Blair married Curt Whitt on May 15, 1942 in Morgan County.

When Samuel Blair's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a self-employed farmer in Silver Hill, that his closest relative was Louisa Blair of Silver Hill, and that he was born in 1883. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had brown eyes and black hair. Not being able to read or write, he signed the card with an "X."

According to Ohio death record transcripts, Louise Whitt was born about 1895, and died February 29, 1960 in Lima Memorial Hospital in Lima, Allen County, at the age of 65. She was married and living in Allen County at the time of her death.

According to his death certificate, Samuel Blair died August 23, 1935 in Silver Hill, Morgan County, Kentucky, from scrofula. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as January 12, 1885, his marital status as married, his wife as Loula Blair, his occupation as farmer, his parents as George Blair (b. Kentucky) and Clara Wright (b. Kentucky), the informant as George Blair of Silver Hill, and the burial place as Wright Cemetery.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Samuel Blair died August 23, 1935 in Morgan County at the age of 50.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Curt Whitt was born August 5, 1908, and died in February of 1986. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Fairborn, Greene County, Ohio.

According to Ohio death record transcripts, Curt Whitt was born about 1909 in Kentucky, and died February 3, 1986 in Grandview Hospital in Dayton, Montgomery County, at the age of 77. He was widowed at the time of his death.

On page 33 of the 1900 census for District 75 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 16, 1900), George Blair is listed as the head of the household for house #271, he's a farmer, born in September of 1861 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 20 years, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Clarey (wife, born in April of 1859 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 20 years, she's given birth to 8 children and all are still living, age 41), Samuel (son, born in June of 1881 in Kentucky, age 18), Mary J. (daughter, born in February of 1884 in Kentucky, age 16), Lora B. (daughter, born in May of 1885 in Kentucky, age 15), Loulisie (daughter, born in March of 1887 in Kentucky, age 13), Tetora (daughter, born in September of 1888 in Kentucky, age 11), William (son, born in May of 1896 in Kentucky, age 4), Joseph (son, born in January of 1892 in Kentucky, age 8), and John E. (son, born in June of 1898 in Kentucky, age 1).

On page 12 of the 1910 census for District 154 (Walnut Grove) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated May 2, 1910), George E. Blair is listed as the head of the household for house #117, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 29 years, and he's 57 years old. Also listed are Clarissa (wife, born in Virginia, parents born in North Carolina, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 9 children and all are still living, age 48), Samuel C. (son, single, laborer doing odd jobs, born in Kentucky, age 28), Mary J. (daughter, single, laundress, born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 27), Lora B. (daughter, single, laundress, born in Kentucky, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 25), Tutoria (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 20), Joseph F. (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), William E. (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), John E. (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Lydia A. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), William T. Perkins (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 3), and George W. Perkins (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 3).

On page 4 of the 1920 census for District 204 (River) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated January 5, 1920), Sam Blair is listed as the head of the household for family #31, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and his age is unknown. Also listed are Louise (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 24), and George H. (son, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 3 months).

On page 14 of the 1930 census for District 77-4 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 11, 1930), Sam Blair is listed as the head of the household for house #106, he's a farm laborer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 35, and he's 50 years old. Also listed are Louise (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 32), George (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Boone (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), Kelly (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Versie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), Revel (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 11 months), Rhoda (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 5 months), and Vona (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4 months).

On pages 27 & 28 of the 1940 census for District 88-7 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 30, 1940), Lou Blair is found with some of her children living in the Morgan County Poor Farm. She's widowed, not working, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same house that she was in 1935, she has a 2nd grade education, and she's 45 years old. Also listed are Versie Blair (born in Kentucky, age 17), Reva Blair (born in Kentucky, age 14), and Sanford Blair (born in Kentucky, age 8).

On page 7 of the 1940 census for District 88-17 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 10, 1940), Susan Ann Cantrell is listed as the head of the household for house #46, she's widowed, not working, she's living in the same house that she was in 1935, she has no formal education, and she's 65 years old. Also listed is Bonnie Blair (foster daughter, born in Kentucky, she was living in rural Morgan County in 1935, age 10).

On page 3 of the 1940 census for District 88-10 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 3, 1940), J. M. Smith is listed as the head of the household for house #24, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has 4 years of high school, and he's 62 years old. Also listed are Polly (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 62), and Rhoda Blair (granddaughter, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same place that she was in 1935, age 11).

    The children of LOUISE GAMBILL and SAM BLAIR are:

    1. GEORGE H. BLAIR, b. August 25, 1918, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, George H. Blair was born August 25, 1918 in Morgan County to Lieu Gambill.
    2. BOONE BLAIR, b. May 10, 1920, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Boone Blair was born May 10, 1920 in Morgan County to Lou Gambill.
    3. KELLY BLAIR, b. 1923, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, there was a May Blair who was born in 1923 in Morgan County to a Lou Gambill.
    4. REVA BLAIR, b. June 19, 1926, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. April 15, 1994, m. (unknown first name) MILLER.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Reva Blair was born in Morgan County to Louise Gamble.
      According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Reva Blair Miller was born June 19, 1927 in Morgan County, Kentucky, and died April 15, 1994. Her name was listed as Reva Blair Miller in July of 1954, and her parents are listed as Louise Gamble and Sam Blair.
    5. RHODA BELL BLAIR, b. June 3, 1927, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. September 29, 2007, m. (1) (unknown first name) HANCOCK, m. (2) (unknown first name) SMITH. Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Rhoda Blair was born June 3, 1927 in Morgan County to Lou Gambill.
      According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Rhoda Bell Blair Hancock Smith was born August 8, 1926 in West Liberty, Kentucky, and died September 29, 2007. Her name was listed as Rhoda Bell Blair in April of 1944, as Rhoda Bell Hancock in June of 1949, as Rhoda B. Smith on June 8, 1990, and her parents are listed as Louise Gambill and Sam Blair.
    6. VONA BLAIR, b. 1929, Kentucky.
    7. SANFORD BLAIR, b. 1932, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Sanford Blair was born in Magoffin County to Sue Gambill.

BETTY GAMBILL, daughter of VICTORIA CANTRELL and ALONZO GAMBILL, was born May 8, 1896 in Kentucky, died August 9, 1992 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, and is buried in Ace Cantrell Cemetery in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky. She married ERVIN CANTRELL, son of ASA CANTRELL and MIRANDA BOLIN, September 30, 1916 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He was born February 11, 1896 in Mima, Morgan County, Kentucky, died August 16, 1984 in Morgan County, Kentucky, and is buried in Ace Cantrell Cemetery in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky.

Notes: Ervin Cantrell was the brother of John Henry Cantrell, Smith Nick "Nick" Cantrell, Marvella Cantrell, and Mance Cantrell.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Bettie Gamble married Irvin Cantrill on September 30, 1916 in Morgan County.

According to her death certificate, there was an unnamed baby girl who was stillborn on January 6, 1925 in Silver Hill, Morgan County, Kentucky, to Irvin Cantrell (b. Kentucky) and Bettie Gambill (b. Kentucky). Also on this certificate, the informant is listed as Irvin Cantrell of Silver Hill, and the burial place as Cantrell Cemetery.

When Ervin Cantrill's World War I draft registration card was filled out on June 5, 1918 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, he stated that he was working in Silver Hill, Morgan County, that his closest relative was "Bettye Gambill (Wife)" of Silver Hill, and that he was born February 11, 1896 in Morgan County. He was found to be short and slender, and he had brown eyes and black hair.

When Ervin Cantrell's World War II draft registration card was filled out on April 27, 1942 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, he stated that he was working in Mima, Morgan County, that the person who would always know his address was Bettie Cantrell of Mima, and that he was born February 11, 1896 in Mima. He was found to be 5 feet 6 inches tall, he weighed 150 pounds, and he had brown eyes, brown hair, and a dark complexion.

Information found on findagrave.com and a photo of their headstone shows that Betty Cantrell lived from May 8, 1895 to August 9, 1992, and was buried in Ace Cantrell Cemetery in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, and that Ervin Cantrell lived from February 11, 1896 to August 16, 1984, and was buried in the same cemetery.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Betty Cantrell was born May 10, 1895, and died August 9, 1992. She received her Social Security card in 1956 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Betty Cantrell died August 9, 1992 in Morgan County at the age of 97. She was living in Morgan County at the time of her death.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Ervin Cantrell was born February 10, 1896, and died in August of 1984. He received his Social Security card in 1956 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Silver Hill, Morgan County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Ervin Cantrell died August 16, 1984 in Morgan County at the age of 88. He was living in Morgan County at the time of his death.

On page 10 of the 1900 census for District 75 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 5, 1900), Aca Cantrell is listed as the head of the household for house #78, he's a farmer, born in February of 1860 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 27 years, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Marinda (wife, born in June of 1864 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 27 years, she's given birth to 13 children and 10 are still living, age 35), Sanford (son, born in October of 1882 in Kentucky, age 17), Salvaney (daughter, born in March of 1884 in Kentucky, age 16), Smith N. (son, born in November of 1886 in Kentucky, age 15), Margret A. (daughter, born in July of 1888 in Kentucky, age 11), Rece (daughter, born in March of 1891 in Kentucky, age 9), Marvilla (daughter, born in October of 1892 in Kentucky, age 7), Mancy (son, born in June of 1893 in Kentucky, age 6), and Ervin (son, born in February of 1896 in Kentucky, age 4).

On page 14 of the 1910 census for District 149 (Coffee) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 23, 1910), Asa Cantrel is listed as the head of the household for house #111, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 40 years, and he's 56 years old. Also listed are Marandy (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 14 children and 10 are still living, age 52), Rissie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 19), Manse (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), and Urvan (son, born in Kentucky, age 13).

On page 9 of the 1920 census for District 205 (Coffee Creek) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated January 9 & 10, 1920), Irvin Cantrell is listed as the head of the household for house #81, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 21 years old. Also listed are Bettie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 21), Rosa (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 4 months), Bula (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4 months), and Randy Cantrell (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 68).

On page 29 of the 1930 census for District 88-17 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1930), Ervin Cantrell is listed as the head of the household for house #11, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 27, and he's 41 years old. Also listed are Bettie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 31), Rosie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Beulah (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), and Dortha (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8).

On page 29 of the 1940 census for District 88-17 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 29, 1940), Irvin Cantrell is listed as the head of the household for house #232, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 4th grade education, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Betty (wife, born in Kentucky, 7th grade education, age 35), Rosa (daughter, single, not working, born in Kentucky, 5th grade education, age 21), Beulah (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), and Dortha (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15).

    The children of BETTY GAMBILL and ERVIN CANTRELL are:

    1. ROSIE CANTRELL, b. August 11, 1917, West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. December 10, 2001, m. (1) (unknown first name) CAUDILL, m. (2) (unknown first name) BOLIN.
      Notes: According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Rosie Cantrell Caudill Bolin was born August 11, 1917 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, and died December 10, 2001. Her name was listed as Rosie Caudill on June 6, 1972, as Rosie Bolin on May 3, 1976, and her parents are listed as Betty Gambill and Ervin Cantrell.
    2. BEULAH CANTRELL, b. August 11, 1919, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. November 1, 2005, Morehead, Rowan County, Kentucky, buried in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, m. AUTIE ROBBINS.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Bula Cantrell was born August 4, 1919 in Morgan County to Bettie Gambill.
      According to her obituary found on findagrave.com, Beulah Cantrell Robbins (age 86 years 2 months 21 days), daughter of the late Ervin Cantrell and Betty Gamble Cantrell, was a resident of West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, at the time of her death. She was born August 11, 1919 in Morgan County, died November 1, 2005 in St. Claire Medical Center in Morehead, and was buried in Robbins Cemetery in Ophir. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by 1 son, William Harold Robbins; 1 son-in-law, Darlie Peters; 1 sister, Rosie Bolin; 1 grandson, Billy Joe Robbins; and 1 granddaughter, Cristen Lesha Robbins. She was survived by her husband, Autie Robbins; 2 sons, Dairl (Sherri) Robbins (of West Liberty) and Charlie F. (Annaleen) Robbins (West Liberty); 2 daughters, Della Gay (Lenville) Gamble (West Liberty) and Hester Mae Peters (West Liberty); 1 sister, Dorothy Ball (West Liberty); 13 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; 1 step-grandson; and 1 step-great-grandchild.
    3. DOROTHY CANTRELL, b. March 2, 1922, West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. June 25, 2016, West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, buried in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, m. RUSSELL BALL. He was b. February 5, 1920, d. April 22, 1986, buried in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Dorothy Cantrell was born March 2, 1922 in Morgan County to Betty Gambill.
      According to her obituary found on findagrave.com, Dorothy Mae Cantrell Ball (age 94), daughter of the late Ervin and Betty Gamble Cantrell, was a resident of Elkfork, Kentucky, at the time of her death. She was born March 2, 1922 in West Liberty, Kentucky, died June 25, 2016 in Morgan County ARH Hospital in West Liberty, and was buried in Ball Cemetery in West Liberty. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Russell Ball; and 2 sisters, Beulah Robbins and Rosie Cantrell. She was survived by 1 son, Tony (Reva) Ball (of Elkfork); 2 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren.
    4. VANNIE ELCIE CANTRELL, b. April 30, 1928, Kentucky, d. May 20, 1928, Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, buried in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Vannie E. Cantrell was born April 30, 1928 in Morgan County to Bettie Gambill.
      According to her death certificate, Vannie Elcie Cantrell died May 20, 1928 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, and the cause of death is listed as "Deformed." Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as April 30, 1928, her parents as Ervin Cantrell (b. Kentucky) and Bettie Gambill (b. Kentucky), the informant as Bazil Dulin of Ophir, and the burial place as Cantrell Cemetery.
    5. POLLIE MARGARET CANTRELL, b. November 22, 1930, Kentucky, d. January 24, 1931, Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, buried in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Pollie M. Cantrell was born November 22, 1930 in Morgan County to Bettie Gambill.
      According to her death certificate, Pollie Marget Cantrell [sic] died January 24, 1931 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, from "Cold or Croup." Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as November 22, 1930, her parents as Ervin Cantrell (b. Kentucky) and Bettie Gambill (b. Kentucky), the informant as A. M. Bolin of Dingus, Kentucky, and the burial place as Cantrell Cemetery.
    6. LETHA IRENE CANTRELL, b. April 16, 1934, Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. April 16, 1934, Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, buried in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Letha I. Cantrell was born April 16, 1934 in Morgan County to Bettie Gambill.
      According to her death certificate, Letha Irene Cantrell was stillborn on April 16, 1934 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky. Also on this certificate, her parents are listed as Ervin Cantrell (b. Kentucky) and Bettie Gambill (b. Kentucky).

GEORGE HATFIELD F. "HATFIELD" GAMBILL, son of VICTORIA CANTRELL and ALONZO GAMBILL, was born May 15, 1898 in Dingus, Morgan County, Kentucky, and died April 8, 1990 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He married NORA ALICE CANTRELL, daughter of ELIJAH CANTRELL and MARGARET ANN BOLIN, January 19, 1918 in Morgan County, Kentucky. She was born July 25, 1903 in Kentucky, and died June 17, 1986 in Rowan County, Kentucky.

Notes: Hatfield Gambill's brother, Chillie, married Nora Cantrell's sister, Lula.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Hatfield Gamble married Nora Cantrill on January 19, 1918 in Morgan County.

When George Hatfield Gambill's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a self-employed farmer in Silver Hill, Kentucky, that his closest relative was Nora A. Gambill of Silver Hill, and that he was born March 21, 1899. He was found to be short, of medium build, and he had blue eyes and light brown hair. Not being able to read or write, he signed the card with an "X."

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Hatfield Gambill was born May 15, 1898, and died April 8, 1990. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.

According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Hatfield F. Gambill was born June 17, 1900 in Dingus, Morgan County, Kentucky, and died April 8, 1990. His parents are listed as Victoria Cantrell and Lonso Gambill.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Hatfield Gambill died April 8, 1990 in Morgan County at the age of 95. He was living in Morgan County at the time of his death.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Nora Gambill was born July 25, 1900, and died in June of 1986. She received her Social Security card in 1966 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Nora A. Gamble died June 17, 1986 in Rowan County at the age of 84. She was living in Morgan County at the time of her death.

On page 9 of the 1920 census for District 205 (Coffee Creek) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated January 9 & 10, 1920), Hatfield Gambill is listed as the head of the household for house #83, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 21 years old. Also listed are Nora (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 18), and Hobert (son, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 0 months).

On page 29 of the 1930 census for District 88-17 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1930), Hatfield Gambol is listed as the head of the household for house #19, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 18, and he's 30 years old. Also listed are Nola (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 14, age 26), Hobert (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Hubert (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Lucy (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), and May (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 10 months).

On page 30 of the 1940 census for District 88-17 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 30, 1940), H. F. Gambill is listed as the head of the household for house #240, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 4th grade education, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Nora Alice (wife, born in Kentucky, 5th grade education, age 36), Herbert (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), Ruth (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13), Ruby (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Earl (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Dearl (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Lula (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), and Bonnie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1).

    The children of HATFIELD GAMBILL and NORA CANTRELL are:

    1. HOBERT GAMBILL, b. December 22, 1918, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Hobert Gambill was born December 22, 1918 in Morgan County to Nora Cantrell.
    2. HERBERT N. GAMBILL, b. January 17, 1923, Mima, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. September 20, 2007, Paintsville, Johnson County, Kentucky, buried in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, m. BERT YOUNG.
      Notes: According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Herbert N. Gambill was born January 17, 1923 in Mima, Morgan County, Kentucky, and died September 20, 2007. His parents are listed as Hatfield Gambill and Nora A. Cantrell.
      According to his obituary found online, Herbert Gambill (age 84), son of the late Hatfield and Nora Alice Cantrell Gambill, was a retired construction worker, and a resident of West Liberty, Kentucky, at the time of his death. He was born January 17, 1923 in Morgan County, died September 20, 2007 in Paul B. Hall Regional Medical Center in Paintsville, and was buried in Gambill Cemetery in West Liberty. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Bert Young Gambill; and 1 son, Ovie Gambill. He was survived by 2 sons, Covie Gambill (of West Liberty) and Charles David Gambill (Hazard, Kentucky); 2 brothers, Bearl Gambill (Piqua, Ohio) and Earl Gambill (Piqua); 3 sisters, Lola Marie (Joe) White (Piqua), Fay Pendleton (Malone, Kentucky), and Bonnie Hawkins (Piqua); and 7 grandchildren.
    3. RUTH A. GAMBILL, b. 1925, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Rutha A. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Nora Cantrell.
    4. RUBY MAY GAMBILL, b. 1927, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Ruba M. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Nora Cantrell.
    5. EARL GAMBILL, b. 1930, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Earl Gambill was born in Morgan County to Nora Cantrell.
    6. DEARL GAMBILL, b. 1933, Kentucky.
    7. LULA FAY GAMBILL, b. 1935, Morgan County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) PENDLETON.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Lula F. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Nora Cantoll.
    8. BONNIE M. GAMBILL, b. 1938, Morgan County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) HAWKINS.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Bonnie M. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Nora Contrell.
    9. BEARL GAMBILL, b. Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Bearl Gambill was born in Morgan County to Nora Contrill.

FLOYD GAMBLE, son of VICTORIA CANTRELL and ALONZO GAMBILL, was born June 12, 1900 in Kentucky, died March 1, 1977 in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in Samuel Wright Cemetery in Silver Hill, Morgan County, Kentucky. He married LULA ESTEP, daughter of RANZIE ESTEP and RHODA E. HOWARD, July 23, 1921 in Morgan County, Kentucky. She was born March 3, 1900 in Kentucky, died April 22, 1974 in Piqua, Miami County, Ohio, and is buried in Samuel Wright Cemetery in Silver Hill, Morgan County, Kentucky.

Notes: Ranzie Estep's 2nd wife was Cynthia Blanton.

According to his death certificate, Alonzo Estep died July 7, 1923 in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, when he was struck on the head by a falling pipe. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed Kentucky, his birth date as August 1, 1898, his marital status as married, his occupation as lease worker in the oil fields, his parents as Ranzie Estep (b. Kentucky) and Roda E. Howard (b. Kentucky), the informant as Thomas Meade of Lacey, Kentucky, and that burial place as Magoffin County.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Floyd Gambill married Lula Estep on July 23, 1921 in Morgan County.

A photo of their headstone found on bobbystuff.com shows that Floyd Gamble lived from June 12, 1900 to March 1, 1977, and was buried in Samuel Wright Cemetery in Silver Hill, Morgan County, Kentucky, and that Lula E. Gamble lived from March 3, 1900 to April 22, 1974, and was buried in the same cemetery.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Floyd Gambill was born June 12, 1899, and died in March of 1977. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Floyd Gamble died March 1, 1977 in Johnson County at the age of 78. He was living in Magoffin County at the time of his death.

According to Ohio death record transcripts, Lula Gambill was born about 1901, and died April 22, 1974 ihn Piqua Memorial Medical Center in Piqua, Miami County, at the age of 73. She was married at the time of her death.

On page 14 of the 1930 census for District 77-4 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 11, 1930), Floyd Gambill is listed as the head of the household for house #110, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 28 years old. Also listed are Lula (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 20, age 28), Woodrow (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Rhoda (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6), Bertie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4 years 3 months), Malcum J. (son, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 2 months), and Hollie E. (son, born in Kentucky, age 0 months).

On pages 30 & 31 of the 1940 census for District 88-17 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 29 & 30, 1940), Floyd Gambill is listed as the head of the household for house #243, he's a laborer doing road construction, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 4th grade education, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Lula (wife, born in Kentucky, 6th grade education, age 41), Woodrow (son, born in Kentucky, age 18), Bertie Jane (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), Malcome (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Ollie Edgar (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Ruby Alice (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), Ranzie Edward (son, born in Kentucky, age 4), Chester E. (son, born in Kentucky, age 2), and Pearlie Mae (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1).

    The children of FLOYD GAMBLE and LULA ESTEP are:

    1. WOODROW M. GAMBLE, b. 1922, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Woodrow M. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Lula Eastey.
    2. RHODA GAMBLE, b. 1924, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) YOUNG.
    3. BERTIE JANE GAMBLE, b. 1925, Morgan County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) COFFEE.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Bertie J. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Lula Estep.
    4. MALCOM J. GAMBLE, b. 1927, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Malcum I. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Lula Esteep.
    5. HOLLIE EDGAR GAMBLE, b. March 30, 1930, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. August 14, 2003, Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky, buried in Litterals Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. THELMA YOUNG, daughter of HATTIE LEGG and ELIAS YOUNG.
      Notes: According to his obituary, Hollie Gamble (age 73), son of the late Floyd and Lula Estep Gamble, was a retired construction worker and a resident of Salyersville, Kentucky, at the time of his death. He was born March 30, 1930 in Magoffin County, died August 14, 2003 in Highlands Regional Medical Center in Prestonsburg, and was buried in Gamble Family Cemetery in Litterals Fork. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by 1 brother, Mitchel Gamble; and 2 sisters, Roadie Young and Pearl Hall. He was survived by his wife, Thelma Young Gamble; 6 sons, Tony Gamble, Edgar Gamble, Vernon Gamble, James Gamble, Glenn Richard Gamble, and Hollie Gamble Jr. (all of Salyersville); 3 daughters, Donie Taulbee (Salyersville), Sharon Sue Gamble (Salyersville), and Brenda Lou Slone (Oil Springs); 4 brothers, Chester Eugene Gamble (Salyersville), Woody Gamble (Piqua, Ohio), Ransie Gamble (Piqua), and Malcom Gamble (Piqua); 5 sisters, Birdie Coffee (Piqua), Ruby Young (Piqua), Judy Marie Wheeler (Piqua), Dollie Young (Piqua), and Wanda Hall (Salyersville); 17 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. (Taken from the obituary page of the The Johnson County Historical & Genealogical Society's website.)
    6. RUBY ALICE GAMBLE, b. 1932, Morgan County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) YOUNG.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Ruby A. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Lulie Estepp.
    7. RANSIE EDWARD GAMBLE, b. 1936, Kentucky.
    8. CHESTER EUGENE GAMBLE, b. 1937, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Chester N. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Lulie Esteep.
    9. DESSIE PEARL MAY "PEARL" GAMBLE, b. May 15, 1939, West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. June 19, 1995, m. (unknown first name) HALL.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Dessie M. Gambill was born May 12, 1939 in Morgan County to Lula Esteep.
      According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Pearl May Gambill Hall was born May 15, 1937 in West Liberty, Kentucky, and died June 19, 1995. Her name was listed as Pearl May Gambill in August of 1955, as Pearl Hall in April of 1961, as Pearl Hall in January of 1972, as Dessie Pearl Hall on July 11, 1995, and her parents are listed as Floyd Gambill and Lula Cstep [sic].
    10. JUDY MARIE GAMBLE, m. (unknown first name) YOUNG.
    11. DOLLIE GAMBLE, m. (unknown first name) YOUNG.
    12. WANDA GAMBLE, m. (unknown first name) HALL.

JOE GAMBILL, son of VICTORIA CANTRELL and ALONZO GAMBILL, was born March 1, 1904 in Kentucky, and died May 19, 1987 in Rowan County, Kentucky. He married IDA KEETON, daughter of LORANZO KEETON and ELIZABETH ELDRIDGE, March 6, 1924 in Morgan County, Kentucky. She was born October 20, 1898 in Kentucky, and died February 6, 1976 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky.

Notes: According to his death certificate, Loranzo Keaton died March 23, 1924 in Paint, Morgan County, Kentucky, and the cause of death is listed as "had no Physician supposed Heart Failure." Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as May 17 [no year], his age as 50, his marital status as married, his occupation as farmer, his father as William Keaton [William Keeton] (b. Kentucky), his mother's maiden name as Hay (b. Kentucky), the informant as Son Keaton [Son Keeton] of Moon, Kentucky, and the burial place as T. J. Keaton Cemetery.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Lorenzo Keeton married Elizabeth Eldridge on October 20, 1896 in Morgan County.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Joe Gambill married Ida Keeton on March 6, 1924 in Morgan County.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Joe Gambill was born March 1, 1904, and died in June of 1987. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Joe Gamble died May 19, 1987 in Rowan County at the age of 83. He was living in Morgan County at the time of his death.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Ida Gambill was born October , 1898, and died in March of 1976. She received her Social Security card in 1966 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Ida Gambill died February 6, 1976 in Morgan County at the age of 79. She was living in Morgan County at the time of her death.

On page 20 of the 1900 census for District 75 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 9, 1900), Loranza Keeton is listed as the head of the household for house #155, he's a farmer, born in May of 1876 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 3 years, and he's 24 years old. Also listed are Elizabeth (wife, born in September of 1879 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 3 years, she's given birth to 2 children and both are still living, age 20), Ida (daughter, born in October of 1898 in Kentucky, age 1), and Franklin (son, born in May of 1900 in Kentucky, age 0 months).

On page 17 of the 1910 census for District 150 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 29, 1910), Loranzie Keeton is listed as the head of the household for house #128, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 12 years, and he's 29 years old. Also listed are Elizabeth (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 7 children and 4 are still living, age 28), Ida (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Sanford (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), William A. (son, born in Kentucky, age 4), and Rosco (son, born in Kentucky, age 1).

On page 11 of the 1920 census for District 206 (Paint) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated January 16, 1920), Loranzo Keaton is listed as the head of the household for house #87, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 46 years old. Elizabeth (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 38), Ida (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 19), Sanford (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), Anthony (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Elzie (son, born in Kentucky, age 4 years 7 months), and Lissie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 9 months).

On page 21 of the 1930 census for District 88-18 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 15, 1930), Joe Gambill is listed as the head of the household for house #190, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 16, and he's 21 years old. Also listed are Ida (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 22, age 27), Lizzie B. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), Enda E. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 5 months), and William A. (son, born in Kentucky, age 0). They are living next to Ida's family.

On pages 21 & 22 of the 1940 census for District 88-17 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 23 & 24, 1940), Joe Gambill is listed as the head of the household for house #177, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he was living in rural Morgan County in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Ida (wife, born in Kentucky, 6th grade education, age 37), Lizzie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), Andy (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), William (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Albert (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), Lula Mae (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), Nora (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6), Wandlean (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3), and Gladys (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3 months).

    The children of JOE GAMBILL and IDA KEETON are:

    1. LIZZIE B. GAMBILL, b. 1924, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Lizzie Gambill was born in Morgan County to Ida Keeton.
    2. ANDA E. GAMBILL, b. 1927, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Inda U. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Ida Steeton.
    3. WILLIAM A. GAMBILL, b. 1928, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, William E. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Ida Keaton.
    4. ALBERT GAMBILL, b. 1930, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Albert Gambill was born in Morgan County to Oda Keaton.
    5. LULA MAE GAMBILL, b. 1932, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Lulie M. Gambill was born in Morgan County to Ida Keaton.
    6. NORA GAMBILL, b. 1934, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Nora Gambill was born in Morgan County to Ida Keaton.
    7. WANDALINE GAMBILL, b. 1937, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Nora Gambill was born in Morgan County to Ida Keaton.
    8. GLADYS GAMBILL, b. 1940, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Gladys Gambill was born in Morgan County to Ida Keaton.

MARGRET ANGIE GAMBILL, daughter of VICTORIA CANTRELL and ALONZO GAMBILL, was born November 15, 1904 in Kentucky, died September 15, 1999, and is buried in Mary Pack Cemetery in Smith Creek, Morgan County, Kentucky. She married GREENBERRY WRIGHT, son of LEANDER WRIGHT and ARMINTA CANTRELL, February 28, 1921 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He was born April 5, 1902 in Kentucky, died January 14, 1981 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, and is buried in Mary Pack Cemetery in Smith Creek, Morgan County, Kentucky.

Notes: According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Leander Wright married Minta Cantrell on April 10, 1899 in Morgan County.

According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Gertie Wright was born December 1, 1916 in Morgan County to Arminta Cantrell.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Ann Gambill married Green Berry Wright on February 28, 1921 in Morgan County.

A photo of their headstone found on bobbystuff.com shows that Margret A. Wright lived from November 15, 1904 to September 15, 1999, and was buried in Mary Pack Cemetery in Smith Creek, Morgan County, Kentucky, and Green B. Wright lived from April 5, 1902 to January 14, 1981, and was buried in the same cemetery.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Greenberry Wright was born April 5, 1902, and died in January of 1981. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Greenberry Wright died January 14, 1981 in Morgan County at the age of 78. He was living in Morgan County at the time of his death.

On page 3 of the 1920 census for District 205 (Coffee Creek) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated January 3 - 5, 1920), Lee Wright is listed as the head of the head of the household for house #21, he's a farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 36 years old. Also listed are Greenberry (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 17), Naplin (son, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 12), Maggie (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 10), and Girtie (daughter, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 3 years 1 month).

On page 27 of the 1940 census for District 88-17 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 27, 1940), Greenbury Wright is listed as the head of the household for house #213, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he was living in rural Morgan County in 1935, he has a 2nd grade education, and he's 24 years old [sic]. Also listed are Anga (wife, born in Kentucky, no formal education, age 22), Madge (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 17), Vera Mae (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), Cecil (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Willard (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Vana Rosa (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), Naplan (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), Betty Gene (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3), and Berlene (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6 months).

    The children of MARGRET GAMBILL and GREENBERRY WRIGHT are:

    1. MINTA B. WRIGHT, b. March 30, 1922, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Minta B. Wright was born March 30, 1922 in Morgan County to Margret Gambill.
    2. MADGE WRIGHT, b. 1923, Kentucky.
    3. VERA MAE WRIGHT, b. 1925, Kentucky.
    4. CECIL WRIGHT, b. 1926, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Cecil Wright was born in Morgan County to Marget Gambill.
    5. WILLARD WRIGHT, b. 1928, Kentucky.
    6. VANNIE ROSA WRIGHT, b. February 17, 1931, Mima, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. July 29, 1999, m. (unknown first name) CURTIS.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Rosa Wright was born February 17, 1931 in Morgan County to Marget Gambill.
      According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Vannie Rosie Wright Curtis was born January 19, 1932 in Mima, Morgan County, Kentucky, and died July 29, 1999. Her name was listed as Vannie Rosie Wright in January of 1951, as Vannie Rosie Curtis in July of 1951, and her parents are listed as Margaret (unknown last name) and Greenberry Wright.
    7. SANDA WILLAN WRIGHT, b. December 1, 1934, Kentucky, d. July 26, 1936, Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, buried in Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Sandra W. Wright was born December 1, 1934 in Morgan County to Margaret Gambill.
      According to his death certificate, Sanda Willan Wright died July 26, 1936 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, from flux. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date is listed as December 1, 1934, his parents as Green Berry Wright (b. Kentucky) and Marget A. Gambill (b. Kentucky), the informant as Mary A. Smith of Dingus, Kentucky, and the burial place as Wright Cemetery.
    8. NAPLAN WRIGHT, b. 1935, Kentucky.
    9. BETTY GENE WRIGHT, b. 1937, Kentucky.
    10. BERLENE WRIGHT, b. 1939, Kentucky.

CHILLIE GAMBILL, son of VICTORIA CANTRELL and ALONZO GAMBILL, was born November 13, 1911 in Mima, Morgan County, Kentucky, died in 1975 in Lenox, Morgan County, Kentucky, and is buried in Lige Cantrell Cemetery in Sand Lick, Morgan County, Kentucky. He married LULA CANTRELL, daughter of ELIJAH CANTRELL and MARGARET ANN BOLIN, September 17, 1929 in Morgan County, Kentucky. She was born November 10, 1895 in Kentucky, died June 3, 1966 in Morgan County, Kentucky, and is buried in Lige Cantrell Cemetery in Sand Lick, Morgan County, Kentucky.

Notes: Chillie Gambill's brother, Hatfield, married Lula Cantrell's sister, Nora.

Chillie's mother and Lula's father were siblings.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Chillie Gambill married Lula Cantrell on September 17, 1929 in Morgan County.

According to his obituary found on findagrave.com, Chillie Gambill (age 65), son of the late Lonzie and Elizabeth Cantrell Gambill, was born November 13, 1909 in Mima, died on a Saturday at home in Lenox, and was buried in Lige Cantrell Cemetery in Sand Lick. He was survived by 1 son, Bronston Gambill (of Fairborn, Ohio); 1 daughter, Mrs. Woodie Cantrall [sic] (Lenox); 5 brothers, Haney Gambill (Silverhill), John Gambill (Silverhill), Hatfield Gambill (Silverhill), Floyd Gambill (Salyersville), and Joe Gambill (Relief); and 3 sisters, Mrs. Mary Ann Wright (Relief), Mrs. Nellie Wright (Silverhill), and Mrs. Betty Cantrell (Silverhill).

Photos of their headstones (photo 2) found on bobbystuff.com shows that Chillie Gambill lived from 1909 to 1975, and was buried in Lige Cantrell Cemetery in Sand Lick, Morgan County, Kentucky, and that Lula Gambill lived from November 10, 1897 to June 3, 1966, and was buried in the same cemetery.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Lula Gamble died June 3, 1966 in Morgan County at the age of 72. She was living in Morgan County at the time of her death.

On page 29 of the 1930 census for District 88-17 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1930), Chile Gambell is listed as the head of the household for house #14, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 17, and he's 18 years old. Also listed are Loulie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 24, age 25), and Victoria (mother, widowed, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 20, age 60). Lula's parents are in house #16.

On page 19 of the 1940 census for District 88-17 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 23, 1940), Chilie Gambill is listed as the head of the household for house #152, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he was living in rural Morgan County in 1935, he has a 3rd grade education, and he's 29 years old. Also listed are Lula (wife, born in Kentucky, 8th grade education, age 30), Gladys (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), and Bronson (son, born in Kentucky, age 3).

    The children of CHILLIE GAMBILL and LULA CANTRELL are:

    1. VERTIE GLADYS GAMBILL, b. July 25, 1930, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. November 17, 1999, m. WOODIE CANTRELL.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Vertie G. Gambill was born July 25, 1930 in Morgan County to Lula Cantrell.
      According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Virtie Gladys Gamble Cantrell was born July 25, 1930 in Morgan County, and died November 17, 1999. Her name was listed as Virtie Gladys Cantrell in September of 1963, as Vertie Gladys Cantrell on January 28, 1985, as Virtie G. Cantrell on December 15, 1999, and her parents are listed as Chillie Gamble and Lula Cantrell.
    2. ELSIE MAE GAMBILL, b. September 14, 1932, Kentucky, d. June 9, 1934, Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, buried in Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Elsie M. Gambill was born September 14, 1932 in Morgan County to Lulie Cantrell.
      According to her death certificate, Elsie Mae Gambill died June 9, 1934 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, from whooping cough. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as September 14, 1932, her parents as Chillie Gambill (b. Kentucky) and Loula Cantrill (b. Kentucky), the informant as Willie Smith of Dingus, and the burial place as Cantrell Cemetery.
    3. BRONSTON GAMBILL, b. 1937, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Bronson Gambill was born in Morgan County to Lula Cantrell.

PAULINA "LINA" CANTRELL, daughter of ELIJAH CANTRELL and MARGARET ANN BOLIN, was born December 10, 1897 in Kentucky, died April 6, 1979 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, and is buried in Daniel Cemetery in Peddler Gap, Morgan County, Kentucky. She married SANDERS J. "SANK" WRIGHT, son of WILLIAM JASPER "JASPER" WRIGHT and SYNDUSTA "CINDY" YATES, March 12, 1914 in Morgan County, Kentucky. He was born September 11, 1890 in Martin County, Kentucky, died August 19, 1972 in Rowan County, Kentucky, and is buried in Daniel Cemetery in Peddler Gap, Morgan County, Kentucky.

Notes: Sank Wright was the brother of Nancy Emmaline Wright, Noah Morgan "Morgan" Wright, Jeremiah Wright, Minira "Minnie" Wright, and George Thurman Wright.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Lina Cantrill married Sanders J. Wright on March 12, 1914 in Morgan County.

When Sank Wright's World War I draft registration card was filled out on June 5, 1917 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a carpenter working for Dravo Contracting Company in Scioto County, Ohio, that he was married and had 2 children, that he was living in Ophir, Kentucky, and that he was born September 11, 1890 in Kentucky. He was found to be tall and slender, and he had blue eyes and black hair.

When Sank Wright's World War II draft registration card was filled out on April 27, 1942 in East Bank, Kanawha County, West Virginia, he stated that he was working for Guyan Eagle Coal Company in Amherstdale, West Virginia, that the person who would always know his address was Lina Wright of Amherstdale, and that he was born September 11, 1890 in Martin County, Kentucky. He was found to be 5 feet 7 inches tall, he weighted 160 pounds, and he had blue eyes, brown hair, and a light complexion.

A photo of their headstone found on bobbystuff.com shows that Lina Wright lived from December 10, 1897 to April 6, 1979, and was buried in Daniel Cemetery in Peddler Gap, Morgan County, Kentucky, and that Sank J. Wright lived from September 11, 1890 to August 19, 1972, and was buried in the same cemetery.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Lina Wright was born December 4, 1897, and died in April of 1979. She received her Social Security card in 1973 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Lina Wright died April 6, 1979 in Morgan County at the age of 81. She was living in Morgan County at the time of her death.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Sank Wright was born September 11, 1890, and died in August of 1972. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in North Carolina or West Virginia, and his last place of residence was in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Sank J. Wright died August 19, 1972 in Rowan County at the age of 81. He was living in Morgan County at the time of his death.

On page 11 of the 1900 census for District 75 (Magisterial District No. 5) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated June 6, 1900)), William Wright is listed as the head of the household for house #85, he's a farmer, born in May of 1850 in Virginia, parents born in North Carolina, married for 22 years, and he's 50 years old. Also listed are Sindusty (wife, born in August of 1857 in Virginia, parents born in Virginia, married for 22 years, she's given birth to 7 children and 6 are still living, age 42), Nancy E. (daughter, single, does housework, born in June of 1873 in Virginia, age 26), Noah M. (son, single, farm laborer, born in April of 1879 in Virginia, age 21), Polla C. (daughter, born in October of 1880 in Virginia, age 19), Jerry M. (son, born in October of 1882 in Virginia, age 17), Sarah C. (daughter, born in February of 1885 in Kentucky, age 15), Sandres (son, born in September of 1890 in Kentucky, age 9), Martha A. (daughter, born in July of 1893 in Kentucky, age 6), and Minira (daughter, born in January of 1896 in Kentucky, age 4).

On page 14 of the 1910 census for District 149 (Coffee) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 23, 1910), Jasper Right is listed as the head of the household for house #114, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 2nd marriage, married for 35 years, and he's 56 years old. Also listed are Cindy (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 35 years, age 52), Sander (son, born in Kentucky, age 19), Minnie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), and Thermon (son, born in Kentucky, age 4).

On page 8 of the 1920 census for District 205 (Coffee Creek) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated January 7, 8, 9, & 10, 1920), Sank Wright is listed as the head of the household for house #73, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 28 years old. Also listed are Lina (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 23), Gladis (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), William E. (son, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 10 months), and Edna (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2 months). Sank's parents are in house #71.

On page 28 of the 1930 census for District 88-17 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1930), Sanford Wright is listed as the head of the household for house #3, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 23, and he's 39 years old. Also listed are Paulina (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 18, age 33), Gladys (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), May (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10), Letha (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), Magaline (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), Francis (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 0 months), and Edgar Cantrell (cousin, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 15).

On page 28 of the 1940 census for District 88-17 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 29, 1940), Sank Wright is listed as the head of the household for house #225, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 6th grade education, and he's 49 years old. Also listed are Lina (wife, born in Kentucky, 5th grade education, age 42), Maglaline (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 15), Sank Jr. (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), and Willard (son, born in Kentucky, age 6).

    The children of LINA CANTRELL and SANK WRIGHT are:

    1. VERTIE GLADYS WRIGHT, b. June 1, 1914, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. November 6, 1983, Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky, buried in Fuget, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. LLOYD ELLIOTT HILL.
    2. WILLIAM E. WRIGHT, b. February 27, 1917, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. August 11, 1926, Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, buried in Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, John W. Wright was born February 27, 1917 in Morgan County to Lina Cantrell.
      According to his death certificate, William E. Wright died August 11, 1926 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, and the cause of death is listed as "Accident by Fire." Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Kentucky, his birth date as "unknown," his age as 9 years, his parents as S. J. Wright (b. Kentucky) and Lina Cantrell (b. Kentucky), the informant as Thurmon Wright of Ophir, and the burial place as Wright Cemetery.
    3. ITALY MAE WRIGHT, b. October 14, 1919, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. April 11, 1991, m. WILLIAM E. DANIEL JR., son of WILLIAM E. DANIEL and SARAH CATHERN "CATHERN" WRIGHT, August 20, 1937. He was b. 1914, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: William Daniel Jr. was the brother of Walter F. Daniel.
      According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Italy M. Wright was born October 14, 1919 in Morgan County to Lina Cantrell.
      According to their marriage certificate, Itly Mae Wright [sic] (single, b. Morgan County, age 21), daughter of Sank Wright and Lina Cantrell Wright, married William E. Daniel (single, farmer, b. Morgan County, age 23), son of William E. Daniel Sr. and Catherine Wright Daniel, August 20, 1937.
      According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Italy Mae Wright Daniel was born October 14, 1919 in West Liberty, Kentucky, and died April 11, 1991. Her name was listed as Italy Mae Daniel on January 9, 1973, as Italy M. Daniels on July 25, 1991, and her parents are listed as Lina Cantrell and Sank Wright.
    4. LETHA I. WRIGHT, b. March 1, 1922, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Letha I. Wright was born March 1, 1922 in Morgan County to Paulina Cantrell.
    5. MAGDALENE WRIGHT, b. April 18, 1925, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Magdalene Wright was born April 18, 1925 in Morgan County to Lina Cantrell.
    6. THELMA FRANCIS WRIGHT, b. March 21, 1928, Kentucky, d. October 4, 1930, Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, buried in Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Thelma F. Wright was born March 21, 1928 in Morgan County to Lina Cantrell.
      According to her death certificate, Thelma Francis Wright died October 4, 1930 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, from diarrhea. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as March 21, 1928, her parents as Sank Wright (b. Kentucky) and Lina Cantrell (b. Kentucky), the informant as Elijah Cantrell of Ophir, and the burial place as Wright Cemetery.
    7. SANKIE J. WRIGHT JR., b. April 13, 1931, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. October 28, 2009, Bolt, Raleigh County, West Virginia.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Sankie J. Wright was born April 13, 1931 in Morgan County to Lina Cantrell.
      According to Social Security death record transcripts, Sankie Wright was born April 13, 1931, and died October 28, 2009. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in West Virginia, and his last place of residence was in Bolt, Raleigh County, West Virginia.
    8. WILLARD G. WRIGHT, b. 1933, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Willard G. Wright was born in Morgan County to Lina Cantrell.

CARL CANTRELL, son of ELIJAH CANTRELL and MARGARET ANN BOLIN, was born May 11, 1908 in Sand Lick, Morgan County, Kentucky, and died November 5, 1988 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky. He married MINNIE DEXTER "DECKIE" WRIGHT, daughter of NOAH MORGAN "MORGAN" WRIGHT and FRONA SMITH, September 17, 1925 in Morgan County, Kentucky. She was born September 20, 1907 in Sand Lick, Morgan County, Kentucky, and died December 16, 1986 in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.

Notes: Noah Morgan Wright was the brother of Nancy Emmaline Wright, Jeremiah Wright, Sanders J. "Sank" Wright, Minira "Minnie" Wright, and George Thurman Wright.

According to his death certificate, Morgan Wright died May 12, 1928 in Ophir, Morgan County, Kentucky, from tuberculosis. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Virginia, his birth date asa April 11, 1880, his marital status as married, his wife as Frona Wright, his occupation as farmer, his parents as W. J. Wright (b. Virginia) and Sinduska Yates (b. Virginia), the informant was Walter F. Daniel of Ophir, and the burial place as Wright Cemetery.

According to her death certificate, Frona Smith Wright died March 22, 1957 in Silverhill, Morgan County, Kentucky, from bronchial pneumonia. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as March 10, 1884, her marital status as widowed, her parents as Cove Smith and Lou Vica Cantrell, the informant as Mrs. Thurman Wright, and the burial place as Wright Cemetery in Silverhill.

According to her obituary found online, Margaret Jane Wright Skaggs (age 79), daughter of the late Morgan and Frona Smith Wright, was born April 16, 1903 in Morgan County, and died August 28 [no year] in Paintsville Hospital. In addition to her parents, she was preceded by her husband, Arnold T. Skaggs. She was survived by 3 sons, James Luther Skaggs, Morgan Skaggs, and Ora Franklin Skaggs; 2 daughters, Esta Vanover and Magdelene Tackett; 2 brothers, Cove Wright and Shanklin Wright; 1 sister, Deckie Cantrell; 18 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Carl Cantrell married Deckie Wright on September 17, 1925 in Morgan County.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Carl Cantrell was born May 11, 1908, and died November 6, 1988. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Carl Cantrell died November 5, 1988 in Morgan County at the age of 80. He was living in Morgan County at the time of his death.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Minnie Cantrell was born September 20, 1907, and died in December of 1986. She received her Social Security card in 1954 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Deckie Cantrell died December 16, 1986 in Morgan County at the age of 79. She was living in Morgan County at the time of her death.

On page 16 of the 1910 census for District 149 (Coffee) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 27, 1910), Morgan Right is listed as the head of the household for house #134, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 8 years, and he's 26 years old. Also listed are Farone (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 2 children and both are still living, age 25), Margret (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), and Minnie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4).

On page 9 of the 1920 census for District 205 (Coffee Creek) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated January 9 & 10, 1920), Morgan Wright is listed as the head of the household for house #75, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 40 years old. Also listed are Frona (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 38), Margret Jane (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 17), Menie Dexter (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), Cov [Cove] (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Trimble (son, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 9 months), and William (son, born in Kentucky, age 8 months).

On page 30 of the 1930 census for District 88-17 (Magisterial District No. 4) in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 21, 1930), Carl Cantrell is listed as the head of the household for house #23, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 16, and he's 22 years old. Also listed are Decca (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 16, age 22), Buford (son, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 9 months), Buel (son, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 7 months), and Frozie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 0 months). They're living next to Carl's brother, Alonzo.

On page 31 of the 1940 census for District 88-17 in Morgan County, Kentucky (dated April 29, 1940), Carl Cantrell is listed as the head of the household for house #246, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 4th grade education, and he's 31 years old. Also listed are Deckie (wife, born in Kentucky, 6th grade education, age 32), Buford (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Buel (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Froza (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Goldie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), Bronis (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), and Cove (son, born in Kentucky, age 2).

    The children of CARL CANTRELL and DECKIE WRIGHT are:

    1. BUFORD CANTRELL, b. June 27, 1926, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Buford Cantrell was born June 27, 1926 in Morgan County to Deckie Wright.
    2. BUEL CANTRELL, b. September 20, 1927, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. June 24, 2010, West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, buried in West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky, m. (1) MARTHA JONES, m. (2) WANDA VON WRIGHT.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Bull Cantrell was born September 20, 1927 in Morgan County to Deckie Wright.
      According to his obituary found on findagrave.com, Buel Cantrell (age 82), son of the late Carl Cantrell and Deckie Wright Cantrell, was a retired State Highway Department worker. He was born September 20, 1927 in Morgan County, died June 24, 2010 at home in West Liberty, and was buried in Carl Cantrell Cemetery on Upper Sandlick Road in West Liberty. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his 1st wife, Martha Jones Cantrell; 1 brother, Buford Cantrell; and 2 sisters, Etheleen Goolsby and Pearlie Jean Cantrell. He was survived by his wife, Wanda Von Wright Cantrell; 2 sons, Larry Dean (Debbie) Cantrell (of Piqua, Ohio) and Paul Garrett (Jennifer) Cantrell (West Liberty); 3 daughters, Mona Cantrell (Portage, Indiana), Carolyn (Phillip) Fyffe (Valparaiso, Indiana), and Sarah Hope (David) Childers (West Liberty); 2 brothers, Bronis Cantrell (Piqua) and Cove (Virginia) Cantrell (Piqua); 2 sisters, Fronie Payton (West Liberty) and Goldie (Ray) Cantrell (Piqua); 10 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren.
    3. MARGARET FRONA "FRONIE" CANTRELL, b. 1929, Morgan County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) PAYTON.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Margret F. Cantrell was born in Morgan County to Deckie Wright.
    4. GOLDIE M. CANTRELL, b. 1932, Morgan County, Kentucky, m. RAY CANTRELL.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Goldie M. Cantrell was born in Morgan County to Deckie Wright.
    5. BRONIS CANTRELL, b. 1934, Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Bronis Cantrell was born in Morgan County to Delkie Wright.
    6. COVE CANTRELL, b. 1938, Kentucky.
    7. PEARLIE JEAN CANTRELL, b. August 3, 1939, Sand Lick, Morgan County, Kentucky, d. August 3, 1939, Sand Lick, Morgan County, Kentucky, buried in Morgan County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Pearlie J. Contrell was born August 3, 1939 in Morgan County to Deckie Wright.
      According to her death certificate, Perlie Jean Cantrell was stillborn on August 3, 1939 in Sand Lick, Morgan County, Kentucky. Also on this certificate, her parents are listed as Carl Cantrell (b. Sand Lick) and Deckie Wright (b. Sand Lick), and the burial place as Cantrell Cemetery.
    8. ETHELEEN CANTRELL, b. Morgan County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) GOOLSBY.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Ethelene Contrell was born in Morgan County to Dickie Wright.

MARGARET "PEGGY" MONTGOMERY, daughter of FRANCIS J. "FRANKIE" CANTRELL and MILES MONTGOMERY, was born October 7, 1858 in Kentucky, died November 9, 1925 in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in Gilliam Cemetery in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky. She married ELI TACKETT, son of JAMES TACKETT and NANCY BLEVINS, June 28, 1879 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. He was born about 1860 in Kentucky, and died after 1920.

Notes: Eli Tackett's brother, George, married Margaret Montgomery's sister, Vinetta. Eli was also the brother of William J. Tackett, James Waymen Tackett, and Odam Tackett.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Margaret Montgomery married Eli Tackett on June 28, 1879 in Magoffin County at the home of Miles Montgomery. The witnesses were Hiram Gillman [Hiram Gilliam] and Benjamin Montgomery, and the minister was Thomas Howard.

According to her death certificate, Peg Montgomery Tackett died November 9, 1925 in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from tuberculosis of the lungs. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as October 7, 1858, her marital status as married, her parents as Miles Montgomery (b. Kentucky) and Frankie [no last name] (b. Kentucky), and the informant as Derias Tackett of Wheelersburg, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Peg Tackett died November 9, 1925 in Magoffin County at the age of 67.

Information found on findagrave.com and a photo of her headstone shows that Peggy Marget Tackett [sic] lived from September 15, 1858 to November 9, 1925, and was buried in Gilliam Cemetery in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky.

On page 16 of the 1870 census for Precinct 2 in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated August 29, 1870), James Tackett is listed as the head of the household for house #121, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 51 years old. Also listed are Nancy Sr. (born in Kentucky, age 48), Nancy Jr. (born in Kentucky, age 18), Adam (born in Kentucky, age 16), Daniel (born in Kentucky, age 14), Perlina (born in Kentucky, age 12), Eli (born in Kentucky, age 10), George (born in Kentucky, age 8), Cornealious (born in Kentucky, age 6), and Felding (born in Kentucky, age 6).

On page 16 of the 1900 census for District 54 (Bloomington) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 11, 1900), Eli Tacket is listed as the head of the household for house #131, he's a farmer, born in an unreadable month and year in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 20 years, and his age is unreadable. Also listed are Margaret (wife, born in August of 1860 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 20 years, she's given birth to 5 children and 4 are still living, age 39), Derious (son, married, born in April of 1881 in Kentucky, married for 0 years, age 19), Alice (daughter, born in June of 1891 in Kentucky, age 8), Louise (daughter, born in March of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7), and Bruce Howard (grandson, born in July of 1898 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 1). Bruce Howard was daughter Genoah's son.

On page 6 of the 1910 census for District 104 (Flat Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 19, 1910), Eli Tackett is listed as the head of the household for house #48, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 30 years, and he's 50 years old. Also listed are Pega (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 5 children and 4 are still living, age 50), Mauda Montgomery (boarder, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 6), and Bruce Howard (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 11). They are living next to son Derice. Mauda [Maude] was the daughter of Peggy's brother Farish.

On page 18 of the 1920 census for District 72 (Flat Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 13, 1920), Eli Tackett is listed as the head of the household for house #153, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 62 years old. Also listed are Peggie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 62), Derice (son, married, farmer, born in Kentucky, age 41), Mary (daughter [in-law], married, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 20), and Maude Montgomery (niece, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 15). They are living next to daughter Louisa.

    The children of PEGGY MONTGOMERY and ELI TACKETT are:

    1. DERICE TACKETT, b. April 9, 1881, Kentucky, d. before 1940, m. (1) FAIRLILLY "LILLY" PHIPPS, m. (2) MARY C. TACKETT.
    2. GENOAH TACKETT, b. April 27, 1883, Kentucky, d. July 15, 1970, Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. (1) JEFFERSON HOWARD, m. (2) MARTIN C. COLLINSWORTH.
    3. ALICE TACKETT, b. June 20, 1890, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. December 4, 1984, Pike County, Ohio, m. JOHN MONTGOMERY.
    4. LOUISA TACKETT, b. March 4, 1893, Kentucky, d. May 13, 1923, Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. OLIVER "OLLIE" BLANTON.

RACHEL CANTRELL, daughter of PEGGY CONLEY and ELIJAH CANTRELL, was born about 1810 in North Carolina. She married LEVI BLAIR, son of GEORGE BLAIR and MARY FAIRCHILD, June 4, 1831 in Floyd County, Kentucky. He was born about 1813 in Floyd County, Kentucky.

Notes: Information on this family can be found on page 136 of the book "The Founding of Harman's Station" by William Elsey Connelley. In that book it says: "Levi. Married a Miss Cantrell, whose family lived on the headwaters of Big Paint Creek. He was a shoemaker, and lived all his later life at the head of a branch of Barnett's Creek. He had a large family. I have often seen him, having been at his house many times. He was a sharp trader in horses and cattle, very thrifty, and of keen wit. Of these traits in him I could repeat a number of stories. His wife was a hypochondriac."

On page 59 of the 1840 census for Floyd County, Kentucky, Levi Blair is listed as the head of his household. In this house are 2 males between 5 and 10 years old, 1 male between 20 and 30, 1 female under 5, 1 female between 5 and 10, 1 female between 15 and 20, and 1 female between 20 and 30. They are living close to a Thomas Horn family, who is also living close in the 1850 census.

On page 12 of the 1850 census for Johnson County, Kentucky (dated August 11, 1850), Levi Blair is listed as the head of the household for house #78, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, and he's 37 years old. Also listed are Rachel (born in North Carolina, age 39), John L. (born in Kentucky, age 18), Mary M. (born in Kentucky, age 16), Georg N. (born in Kentucky, age 15), Lydia M. (born in Kentucky, age 11), Berton L. (born in Kentucky, age 8), Martha J. (born in Kentucky, age 5), James H. C. (born in Kentucky, age 3), and Levi (born in Kentucky, age 10 months).

On page 16 of the 1860 census for Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 7, 1860), Levi Blair is listed as the head of the household for house #103, he's a farmer and also makes shoes and boots, born in Virginia, and he's 47 years old. Also listed are Rachail (born in Virginia, age 50), George N. (farmer, born in Kentucky, age 24), Mary M. (not working, born in Kentucky, age 26), Lydia M. (not working, born in Kentucky, age 21), Britten F. (born in Kentucky, age 18), Martha J. (born in Kentucky, age 15), J. H. C. (born in Kentucky, age 14), Levi (born in Kentucky, age 10), and Henry Blanton (born in Kentucky, age 17).

On page 1 of the 1870 census for Barnetts Creek in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 17, 1870), Levi Blair is listed as the head of the household for house #8, he's a farmer, born in Virginia, and he's 58 years old. Also listed are Rachel (born in North Carolina, age 59), James H. C. (born in Kentucky, age 23), Levi (born in Kentucky, age 20), Harrison B. Blair (born in Kentucky, age 11), and Franklin Blair (born in Kentucky, age 7). They are living close to the families of several of their children.

On page 25 of the 1880 census for District 45 (Barnetts Creek) in Johnson County, Kentucky (dated June 15, 1880), Levi Blair is listed as the head of the household for house #147, he's a farmer, born in Virginia, father born in Virginia, mother born in North Carolina, and he's 67 years old. Also listed are Rachel (wife, born in North Carolina, parents born in North Carolina, age 69), Harrison B. Blair (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 20), and Franklin Blair (grandson, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 17). Harrison and Franklin are the children of daughter Lydia.

    The children of RACHEL CANTRELL and LEVI BLAIR are:

    1. JOHN L. BLAIR, b. 1832, Jennies Creek, Floyd County, Kentucky, d. 1900, Left Fork of Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. JANE CAUDILL.
    2. MARY M. BLAIR, b. September 15, 1833, Floyd County, Kentucky, d. February 7, 1922, Riceville, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. WALLACE B. ARMS.
    3. GEORGE N. BLAIR, b. January 1836, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. SARAH ANN SPRADLIN.
    4. LYDIA M. BLAIR, b. 1840, Floyd County, Kentucky, d. before 1900, m. WILLIAM ARMS.
    5. BRITTON F. BLAIR, b. April 14, 1842, Jennies Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. August 21, 1916, Barnetts Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. LUCINDA CONLEY.
    6. MARTHA JANE BLAIR, b. November 1844, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. 1927, m. ELIJAH B. ARMS.
    7. JAMES HENRY C. BLAIR, b. October 1847, Johnson County, Kentucky, d. Jennies Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. (1) NANCY J. CONLEY, m. (2) AMANDA RATLIFF, m. (3) CYNTHIA ETTA SPRADLIN.
    8. LEVI BLAIR JR., b. August 1849, m. SARAH ELIZABETH CAUDILL, daughter of ANDREW JACKSON "JACK" CAUDILL and (unknown), February 24, 1877 in Johnson County, Kentucky. She was b. January 1860, Oil Springs, Johnson County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky marriage records, Levi Blair Jr. (age 28, born in Johnson County, parents born in Floyd County) married Sarah E. Caudill (age 18, born in Johnson County, father born in Letcher County, mother born in Floyd County) February 24, 1877 in Johnson County.

    (This information comes from Joseph Eugene Conley and other sources)

DERICE TACKETT, son of MARGARET "PEGGY" MONTGOMERY and ELI TACKETT, was born April 9, 1881 in Kentucky, and died before 1940. He married (1) FAIRLILLY "LILLY" PHIPPS, daughter of JOHN PHIPPS and ROSETTA (unknown last name), January 17, 1900 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. She was born in August of 1881 in Kentucky. He married (2) MARY C. TACKETT, daughter of DANIEL BOONE TACKETT and LAURA E. BLANTON. She was born February 2, 1899 in Kentucky, and died April 25, 1981 in Johnson County, Kentucky.

Notes: Fairlilly "Lilly" Phipps was the sister of James A. Garfield "Gar" Phipps and Clarinda Phipps.

Rosetta Phipps maiden name was reportedly Rosetta Risner, but this couldn't be verified.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Darmis Tackett married Fairlilly Phipps on January 17, 1900 in Magoffin County at the home of John Phipps. The witnesses were Jasper Jenkins and F. M. Jenkins, and that minister was William Jenkins.

When Darius Tackett's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a farmer in Wheelersburg, Magoffin County, that his closest relative was Lillie Tackett of Wheelersburg, and that he was born April 9, 1879. He was found to be tall, of medium build, and he had gray eyes and dark-colored hair. Not being able to read or write, he signed the card with an "X."

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Mary Tackett was born February 2, 1899, and died in April of 1981. She received her Social Security card in 1964 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Mary Tackett died April 25, 1981 in Johnson County at the age of 81. She was living in Magoffin County at the time of her death.

On page 16 of the 1900 census for District 54 (Bloomington) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 11, 1900), Eli Tacket is listed as the head of the household for house #131, he's a farmer, born in an unreadable month and year in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 20 years, and his age is unreadable. Also listed are Margaret (wife, born in August of 1860 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 20 years, she's given birth to 5 children and 4 are still living, age 39), Derious (son, married, born in April of 1881 in Kentucky, married for 0 years, age 19), Alice (daughter, born in June of 1891 in Kentucky, age 8), Louise (daughter, born in March of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7), and Bruce Howard (grandson, born in July of 1898 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 1).

On page 17 of the 1900 census for District 54 (Bloomington) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 11, 1900), John Phipps is listed as the head of the household for house #141, he's a farmer, born in November of 1862 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 20 years, and he's 37 years old. Also listed are Roseta (wife, born in November of 1866 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 20 years, she's given birth to 10 children and 7 are still living, age 33), Lillie (daughter, married, born in August of 1881 in Kentucky, married for 0 years, she hasn't had any children, age 18), Garfield (son, born in January of 1875 [1885] in Kentucky, age 15), Alena (daughter, born in May of 1888 in Kentucky, age 12), Thomas (son, born in September of 1881 in Kentucky, age 11), Sarah E. (daughter, born in December of 1892 in Kentucky, age 7), Clarenda (daughter, born in April of 1893 in Kentucky, age 7), Clay (son, born in November of 1899 in Kentucky, age 1), William Jenkins (step-father, carpenter, born in November of 1827 in Kentucky, parents born in Virginia, married for 23 years, age 72), and Elisabeth Jenkins (mother, born in October of 1834 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 23 years, she's given birth to 1 child and that child is still living, age 65).

On page 6 of the 1910 census for District 104 (Flat Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 19, 1910), Derice Tackett is listed as the head of the household for house #49, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 7 years, and he's 29 years old. Also listed is Lily (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she hasn't had any children, age 29).

On page 18 of the 1920 census for District 72 (Flat Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 13, 1920), Eli Tackett is listed as the head of the household for house #153, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 62 years old. Also listed are Peggie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 62), Derice (son, married, farmer, born in Kentucky, age 41), Mary (daughter [in-law], married, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 20), and Maude Montgomery (niece, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 15). They are living next to daughter Louisa.

On page 5 of the 1930 census for District 77-4 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 4, 1930), Derice Tackett is listed as the head of the household for house #34, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 52 years old. Also listed are Mary (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 20, age 33), Ivory (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Felcie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10), Cecil (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Beecher (son, born in Kentucky, age 6), Rex (son, born in Kentucky, age 4 years 1 month), and Angeline (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 10 months).

On pages 6 & 7 of the 1940 census for District 77-4B in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 4 & 5, 1940), Mary Tackett is listed as the head of the household for house #79, she's a farmer, widowed, born in Kentucky, she's living in the same house that she was in 1935, she has no formal education, and she's 38 years old. Also listed are Cecil (son, born in Kentucky, age 17), Beecher (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), Rex (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Angeline (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Donald (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), Edna (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 8), Norma (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), and Reval (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 2).

    The children of DARICE TACKETT and MARY TACKETT are:

    1. IVA M. TACKETT, b. September 25, 1920, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Iva M. Tackett was born September 25, 1920 in Magoffin County to Mary Tackett.
    2. FELCIE TACKETT, b. 1921, Kentucky.
    3. CECIL TACKETT, b. April 23, 1923, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Cecil Tackett was born April 23, 1923 in Magoffin County to Marry Tackett.
    4. BEECHER TACKETT, b. 1924, Kentucky.
    5. REX TACKETT, b. September 17, 1926, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. August 2, 2002.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Rex Tackett was born September 17, 1926 in Magoffin County to Mary Tackett.
      According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Rex Tackett was born July 2, 1926 in Magoffin County, and died August 2, 2002. His parents are listed as Drice Tackett and Mary Tackett.
    6. ANGELINE TACKETT, b. August 8, 1928, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. July 11, 2005.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Angeline Tackett was born August 8, 1928 in Magoffin County to Mary Tackett.
      According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Angeline Tackett Montgomery was born June 5, 1928 in Salyersville, Kentucky, and died July 11, 2005. Her name was listed as Angeline Montgomery on January 16, 1973, and her parents are listed as Derice Tackett and Mary Tackett.
    7. DONALD TACKETT, b. 1930, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, there was a Daniel Tackett who was born in 1930 in Magoffin County to a Mary Tackett.
    8. EDNA TACKETT, b. 1932, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Eaden Tackett was born in Magoffin County to Mary Tackett.
    9. NORMA TACKETT, b. 1935, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Norman Tackett was born in Magoffin County to Mary Tackett.
    10. REVEL TACKETT, b. 1937, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Revel Tackett was born in Magoffin County to Mary Tackett.

DANIEL BOONE TACKETT, son of LYDIA MARGARET ADAMS and WILLIAM J. TACKETT, was born December 10, 1876 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, died March 7, 1950 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, and is buried in Ashland Cemetery in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky. He married (1) LAURA E. BLANTON, daughter of LUCINDA JANE HALL and ELIJAH BLANTON, April 9, 1896 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. She was born January 12, 1881 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, died February 12, 1911 in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in Hale Cemetery in Magoffin County, Kentucky. He married (2) ANGELINE HENSLEY, daughter of STEPHEN HENSLEY and MARY "POLLY ANN" HOWARD. She was born March 9, 1863 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, died August 28, 1941 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, and is buried in Trumbull Risner Cemetery in Magoffin County, Kentucky.

Notes: Angeline Hensley was the sister of John Wesley Hensley and Farlina Lear Hensley.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Daniel Tackett married Laura Blanton on April 9, 1896 in Magoffin County at the home of Dewey Tackett. The witnesses were John A. Cooper and William Tackett, and the minister was B. A. Adams.

According to her death certificate, Laura Tackett died February 12, 1911 in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from tuberculosis of the lungs. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Magoffin County, her birth date as January 12, 1881, her marital status as married, her parents as Elijah Blanton (b. Harlan County, Kentucky) and Lucinda Hall (b. Letcher County, Kentucky), the informant as Peter Hunley of Wheelersburg, Kentucky, the burial place as Hale Private Burial Grounds.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Laura Tackett died February 12, 1911 in Magoffin County at the age of 30.

When Daniel Tackett's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a farmer in Wheelersburg, Magoffin County, that his closest relative was Angeline Tackett of Wheelersburg, and that he was born December 10, 1876. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had blue eyes and dark-colored hair.

According to her death certificate, Angeline Hensley Tackett died August 28, 1941 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, from myocarditis, dropsy, and nephritis. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Magoffin County, her birth date as March 9, 1863, her marital status as married, her husband as Daniel Tackett (age 64), her parents as Steven Hensley (b. Lawrence County, Kentucky) and Polly Ann Howard (b. Magoffin County, Kentucky), the informant as Daniel Tackett of Ashland, and the burial place as Trumbull Risner Cemetery in Magoffin County.

According to his death certificate, Daniel Boone Tackett died March 7, 1950 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, from myocarditis. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Magoffin County, Kentucky, his birth date as December 10, 1876, his marital status as married, his occupation as laborer, his parents as William Tackett and Elizabeth Adams, the informant as Mrs. Minnie Tackett, and the burial place as Ashland Cemetery in Ashland.

On page 30 of the 1900 census for District 54 (Bloomington) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 19, 1900), Daniel Tacket is listed as the head of the household for house #260, he's a farmer, born in December of 1876 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 4 years, and he's 23 years old. Also listed are Laurie (wife, born in December of 1880 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 4 years, she's given birth to 2 children and both are still living, age 19), William R. (son, born in May of 1897 in Kentucky, age 3), and Mary C. (daughter, born in February of 1899 in Kentucky, age 1).

On page 26 of the 1910 census for District 104 (Flat Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated May 3, 1910), Daniel Tackett is listed as the head of the household for house #130, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 14 years, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Laura E. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 7 children and all are still living, age 29), Rorco (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Marry (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 11), Ruffus (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Victora (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), Frank (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), Lidda (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4), and Warren (son, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 10 months).

On page 17 of the 1920 census for District 71 (State Road) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 22 & 23, 1920), Daniel Tackett is listed as the head of the household for house #141, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 43 years old. Also listed are Angine (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 54), Frank (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), and Warney (son, born in Kentucky, age 11).

On page 14 of the 1930 census for District 10-13 (Ashland) in Boyd County, Kentucky (dated April 5, 1930), Daniel Tackett is listed as the head of the household for house #145, he's a city street cleaner, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 20, and he's 53 years old. Also listed is Angeline (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 67).

On page 3 of the 1940 census for District 10-33 (Ashland) in Boyd County, Kentucky (dated April 2, 1940), Dan B. Tackett is listed as the head of the household for house #19, he's a laborer doing odd jobs, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has no formal education, and he's 63 years old. Also listed is Angeline (wife, born in Kentucky, 4th grade education, age 77).

    The children of DANIEL TACKETT and LAURA BLANTON are:

    1. WILLIAM RORCO TACKETT, b. May 1897, Kentucky.
    2. MARY C. TACKETT, b. February 2, 1899, Kentucky, d. April 25, 1981, Johnson County, Kentucky, m. DERICE TACKETT.
    3. RUFUS TACKETT, b. 1901, Kentucky.
    4. VICTORIA TACKETT, b. 1903, Kentucky.
    5. FRANK TACKETT, b. 1905, Kentucky.
    6. LYDIA TACKETT, b. 1906, Kentucky.
    7. WARREN TACKETT, b. 1908, Kentucky.
    8. OLLIE TACKETT, b. November 15, 1910, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. April 13, 1911, Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to his death certificate, Ollie Tackett died April 13, 1911 in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from pulmonary tuberculosis. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Magoffin County, his birth date as November 15, 1910, his parents as Daniel Tackett (b. Magoffin County) and Laura Blanton (b. Magoffin County), the informant as Nehemiah Tackett of Brownlow, Kentucky, and the burial place as Hale Graveyard.

GENOAH TACKETT, daughter of MARGARET "PEGGY" MONTGOMERY and ELI TACKETT, was born April 27, 1883 in Kentucky, and died July 15, 1970 in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky. She married (1) JEFFERSON HOWARD, son of JAMES A. HOWARD and SARAH JANE HOWARD, September 30, 1897 in Magoffin County, Kentucky. She married (2) MARTIN C. COLLINSWORTH, son of EDWARD COLLINSWORTH and ELANDER "ELLEN" RISNER, about 1904. He was born September 9, 1880 in Kentucky, died November 24, 1940 in Leatha, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and is buried in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky.

Notes: Jefferson Howard was the brother of Ballard Howard.

Genoah Tackett was on her 3rd marriage in 1910, according to the census.

According to her death certificate, Sarah Jane Howard Howard died January 13, 1941 in Dingus, Morgan County, Kentucky, from senility and rheumatic heart condition. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as August 13, 1862, her marital status as widowed, her husband as James A. Howard, her parents as Tom Howard (b. Kentucky) and Mary Hall (b. Kentucky), the informant as Ballard Howard of Dingus, Kentucky, and the burial place as White Oak Branch Cemetery in Dingus.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Edmond Collinsworth received a license to marry Elander Risner on July 20, 1877 in Magoffin County.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Genoah Tackett married Jefferson Howard on September 30, 1897 in Magoffin County at the home of Eli Tackett. The minister was I. C. Howard. When Martin Collinsworth's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a farmer in Wheelersburg, Magoffin County, that his closest relative was Genoah Collinsworth of Wheelersburg, and that he was born September 9, 1880. He was found to be of medium height and build, and he had blue eyes and brown hair.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Genoah Collinsworth was born April 27, 1883, and died July 15, 1970. She received her Social Security card in 1965 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky. According to his death certificate, Martin Collinsworth died November 24, 1940 in Leatha, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from cerebral apoplexy. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Swampton, Magoffin County, his birth date as April 19, 1881, his marital status as married, his wife as Genoah Collinsworth (age 57), his occupation as farmer, his parents as Edward Collinsworth (b. Magoffin County) and Ellen Risner (b. Magoffin County), the informant as G. W. Collinsworth of Salyersville, Kentucky, the burial date as November 25, 1940, and the burial place as Flat Fork, Kentucky. According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Martin Collinsworth died November 24, 1941 in Magoffin County at the age of 59. He was living in Magoffin County at the time of his death.

On page 11 of the 1880 census for District 64 (Precinct 2 - Bloomington) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 17, 1880), J. H. Howard is listed as the head of the household for house #301, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 27 years old. Also listed are Sariah (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 20), Jefferson (son, born in Kentucky, age 2), and Victoria (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10 months).

On page 21 of the 1900 census for District 56 (Meadows) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated June 11, 1900), George Howard is listed as the head of the household for house #160, he's not working, born in April of 1864 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 13 years, and he's 36 years old. Also listed are Helen (wife, born in May of 1870 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, married for 13 years, she's given birth to 6 children and 4 are still living, age 30), Ben (son, born in April of 1889 in Kentucky, age 11), Eron (daughter, born in May of 1891 in Kentucky, age 9), Nora (daughter, born in April of 1897 in Kentucky, age 3), Martin Collinsworth (brother-in-law, single, at school, born in April of 1880 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 20), and Green Collinsworth (brother-in-law, single, at school, born in May of 1884 in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 16).

On page 7 of the 1910 census for District 104 (Flat Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 20, 1910), Martin C. Colins is listed as the head of the household for house #56, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Virginia, 1st marriage, married for 6 years, and he's 28 years old. Also listed are Genoah (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 3rd marriage, married for 6 years, she's given birth to 5 children and 4 are still living, age 26), Green (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), Rocksy (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3), and Dellia (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 4 months).

On page 19 of the 1920 census for District 72 (Flat Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 13, 1920), Martin Collinsworth is listed as the head of the household for house #163, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Genoah (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 36), Green (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Roxie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 12), Delpha (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10), Curtis (son, born in Kentucky, age 8), Myrtle (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6), and Leslie (son, born in Kentucky, age 4).

On pages 20 & 21 of the 1930 census for District 77-4 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 16 & 17, 1930), Martin Collinsworth is listed as the head of the household for house #159, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 23, and he's 49 years old. Also listed are Genoah (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 15, age 47), Curtis (son, born in Kentucky, age 19), Lesley (son, born in Kentucky, age 15), Peachie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 10), Alma (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), and Clarence (son, born in Kentucky, age 6).

On page 5 of the 1940 census for District 77-4A in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 6, 1940), Martin Collinsworth is listed as the head of the household for house #33, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same house that he was in 1935, he has a 7th grade education, and he's 58 years old. Also listed are Genoah (wife, born in Kentucky, 7th grade education, age 58), Curtiss (son, single, not working, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, 2 years of college, age 27), Leslie (son, single, not working, born in Kentucky, 2 years of college, age 25), Alma (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 18), and Clarence (son, born in Kentucky, age 17).


    1. BRUCE HOWARD, b. July 3, 1898, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. May 10, 1919, Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: Bruce Howard was found living with his grandparents in 1900 and 1910.
      When Bruce Tackett's World War I draft registration card was filled out on September 12, 1918 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, he stated that he was a farmer working for Eli Tackett in Wheelersburg, Magoffin County, that his closest relative was Genoah Collinsworth of Wheelersburg, and that he was born July 3, 1898. He was found to be of medium height and slender build, and he had black eyes and dark-colored hair.
      According to his death certificate, Bruce Tackett died May 10, 1919 in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from tuberculosis of the lungs. Also on this certificate, his birthplace is listed as Magoffin County, his birth date as July 3, 1898, his marital status as single, his occupation as farmer, his parents as Jef Tackett (b. Magoffin County) and Genoah Tackett (b. Magoffin County), and the burial place as Gillam Graveyard.


    1. GREEN W. COLLINSWORTH, b. May 15, 1905, Kentucky, d. July 14, 1973, Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, buried in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, m. KITTIE HOWARD.
    2. ROXIE COLLINSWORTH, b. December 1, 1907, Kentucky, d. June 16, 1974, Marion, Marion County, Ohio, m. ROY ESTELL ADAMS.
    3. DELPHA COLLINSWORTH, b. March 5, 1909, Kentucky, d. June 21, 1994, Fayette County, Kentucky, buried in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. TOY HOWARD.
    4. CURTIS COLLINSWORTH, b. March 12, 1911, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Curtis Collinsworth was born March 12, 1911 in Magoffin County to Geneva Hackett.
    5. MYRTLE COLLINSWORTH, b. July 25, 1913, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Falcon, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. KERNIE LEE HOWARD.
    6. LESLIE COLLINSWORTH, b. August 26, 1914, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Leslie Collinsworth was born August 26, 1914 in Magoffin County to Genoah Tackett.
    7. PEACHIE COLLINSWORTH, b. January 22, 1920, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Peachie Collinsworth was born January 22, 1920 in Magoffin County to Gensah Tackett.
    8. ALMA C. COLLINSWORTH b. September 30, 1921, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Alma C. Collinsworth was born September 30, 1921 in Magoffin County to Genoie Tackett.
    9. CLARENCE COLLINSWORTH, b. November 10, 1923, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Clarence Collinsworth was born November 10, 1923 in Magoffin County to Genary Tackett.

GREEN W. COLLINSWORTH, son of GENOAH TACKETT and MARTIN C. COLLINSWORTH, was born May 15, 1905 in Kentucky, died July 14, 1973 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, and is buried in Rose Hill Burial Park and Mausoleum in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky. He married KITTIE HOWARD, daughter of BRACK R. HOWARD and VIRGIE DOVE "DOVIE" PHIPPS, about 1923. She was born October 5, 1905 in Plutarch, Magoffin County, Kentucky, died November 2, 1993 in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, and is buried in Rose Hill Burial Park and Mausoleum in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky. Kittie Howard married (2) (unknown first name) WILLIAMS.

Notes: Kittie Howard was reportedly the sister of Eva Howard, and the half-sister of Trixie Howard.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Brack Howard married Virgie D. Phipps on February 24, 1898 in Magoffin County at the home of W. G. Phipps. The witnesses were Jasper Jenkins and J. H. Jenkins, and the minister was William Jenkins.

Information found on findagrave.com and a photo of their headstone shows that G. W. Collinsworth lived from 1905 to 1973, and was buried in Rose Hill Burial Park and Mausoleum, and that Kittie Collinsworth lived from 1905 to 1993, and was buried in the same cemetery.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, G. Collinsworth was born May 15, 1905, and died in July of 1973. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Green W. Collinsworth died July 14, 1973 in Boyd County at the age of 68. He was living in Boyd County at the time of his death.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Kittie Williams was born October 15, 1905, and died November 2, 1993. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Ohio, and her last place of residence was in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky.

According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Kittie Howard Collinsworth Williams was born October 5, 1905 in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and died November 2, 1993. Her name was listed as Kittie Collinsworth on March 30, 1970, as Kittie Williams on March 15, 1983 and on November 12, 1993, and her parents are listed as Brack Howard and Dovie Phipps.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Kittie C. Williams died November 2, 1993 in Boyd County at the age of 88. She was living in Boyd County at the time of her death.

On page 4 of the 1910 census for District 105 (Bloomington) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 18, 1910), Brack R. Howard is listed as the head of the household for house #30, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 12 years, and he's 31 years old. Also listed are Dove (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 3 children and all are still living, age 28), Moses (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Green (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), and Kitty (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4).

On page 1 of the 1920 census for District 73 (Bloomington) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 20, 1920), Brack Howard is listed as the head of the household for house #6, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 41 years old. Also listed are Zettie [Zettie Williams] (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 24), Babe (son, born in Kentucky, age 19), Kittie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 14), Dud (son, born in Kentucky, age 5), Eva (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4 years 2 months), and Courtney (son, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 11 months).

On page 11 of the 1930 census for District 77-4 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 8, 1930), Greene Collinsworth is listed as the head of the household for family #70, he's a public school teacher, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 17, and he's 24 years old. Also listed are Kittie (wife, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 24), Wandeleen (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 6), and Estella (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 6 months).

On page 2 of the 1940 census for District 77-5 in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 2, 1940), Green W. Collinsworth is listed as the head of the household for house #11, he's a judge in the county court, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has 2 years of high school, and he's 33 years old. Also listed are Kettie (wife, born in Kentucky, 5th grade education, age 33), Wandeleen (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 16), Estella (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 13), Alexander H. (son, born in Kentucky, age 8), Abraham L. (son, born in Kentucky, age 4), and William McKinley (son, born in Kentucky, age 2).

    The children of GREEN COLLINSWORTH and KITTIE HOWARD are:

    1. WANDELEEN COLLINSWORTH, b. 1923, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. CARL BAILEY.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Wandeleen Collinsworth was born in Magoffin County to Kitty Howard.
    2. ESTELLA COLLINSWORTH, b. September 2, 1926, Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. February 8, 2007, Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, buried in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, m. (1) (unknown first name) HALL, m. (2) (unknown first name) BLANTON, m. (3) JOHN GROVES.
      Notes: According to her obituary found online, Estella Collinsworth Groves (age 80), daughter of the late Green W. and Kitty Howard Collinsworth, was a resident of Ashland, Kentucky, at the time of her death. She was born September 2, 1926 in Salyersville, Kentucky, died February 8, 2007 in King's Daughters Medical Center following an extended illness, and was buried Rose Hill Burial Park. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by 2 sons, Joel Hall and Ricky Dale Groves. She was survived by her husband of 44 years, John Groves; 1 son, David Keith (Cheri) Blanton (of Ashland); 2 daughters, Carolyn Groves Keeney (Ashland) and Sherry Blanton Tierney (Lexington); 3 brothers, Alexander H. (Sarah) Collinsworth, William M. (Wynell) Collinsworth (Ashland), and Abraham L. (Donetta) Collinsworth (Orlando, Florida); 1 sister, Wandeleen (Carl) Bailey (Ashland); 11 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and 1 great-great-grandchild.
    3. REBA MAY COLLINSWORTH, b. April 5, 1929, Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, d. February 24, 1930, Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, buried in Coon Creek, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Reba M. Collinsworth was born April 5, 1929 in Magoffin County to Kattie Howard.
      According to her death certificate, R. May Collinsworth died February 24, 1930 in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from pneumonia and measles. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Ashland, Kentucky, her age as 10 months 19 days, her parents as G. W. Collinsworth (b. Ever, Kentucky) and Kittie Howard (b. Plutarch, Kentucky), the informant as Martin Collinsworth of Leatha, Kentucky, and the burial place as Head of Coon Creek Cemetery.
    4. ALEXANDER H. "HAM" COLLINSWORTH, b. February 23, 1932, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. November 24, 2014, Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, buried in Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky, m. SARAH FANNIN, June 3, 1978. She was b. 1934.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Alexander H. Collinsworth was born February 23, 1932 in Magoffin County to Kitie Howard.
      According to Kentucky marriage records, Alexander H. Collinsworth (resident of Boyd County, never married, age 46) married Sarah W. Fannin (resident of Johnson County, never married, age 44) on June 3, 1978.
      According to his obituary found online, Alexander H. "Ham" Collinsworth (age 82), son of the late Green and Kitti Howard Collinsworth, served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He was born February 23, 1932 in Magoffin County, died November 24 [no year] at Community Hospice Care Center in Ashland, and was buried in Rose Hill Mausoleum. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by 1 brother, Abe Collinsworth; and 1 sister, Estella Groves. He was survived by his wife, Sarah Collinsworth; 1 son, Russell (Lisa) Fannin (of Ashland); 2 daughters, Cynthia (Jim) Gehringer (Ashland) and Anita Collins (Ashland); 1 brother, William "Tim" (Wynell) Collinsworth (Ashland); 1 sister, Wandalene Bailey (Ashland); 8 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren.
    5. ABRAHAM L. COLLINSWORTH, b. 1936, Kentucky, m. DONETTA (unknown last name).
    6. WILLIAM MCKINLEY "TIM" COLLINSWORTH, b. 1938, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. WYNELL (unknown last name).
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, William McKinley Collinsworth was born in Magoffin County to Kittie Howard.

ROXIE COLLINSWORTH, daughter of GENOAH TACKETT and MARTIN C. COLLINSWORTH, was born December 1, 1907 in Kentucky, and died June 16, 1974 in Marion, Marion County, Ohio. She married ROY ESTELL ADAMS, son of SARAH JANE HONAKER and CLAY M. ADAMS, about 1924. He was born August 10, 1906 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, and died July 4, 1982 in Marion, Marion County, Ohio.

Notes: According to Social Security death record transcripts, Roxie Adams was born December 1, 1907, and died in June of 1974. She received her Social Security card in 1963-1964 in Ohio, and her last place of residence was in Marion, Marion County, Ohio.

According to Ohio death record transcripts, Roxie Adams was born about 1909, and died June 16, 1974 in Marion General Hospital in Marion, Marion County, at the age of 65. She was married and living in Marion at the time of her death.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Roy Adams was born August 10, 1906, and died in July of 1982. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Marion, Marion County, Ohio.

According to Ohio death record transcripts, Roy E. Adams was born about 1907 in Kentucky, and died July 4, 1982 in Community Medical Center in Marion, Marion County, at the age of 75. He was married and living in Marion at the time of his death.

On page 20 of the 1930 census for District 77-4 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 16, 1930), Roy Adams is listed as the head of the household for house #158, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 17, and he's 22 years old. Also listed are Roxie (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 17, age 22), William (son, born in Kentucky, age 4 years 9 months), Willie (son, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 2 months), and Hollie (son, born in Kentucky, age 3 months). They are living next to Roxie's parents. They are living next to Roxie's sister, Delphia.

On pages 7 & 8 of the 1940 census for District 77-4B in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 5, 1940), Roy Adams is listed as the head of the household for house #42, he's a night watchman for the W.P.A. road construction project, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 38 years old. Also listed are Roxie (wife, born in Kentucky, 5th grade education, age 32), William J. (son, born in Kentucky, age 14), Willie F. (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Hollie C. (son, born in Kentucky, age 10), Lowell T. (son, born in Kentucky, age 8), Roy Jr. (son, born in Kentucky, age 7), Sarah J. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 4), Ruby J. (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3), and Bruce (son, born in Kentucky, age 0 months). They are living next to Roy's widowed father.

    The children of ROXIE COLLINSWORTH and ROY ADAMS are:

    1. WILLIAM J. ADAMS, b. June 19, 1925, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, William J. Adams was born June 19, 1925 in Magoffin County to Rossie Colinsworth.
    2. OPAL MAY ADAMS, b. December 13, 1926, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. October 13, 1927,Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Opal Adams was born December 13, 1926 in Magoffin County to Rolie Collinsworth.
      According to her death certificate, Ople May Adams died October 13, 1927 in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from whooping cough. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as December 13, 1926, and her parents as Roy Adams (b. Kentucky) and Roxie Collinsworth (b. Kentucky).
    3. WILLIE FRANKLIN ADAMS, b. June 2, 1928, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Willie F. Adams was born June 2, 1928 in Magoffin County to Roxie Collinsworth.
      According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Willie Franklin Adams was born June 2, 1927 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, and died November 11, 1994. His parents are listed as Roxie Collinsworth and Roy Adams.
    4. HOLLIE C. ADAMS, b. December 4, 1929, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. July 4, 2005, Wauseon, Fulton County, Ohio.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Hollie Adams was born December 4, 1929 in Magoffin County to Roxie Collinsworth.
      According to Social Security death record transcripts, Hollie C. Adams was born December 4, 1929, and died July 4, 2005. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Ohio, and his last place of residence was in Wauseon, Fulton County, Ohio.
    5. LOWELL T. ADAMS, b. 1932, Pike County, Kentucky, m. SANDY (unknown last name).
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Lowell T. Adams was born in Pike County to Roxie Collinsworth.
    6. ROY ADAMS JR., b. February 27, 1934, Pike County, Kentucky, d. August 30, 1997, Marion, Marion County, Ohio.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Roy Adams was born February 27, 1934 in Pike County to Roxie Collinsworth.
      According to Social Security death record transcripts, Roy J. Adams was born February 27, 1934, and died August 30, 1997. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Ohio, and his last place of residence was in Marion, Marion County, Ohio.
    7. SARAH J. ADAMS, b. 1935, Pike County, Kentucky, m. (unknown last name) DIXON.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Sarah G. Adams was born in Pike County to Roxie Collinsworth.
    8. RUBY J. ADAMS, b. 1936, Pike County, Kentucky, m. RON RICHARDS.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Ruby J. Adams was born in Pike County to Roxie Collinsworth.
    9. BRUCE ADAMS, b. 1940, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. MARY (unknown last name).
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Bruce Adams was born in Magoffin County to Roxie Collinsworth.
    10. CHRISTINE ADAMS, b. June 28, 1942, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. August 7, 1942, Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Christine Adams was born June 28, 1942 in Magoffin County to Roxie Collinsworth.
      According to her death certificate, Christine Adams died August 7, 1942 in Flat Fork, Magoffin County, Kentucky, from acute colitis. Also on this certificate, her birthplace is listed as Kentucky, her birth date as June 28, 1942, and her parents are listed as Roy Adams (b. Kentucky) and Roxie Collinsworth (b. Kentucky).
    11. GLINDINE ADAMS, b. November 19, 1943, Marion, Marion County, Ohio, d. January 30, 2009, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, buried in Marion, Marion County, Ohio, m. ART W. LITZENBERG.
      Notes: According to her obituary found online, Glindine Adams Litzenberg (age 65), daughter of the late Roy E. and Roxie Collinsworth Adams, was a resident of Marion, Ohio. She was born November 19, 1943 in Marion, died January 30, 2009 in Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, and was buried in Chapel Heights Cemetery. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by 2 sons, William Litzenberg and James Arthur Litzenberg; 4 brothers, Bill Adams, Roy Adams Jr., Hollie Adams, and Willie Adams; and 3 sisters, Helen Adams, Opal Adams, and Christine Adams. She was survived by her husband, Art W. Litzenberg; 4 daughters, Tina Fosnaugh (of Marion), Virginia Brown (Marion), Erin (Ian) Valerio (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), and Dana (Brent) Plummer (Vandalia, Ohio); 2 brothers, Bruce (Mary) Adams (San Diego, California) and Lowell (Sandy) Adams (Mansfield, Ohio); 2 sisters, Ruby (Ron) Richards (Marion) and Sarah Dixon (Marion); 8 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren.
    12. HELEN ADAMS.

DELPHA COLLINSWORTH, daughter of GENOAH TACKETT and MARTIN C. COLLINSWORTH, was born March 5, 1909 in Kentucky, died June 21, 1994 in Fayette County, Kentucky, and is buried in Toy & Delpha Howard Cemetery in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky. She married TOY HOWARD, son of ASHLAND HOWARD and LULA ANN JENKINS, about 1927. He was born September 14, 1908 in Kentucky, died March 26, 1998 in Johnson County, Kentucky, and is buried in Toy & Delpha Howard Cemetery in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky.

Notes: Ashland Howard was the brother of Kernie Lee Howard, and the half-brother of Moses "Boodler" Howard.

According to Kentucky marriage record transcripts, Ashland Howard married Lulie Ann Jenkins on December 21, 1905 in Magoffin County at the home of J. D. Adams. The witnesses were J. D. Adams and Green Jenkins, and that minister was W. M. Jenkins.

Information found on findagrave.com and a photo of their headstone shows that Delpha Collinsworth Howard lived from March 5, 1909 to June 21, 1994, and was buried in Toy & Delpha Howard Cemetery in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and that Toy Howard lived from September 14, 1908 to March 26, 1998, and was buried in the same cemetery.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Delpha Howard was born march 5, 1909, and died June 21, 1994. She received her Social Security card in 1973 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky.

According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Delpha Collinsworth Howard was born March 5, 1909 in Salyersville, Kentucky, and died June 21, 1994. Her parents are listed as Geroah Tackett and Martin Collinsworth.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Delphia C. Howard died June 21, 1994 in Fayette County at the age of 85. She was living in Magoffin County at the time of her death.

According to Social Security death record transcripts, Toy Howard was born September 14, 1908, and died March 26, 1998. He received his Social Security card prior to 1951 in Kentucky, and his last place of residence was in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky.

According to Kentucky death record transcripts, Toy Howard died March 26, 1998 in Johnson County at the age of 89. He was living in Magoffin County at the time of his death.

On page 23 of the 1910 census for District 104 (Flat Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 30, 1910), Ashland Howard is listed as the head of the household for house #200, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, married for 4 years, and he's 21 years old. Also listed are Lula A. (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, 1st marriage, she's given birth to 2 children and both are still living, age 21), Golden (son, born in Kentucky, age 2), and Toy (son, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 2 months).

On page 13 of the 1920 census for District 72 (Flat Fork) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated January 9, 1920), Ashland Howard is listed as the head of the household for house #112, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, and he's 35 years old. Also listed are Loula (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, age 30), Golden (son, born in Kentucky, age 13), Toy (son, born in Kentucky, age 11), Granvil (son, born in Kentucky, age 9), Wana (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 7), Lizzie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), Estie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 3 years 10 months), and Flora (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1 year 10 months).

On page 20 of the 1930 census for District 77-4 (Magisterial District No. 2) in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 16, 1930), Toy Howard is listed as the head of the household for house #157, he's a laborer in a steel mill, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at age 18, and he's 21 years old. Also listed are Delphia (wife, born in Kentucky, parents born in Kentucky, first married at 18, age 21), and Franklin (son, born in Kentucky, age 2 years 3 months). They are living next to Delpha's sister, Roxie.

On pages 4 & 5 of the 1940 census for District 77-4A in Magoffin County, Kentucky (dated April 5 & 6, 1940), Toy Howard is listed as the head of the household for house #30, he's a farmer, born in Kentucky, he's living in the same place that he was in 1935, he has an 8th grade education, and he's 31 years old. Also listed are Delaha (wife, born in Kentucky, 6th grade education, age 31), Hobert (son, born in Kentucky, age 12), Wanettie (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 9), Lendon (son, born in Kentucky, age 8), Joyce (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 5), Jollie (son, born in Kentucky, age 3), and Clara Jean (daughter, born in Kentucky, age 1).

    The children of DELPHA COLLINSWORTH and TOY HOWARD are:

    1. HOBERT FRANKLIN HOWARD, b. December 3, 1927, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. February 2012, Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, buried in Danville, Boyle County, Kentucky, m. HELEN CHRISTINE CONLEY.
    2. WANETTA HOWARD, b. 1930, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) WARD.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Wanetta Howard was born in Magoffin County to Delpha [no last name].
    3. LENDON C. HOWARD, b. May 1, 1932, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. August 28, 2011, Marion, Marion County, Ohio, buried in Marengo, Morrow County, Ohio, m. ELLA SMITH, daughter of WILLIAM F. SMITH and DORIS L. (unknown last name).
      Notes: According to his obituary found on findagrave.com, Lendon C. Howard Sr. (age 79), son of the late Toy and Delpha Collinsworth Howard, was a resident of Marengo, Ohio, at the time of his death. He was born May 1, 1932 in Magoffin County, Kentucky, died August 28, 2011 in Marion General Hospital, and was buried in Alum Creek Cemetery. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by 2 brothers, Calvin Howard and Jolly Howard; 2 sisters, Alma Adams and Joyce Howard; father-in-law, William F. Smith Sr.; mother-in-law, Doris L. Thompson; brother-in-law, Robert E. Smith Sr.; and sister-in-law, Virginia Harrison. He was survived by his wife, Ella Smith; 3 sons, Lendon C. Howard Jr. (of Marengo), Terry A. Howard Sr. (Marengo), and Scott (Cindy) Howard (Marengo); 2 daughters, Deborah (George) Williamson (Cardington) and Charlene (Darin) Beam (Marengo); 2 brothers, Frank Howard and Vandel Howard (both of Lexington, Kentucky); 6 sisters, Alta Adams, Wanetta Ward, Wilma Howard, Clara Jean Howard, Phyllis Casebolt, and Shirley Helton (all of Salyersville, Kentucky); 13 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren.
    4. JOYCE HOWARD, b. 1934, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Social Security death record transcripts, Joyce Howard was born August 20, 1934, and died June 14, 2005. She received her Social Security card in 1966 in Kentucky, and her last place of residence was in Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      According to Social Security applications and claims indexes, Joyce Howard was born August 20, 1934 in Lickburg, Magoffin County, Kentucky, and died June 14, 2005. Her parents are listed as Delpha Collinsworth and Toy Howard.
    5. JOLLIE HOWARD, b. December 21, 1936, Magoffin County, Kentucky, d. July 1, 2009, Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, m. PEGGY (unknown last name).
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Jollie Howard was born December 21, 1936 in Magoffin County to Delpha Collinsworth.
      According to his obituary found on findagrave.com, Jollie Howard (age 72), son of the late Toy and Delphia Collinsworth Howard, was a retired truck driver and farmer, and was a resident of Magoffin County, Kentucky, at the time of his death. He was born December 21, 1936, and died July 1, 2009 in Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by 1 brother, Calvin Howard; and 2 sisters, Alma Adams and Joyce Howard. He was survived by his wife, Peggy Howard; 2 sons, Anthony Gil Howard and David Neal Howard (both of Salyersville); 1 daughter, Angela Jean Shepherd (Salyersville); 3 brothers, Hobert Howard (Lancaster, Kentucky), Lendon Howard (Meringo, Ohio), and Vandel Howard (Mt. Sterling, Kentucky); 6 sisters, Wanetta Ward, Clara Jean Howard, Alta Howes, Phyllis Casebolt, Shirley Helton, and Wilma Howard (all of Salyersville); and 7 grandchildren.
    6. CLARA JEAN HOWARD, b. 1939, Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. BLACKIE HOWARD.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Clara J. Howard was born in Magoffin County to Delpha Collinsworth.
    7. ALTA HOWARD, b. Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. CHARLES HOWES.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Alta Howard was born in Magoffin County to Delphie Collinsworth.
    8. ALMA HOWARD, b. Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. (unknown first name) ADAMS.
      Notes: Alta and Alma Howard were twins.
      According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Alma Howard was born in Magoffin County to Delphie Collinsworth.
    9. CALVIN HOWARD, b. November 17, 1943, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Calvin Howard was born November 17, 1943 in Magoffin County to Delpha Collinworth.
    10. PHYLLIS M. HOWARD, b. Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. HOLLY CASEBOLT.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Phyllis M. Howard was born in Magoffin County to Delpha Collinsworth.
    11. SHIRLEY G. HOWARD, b. Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. GEORGE HELTON.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Sherlie G. Howard was born in Magoffin County to Delpha Collinsworth.
    12. VANDEL HOWARD, b. Magoffin County, Kentucky, m. SHIRLEY (unknown last name).
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Vandel Howard was born in Magoffin County to Delpha Collinsworth.
    13. WILMA LEE HOWARD, b. Magoffin County, Kentucky.
      Notes: According to Kentucky birth record transcripts, Vandel Howard was born in Magoffin County to Delpha Collinsworth.

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